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# Original #
Sarge AI System 1.5
Created for Arma 2: DayZ Mod
Author: Sarge
# Fork #
Sarge AI System 2.0+
Modded for Arma 3: Exile Mod
Changes: Dango
private ["_ai","_sleeptime","_veh_weapons","_vehicle","_weapons","_reloadmag","_magazintypes","_legit_weapon","_weap_obj"];
if (!isServer) exitWith {};
_ai = _this select 0;
_magazintypes =[];
_reloadmag = false;
_weapons = weapons _ai;
while {alive _ai} do {
_vehicle = vehicle _ai;
if(_vehicle != _ai) then { // NPC in vehicle, we are only reloading vehicle ammo and refueling the vehicle if needed
// check if low on ammo & fuel
_veh_weapons = weapons _vehicle;
_legit_weapon = false;
if (!([_x,"CarHorn"] call SAR_isKindOf_weapon)) then {
_legit_weapon = true;
_weap_obj = _x;
} foreach _veh_weapons;
if(_legit_weapon) then {
if(_vehicle ammo _weap_obj < 11) then {
_vehicle setVehicleAmmo 1;
if (SAR_EXTREME_DEBUG) then {diag_log "SAR EXTREME DEBUG: Vehicle got new ammo";};
if(fuel _vehicle < 0.2) then {
_vehicle setFuel 1;
if (SAR_EXTREME_DEBUG) then {diag_log "SAR_EXTREME_DEBUG: Vehicle refueled";};
} else { // NPC not in a vehicle
// loop through weapons array
// check if weapon rifle exists on AI
if([_x,"Rifle"] call SAR_isKindOf_weapon) then {
_reloadmag = true;
_magazintypes = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x >> "magazines");
// loop through valid magazines of weapon and check if there is a magazine for that weapon on the AI
if (_x in magazines _ai) then {
_reloadmag = false;
} foreach _magazintypes;
if (!(someAmmo _ai) || {_reloadmag}) then {
_ai removeMagazines (_magazintypes select 0);
_ai addMagazine (_magazintypes select 0);
if (SAR_EXTREME_DEBUG) then {diag_log format["SAR_EXTREME_DEBUG: Infantry reloaded a magazine (%1) for a rifle (%2).",(_magazintypes select 0),_x];};
if([_x,"Pistol"] call SAR_isKindOf_weapon) then {
_reloadmag = true;
_magazintypes = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x >> "magazines");
// loop through valid magazines of weapon and check if there is a magazine for that weapon on the AI
if (_x in magazines _ai) then {
_reloadmag = false;
} foreach _magazintypes;
if (!(someAmmo _ai) || {_reloadmag}) then {
_ai removeMagazines (_magazintypes select 0);
_ai addMagazine (_magazintypes select 0);
if (SAR_EXTREME_DEBUG) then {diag_log "SAR_EXTREME_DEBUG: Infantry reloaded a magazine for a pistol.";};
} foreach _weapons;
sleep _sleeptime;
}; |