Teh Dango 65e4453908 2.4.0
Major Update. Now supporting DesolationRedux, Epoch and Exile.
2017-12-31 03:16:37 -05:00

447 lines
11 KiB

File: UPSMON_analysegrp.sqf
Author: Azroul13
get all information about the group
<--- Group
----> type of the group (array) ["arti","infantry","incargo","tank","transport","armed","apc","car","ship","static","staticbag"]
----> Capacity of the group (array) ["aa1","aa2","at1","at2","at3"] [AAcapability but without missile,AA missile,At Rocket,At missile,At gun]
----> Assigned vehicles (array)
private ["_grp","_assignedvehicles","_typeofgrp","_capacityofgrp","_result","_vehicleClass","_MagazinesUnit","_Cargo","_gunner","_ammo","_irlock","_laserlock","_airlock","_checkbag","_staticteam","_points","_vehicle"];
_grp = _this select 0;
_assignedvehicles = [];
_typeofgrp = [];
_capacityofgrp = [];
_engagementrange = 600;
_result = [];
_points = 0;
if (({alive _x} count units _grp) == 0) exitwith {_result = [_typeofgrp,_capacityofgrp,_assignedvehicles,_engagementrange];_result;};
_artibatteryarray = [];
If (alive _x) then
if ((vehicle _x) != _x && !(Isnull assignedVehicle _x) && !(_x in (assignedCargo assignedVehicle _x))) then
if (!((assignedVehicle _x) in _assignedvehicles)) then
_vehicle = assignedVehicle _x;
_assignedvehicles pushback _vehicle;
_MagazinesUnit = (magazines _vehicle);
_Cargo = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeof _vehicle >> "transportSoldier");
_armor = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeof _vehicle >> "armor");
_support = tolower gettext (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeof _vehicle >> "vehicleClass");
_cfgArtillery = getnumber (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf (_vehicle) >> "artilleryScanner");
_repair = getnumber (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf (_vehicle) >> "transportRepair");
_fuel = getnumber (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf (_vehicle) >> "transportFuel");
_munsupply = getnumber (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf (_vehicle) >> "attendant");
_gunner = gunner _vehicle;
_ammorated = [];
_points = _points + 1;
If (!IsNull _gunner) then
If (alive _gunner) then
_ammo = tolower gettext (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _x >> "ammo");
_irlock = getNumber (configfile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> "irLock");
_laserlock = getNumber (configfile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> "laserLock");
_airlock = getNumber (configfile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> "airLock");
_hit = getNumber (configfile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> "hit");
if (_airlock == 1) then
if (_ammo iskindof "BulletBase") then
If (!("aa1" in _capacityofgrp)) then
_capacityofgrp pushback "aa1";
if (_airlock == 2) then
if (!(_ammo iskindof "BulletBase")) then
If (!("aa2" in _capacityofgrp)) then
_capacityofgrp pushback "aa2";
if (_irlock>0 || _laserlock>0) then
if (_ammo iskindof "MissileBase") then
If (!("at2" in _capacityofgrp)) then
_capacityofgrp pushback "at2";
if (_ammo iskindof "ShellBase") then
if (!("arti" in _typeofgrp)) then
If (!("at3" in _capacityofgrp)) then
_capacityofgrp pushback "at3";
if (_ammo iskindof "BulletBase") then
if (_hit >= 40) then
If (!("at1" in _capacityofgrp)) then
_capacityofgrp pushback "at1";
If (!(_ammo in _ammorated)) then
_points = _points + _hit;
_ammorated pushback _ammo;
} foreach _MagazinesUnit;
_points = _points + _armor;
If (_vehicle iskindof "car") then
If (!("car" in _typeofgrp)) then
_typeofgrp pushback "car";
If (_armor >= 500) then
If (!("heavy" in _typeofgrp)) then
_typeofgrp pushback "heavy";
If (_armor >= 250 && _armor < 500) then
If (!("medium" in _typeofgrp)) then
_typeofgrp pushback "medium";
If (_armor < 250) then
If (!("light" in _typeofgrp)) then
_typeofgrp pushback "light";
If (_vehicle iskindof "staticweapon") then
If (!("static" in _typeofgrp)) then
_typeofgrp pushback "static";
If (_vehicle iskindof "air") then
If (!("air" in _typeofgrp)) then
_typeofgrp pushback "air";
If (_vehicle iskindof "PLANE") then
If ("aa2" in _capacityofgrp || "aa1" in _capacityofgrp || "at1" in _capacityofgrp || "at2" in _capacityofgrp) then
If (!("plane" in _typeofgrp)) then
_typeofgrp pushback "plane";
If (_vehicle iskindof "Ship") then
If (!("Ship" in _typeofgrp)) then
_typeofgrp pushback "Ship";
If (_cargo >= 6) then
If (!("transport" in _typeofgrp)) then
_typeofgrp pushback "transport";
If (!IsNull (Gunner _vehicle)) then
If (!("armed" in _capacityofgrp)) then
_capacityofgrp pushback "armed";
_engagementrange = 1000;
If (_cfgArtillery == 1) then
If (!(_vehicle in _artibatteryarray)) then
_artibatteryarray pushback _vehicle;
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Battery",_artibatteryarray];
If (!("arti" in _typeofgrp)) then
_typeofgrp pushback "arti";
If (_support == "Support") then
If (!("supply" in _typeofgrp)) then
_typeofgrp pushback "supply";
If (_repair > 0) then
if (!("repair" in _capacityofgrp)) then
_capacityofgrp pushback "repair";
If (_fuel > 0) then
if (!("fuel" in _capacityofgrp)) then
_capacityofgrp pushback "fuel";
If (_munsupply > 0) then
if (!("ammo" in _capacityofgrp)) then
_capacityofgrp pushback "ammo";
If (!("support" in _typeofgrp)) then
_typeofgrp pushback "support";
if (_vehicle iskindof "tank" && !("tank" in _typeofgrp)) then
{_typeofgrp pushback "tank";};
if (_vehicle iskindof "Wheeled_APC_F" && !("apc" in _typeofgrp)) then
{_typeofgrp pushback "apc";};
If (vehicle _x != _x) then
If (!((assignedVehicle _x) in _assignedvehicles)) then
_assignedvehicles pushback (assignedVehicle _x);
_sweapon = secondaryWeapon _x;
_MagazinesUnit=(magazines _x);
_smagazineclass = [];
If (_sweapon != "") then
_smagazineclass = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _sweapon >> "magazines");
_ammorated = [];
_points = _points + 1;
_ammo = tolower gettext (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _x >> "ammo");
_irlock = getNumber (configfile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> "irLock");
_laserlock = getNumber (configfile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> "laserLock");
_airlock = getNumber (configfile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> "airLock");
_hit = getNumber (configfile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> "hit");
If (_airlock==2) then
if (!(_ammo iskindof "BulletBase")) then
If (_ammo in _smagazineclass) then
If (!("aa2" in _capacityofgrp)) then
_capacityofgrp pushback "aa2";
If (_irlock>0 || _laserlock>0) then
if ((_ammo iskindof "RocketBase") || (_ammo iskindof "MissileBase")) then
If (_ammo in _smagazineclass) then
If (!("at2" in _capacityofgrp)) then
_capacityofgrp pushback "at2";
If (_irlock==0 || _laserlock==0) then
if ((_ammo iskindof "RocketBase") || (_ammo iskindof "MissileBase")) then
If (_ammo in _smagazineclass) then
If (!("at1" in _capacityofgrp)) then
_capacityofgrp pushback "at1";
If (_ammo iskindof "ShellBase" || (_ammo iskindof "RocketBase") || (_ammo iskindof "MissileBase") && !(_ammo in _ammorated) && (_ammo in _smagazineclass)) then
_points = _points + _hit;
_ammorated pushback _ammo;
} foreach _MagazinesUnit;
if (!("infantry" in _typeofgrp)) then
{_typeofgrp pushback "infantry";};
_points = _points + ((1+(morale _x)) + (1-(damage _x)) + ((_x skillFinal "Endurance") + (_x skillFinal "courage")));
} foreach units _grp;
_checkbag = [_grp] call UPSMON_GetStaticTeam;
_staticteam = _checkbag select 0;
If (count _staticteam == 2) then
_cfgArtillery = getnumber (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> (_checkbag select 1) >> "artilleryScanner");
_capacityofgrp pushback ["staticbag"];
_engagementrange = 1000;
If (_cfgArtillery == 1) then
If (!("arti" in _typeofgrp)) then
_typeofgrp pushback "arti";
If (!((_staticteam select 0) in _artibatteryarray)) then
_artibatteryarray pushback _staticteam;
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Battery",_artibatteryarray];
If (count (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Mortarmun",[]]) == 0) then
_rounds = [_checkbag select 1] call UPSMON_GetDefaultmun;
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Mortarmun",_rounds];
[_grp,_typeofgrp] call UPSMON_AddtoArray;
_points = _points;
If (!IsNull _x) then
If ((_renfgroup getvariable ["UPSMON_GrpToRenf",ObjNull]) == _grp) then
If (({alive _x && !(captive _x)} count units _x) > 0) then
_points = _points + (_x getvariable ["UPSMON_Grpratio",0]);
} foreach (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_RenfGrps",[]]);
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Grpratio",_points];
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_GroupCapacity",_capacityofgrp];
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_typeofgrp",_typeofgrp];
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Assignedvehicle",_assignedvehicles];
If (count _assignedvehicles > 0) then
_array = [];
If (canmove _x) then
If (driver _x in units _grp) then
_array pushback _x;
} foreach _assignedvehicles;
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_LastAssignedvehicle",_array];
If (count (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_LastAssignedvehicle",_assignedvehicles]) > 0) then
_array = [];
If (!IsNull _x) then
If (canmove _x) then
If (driver _x in units _grp) then
_array pushback _x;
} foreach _assignedvehicles;
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_LastAssignedvehicle",_array];
//if (UPSMON_Debug>0) then {diag_log format ["Grpcompos/ typeofgrp:%1 Capacity:%2 Assignedvehicles:%3 range:%4 Points:%5",_typeofgrp,_capacityofgrp,_assignedvehicles,_engagementrange,_points];};
_result = [_typeofgrp,_capacityofgrp,_assignedvehicles,_engagementrange];