Teh Dango 65e4453908 2.4.0
Major Update. Now supporting DesolationRedux, Epoch and Exile.
2017-12-31 03:16:37 -05:00

123 lines
3.6 KiB

File: UPSMON_unitdefend.sqf
Author: Azroul13
<--- group
<--- Distance between group and nearest enemy
private ["_grp","_dist","_supstatus","_unit","_inbuilding","_NearestEnemy","_cansee","_poseni","_distance","_unitdirchk","_watch","_abx","_aby","_abz","_vec","_result","_bld","_bldpos","_pos"];
_grp = _this select 0;
_dist = _this select 1;
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Checkbuild",true];
_unit = _x;
if (alive _unit && !captive _unit) then
If (vehicle _unit == _unit) then
_inbuilding = [_unit] call UPSMON_Inbuilding;
If (_inbuilding) then
_NearestEnemy = _unit findNearestEnemy _unit;
_supstatus = _unit getvariable ["UPSMON_SUPSTATUS",""];
if (_supstatus != "SUPRESSED") then
_cansee = true;
if (stance _unit in ["CROUCH","PRONE"]) then {_unit setunitpos "MIDDLE";_cansee = [_unit,getdir _unit,10] call UPSMON_CanSee;};
if (!_cansee) then {_unit setunitpos "UP";};
if (!IsNull _NearestEnemy && alive _NearestEnemy) then
_poseni = getposATL _NearestEnemy;
_distance = [getposATL _unit,_poseni] call UPSMON_distancePosSqr;
If (_distance <= 300) then
_haslos = [_unit,_NearestEnemy,300,130] call UPSMON_Haslos;
If (_haslos) then
[_unit,_NearestEnemy] call UPSMON_Dowatch;
sleep 0.5;
_unit dotarget ObjNull;
_unit dotarget _NearestEnemy;
if (_distance < 100 && (_supstatus != "SUPRESSED" || _supstatus != "UNDERFIRE")) then
_unitdirchk = _unit getvariable ["UPSMON_unitdir",[]];
If (count _unitdirchk > 0) then
_watch = [];
If (_dist <= 150 && random 100 < 60) then {_watch = (_unit getvariable "UPSMON_unitdir") select 1} else {_watch = (_unit getvariable "UPSMON_unitdir") select 0};
_posATL = getPosATL _unit;
If (count _watch > 0) then
_abx = (_watch select 0) - (_posATL select 0);
_aby = (_watch select 1) - (_posATL select 1);
_abz = (_watch select 2) - (_posATL select 2);
_vec = [_abx, _aby, _abz];
// Main body of the function;
_unit setdir 0;
_unit setVectorDir _vec;
sleep 0.1;
_unit dowatch ObjNull;
_unit dowatch _watch;
sleep 0.5;
If (!_cansee) then {[_unit,getdir _unit,false] spawn UPSMON_WillSee;};
_result = _unit getvariable ["UPSMON_buildingpos",[]];
If (count _result > 0 && random 100 < 30) then
_bld = _result select 0;
_allpos = [_bld,"RANDOMA"] call UPSMON_SortOutBldpos;
_allpos = _allpos select 0;
_bldpos = [];
_pos = _x;
If (count (_pos nearEntities ["CAManBase",1]) == 0) then
If ([_pos,_poseni] call UPSMON_los) then
_bldpos pushback _pos;
} foreach _allpos;
if (count _bldpos > 0) then
_bldpos = _bldpos select 0;
dostop _unit;
_unit domove _bldpos;
_unit commandMove _bldpos;
_unit setDestination [_bldpos, "LEADER PLANNED", true];
sleep 0.01;
}foreach units _grp;
sleep 15;
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Checkbuild",false];