Teh Dango 3ac749d64b 2.1.0
This is the latest stable version of Sarge AI for Arma 3: Exile.
2016-02-19 21:49:51 -05:00

40 lines
1.4 KiB

File: UPSMON_GetNearestBuildings.sqf
Author: Monsada
Get all nearest buildings and theirs positions.
<--- soldier to get near buildings
<--- distance to search buildings (optional, 25 by default)
<--- min floors of building (optional) if not especified min floors
private ["_distance","_minfloors","_marker","_shuffle","_position","_bldaltura","_nbbldpos","_bldpositions","_OCercanos","_allpos"];
_distance = 25;
_minfloors = 2;
_marker = "";
_shuffle = false;
_position = _this select 0;
_bldaltura = _this select 1;
if ((count _this) > 2) then {_distance = _this select 2;};
if ((count _this) > 3) then {_marker = _this select 3;};
if ((count _this) > 4) then {_shuffle = _this select 4;};
_bldposition = [];
_OCercanos = [ (nearestObjects [_position, ["house","building"], _distance]), { [_x,_marker] call UPSMON_filterbuilding } ] call BIS_fnc_conditionalSelect;
if (_shuffle && count _OCercanos > 0) then {_OCercanos = _OCercanos call UPSMON_arrayShufflePlus;};
_allpos = [_x,_bldaltura] call UPSMON_SortOutBldpos;
_nbbldpos = count (_allpos select 0);
if (damage _x == 0 && _nbbldpos > 0) exitwith {_bldposition = [_x,_allpos];};
} foreach _OCercanos;