Teh Dango c5e98f17e6 Epoch Update
Epoch Update
2017-10-25 21:36:31 -04:00

266 lines
8.5 KiB

# Original #
Sarge AI System 1.5
Created for Arma 2: DayZ Mod
Author: Sarge
# Fork #
Sarge AI System 2.0+
Modded for Arma 3: Exile Mod
Changes: Dango
private ["_sizeOfBase","_authorizedGateCodes","_authorizedUID","_flagPole","_leadername","_type","_patrol_area_name","_grouptype","_snipers","_riflemen","_action","_side","_leaderList","_riflemenlist","_sniperlist","_rndpos","_group","_leader","_cond","_respawn","_leader_weapon_names","_leader_items","_leader_tools","_soldier_weapon_names","_soldier_items","_soldier_tools","_sniper_weapon_names","_sniper_items","_sniper_tools","_leaderskills","_riflemanskills","_sniperskills","_ups_para_list","_respawn_time","_argc","_ai_type"];
//if (!isServer) exitWith {};
diag_log "Sarge AI System: Territory gaurds are initializing now.";
_argc = count _this;
_flagPole = _this select 0;
_patrol_area_name = _this select 1;
_grouptype = _this select 2;
_snipers = _this select 3;
_riflemen = _this select 4;
_action = tolower (_this select 5);
_respawn = _this select 6;
if (_argc > 7) then {
_respawn_time = _this select 7;
} else {
_respawn_time = SAR_respawn_waittime;
_authorizedUID = _flagPole getVariable ["ExileTerritoryBuildRights", []];
switch (_grouptype) do
case 1: // military
_side = SAR_AI_friendly_side;
_type = "sold";
_ai_type = "AI Military";
case 2: // survivors
_side = SAR_AI_friendly_side;
_type = "surv";
_ai_type = "AI Survivor";
case 3: // bandits
_side = SAR_AI_unfriendly_side;
_type = "band";
_ai_type = "AI Bandit";
_leaderList = call compile format ["SAR_leader_%1_list",_type];
_leaderskills = call compile format ["SAR_leader_%1_skills",_type];
_riflemanskills = call compile format ["SAR_soldier_%1_skills",_type];
_sniperskills = call compile format ["SAR_sniper_%1_skills",_type];
if (SAR_useBlacklist) then {
_rndpos = [_patrol_area_name,0,SAR_Blacklist] call UPSMON_pos;
} else {
_rndpos = [_patrol_area_name] call UPSMON_pos;
_group = createGroup _side;
_group setVariable ["SAR_protect",true,true];
_sizeOfBase = _flagPole getVariable ["ExileTerritorySize",""];
// create leader of the group
_leader = _group createunit [_leaderList call BIS_fnc_selectRandom, [getPosATL _flagPole,1,_sizeOfBase,5,0,10,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos, [], 0.5, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_leader_weapon_names = ["leader",_type] call SAR_unit_loadout_weapons;
_leader_items = ["leader",_type] call SAR_unit_loadout_items;
_leader_tools = ["leader",_type] call SAR_unit_loadout_tools;
[_leader,_leader_weapon_names,_leader_items,_leader_tools] call SAR_unit_loadout;
[_leader] spawn SAR_fnc_AI_trace_base;
_leader setIdentity "id_SAR_sold_lead";
[_leader] spawn SAR_fnc_AI_refresh;
_leader addMPEventHandler ["MPkilled", {Null = _this spawn SAR_fnc_AI_killed;}];
_leader addMPEventHandler ["MPHit", {Null = _this spawn SAR_fnc_AI_hit;}];
// TODO: Convert to Exile friendly action
_cond="(side _this == west) && (side _target == resistance) && ('ItemBloodbag' in magazines _this)";
[nil,_leader,rADDACTION,"Give me a blood transfusion!", "sarge\SAR_interact.sqf","",1,true,true,"",_cond] call RE;
[_leader] joinSilent _group;
// set skills of the leader
_leader setskill [_x select 0,(_x select 1 +(floor(random 2) * (_x select 2)))];
} foreach _leaderskills;
// store AI type on the AI
_leader setVariable ["SAR_AI_type",_ai_type + " Leader",false];
// store experience value on AI
_leader setVariable ["SAR_AI_experience",0,false];
_leader setVariable ["SAR_FLAG_FRIENDLY", _authorizedUID, true];
_leader setVariable ["ATTACK_ALL", false, true];
_sniperlist = call compile format ["SAR_sniper_%1_list",_type];
for "_i" from 0 to (_snipers - 1) do
_this = _group createunit [_sniperlist call BIS_fnc_selectRandom, [getPosATL _flagPole,1,_sizeOfBase,5,0,10,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos, [], 0.5, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_sniper_weapon_names = ["sniper",_type] call SAR_unit_loadout_weapons;
_sniper_items = ["sniper",_type] call SAR_unit_loadout_items;
_sniper_tools = ["sniper",_type] call SAR_unit_loadout_tools;
[_this,_sniper_weapon_names,_sniper_items,_sniper_tools] call SAR_unit_loadout;
[_this] spawn SAR_fnc_AI_trace_base;
_this setIdentity "id_SAR";
[_this] spawn SAR_fnc_AI_refresh;
_this addMPEventHandler ["MPkilled", {Null = _this spawn SAR_fnc_AI_killed;}];
_this addMPEventHandler ["MPHit", {Null = _this spawn SAR_fnc_AI_hit;}];
[_this] joinSilent _group;
// set skills
_this setskill [_x select 0,(_x select 1 +(floor(random 2) * (_x select 2)))];
} foreach _sniperskills;
//[nil,_this,rADDACTION,"Give me a blood transfusion!", "sarge\SAR_interact.sqf","",1,true,true,"",_cond] call RE;
// store AI type on the AI
_this setVariable ["SAR_AI_type",_ai_type,false];
// store experience value on AI
_this setVariable ["SAR_AI_experience",0,false];
_this setVariable ["SAR_FLAG_FRIENDLY", _authorizedUID, true];
_this setVariable ["ATTACK_ALL", false, true];
//Distinguish AI
_this setVariable ["Sarge",1,true];
_riflemenlist = call compile format ["SAR_soldier_%1_list",_type];
for "_i" from 0 to (_riflemen - 1) do
_this = _group createunit [_riflemenlist call BIS_fnc_selectRandom, [getPosATL _flagPole,1,_sizeOfBase,5,0,10,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos, [], 0.5, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_soldier_items = ["rifleman",_type] call SAR_unit_loadout_items;
_soldier_tools = ["rifleman",_type] call SAR_unit_loadout_tools;
_soldier_weapon_names = ["rifleman",_type] call SAR_unit_loadout_weapons;
[_this,_soldier_weapon_names,_soldier_items,_soldier_tools] call SAR_unit_loadout;
if (_side == SAR_AI_unfriendly_side) then {removeHeadgear _this; _this addHeadGear (["H_Shemag_olive","H_Shemag_olive_hs","H_ShemagOpen_khk","H_ShemagOpen_tan"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom);};
[_this] spawn SAR_fnc_AI_trace_base;
_this setIdentity "id_SAR_sold_man";
[_this] spawn SAR_fnc_AI_refresh;
_this addMPEventHandler ["MPkilled", {Null = _this spawn SAR_fnc_AI_killed;}];
_this addMPEventHandler ["MPHit", {Null = _this spawn SAR_fnc_AI_hit;}];
[_this] joinSilent _group;
// set skills
_this setskill [_x select 0,(_x select 1) * (_x select 2)];
} foreach _riflemanskills;
//[nil,_this,rADDACTION,"Give me a blood transfusion!", "sarge\SAR_interact.sqf","",1,true,true,"",_cond] call RE;
// store AI type on the AI
_this setVariable ["SAR_AI_type",_ai_type,false];
// store experience value on AI
_this setVariable ["SAR_AI_experience",0,false];
//flagpole settings
_this setVariable ["SAR_FLAG_FRIENDLY", _authorizedUID, true];
_this setVariable ["ATTACK_ALL", false, true];
//Distinguish AI
_this setVariable ["Sarge",1,true];
// initialize upsmon for the group
_ups_para_list = [_leader,_patrol_area_name,'NOFOLLOW','AWARE','SPAWNED','DELETE:',SAR_DELETE_TIMEOUT];
if (_respawn) then {
_ups_para_list pushBack ['RESPAWN'];
_ups_para_list pushBack ['RESPAWN TIME:'];
_ups_para_list pushBack [_respawn_time];
_ups_para_list pushBack ['NOVEH2'];
_ups_para_list pushBack ['NOVEH'];
if(SAR_AI_disable_UPSMON_AI) then {
_ups_para_list pushBack ['NOAI'];
if(_action == "") then {_action = "PATROL";};
switch (_action) do {
case "NOUPSMON":
case "FORTIFY":
_ups_para_list pushBack ['FORTIFY'];
_ups_para_list execVM "\addons\sarge\UPSMON\UPSMON.sqf";
case "PATROL":
_ups_para_list execVM "\addons\sarge\UPSMON\UPSMON.sqf";
case "AMBUSH":
_ups_para_list pushBack ['AMBUSH'];
_ups_para_list execVM "\addons\sarge\UPSMON\UPSMON.sqf";
_ups_para_list execVM "\addons\sarge\UPSMON\UPSMON.sqf";
if(SAR_DEBUG) then {
diag_log format["Sarge's AI System: Territory group (%3) spawned in: %1 with action: %2 on side: %4",_patrol_area_name,_action,_group,(side _group)];
if (SAR_HC) then {
_hcID = getPlayerUID _x;
if(_hcID select [0,2] isEqualTo 'HC')then {
_SAIS_HC = _group setGroupOwner (owner _x);
if (_SAIS_HC) then {
if (SAR_DEBUG) then {
diag_log format ["Sarge's AI System: Now moving group %1 to Headless Client %2",_group,_hcID];
} else {
if (SAR_DEBUG) then {
diag_log format ["Sarge's AI System: ERROR! Moving group %1 to Headless Client %2 has failed!",_group,_hcID];
} forEach allPlayers;