Teh Dango 3ac749d64b 2.1.0
This is the latest stable version of Sarge AI for Arma 3: Exile.
2016-02-19 21:49:51 -05:00

83 lines
2.2 KiB

File: UPSMON_GetNearestCombat.sqf
Author: Azroul13
Función que busca vehiculos cercanos y hace entrar a las unidades del lider
<--- leader
<--- Vehicle types
<--- Searching radius
Array vehicles [[vehicles,emptypositions]]
_npc = _this select 0;
_types = _this select 1;
_distance = _this select 2;
_marker = _this select 3;
_OCercanos = [];
_emptypositions = 0;
_vehicles = [];
_Cargocount = 0;
_Gunnercount = 0;
_Commandercount = 0;
_Drivercount = 0;
//Buscamos objetos cercanos
_OCercanos = _npc nearentities [["CAR","TANK","SHIP","HELICOPTER"], _distance];
_isuav = getnumber (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> (typeOf (_x)) >> "isUav");
if (_isuav != 1) then
_points = 0;
_inzone = true;
_Cargocount = (_x) emptyPositions "Cargo";
_Gunnercount = _x call UPSMON_Emptyturret;
_Drivercount = (_x) emptyPositions "Driver";
_Commandercount = (_x) emptyPositions "Commander";
_emptypositions = _Cargocount + _Gunnercount + _Commandercount + _Drivercount;
_points = _points + _emptypositions;
If (_marker != "") then
_inzone = [getposATL _x,_marker] call UPSMON_pos_fnc_isBlacklisted;
If ("transport" in _types && _Cargocount == 0) then {_points = _points + 100};
If ("gun" in _types && _Gunnercount == 0) then {_points = _points + 50};
//ToDo check impact (locked _x != 2)
If (getposATL _x select 2 <= 0.5) then
if (locked _x == 1 || locked _x == 0 || locked _x == 3) then
If (damage _x == 0) then
If (canMove _x) then
If (_drivercount > 0) then
If (_x getvariable ["UPSMON_GrpId",0] == 0) then
If (_inzone) then
_vehicles pushback [_x,_emptypositions,_points];
}foreach _OCercanos;
_vehicles = [_vehicles, [], {_x select 2}, "DESCEND"] call BIS_fnc_sortBy;