Teh Dango 3ac749d64b 2.1.0
This is the latest stable version of Sarge AI for Arma 3: Exile.
2016-02-19 21:49:51 -05:00

56 lines
1.6 KiB

private ["_units","_targetpos","_timeout","_delete","_unit","_target","_Pos","_direction"];
_units = _this select 0;
_targetpos = _this select 1;
_timeout = time + 15;
while {_timeout > time && {alive _x} count _units > 0} do
_delete = false;
If (alive _x) then
_unit = _x;
_target = _targetpos;
If (typename _targetpos == "ARRAY") then
_Pos = [_targetpos,[0,20],[0,360],0,[0,100],0] call UPSMON_pos;
_target = createVehicle ["UserTexture1m_F",[_Pos select 0,_Pos select 1,1], [], 0, "NONE"];
_delete = true;
If ([_unit,_target,300,130] call UPSMON_Haslos) then
[_unit,_target,100] call UPSMON_DOwatch;
sleep 1;
_direction = [_unit, _target] call BIS_fnc_dirTo;
_unit setDir _direction;
_weapon = primaryweapon _unit;
_mode = getArray (configFile >> "cfgweapons" >> _weapon >> "modes");
_firemode = "SINGLE";
If (random 100 < 60) then
If ("fullauto_medium" in _mode) then {_firemode = "fullauto_medium";};
If ("short" in _mode) then {_firemode = "short";};
if ((_mode select 0) == "this") then {_mode = _weapon};
If (needReload _unit == 1) then {reload _unit};
_unit selectWeapon (primaryweapon _unit);
_unit forceWeaponFire [ weaponState _unit select 1,_firemode];
[_unit] spawn
sleep 5;
(_this select 0) doTarget ObjNull;
(_this select 0) dofire ObjNull;
(_this select 0) doWatch ObjNull;
if (_delete) then
[_target] spawn {sleep 5; Deletevehicle (_this select 0)};
} foreach _units;
sleep ((random 0.4) +0.4);