mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 16:32:11 +00:00
Epoch Update
298 lines
8.6 KiB
298 lines
8.6 KiB
private ["_cycle","_grp","_members","_grpmission","_grpstatus","_grpid","_Ucthis","_lastcurrpos","_lastpos","_lastattackpos","_areamarker","_npc","_driver","_buildingdist","_deadbodiesnear","_stuck","_makenewtarget","_targetpos","_attackpos","_dist","_target","_wptype","_traveldist","_targetdist","_speedmode","_behaviour","_combatmode","_currPos","_grpcomposition","_typeofgrp","_capacityofgrp","_assignedvehicle","_supstatus","_TargetSearch"];
while {true} do
_cycle = ((random 1) + 1.5);
If (!IsNull _x) then
_grp = _x;
_members = (_grp getvariable "UPSMON_Origin") select 4;
_grpmission = _grp getvariable "UPSMON_GrpMission";
_grpstatus = _grp getvariable "UPSMON_Grpstatus";
_grpid = _grp getVariable "UPSMON_grpid";
_Ucthis = _grp getvariable "UPSMON_Ucthis";
_lastcurrpos = (_grp getvariable "UPSMON_Lastinfos") select 0;
_lastpos = (_grp getvariable "UPSMON_Lastinfos") select 1;
_lastattackpos = _grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Lastattackpos",[]];
_areamarker = _Ucthis select 1;
if (({alive _x && !(captive _x)} count units _grp) == 0 || _grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Removegroup",false]) exitwith
[_grp,_UCthis] call UPSMON_RESPAWN;
_npc = leader _grp;
_driver = driver (vehicle _npc);
// did the leader die?
_npc = [_npc,_grp] call UPSMON_getleader;
if (!alive _npc || isplayer _npc) exitwith {[_grp,_UCthis] call UPSMON_Respawngrp;};
_buildingdist = 50;
_deadbodiesnear = false;
_stuck = false;
_makenewtarget = false;
_targetpos = [0,0];
_Attackpos = [];
_wptype = "MOVE";
_targetdist = 1000;
_traveldist = 0;
_dist = 10000;
_safemode = ["CARELESS","SAFE"];
_target = ObjNull;
_speedmode = speedmode _npc;
_behaviour = behaviour _npc;
_combatmode = "YELLOW";
// current position
_currPos = getposATL _npc;
If (count(waypoints _grp) != 0) then
_wppos = waypointPosition [_grp,count(waypoints _grp)-1];
_targetpos = _wppos;
_wptype = waypointType [_grp,count(waypoints _grp)-1];
_targetdist = [_currpos,_targetpos] call UPSMON_distancePosSqr;
_grpcomposition = [_grp] call UPSMON_analysegrp;
_typeofgrp = _grpcomposition select 0;
_capacityofgrp = _grpcomposition select 1;
_assignedvehicle = _grpcomposition select 2;
_supstatus = [_grp] call UPSMON_supstatestatus;
_nowp = [_grp,_target,_supstatus] call UPSMON_NOWP;
If (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_GrpHostility",0] > 0) then
_TargetSearch = [_grp,_areamarker] call UPSMON_TargetAcquisitionCiv;
_target = _TargetSearch select 0;
_dist = _TargetSearch select 1;
_attackpos = _TargetSearch select 2;
If (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Grpmission",""] != "HARASS") then
If (!Isnull _target) then
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Grpmission","HARASS"]
If (Isnull _target) then
[_grp] call UPSMON_BackToNormal;
//If in safe mode if find dead bodies change behaviour
if (alive _x) then
if (vehicle _x == _x) then
If (!(_x getvariable ["UPSMON_Civfleeing",false])) then
If ((_x getvariable ["UPSMON_SUPSTATUS",""]) == "") then
If (UPSMON_deadBodiesReact)then
_dead = [_x,_buildingdist] call UPSMON_deadbodies;
if (!IsNull _dead) exitwith
["FLEE",_x,Objnull] spawn UPSMON_Civaction;
["FLEE",_x,Objnull] spawn UPSMON_Civaction;
} foreach units _grp;
//Stuck control
If (!(_npc getvariable ["UPSMON_Civdisable",false])) then
_stuck = [_npc,_lastcurrpos,_currpos] call UPSMON_Isgrpstuck;
switch (_grp getvariable "UPSMON_GrpMission") do
case "PATROL":
_speedmode = Speedmode _npc;
_behaviour = Behaviour _npc;
_wpformation = Formation _npc;
If (!(_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_InTransport",false])) then
If (!(_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_searchingpos",false])) then
If (!([_targetpos,_areamarker] call UPSMON_pos_fnc_isBlacklisted)
|| _stuck
|| _targetdist <= 5
|| count(waypoints _grp) == 0
|| ((("tank" in _typeofgrp) || ("ship" in _typeofgrp) || ("apc" in _typeofgrp) ||("car" in _typeofgrp)) && _targetdist <= 25)
|| (("air" in _typeofgrp && !(_grp getVariable ["UPSMON_landing",false])) && (_targetdist <= 70 || Unitready _driver))) then
// Search new patrol pos
if (_makenewtarget) then
if (UPSMON_Debug > 0) then {diag_log format ["Grp%1 search newpos",_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_grpid",0]];};
[_grp,_wpformation,_speedmode,_areamarker,_Behaviour,_combatmode,_typeofgrp] spawn UPSMON_DOPATROL;
case "RELAX":
[_grp,_areamarker] call UPSMON_DORELAX;
case "HARASS":
If (alive _x) then
If (canmove _x) then
If (vehicle _x == _x) then
If (!(_x getvariable ["UPSMON_Civfleeing",false])) then
If (_x getvariable ["UPSMON_Throwstone",time] <= time) then
If (!IsNull _target) then
If (_dist > 100 && !([_x,_target,100,130] call UPSMON_Haslos)) then
If (_x getvariable ["UPSMON_Civdisable",false]) then
_x switchmove "";
_x enableAI "MOVE";
_x setvariable ["UPSMON_Civdisable",false];
If (_x getvariable ["UPSMON_Movingtotarget",time] <= time) then
Dostop _x;
_x domove _attackpos;
_x setDestination [_attackpos, "LEADER PLANNED", true];
_time = time + 120;
_x setvariable ["UPSMON_Movingtotarget",_time];
[_x,_attackpos] spawn UPSMON_throw_stone;
sleep 0.2;
} foreach units _grp;
case "STATIC":
If (count(waypoints _grp) != 0) then
_wppos = waypointPosition [_grp,count(waypoints _grp)-1];
_targetpos = _wppos;
_wptype = waypointType [_grp,count(waypoints _grp)-1];
_targetdist = [_currpos,_targetpos] call UPSMON_distancePosSqr;
if (!_nowp) then
If (_grp getvariable "UPSMON_GrpMission" == "PATROL") then
/////////// Disembarking //////////////////
If (!(_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_disembarking",false])) then
If (!(_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_searchingpos",false])) then
If (_targetpos select 0 != 0 && _targetpos select 1 != 0) then
If (!(_npc getvariable ["UPSMON_Civfleeing",false])) then
If (count _assignedvehicle > 0) then
[_grp,_assignedvehicle,_dist,_targetdist,_supstatus] call UPSMON_Disembarkment;
/////////// Embarking //////////////////
If (!(_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_embarking",false])) then
if (!(_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Disembarking",false])) then
If (!(_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_searchingpos",false])) then
If (!(_grp getVariable ["UPSMON_landing",false])) then
[_grp,_typeofgrp,_targetpos,_dist,_targetdist,_assignedvehicle,_supstatus,_speedmode,_behaviour] call UPSMON_Embarkment;
};// !NOWP
if (({alive _x && !(captive _x)} count units _grp) == 0 || _grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Removegroup",false]) exitwith
[_grp,_UCthis] call UPSMON_RESPAWN;
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Grpstatus",_grpstatus];
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Lastinfos",[_currpos,_targetpos]];
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Lastattackpos",_attackpos];
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_LastGrpmission",_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Grpmission",""]];
sleep 0.1;
} foreach UPSMON_Civs;
If (ObjNull in UPSMON_NPCs) then {UPSMON_NPCs = UPSMON_NPCs - [ObjNull]};
sleep _cycle;
}; |