diff --git a/Exile.MapName/VEMFr_client/CfgFunctions.hpp b/Exile.MapName/VEMFr_client/CfgFunctions.hpp deleted file mode 100644 index 8259420..0000000 --- a/Exile.MapName/VEMFr_client/CfgFunctions.hpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -class VEMF_Reloaded -{ - tag = "VEMFr"; - class clientFunctions - { - file = "VEMFr_client\functions"; - class handleMessage {}; - class clientInit { postInit = 1; }; - }; -}; diff --git a/Exile.MapName/VEMFr_client/functions/fn_clientInit.sqf b/Exile.MapName/VEMFr_client/functions/fn_clientInit.sqf deleted file mode 100644 index 0dcf227..0000000 --- a/Exile.MapName/VEMFr_client/functions/fn_clientInit.sqf +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -if (hasInterface) then -{ - uiNamespace setVariable ["RscDisplayVEMFrClientMsgQueue", []]; - uiNamespace setVariable ["RscDisplayVEMFrClient", displayNull]; - // custom addPublicVariableEventHandler. Those bloody BE filters..... - [] spawn - { - while {true} do - { - waitUntil { uiSleep 0.05; not isNil"VEMFrClientMsg" }; - if (typeName VEMFrClientMsg isEqualTo "ARRAY") then - { - _data = +[VEMFrClientMsg]; - VEMFrClientMsg = nil; - _data = _data select 0; - [_data] spawn - { - _data = _this select 0; - _mode = [_data, 1, "", [""]] call BIS_fnc_param; - _msg = [_data, 0, "", [[],format[""]]] call BIS_fnc_param; - switch _mode do - { - case "sys": - { - systemChat _msg; - }; - default - { - [_msg select 0, _msg select 1] spawn VEMFr_fnc_handleMessage; - }; - }; - }; - }; - }; - }; -}; diff --git a/Exile.MapName/VEMFr_client/functions/fn_handleMessage.sqf b/Exile.MapName/VEMFr_client/functions/fn_handleMessage.sqf deleted file mode 100644 index 2471a4a..0000000 --- a/Exile.MapName/VEMFr_client/functions/fn_handleMessage.sqf +++ /dev/null @@ -1,118 +0,0 @@ -_txt = [_this, 0, "", [""]] call BIS_fnc_param; -_type = [_this, 1, "", [""]] call BIS_fnc_param; -if not(_txt isEqualTo "") then -{ - _msgQueue = uiNamespace getVariable ["RscDisplayVEMFrClientMsgQueue", []]; - _msgQueue pushBack _txt; - disableSerialization; - _dsp = uiNamespace getVariable ["RscDisplayVEMFrClient", displayNull]; - _doAnim = - { - for "_g" from 1 to (count _txt) do - { - _ctrl ctrlSetText (_txt select [0, _g]); - if isNull (findDisplay 49) then - { - if not isNull _dsp then - { - playSound "ReadOutClick" - }; - }; - uiSleep 0.05; - }; - _chars = []; - for "_t" from 1 to (count _txt) do - { - _char = _txt select [_t, 1]; - _chars pushBack _char; - }; - _writeThis = +_chars; - uiSleep ((count _txt)/6); - for "_i" from (count _chars) to 1 step -1 do - { - _charID = floor random count _chars; - _deleted = _chars deleteAt _charID; - if not(_deleted isEqualTo "") then - { - _charToSet = _writeThis find _deleted; - if not(_deleted isEqualTo " ") then - { - _binaries = ["0","1"]; - _writeThis set [_charToSet, _binaries select floor random count _binaries]; - }; - _string = ""; - { - _string = _string + _x; - } forEach _writeThis; - _ctrl ctrlSetText _string; - if isNull(findDisplay 49) then - { - if not isNull _dsp then - { - playSound "ReadOutHideClick1" - }; - }; - uiSleep 0.05; - }; - }; - - if (typeName _msgQueue isEqualTo "ARRAY") then - { - _index = _msgQueue find _txt; - if (_index > -1) then - { - _msgQueue deleteAt _index; - }; - }; - - if (count _msgQueue isEqualTo 0) then - { - _ctrl ctrlSetPosition [(ctrlPosition _ctrl) select 0, (ctrlPosition _ctrl) select 1, 0 * safezoneW, (ctrlPosition _ctrl) select 3]; - _ctrl ctrlCommit 0.5; - uiSleep 0.5; - _ctrlTag ctrlSetPosition [(ctrlPosition _ctrlTag) select 0, (ctrlPosition _ctrlTag) select 1, (ctrlPosition _ctrlTag) select 2, 0 * safezoneH]; - _ctrlTag ctrlCommit 0.3; - _ctrlTag ctrlSetText ""; - uiSleep 0.3; - _ctrlMsgType ctrlSetPosition [(ctrlPosition _ctrlMsgType) select 0, (ctrlPosition _ctrlMsgType) select 1, 0 * safezoneW, (ctrlPosition _ctrlMsgType) select 3]; - _ctrlMsgType ctrlCommit 0.3; - uiSleep 0.3; - (["RscDisplayVEMFrClient"] call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutFadeOut 0.3; - }; - }; - if isNull _dsp then - { // Make sure the display is actually active - (["RscDisplayVEMFrClient"] call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutRsc["RscDisplayVEMFrClient", "PLAIN", 0, true]; - _dsp = uiNamespace getVariable ["RscDisplayVEMFrClient", displayNull]; - if ((count _msgQueue) > 0) then - { - _ctrlMsgType = _dsp displayCtrl 1002; - _ctrlMsgType ctrlSetText _type; - _ctrlMsgType ctrlSetPosition [(ctrlPosition _ctrlMsgType) select 0, (ctrlPosition _ctrlMsgType) select 1, 0.1 * safezoneW, (ctrlPosition _ctrlMsgType) select 3]; - _ctrlMsgType ctrlCommit 0.3; - uiSleep 0.3; - _ctrlTag = _dsp displayCtrl 1001; - _ctrlTag ctrlSetPosition [(ctrlPosition _ctrlTag) select 0, (ctrlPosition _ctrlTag) select 1, (ctrlPosition _ctrlTag) select 2, 0.03 * safezoneH]; - _ctrlTag ctrlCommit 0.3; - uiSleep 0.3; - _ctrlTag ctrlSetText toString [86,69,77,70,114]; - _ctrl = _dsp displayCtrl 1000; - _ctrl ctrlSetPosition [(ctrlPosition _ctrl) select 0, (ctrlPosition _ctrl) select 1, 0.4375 * safezoneW, (ctrlPosition _ctrl) select 3]; - _ctrl ctrlCommit 0.3; - uiSleep 0.3; - call _doAnim; - }; - }; - if not isNull _dsp then - { - waitUntil { uiSleep 1; (_msgQueue select 0) isEqualTo _txt }; - if not isNull _dsp then - { - _ctrlMsgType = _dsp displayCtrl 1002; - _ctrlMsgType ctrlSetText _type; - _ctrlTag = _dsp displayCtrl 1001; - _ctrl = _dsp displayCtrl 1000; - call _doAnim; - }; - }; -}; diff --git a/Exile.MapName/VEMFr_client/gui/hpp_mainVEMFrClient.hpp b/Exile.MapName/VEMFr_client/gui/hpp_mainVEMFrClient.hpp deleted file mode 100644 index 4407cb2..0000000 --- a/Exile.MapName/VEMFr_client/gui/hpp_mainVEMFrClient.hpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -class RscDisplayVEMFrClient -{ - idd = 2991; - fadeIn = 0.2; - fadeOut = 1; - duration = 99999; - onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['RscDisplayVEMFrClient', _this select 0]"; - movingEnable = 0; - class IGUIBack - { - type = 0; - text = ""; - colorText[] = {0,0,0,0}; - font = "PuristaMedium"; - sizeEx = 0; - shadow = 0; - style = 128; - colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,1}; - }; - class RscText - { - shadow = 0; - deletable = 0; - fade = 0; - sizeEx = "(((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 1)"; - font = "PuristaLight"; - style = 0; - access = 0; - type = 0; - fixedWidth = 0; - colorShadow[] = {0,0,0,0.5}; - lineSpacing = 1; - tooltipColorText[] = {1,1,1,0.9}; - tooltipColorBox[] = {1,1,1,0.2}; - tooltipColorShade[] = {0,0,0,0.7}; - colorText[] = {0.22,0.745,0.882,1}; - colorBackground[] = {0.071,0.078,0.094,1}; - }; - class controls - { - #include "hpp_rscVEMFrClient.hpp" - }; -}; diff --git a/Exile.MapName/VEMFr_client/gui/hpp_rscVEMFrClient.hpp b/Exile.MapName/VEMFr_client/gui/hpp_rscVEMFrClient.hpp deleted file mode 100644 index c0cc61e..0000000 --- a/Exile.MapName/VEMFr_client/gui/hpp_rscVEMFrClient.hpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -class txtType: RscText -{ - idc = 1002; - font = "PuristaSemiBold"; - text = ""; - colorText[] = {0,0,0,0.9}; - colorBackground[] = {1,1,1,0.9}; - x = 0.25 * safezoneW + safezoneX; - y = 0.88 * safezoneH + safezoneY; - w = 0 * safezoneW; - h = 0.02 * safezoneH; -}; -class txtTag: RscText -{ - idc = 1001; - font = "PuristaBold"; - text = ""; - sizeEx = "(((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 1.3)"; - colorText[] = {0,0,0,0.9}; - colorBackground[] = {1,1,1,0.9}; - x = 0.25 * safezoneW + safezoneX; - y = 0.9 * safezoneH + safezoneY; - w = 0.05 * safezoneW; - h = 0 * safezoneH; -}; -class txtMsg: RscText -{ - idc = 1000; - text = ""; - colorText[] = {1,1,1,0.9}; - colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0.9}; - x = 0.3 * safezoneW + safezoneX; - y = 0.9 * safezoneH + safezoneY; - w = 0 * safezoneW; - h = 0.03 * safezoneH; -}; diff --git a/Exile.MapName/description.ext b/Exile.MapName/description.ext index a3a3f74..e0abd62 100644 --- a/Exile.MapName/description.ext +++ b/Exile.MapName/description.ext @@ -1,8 +1,3 @@ -class cfgFunctions -{ - #include "VEMFr_client\CfgFunctions.hpp" -}; - class RscTitles { #include "VEMFr_client\gui\hpp_mainVEMFrClient.hpp"