
This commit is contained in:
IT07 2016-04-13 22:29:04 +02:00
parent 12f911c364
commit fefe173e3d
4 changed files with 0 additions and 386 deletions

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@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
Author: IT07
this function makes sure that AI spawned by VEMF does NOT become local to the server.
On detection of a local group, it will reassign it to a client or Headless Client if enabled.
none, this is a Standalone function
[] spawn
uiNamespace setVariable ["VEMFrHcLoad", []];
uiNamespace setVariable ["vemfGroups", []];
while {true} do
_groups = uiNamespace getVariable "vemfGroups";
waitUntil { uiSleep 1; count _groups > 0 };
if (local _x) then
if ((count units _x) < 1) then
deleteGroup _x;
if (count (units _x) > 0) then
// Group still has units, check if there is anyone that can be the owner
[_x] call VEMFr_fnc_transferOwner;
} forEach _groups;

View File

@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
Author: IT07
Handles the start and timeout of missions
_minFPS = "minServerFPS" call VEMFr_fnc_getSetting;
if (_minFPS > -1) then
_minPlayers = "minPlayers" call VEMFr_fnc_getSetting;
if (_minPlayers > -1) then
_maxGlobalMissions = "maxGlobalMissions" call VEMFr_fnc_getSetting;
if (_maxGlobalMissions > -2) then
_minNew = "minNew" call VEMFr_fnc_getSetting;
if (_minNew > -1) then
_maxNew = "maxNew" call VEMFr_fnc_getSetting;
if (_maxNew > 0) then
_missionList = "missionList" call VEMFr_fnc_getSetting;
if (count _missionList > 0) then
waitUntil { uiSleep 5; (if (([_minPlayers] call VEMFr_fnc_playerCount) AND (diag_fps > _minFPS)) then { true } else { false }) };
["missionTimer", 1, format["Minimal player count of %1 reached! Starting timer...", _minPlayers]] spawn VEMFr_fnc_log;
VEMFrMissionCount = 0;
private ["_ignoreLimit"];
_ignoreLimit = false;
if (_maxGlobalMissions isEqualTo 0) then
_ignoreLimit = true;
while {true} do
// Wait random amount
uiSleep ((_minNew*60)+ floor random ((_maxNew*60)-(_minNew*60)));
// Pick A Mission if enough players online
if ([_minPlayers] call VEMFr_fnc_playerCount) then
if _ignoreLimit then
_missVar = selectRandom _missionList;
[] execVM format["exile_vemf_reloaded\missions\%1.sqf", _missVar];
_lastMission = serverTime;
if not _ignoreLimit then
if (VEMFrMissionCount <= _maxGlobalMissions) then
_missVar = selectRandom _missionList;
[] execVM format["exile_vemf_reloaded\missions\%1.sqf", _missVar];
VEMFrMissionCount = VEMFrMissionCount +1;
_lastMission = serverTime;
if (_maxGlobalMissions < -1) then
["missionTimer", 0, format["Invalid maximum global missions number! it is: %1", _maxGlobalMissions]] spawn VEMFr_fnc_log;
if (_minPlayers < 0) then
["missionTimer", 0, format["Invalid minimum player setting of %1", _minPlayers]] spawn VEMFr_fnc_log;
if (_minFPS < 0) then
["missionTimer", 0, format["Invalid minimum server FPS setting of %1", _minFPS]] spawn VEMFr_fnc_log;

View File

@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
Author: original by Vampire, completely rewritten by IT07
spawns AI using given _pos and unit/group count.
_this select 0: POSITION - where to spawn the units around
_this select 1: SCALAR - how many groups to spawn
_this select 2: SCALAR - how many units to put in each group
_this select 3: SCALAR - AI mode
private // Make sure that the vars in this function do not interfere with vars in the calling script
_spawned = [[],[]];
_pos = param [0, [], [[]]];
if (count _pos isEqualTo 3) then
_grpCount = param [1, 1, [0]];
if (_grpCount > 0) then
_unitsPerGrp = param [2, 1, [0]];
if (_unitsPerGrp > 0) then
_mode = param [3, -1, [0]];
_sldrClass = "unitClass" call VEMFr_fnc_getSetting;
_groups = [];
_hc = "headLessClientSupport" call VEMFr_fnc_getSetting;
_aiDifficulty = [["aiSkill"],["difficulty"]] call VEMFr_fnc_getSetting param [0, "Veteran", [""]];
_skills = [["aiSkill", _aiDifficulty],["accuracy","aimingShake","aimingSpeed","endurance","spotDistance","spotTime","courage","reloadSpeed","commanding","general"]] call VEMFr_fnc_getSetting;
_accuracy = _skills select 0;
_aimShake = _skills select 1;
_aimSpeed = _skills select 2;
_stamina = _skills select 3;
_spotDist = _skills select 4;
_spotTime = _skills select 5;
_courage = _skills select 6;
_reloadSpd = _skills select 7;
_commanding = _skills select 8;
_general = _skills select 9;
_houses = nearestTerrainObjects [_pos, ["House"], 200]; // Find some houses to spawn in
_notTheseHouses = "housesBlackList" call VEMFr_fnc_getSetting;
_goodHouses = [];
{ // Filter the houses that are too small for one group
if not(typeOf _x in _notTheseHouses) then
if ([_x, _unitsPerGrp] call BIS_fnc_isBuildingEnterable) then
_goodHouses pushBack _x;
} forEach _houses;
_goodHouses = _goodHouses call BIS_fnc_arrayShuffle;
_noHouses = false;
if (count _goodHouses < _grpCount) then
_noHouses = true;
_cal50s = [["DynamicLocationInvasion"],["cal50s"]] call VEMFr_fnc_getSetting param [0, 3, [0]];
if (_cal50s > 0) then
_cal50sVehs = [];
_units = []; // Define units array. the for loops below will fill it with units
for "_g" from 1 to _grpCount do // Spawn Groups near Position
if not _noHouses then
if (count _goodHouses < 1) then
_noHouses = true
private ["_unitSide","_grp","_unit"];
_unitSide = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> ("unitClass" call VEMFr_fnc_getSetting) >> "faction");
switch _unitSide do
case "BLU_G_F":
_grp = createGroup WEST;
case "CIV_F":
_grp = createGroup civilian;
case "IND_F":
_grp = createGroup independent;
case "IND_G_F":
_grp = createGroup resistance;
case "OPF_F":
_grp = createGroup EAST;
["fn_spawnAI", 0, format["Unknown side %1", _unitSide]] spawn VEMFr_fnc_log;
if not isNil"_grp" then
if not _noHouses then
_grp enableAttack false;
_grp setBehaviour "AWARE";
_grp setCombatMode "RED";
_grp allowFleeing 0;
private ["_house","_housePositions"];
if not _noHouses then
_house = selectRandom _goodHouses;
_houseID = _goodHouses find _house;
_goodHouses deleteAt _houseID;
_housePositions = [_house] call BIS_fnc_buildingPositions;
_placed50 = false;
for "_u" from 1 to _unitsPerGrp do
private ["_spawnPos","_hmg"];
if not _noHouses then
_spawnPos = selectRandom _housePositions;
if not _placed50 then
_placed50 = true;
if (_cal50s > 0) then
_hmg = createVehicle ["B_HMG_01_high_F", _spawnPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_hmg setVehicleLock "LOCKEDPLAYER";
(_spawned select 1) pushBack _hmg;
if _noHouses then
_spawnPos = [_pos,20,250,1,0,200,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; // Find Nearby Position
_unit = _grp createUnit [_sldrClass, _spawnPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; // Create Unit There
if not _noHouses then
doStop _unit;
if (_cal50s > 0) then
if not isNil"_hmg" then
if not isNull _hmg then
_unit moveInGunner _hmg;
_hmg = nil;
_cal50s = _cal50s - 1;
_houseIndex = _housePositions find _spawnPos;
_housePositions deleteAt _houseIndex;
_unit addMPEventHandler ["mpkilled","if (isDedicated) then { [_this select 0, _this select 1] spawn VEMFr_fnc_aiKilled }"];
(_spawned select 0) pushBack _unit;
// Set skills
_unit setSkill ["aimingAccuracy", _accuracy];
_unit setSkill ["aimingShake", _aimShake];
_unit setSkill ["aimingSpeed", _aimSpeed];
_unit setSkill ["endurance", _stamina];
_unit setSkill ["spotDistance", _spotDist];
_unit setSkill ["spotTime", _spotTime];
_unit setSkill ["courage", _courage];
_unit setSkill ["reloadSpeed", _reloadSpd];
_unit setSkill ["commanding", _commanding];
_unit setSkill ["general", _general];
_unit setRank "Private"; // Set rank
_grp selectLeader _unit; // Leader Assignment
_groups pushBack _grp; // Push it into the _groups array
_invLoaded = [_spawned select 0, "Invasion", _mode] call VEMFr_fnc_loadInv; // Load the AI's inventory
if isNil"_invLoaded" then
["fn_spawnAI", 0, "failed to load AI's inventory..."] spawn VEMFr_fnc_log;
if (count _groups isEqualTo _grpCount) then
if not _noHouses then
[_x] spawn VEMFr_fnc_signAI;
} forEach _groups;
if _noHouses then
_waypoints =
[(_pos select 0), (_pos select 1)+50, 0],
[(_pos select 0)+50, (_pos select 1), 0],
[(_pos select 0), (_pos select 1)-50, 0],
[(_pos select 0)-50, (_pos select 1), 0]
{ // Make them Patrol
for "_z" from 1 to (count _waypoints) do
_wp = _x addWaypoint [(_waypoints select (_z-1)), 10];
_wp setWaypointType "SAD";
_wp setWaypointCompletionRadius 20;
_cyc = _x addWaypoint [_pos,10];
_cyc setWaypointType "CYCLE";
_cyc setWaypointCompletionRadius 20;
[_x] spawn VEMFr_fnc_signAI;
} forEach _groups;

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
Author: IT07
spawns AI at all given locations in config file
if ([["aiStatic"],["enabled"]] call VEMFr_fnc_getSetting isEqualTo 1) then
["spawnStaticAI", 3, "launching..."] spawn VEMFr_fnc_log;
_settings = [["aiStatic"],["positions","amount"]] call VEMFr_fnc_getSetting;
_positions = _settings select 0;
if (count _positions > 0) then
["spawnStaticAI", 3, "spawning AI on positions..."] spawn VEMFr_fnc_log;
_amounts = _settings select 1;
_amount = _amounts select _foreachindex;
[_x, 2, _amount / 2, "aiMode" call VEMFr_fnc_getSetting] spawn VEMFr_fnc_spawnAI;
} forEach _positions;