# ArmA3_exile_vemf_reloaded
**Not to confuse with VEMF**
#### How to download?
**Because of its new location, the download process is a little different:**
Click the .7z file and then click the "Raw" button. You will then get the exile_vemf_reloaded folder and the Exile.MapName folder inside of a packed .7z :)
#### How to install?
**Server-side files**
- copy the `exile_vemf_reloaded` folder over into where your server's `@ExileServer\addons\` folder is located.
- navigate into the `exile_vemf_reloaded` folder that you just copied over into your server.
- open the config.cpp and READ IT. There is A LOT of settings in there that you can adjust to change VEMFr.
- when done changing stuff in the config.cpp, simply pack **the contents(!)** of the parent folder into a pbo called `exile_vemf_reloaded`
- you can delete the `exile_vemf_reloaded` folder that the program you use to pack into a pbo might have left behind. You don't have to though.
**Client-side files**
- whatever your server setup might be, you need to open/download/unpack your server's mission file. If you are running the Altis map for example, it will be a .pbo called `Exile.Altis`. Or when you are running Esseker for example, then it will be `Exile.Esseker`. Normally that file is located inside the *mpmissions* folder which is in the root of your server's installation path. Simply unpack that file and go into the folder that comes out of it. There should be a file called `description.ext` in there. Open that. Then look for a line that says `class CfgFunctions`. If you can not find it, then add this somewhere near the bottom of your description.ext:
class cfgFunctions
#include "VEMFr_client\CfgFunctions.hpp"
However, if you DO have a `class CfgFunctions` in your description.ext, then simply add `#include "VEMFr_client\CfgFunctions.hpp"` between the `{` (opening bracket) and `};` (closing bracket), like this:
class cfgFunctions
class justAnExample
tag = "Exile";
class fkasjhdfksahfkhsd
file = "dssdf";
class fdshjlkfhasjdk {};
#include "VEMFr_client\CfgFunctions.hpp"
- now the last part: `class RscTitles`. Try and find it in your description.ext, if it is not there, then just simply add this to the bottom of your description.ext:
class RscTitles
#include "VEMFr_client\gui\hpp_mainVEMFrClient.hpp"
BUT, if you DO have a `class RscTitles` already, then just make a new line just before the `};` and then put this on that new line:
`#include "VEMFr_client\gui\hpp_mainVEMFrClient.hpp"`
Just an example of how it would look with other stuff in between the brackets of `class RscTitles`:
class RscTitles
#include "some\other\scriptszzzzz\file.hpp"
#include "bla\addons\dialog.hpp"
#include "addons\scripts\gui\someFile.hpp"
#include "VEMFr_client\gui\hpp_mainVEMFrClient.hpp"