/* Author: IT07 Description: handles the things that need to be done when RscDisplayBaseAttack is active */ _dsp = uiNamespace getVariable [ "RscDisplayBaseAttack", displayNull ]; if not ( isNull _dsp ) then { _dsp setVariable [ "doFlash", true ]; while { not ( isNull _dsp ) } do { if ( _dsp getVariable [ "doFlash", false ] ) then { _dsp setVariable [ "doingFlash", true ]; uiSleep 1.5; { _x ctrlSetFade 1; _x ctrlCommit 0.25; uiSleep 0.25; } forEach ( allControls _dsp ); uiSleep 0.5; { _x ctrlSetFade 0; _x ctrlCommit 0.25; uiSleep 0.25; } forEach ( allControls _dsp ); _dsp setVariable [ "doingFlash", false ]; } else { uiSleep 0.5 }; }; };