/* Author: IT07 Description: checks the VEMF loot table for invalid classnames. Reports to RPT if invalid classes found. Params: none Returns: nothing */ if ("validateLoot" call VEMFr_fnc_config isEqualTo 1) then { // _validateLoot is enabled, go ahead... if ("debugMode" call VEMFr_fnc_config < 1) then { ["CheckLoot", 0, "Failed to validate loot: no output allowed in RPT"] ExecVM "exile_vemf_reloaded\sqf\log.sqf"; } else { ["CheckLoot", 1, "Validating loot tables..."] ExecVM "exile_vemf_reloaded\sqf\log.sqf"; _bin = []; _mags = []; _cfgMags = "_mags pushBack (configName _x); true" configClasses (configFile >> "cfgMagazines"); _weapons = []; _cfgWeapons = "_weapons pushBack (configName _x); true" configClasses (configFile >> "cfgWeapons"); _bags = []; _cfgBags = "getText (_x >> 'vehicleClass') isEqualTo 'Backpacks'" configClasses (configFile >> "cfgVehicles"); { _bags pushBack (configName _x); } forEach _cfgBags; _aiGear = [["aiGear"],["aiUniforms","aiVests","aiRifles","aiBackpacks","aiLaunchers","aiPistols"]] call VEMFr_fnc_config; { { if not((_x in _mags) OR (_x in _weapons) OR (_x in _bags)) then { _bin pushBack _x; }; } forEach _x; } forEach _aiGear; _loot = [["crateLoot"],["primaryWeaponLoot","secondaryWeaponLoot","magazinesLoot","attachmentsLoot","itemsLoot","vestsLoot","headGearLoot","backpacksLoot"]] call VEMFr_fnc_config; { { _class = _x select 0; if not((_class in _mags) OR (_class in _weapons) OR (_class in _bags)) then { _bin pushBack _x; }; } forEach _x; } forEach _loot; if (count _bin isEqualTo 0) then { ["CheckLoot", 1, "Loot tables are all valid :)"] ExecVM "exile_vemf_reloaded\sqf\log.sqf"; } else { ["CheckLoot", 0, format["Invalid classes found in loot! | %1", _bin]] ExecVM "exile_vemf_reloaded\sqf\log.sqf"; }; }; };