/* Author: IT07 Description: will put mission notification on either all screens or just on given Params: _this select 0: SCALAR - mission type (AI mode) _this select 1: STRING - notification title _this select 2: STRING - notification message _this select 3: ARRAY (optional) - specific clients to (ONLY) send notification to Returns: nothing */ params [["_missionType",-1,[-1]], ["_title","",[""]], ["_msgLine","",[""]], ["_sendTo",[],[[]]]]; if (count _sendTo isEqualTo 0) then { _sendTo = allPlayers }; { VEMFrMsgToClient = [[_missionType, _title, _msgLine], ""]; (owner _x) publicVariableClient "VEMFrMsgToClient"; } forEach _sendTo;