/* Author: IT07 Description: will log given data if debug is enabled Params: _this: ARRAY - contains data required for logging _this select 0: STRING - prefix. Use "" if none _this select 1: SCALAR - 0 = error, 1 = info, 2 = special _this select 2: STRING - the thing to log Returns: nothing (use spawn, not call) */ private ["_param","_prefix","_mode","_logThis","_logModesAllowed","_loggingEnabled"]; _loggingEnabled = "debugMode" call VEMFr_fnc_getSetting; if not(_loggingEnabled isEqualTo 0) then { _prefix = param [0, "", [""]]; _type = param [1, 3, [0]]; _line = param [2, "", [""]]; _doLog = { diag_log text format["IT07: [exile_vemf_reloaded] %1 -- %2", _prefix, _line]; }; switch _type do { case 0: { if (_loggingEnabled isEqualTo 1 OR _loggingEnabled isEqualTo 3) then { call _doLog; }; }; case 1: { if (_loggingEnabled isEqualTo 2 OR _loggingEnabled isEqualTo 3) then { call _doLog; }; }; case 2: { call _doLog; }; }; };