/* Author: IT07 Description: will alert players Params: for global(!) systemChat message: _this select 0: FORMATTED STRING - thing to send _this select 1: STRING - must be "sys" for mission announcement: _this: ARRAY _this select 0: ARRAY _this select 0 select 0: FORMATTED STRING - Message line _this select 0 select 1: STRING - announcement title _this select 0 select 2: ARRAY - (optional) only send message to those units _this select 1: STRING - (optional) must be empty or nil Returns: nothing */ private ["_msg"]; _msg = param [0, "", [[],format[""]]]; if not(_msg isEqualTo "") then { private ["_mode"]; _mode = param [1, "", [""]]; if (count allPlayers > 0) then { _targets = (_this select 0) param [2, [],[[]]]; _broadCast = { { if (isPlayer _x AND alive _x) then { VEMFrClientMsg = [_msg, _mode]; (owner _x) publicVariableClient "VEMFrClientMsg"; }; } forEach _this; }; if (count _targets isEqualTo 0) then { allPlayers call _broadCast; } else { _targets call _broadCast; }; }; };