/* Author: IT07 Description: places mines around given position within given radius Params: _this select 0: POSITION - center of area to place mines around _this select 1: SCALAR - the minimum distance _this select 2: SCALAR - the maximum distance (must be higher than minimum of course) Returns: BOOL - true if all OK */ private ["_ok","_enabled","_pos","_min","_max","_amount","_minePos","_mine","_mines","_mines","_mineTypes"]; _ok = false; _enabled = ([["DynamicLocationInvasion"],["mines"]] call VEMFr_fnc_getSetting) select 0; if (_enabled > 0) then { _pos = param [0, [], [[]]]; if (count _pos isEqualTo 3) then { _min = param [1, -1, [0]]; if (_min > -1) then { _max = param [2, -1, [0]]; if (_max > _min) then { _amount = ([["DynamicLocationInvasion"],["minesAmount"]] call VEMFr_fnc_getSetting) select 0; if (_amount > -1) then { _mines = [["DynamicLocationInvasion"],["mines"]] call VEMFr_fnc_getSetting param [0, 1, [0]]; if (_mines isEqualTo 1) then { _mineTypes = ["ATMine"] }; if (_mines isEqualTo 2) then { _mineTypes = ["APERSMine"] }; if (_mines isEqualTo 3) then { _mineTypes = ["ATMine","APERSMine"] }; _mines = []; ["fn_placeMines", 1, format["Placing %1 mines at %2", _amount, _pos]] spawn VEMFr_fnc_log; for "_m" from 1 to _amount do { _mine = createMine [selectRandom _mineTypes, ([_pos, _min, _max, 2, 0, 20, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos), [], 0]; uiSleep 0.5; _mines pushBack _mine; }; _ok = [_mines]; }; }; }; }; }; _ok