disableSerialization; _dsp = uiNamespace getVariable ["RscDisplayVEMFrClient", displayNull]; if not isNull _dsp then { playSound "HintExpand"; if (count (uiNamespace getVariable ["VEMFrMsgQueue", []]) isEqualTo 0) then { (["RscDisplayVEMFrClient"] call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutFadeOut 0; systemChat "[VEMFrClient] No messages to display"; } else { // do stuff _ctrlPic = _dsp displayCtrl 10; _ctrlTitle = _dsp displayCtrl 11; _ctrlMsg = _dsp displayCtrl 12; { [_dsp, _x] spawn { disableSerialization; _dsp = _this select 0; _data = _this select 1; _ctrlPic = _dsp displayCtrl 10; if (ctrlFade _ctrlPic < 1) then { _ctrlPic ctrlSetFade 1; _ctrlPic ctrlCommit 0.5; uiSleep 0.75; }; _ctrlPic ctrlSetTextColor call { private ["_return"]; if (_data select 0 isEqualTo 0) then { _return = [0.5,0,0,1]; }; if (_data select 0 isEqualTo 1) then { _return = [0,0.3,0.6,1]; }; if (_data select 0 isEqualTo 2) then { _return = [0,0,0,1]; }; if isNil"_return" then { _return = [1,1,1,1]; }; _return }; _ctrlPic ctrlSetFade 0; _ctrlPic ctrlCommit 0.5; }; if (_ctrlTitle getVariable ["expanded",false] AND _ctrlMsg getVariable ["expanded", false]) then { _ctrlPos = ctrlPosition _ctrlTitle; _ctrlTitle ctrlSetPosition [_ctrlPos select 0, _ctrlPos select 1, 0 * safezoneW, _ctrlPos select 3]; _ctrlTitle ctrlSetFade 1; _ctrlTitle ctrlCommit 0.5; _ctrlTitle setVariable ["expanded", false]; uiSleep 0.75; _ctrlTitle ctrlSetText toUpper (_x select 1); _ctrlPos = ctrlPosition _ctrlTitle; _ctrlTitle ctrlSetPosition [_ctrlPos select 0, _ctrlPos select 1, 0.1 * safezoneW, _ctrlPos select 3]; _ctrlTitle ctrlSetFade 0; _ctrlTitle ctrlCommit 0.5; _ctrlTitle setVariable ["expanded", true]; _ctrlPos = ctrlPosition _ctrlMsg; _ctrlMsg ctrlSetPosition [_ctrlPos select 0, _ctrlPos select 1, 0 * safezoneW, _ctrlPos select 3]; _ctrlMsg ctrlSetFade 1; _ctrlMsg ctrlCommit 0.5; _ctrlMsg setVariable ["expanded", false]; uiSleep 0.75; _ctrlMsg ctrlSetText (_x select 2); _ctrlPos = ctrlPosition _ctrlMsg; _ctrlMsg ctrlSetPosition [_ctrlPos select 0, _ctrlPos select 1, 0.45 * safezoneW, _ctrlPos select 3]; _ctrlMsg ctrlSetFade 0; _ctrlMsg ctrlCommit 0.5; _ctrlMsg setVariable ["expanded", true]; uiSleep (count (_x select 2) / 10); } else { _ctrlTitle ctrlSetText toUpper (_x select 1); _ctrlPos = ctrlPosition _ctrlTitle; _ctrlTitle ctrlSetPosition [_ctrlPos select 0, _ctrlPos select 1, 0.1 * safezoneW, _ctrlPos select 3]; _ctrlTitle ctrlSetFade 0; _ctrlTitle ctrlCommit 0.5; _ctrlTitle setVariable ["expanded", true]; _ctrlMsg ctrlSetText (_x select 2); _ctrlPos = ctrlPosition _ctrlMsg; _ctrlMsg ctrlSetPosition [_ctrlPos select 0, _ctrlPos select 1, 0.45 * safezoneW, _ctrlPos select 3]; _ctrlMsg ctrlSetFade 0; _ctrlMsg ctrlCommit 0.5; _ctrlMsg setVariable ["expanded", true]; uiSleep (count (_x select 2) / 10); }; } forEach (uiNamespace getVariable ["VEMFrMsgQueue",[]]); uiNamespace setVariable ["VEMFrMsgQueue", []]; (["RscDisplayVEMFrClient"] call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutFadeOut 0.5; }; } else { systemChat "Nope."; }; //(uiNamespace getVariable ["VEMFrMsgQueue", []]) pushBack ["title","message"];