/* Author: IT07 Description: checks the side of given unit and returns it Params: _this: STRING - unit classname Returns: SIDE - unit's side */ private ["_return"]; if (_this isEqualType "") then { private ["_faction"]; _faction = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _this >> "faction"); if not(_faction isEqualTo "") then { scopeName "isNull"; if (_faction isEqualTo "BLU_G_F") then { _return = WEST; breakOut "isNull"; }; if (_faction isEqualTo "CIV_F") then { _return = civilian; breakOut "isNull"; }; if (_faction isEqualTo "IND_F") then { _return = independent; breakOut "isNull"; }; if (_faction isEqualTo "IND_G_F") then { _return = resistance; breakOut "isNull"; }; if (_faction isEqualTo "OPF_G_F") then { _return = EAST; }; } else { ["fn_checkSide", 0, format["Failed to find faction of %1", _this]] ExecVM "exile_vemf_reloaded\sqf\log.sqf"; }; if not isNil"_return" then { _return }; };