HeMan's tweaks to SLS, Static and Static underwater missions.

This commit is contained in:
Chris Cardozo 2018-11-19 11:15:55 -05:00
parent 471079d365
commit 9d91cba88f
7 changed files with 287 additions and 579 deletions

View File

@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ private ["_staticMissions"];
_staticMissions = [
// [mod (Epoch, Exile), map (Altis, Tanoa etc), mission center, eg [10445,2014,0], filename.sqf (name of static mission template for that mission)];
diag_log "[blckeagls] GMS_StaticMissions_Lists.sqf <Loaded>";

View File

@ -23,12 +23,7 @@ blck_sm_patrolRespawnInterval = 30;
if ((toLower worldName) isEqualTo toLower(_x select 1)) then
if ((blck_ModType isEqualTo "Epoch") && (toLower(_x select 0) isEqualTo "epoch")) then
call compilefinal preprocessFileLineNumbers format["\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\Static\missions\%1",(_x select 2)];
if ((blck_ModType isEqualTo "Exile") && (toLower(_x select 0) isEqualTo "exile")) then
if ((toLower blck_modType) isEqualTo (toLower(_x select 0))) then
call compilefinal preprocessFileLineNumbers format["\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\Static\missions\%1",(_x select 2)];

View File

@ -14,26 +14,14 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\UMS\GMS_UMS_StaticMissions_Lists.sqf";
_mod = toLower(toLower blck_modType);
diag_log format["[blckeagls] GMS__UMS_StaticMissions_init.sqf <Evaluating Mission = %1>",_x];
diag_log format["[blckeagls] GMS__UMS_StaticMissions_init.sqf <worldName = %1 | _mod = %2>",toLower worldName,(toLower blck_modType)];
if ((toLower worldName) isEqualTo toLower(_x select 1)) then
if ((_mod isEqualTo "epoch") && (toLower(_x select 0) isEqualTo "epoch")) then
call compilefinal preprocessFileLineNumbers format["\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\UMS\staticMissions\%1",(_x select 2)];
if ((_mod isEqualTo "exile") && (toLower(_x select 0) isEqualTo "exile")) then
if ((toLower blck_modType) isEqualTo (toLower(_x select 0))) then
call compilefinal preprocessFileLineNumbers format["\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\UMS\staticMissions\%1",(_x select 2)];
}forEach _staticMissions;

View File

@ -1,495 +0,0 @@
_fn_isInside = { // returns true if an object is inside, underneath or on top of a building otherwise returns false.
// Determin if a unit is inside a building using two separate checkVisibility
// lineIntersects [ eyePos player, aimPos chopper, player, chopper]
private ["_u","_pos","_above","_below"];
_pos = getPosASL _u;
_above = lineIntersects [_pos, [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, (_pos select 2) + 100],_u];
_below = lineintersects [_pos, [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, (_pos select 2) - 2],_u];
diag_log format["_fn_isInside: _u %1 | _category = %5 | typeOf _u %4 | _above %2 | _below %3 ",_u,_above,_below,typeOf _u, _category];
// If there is something above or below the object do a quick double-check to make sure there is a building there and not something else.
if (_above) then // test if any surfaces above are from buildingPos
_surfacesAbove = lineInterSectsSurfaces [_pos, [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, (_pos select 2) + 100],_u,_u,true,100];
_above = false;
//diag_log format["_fn_isInside: _x-2 = %2 | typeOf _x = %3",_x,_x select 2,typeOf (_x select 2)];
if ((_x select 2) isKindOf _category) then {_above = true};
}forEach _surfacesAbove;
if (_below) then
_surfacesBelow = lineInterSectsSurfaces [_pos, [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, (_pos select 2) - 10],_u,_u,true,100];
_above = false;
//diag_log format["_fn_isInside: _x-2 = %2 | typeOf _x = %3",_x,_x select 2,typeOf (_x select 2)];
if ((_x select 2) isKindOf _category) then {_above = true};
}forEach _surfacesBelow;
_isInside = if (_above || _below) then {true} else {false};
//diag_log format["_fn_isInside: _isInside = %1",_isInside];
_fn_buildingContainer = { // returns the builing containing an object or objNull
_pos = getPosASL _u;
private _building = objNull;
// lineIntersectsSurfaces [begPosASL, endPosASL, ignoreObj1, ignoreObj2, sortMode, maxResults, LOD1, LOD2, returnUnique]
_surfacesAbove = lineInterSectsSurfaces [_pos, [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, (_pos select 2) + 100],_u,_u,true,10];
diag_log format["_surfacesAbove = %1",_surfacesAbove];
if ((_x select 2) isKindOf _category && !(_x isEqualTo _u)) exitWith {_building = (_x select 2)};
} forEach _surfacesAbove;
if (_building isEqualTo objNull) then
_surfacesBelow = lineInterSectsSurfaces [_pos, [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, (_pos select 2) - 10],_u,_u,true,100];
diag_log format["_surfacesBelow = %1",_surfacesBelow];
if ((_x select 2) isKindOf _category && !(_x isEqualTo _u)) exitWith {_building = (_x select 2)};
} forEach _surfacesBelow;
diag_log format["_fn_buildingContainer: _u = %1 | _building = %2",_u,_building];
_fn_isInfantry = { // returns true if a unit is on foot otherwise returns false.
// Determine if a unit isinfantry rather than a unit manning a turret or vehicle
_u = _this select 0;
private _isInfantry = if ((_u isKindOf "Man") && (vehicle _u) isEqualTo _u) then {true} else {false};
//diag_log format["_fn_isInfantry: _isInfantry = %1",_isInfantry];
diag_log "========== <START> ==========================";
// Define some values for our AI
// Change values of these variables to suit your needs
#define aiDifficulty "Red"
#define minAI 3
#define maxAI 6
#define minPatrolRadius 30
#define maxPatrolRadius 45
#define AI_respawnTime 600
#define aiVehiclePatrolRadius 75
#define vehiclePatrolRespawnTime 600
#define staticWeaponRespawnTime 600
#define aiAircraftPatrolRespawnTime 600
#define aiAircraftPatrolRadius 1700
#define oddsOfGarrison 0.67
#define maxGarrisonStatics 3
#define maxGarrisonUnits 4
#define typesGarrisonStatics [] // When empty a static will be randomly chosen from the defaults for blckeagls
#define garrisonMarkerObject "Sign_Sphere100cm_F" // This can be anything you like. I find this large sphere easy to see and convenient.
#define unitMarkerObject "Sign_Arrow_Direction_Green_F" // This can be anything. I chose this arrow type because it allows you to easily indicate direction.
#define objectAtMissionCenter "RoadCone_L_F"
#define lootVehicleMarker "Sign_Arrow_F"
#define landVehicles "LandVehicle"
// Define the coordinates of the center of the mission.
CENTER = [0,0,0];
if (isNil "CENTER" || CENTER isEqualTo [0,0,0]) then
hint "Please define a center point for your mission";
_obj = allMissionObjects objectAtMissionCenter;
_obj1 = _obj select 0;
diag_log format["Determining position of first roadcone found which is located at %1 with player found at %2",getPos _obj1,position Player];
if (count _obj > 0) then
CENTER = [3,3,0] vectorAdd (getPosATL _obj1);
hint format["Position of Road Cone at %1 used to define mission center",CENTER];
diag_log format["Position of Road Cone at %1 used to define mission center",CENTER];
diag_log format["Player located at position %1",position player];
// Identify any buildings in which a garrison should be spawned using the Arma building positions.
// Tell the script which buildings to garrison by placing an object inside that designates them as such.
// I use a large yellow sphere for this purpose.
// The function below assembles a list of such buildings for use in defining the data for mission buildings.
_cb = "";
// *** OPTIONAL ****
// Place a marker over your mission and configure it as you would like to to appear in the tame.
// The marker configuration will be included in the output of this script.
// Note ** Only the first marker placed will be processed **
// Configure Marker
_markerType = ["ELIPSE",[175,175],"GRID"];
_markerType = ["mil_triangle",[0,0]];
_allmkr = allMapMarkers;
diag_log format["_allmkr = %1",_allmkr];
if (count _allmkr == 0) then
//if !(typeName _mk isEqualTo "STRING") then
hint "No Marker Found, no Marker Definitions Will Be generated";
uiSleep 5;
} else {
_mk = _allmkr select 0;
diag_log format["_mk = %1",_mk];
if ((getMarkerType _mk) in ["ELIPSE","RECTANGLE"]) then
_cb = _cb + format['_markerType = ["%1",%2,%3];%4',getMarkerType _mk,getMarkerSize _mk,markerBrush _mk,endl];
} else {
_cb = _cb + format['_markerType = ["%1",[0,0]];%2',getMarkerType _mk,endl];
_cb = _cb + format['_markerColor = "%1";%2',markerColor _mk,endl];
_cb = _cb + format['_markerLabel = "%1";%2',MarkerText _mk,endl];
_cb = _cb + format["%1%1",endl];
// Begin pulling data here
_cb = _cb + format["_garrisonedBuildings_BuildingPosnSystem = [",endl];
private _garrisonedBuildings = [];
private _allStatics = [];
_helpers = allMissionObjects garrisonMarkerObject;
//diag_log format["_helpers = %1",_helpers];
if ( (typeOf _x) isEqualTo garrisonMarkerObject) then
private _isInside = [_x] call _fn_isInside;
if (_isInside) then
_building = [_x] call _fn_buildingContainer;
_garrisonedBuildings pushbackunique _building;
_garrisonedBuildings pushbackunique _x;
// data structure ["building Classname",[/*building pos*/],/*building dir*/,/*odds of garrison*/, /*Max Statics*/,/*types statics*/,/*max units*/],
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
_line = format[' ["%1",%2,%3,%4,%5,%6,%7,%8,%9]',typeOf _building,(getPosATL _building) vectorDiff CENTER,getDir _building, 'true','true',oddsOfGarrison,maxGarrisonStatics,typesGarrisonStatics,maxGarrisonUnits];
systemChat _line;
//diag_log _line;
if (_forEachIndex == 0) then
_cb = _cb + format["%1%2",endl,_line];
} else {
_cb = _cb + format[",%1%2",endl,_line];
} forEach _helpers;
_cb = _cb + format["%1];%1%1",endl];
_logging = format["_garrisonedBuildings = %1",_garrisonedBuildings];
//diag_log _logging;
systemChat _logging;
//diag_log format["_cb = %1%2",endl,_cb];
_configuredStatics = [];
_configuredUnits = [];
This bit will set up the garrison for each building having units and / or statics inside it or on top.
Coding must ensure that nothing is repeated but everything is captured.
_fn_configureGarrisonForBuildingATL = {
_b = _this select 0;
_count = 0;
if (_b in _garrisonedBuildings) exitWith {""};
_staticsText = "";
_unitsText = "";
_buildingGarrisonATL = "";
_staticsInBuilding = nearestObjects[getPosATL _building,["StaticWeapon"],sizeOf (typeOf _building)];
if !(_x in _configuredStatics) then
_isInside = [_x] call _fn_isInside;
if (_isInside) then {_building = [_x] call _fn_buildingContainer};
if (_b isEqualTo _building) then
_configuredStatics pushBackUnique _x;
if (_staticsText isEqualTo "") then
_staticsText = format['["%1",%2,%3]',typeOf _x,(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff (getPosATL _b),getDir _x];
} else {
_staticsText = _staticsText + format[',["%1",%2,%3]',typeOf _x,(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff (getPosATL _b),getDir _x];
} forEach _staticsInBuilding;
_unitsInBuilding = nearestObjects[getPosATL _building,[unitMarkerObject],sizeOf (typeOf _building)];
if !(_x in _configuredUnits) then
_isInside = [_x] call _fn_isInside;
if (_isInside) then {_building = [_x] call _fn_buildingContainer};
if (_b isEqualTo _building) then
_configuredUnits pushBackUnique _x;
if (_unitsText isEqualTo "") then
_unitsText = format["[%1,%2]",(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff (getPosATL _b),getDir _x];
} else {
_unitsText = _unitsText + format[",[%1,%2]",(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff (getPosATL _b),getDir _x];
_count = _count + 1;
} forEach _unitsInBuilding;
if ( !(_staticsText isEqualTo "") || !(_unitsText isEqualTo "")) then
_buildingGarrisonATL = format[' ["%1",%2,%3,%4,%5,[%6],[%7]]',typeOf _b,(getPosATL _b) vectorDiff CENTER,getDir _b,'true','true',_staticsText,_unitsText];
_garrisonedBuildings pushBackUnique _b;
private _count = 0;
_cb = _cb + "_garrisonedBuilding_ATLsystem = [";
private _isInside = [_x] call _fn_isInside;
if (_isInside) then
private _building = [_x] call _fn_buildingContainer;
private _include = if ( !(_building in _garrisonedBuildings) && !((typeOf _building) isEqualTo unitMarkerObject) && !((typeOf _building) isEqualTo garrisonMarkerObject)) then {true} else {false};
if (_include) then
//diag_log format["_x = %1 | _building = %1",_x,_building];
private _buildingGarrisonInformation = [_building] call _fn_configureGarrisonForBuildingATL;
//diag_log format["_buildingGarrisonInformation = %1",_buildingGarrisonInformation];
if (_count == 0) then
_cb = _cb + format["%1%2",endl,_buildingGarrisonInformation];
} else {
_cb = _cb + format[",%1%2",endl,_buildingGarrisonInformation];
_count = _count + 1;
} forEach ((allMissionObjects "StaticWeapon") + (allMissionObjects unitMarkerObject));
_cb = _cb + format["%1];%1%1",endl];
// Configure info remaining mission landscape
_land = allMissionObjects "Static";
_cb = _cb + format["_missionLandscape = [",endl];
diag_log format["evaluating mission landscape: _x = %1 | typeOf _x = %1",_x, typeOf _x];
//diag_log format["evaluating mission landscape: _x %1 | typeOf _x %1",_x, _x isKindOf "Helper_Base_F"];
if !(_x in _garrisonedBuildings && !((typeOf _x) isEqualTo unitMarkerObject) && !((typeOf _x) isEqualTo garrisonMarkerObject)) then
_line = format[' ["%1",%2,%3,%4,%5]',typeOf _x,(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff CENTER,getDir _x, 'true','true'];
systemChat _line;
if (_forEachIndex == 0) then
_cb = _cb + format["%1%2",endl,_line];
} else {
_cb = _cb + format[",%1%2",endl,_line];
}forEach allMissionObjects "Static";
_cb = _cb + format["%1];%1%1",endl];
// Configure loot boxes
_cb = _cb + "_missionLootBoxes = [";
_line = format[' ["%1",%2,%3,%4,%5]',typeOf _x,(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff CENTER, '_crateLoot','_lootCounts',getDir _x];
systemChat _line;
if (_forEachIndex == 0) then
_cb = _cb + format["%1%2",endl,_line];
} else {
_cb = _cb + format[",%1%2",endl,_line];
}forEach ((allMissionObjects "ReammoBox") + (allMissionObjects "ReammoBox_F"));
_cb = _cb + format["%1];%1%1",endl];
// Setup Info for loot vehicles
_missionLootVehicles = [];
_missionVehicles = ((allMissionObjects "Car") + (allMissionObjects "Tank") + allMissionObjects "Ship");
_lootVehicleMarkers = allMissionObjects lootVehicleMarker;
diag_log format["_lootVehicleMarkers = %1",_lootVehicleMarkers];
_cb = _cb + format["_missionLootVehicles = ["];
_kindOf = "nothing";
_isInside = [_x,"Car"] call _fn_isInside;
if (_isInside) then {_kindOf = "Car"};
if !(_isInside) then {_isInside = [_x,"Ship"] call _fn_isInside};
if (_isInside) then {_kindOf = "Ship"};
if (_isInside) then
_object = [_x,_kindOf] call _fn_buildingContainer;
diag_log format["object %1 is inside object %2",_x,_object];
_missionLootVehicles pushBack _object;
_line = format[' ["%1",%2,%3,%4,%5]',typeOf _object,(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff CENTER, '_crateLoot','_lootCounts',getDir _x];
systemChat _line;
if (_forEachIndex == 0) then
_cb = _cb + format["%1%2",endl,_line];
} else {
_cb = _cb + format[",%1%2",endl,_line];
} forEach allMissionObjects lootVehicleMarker;
_cb = _cb + format["%1];%1%1",endl];
// Setup Info for vehicle patrols
_cb = _cb + format["_missionPatrolVehicles = ["];
if ( !((typeOf _x) isKindOf "SDV_01_base_F") && !(_x in _missionLootVehicles) ) then
_line = format[' ["%1",%2,%3]',typeOf _x,(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff CENTER,getDir _x];
systemChat _line;
if (_forEachIndex == 0) then
_cb = _cb + format["%1%2",endl,_line];
} else {
_cb = _cb + format[",%1%2",endl,_line];
}forEach ((allMissionObjects "Car") + (allMissionObjects "Tank") + allMissionObjects "Ship");
_cb = _cb + format["%1];%1%1",endl];
_cb = _cb + "_submarinePatrolParameters = [";
if ((typeOf _x) isKindOf "SDV_01_base_F") then
_line = format[' ["%1",%2,%3]',typeOf _x,(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff CENTER,getDir _x];
systemChat _line;
if (_forEachIndex == 0) then
_cb = _cb + format["%1%2",endl,_line];
} else {
_cb = _cb + format[",%1%2",endl,_line];
}forEach allMissionObjects "Ship";
_cb = _cb + format["%1];%1%1",endl];
// Configs for Air Patrols
_cb = _cb + "_airPatrols = [";
//[selectRandom _aircraftTypes,[22830.2,16618.1,11.4549],"blue",1000,60]
_line = format[' ["%1",%2,%3]',typeOf _x,(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff CENTER,getDir _x, 'true','true'];
systemChat _line;
if (_forEachIndex == 0) then
_cb = _cb + format["%1%2",endl,_line];
} else {
_cb = _cb + format[",%1%2",endl,_line];
}forEach allMissionObjects "Air";
_cb = _cb + format["%1];%1%1",endl];
// Setup info for remaining static/emplaced weapons
_cb = _cb + format["_missionEmplacedWeapons = ["];
if !(_x in _configuredStatics) then
// ["B_HMG_01_high_F",[22883.5,16757.6,6.31652],"blue",0,10]
_line = format[' ["%1",%2,%3]',typeOf _x,(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff CENTER,getDir _x, 'true','true'];
systemChat _line;
if (_forEachIndex == 0) then
_cb = _cb + format["%1%2",endl,_line];
} else {
_cb = _cb + format[",%1%2",endl,_line];
}forEach allMissionObjects "StaticWeapon";
_cb = _cb + format["%1];%1%1",endl];
// Setup information for infantry groups spawning outside buildings
_cb = _cb + format["_missionGroups = ["];
//[[22920.4,16887.3,3.19144],"red",[1,2], 75,120],
_isInside = [_x] call _fn_isInside;
_isInfantry = [_x] call _fn_isInfantry;
//diag_log format["_missionGroups: _unit %1 | _isInside %2 _isInfantry %3",_x,_isInside,_isInfantry];
if (_isInfantry) then
if (!(surfaceIsWater (getPos _x)) && !(_isInside) && !(isPlayer _x)) then
_line = format[' [%1,%2,%3,"%4",%5,%6]',(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff CENTER,minAI,maxAI,aiDifficulty,minPatrolRadius,maxPatrolRadius];
systemChat _line;
if (_forEachIndex == 0) then
_cb = _cb + format["%1%2",endl,_line];
} else {
_cb = _cb + format[",%1%2",endl,_line];
}forEach allMissionObjects "Man";
_cb = _cb + format["%1];%1%1",endl];
_cb = _cb + "_scubaGroupParameters = [";
//[[22920.4,16887.3,3.19144],"red",[1,2], 75,120],
_isInside = [_x] call _fn_isInside;
_isInfantry = [_x] call _fn_isInfantry;
//diag_log format["_missionGroups: _unit %1 | _isInside %2 _isInfantry %3",_x,_isInside,_isInfantry];
if (_isInfantry) then
if ((surfaceIsWater (getPos _x)) && !(_isInside) && !(isPlayer _x)) then
_line = format[' [%1,%2,%3,"%4",%5,%6]',(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff CENTER,minAI,maxAI,aiDifficulty,minPatrolRadius,maxPatrolRadius];
systemChat _line;
if (_forEachIndex == 0) then
_cb = _cb + format["%1%2",endl,_line];
} else {
_cb = _cb + format[",%1%2",endl,_line];
}forEach allMissionObjects "Man";
_cb = _cb + format["%1];%1%1",endl];
// All done, notify the user and copy the output to the clipboard
_msg = "All Objects organzied, formated and copied to the Clipboard";
hint _msg;
systemChat _msg;
systemChat format["_cb has %1 characters",count _cb];
copyToClipboard _cb;
diag_log "DONE";

View File

@ -14,29 +14,259 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
_lootBoxes =
#ifdef GRG_TestServer
[[14658.1, 16790.9, 18.3795],0,false,false],
[[14660, 16788.5, 18.3795],0,false,false],
"altis", // map name
"Camp1", // a name for this region for logging and debuging purpses and to help identify the definition down the road when changing things on the server
2, // number of locations specified from the list below at which to spawn crates
[ // format here is [[position x, y, z], direction, exact / loose placement (true/false), smoke near crate (true/false]
[[23555.9,18422.7,0.730287],0,true, false], // loadout (0-4), false=random placement near position, true = show smoke at position
[[23542.1,18435.9,0.00143886],0,true, false],
[[23514,18452.5,0.00143886],0,true, false],
[[23534.2,18418.8,0.00143886],0,false, true]
// Ferres
["altis","Ferres", 4, // Number of crates to select from the array of possible possitions below. Note that there can be multiple arrays of this type.
[[21693.887,7731.0264,13.955027],0,true, true], // crate position 1, loadout (0-4), true=random placement near position, true = show smoke at position
[[21850.063,7504.3203,14.677059],0,true, true],
[[21693.674,7431.4141,15.578629],0,true, true],
[[21631.227,7773.9927,14.149431],0,true, true],
[[21572.559,7462.2661,17.827536],0,true, true],
[[21801.348,7631.4448,13.80711],0,true, true],
[[21508.932,7585.6309,15.844649],0,true, true],
[[21547.027,7695.6738,15.754698],0,true, true]
#ifndef blck_milServer
// Dump
["altis","Dump", 4, // Number of crates to select from the array of possible possitions below. Note that there can be multiple arrays of this type.
[[5791,20314.5,0],0,false,true], // crate position 1, loadout (0-4), false=random placement near position, true = show smoke at position
// Beach #1
["altis","Beach", 4, // Number of crates to select from the array of possible possitions below. Note that there can be multiple arrays of this type.
[[22769.8,7051.28,0],0,false,true], // crate position 1, loadout (0-4), true=random placement near position, true = show smoke at position
["altis","Pack-1", 1, // Number of crates to select from the array of possible possitions below. Note that there can be multiple arrays of this type.
[[14269.6,13016.2,0],0,false,false], // crate position 1, loadout (0-4), true=random placement near position, true = show smoke at position
["altis","Pack-2", 4, // Number of crates to select from the array of possible possitions below. Note that there can be multiple arrays of this type.
[[26810,24557.2,0.00140762],0,false,false], // crate position 1, loadout (0-4), true=random placement near position, true = show smoke at position
["taviana","Zoo", 3, // Number of crates to select from the array of possible possitions below. Note that there can be multiple arrays of this type.
[[18614.1,3029.22,0],0,false, true], // crate position 1, loadout (0-4), true=random placement near position, true = show smoke at position
[[19215.7,2260.17,0],0,false, true],
[[19073.2,2775.83,0],0,false, true],
[[18632.1,2967.54,0],0,false, true],
[[18671.2,2869.73,0],0,false, true]
// Power Plant
["taviana","NPP", 3, // Number of crates to select from the array of possible possitions below. Note that there can be multiple arrays of this type.
[[9478.98,4481.12,0],0,false, false], // crate position 1, loadout (0-4), true=random placement near position, true = show smoke at position
[[9584.39,4474.86,0],0,false, false],
[[9485.74,4303.65,0],0,false, false],
[[9549.64,4236.95,0],0,false, false],
[[9347.52,4656.96,0],0,false, false],
[[9427.53,4585.94,0],0,false, false],
[[9542.42,4603.89,0],0,false, false]
// Stronghold 1
[[16776.3,2841.59,0.115455],2,true, false],
[[16885.1,2763.64,0.0635304],4,true, false],
[[16953.7,2588.12,0.0866053],2,true, false],
[[17028.5,2645.56,0.0632489],4,true, false],
[[16818.7,2627.68,0.0635295],2,true, false],
[[16828.1,2794.94,0.086482],4,true, false],
[[16776.8,2842.19,0.115454],2,true, false]
["bornholm","Stronghold2", 4,
// Stronghold 2
[[4342.52,19974.5,1.5059],2,false, false],
[[4364.01,19957.2,1.7643],4,false, false],
[[4337.55,19886.1,0.923979],2,false, false],
[[4317.76,19915.3,0.336912],4,false, false],
[[4261.73,19957,0.0783005],2,false, false],
[[4280.66,19961.2,0.180275],4,false, false],
[[4318.1,19916.5,0.514435],2,false, false]
["bornholm","Object99",4,// ** Note that there is no comma after the last entry.
// Object 99 blah blah
// Darthrogues Obj 99
[[7231.91,11975.8,0.836342],2,false, false],
[[7266.08,11981.6,1.0471],4,false, false],
[[7337.64,12011.6,12.7679],2,false, false],
[[7264.35,12020.1,0.661186],4,false, false],
[[7204.27,12058.5,0.632904],2,false, false],
[[7265.46,12128.6,0.00143433],4,false, false],
[[7250.85,12142.9,3.16084],2,false, false],
[[7215.93,12121.1,0.224915],4,false, false],
[[7207.59,12159.8,0.73732],2,false, false],
[[7184.07,12231.1,8.72117],4,false, false],
[[7172.28,12021.2,0.664284],2,false, false],
[[7147.93,12056.5,0.848099],4,false, false],
[[7137.67,12110.8,4.0068],2,false, false],
[[7166,12138,3.86438],4,false, false],
[[7130.52,12207.9,0.56971],4,false, false]
// Mr. Squirrel's Obj 69
[[7253.48,12101.4,0],2,false, false],
[[7276.15,12118.1,0],4,false, false],
[[7158.4,12068.5,0],2,false, false],
[[7128.27,12206.9,0],4,false, false],
[[7167.57,12218.9,0],2,false, false],
[[7218.71,12188.5,0],4,false, false],
[[7209.02,12166.9,0],2,false, false],
[[7233.2,12067.5,0],4,false, false],
[[7167.75,12038.4,0],2,false, false],
[[7106.96,12119.2,0],4,false, false],
[[7161.82,12126.7,0],2,false, false],
[[7096.61,12195.9,0],4,false, false],
[[7083.88,12141.1,0],2,false, false],
[[7060.33,12146.2,0],4,false, false],
[[7135.81,12168.1,0],2,false, false],
[[7055.72,12159.2,0.38678],4,false, false],
[[7119.19,12100.2,0.801155],2,false, false],
[[7124.51,12095.7,1.16968],4,false, false]
["bornholm","Mafia Island", 4,
[// Mafia Island
[[19296.5, 22308.8, 0],2,false, false],
[[19279, 22352.2, 0],4,false, false],
[[19213.8, 22358.6, 0],2,false, false],
[[19190.4, 22367.4, 0],4,false, false],
[[19204.3, 22314.9, 0],2,false, false],
[[19368.7, 22347.3, 0],4,false, false],
[[19462.8, 22306.1, 0],2,false, false],
[[19321.4, 22240.1, 3.46751],4,false, false]
["bornholm","Science Compound", 4,
[// Science Compound
[[7922.43,7347, 0],2,false, false],
[[7926.59,7427.49, 0],4,false, false],
[[7929.08,7421.45, 0],2,false, false],
[[7984.89,7474.71, 0],4,false, false],
[[7974.01,7472.63, 0],2,false, false],
[[7934.56,7572.23, 0],4,false, false],
[[7945.09,7587.68, 0],2,false, false],
[[7949.19,7567.18,0],4,false, false]
//[[21572.559,7462.2661,17.827536],4,true, true]
//[[21801.348,7631.4448,13.80711],1,true, true],
//[[21508.932,7585.6309,15.844649],2,true, true],
//[[21547.027,7695.6738,15.754698],3,true, true]
[ "altis",
[ // format here is [[position x, y, z], direction, exact / loose placement (true/false), smoke near crate (true/false]
[[22963.8,17041.3,0.00143886],0,false, false],
[[22942.8,17038,0.00143886],0,false, false],
[[22948.7,17054,0.00143886],0,false, false]
] // No comma after this last one
] // No comma after this last one
[ "lythium", "RaiderBase", 3,
[[18950.6,13115.8,233.078],1,true, false], // loadout (0-4), false=random placement near position, true = show smoke at position
[[18958,13095.9,231.687],2,true, false],
[[19048.7,13134,229.004],2,true, false],
[[19062.3,13126.6,229.646],1,true, false],
[[19032.2,13087.3,227.428],3,true, false],
[[18988,13192.7,223.058],1,true, false],
[[19076.2,13105.2,231.051],3,true, false]
[ "lythium","chemical", 4,
[[9081.29,19774.8,704.102],1,true, false], // loadout (0-4), false=random placement near position, true = show smoke at position
[[9081.29,19774.8,704.102],2,true, false],
[[8926.25,19856.5,728.456],2,true, false],
[[8999.95,19917.9,714.447],1,true, false],
[[9391.22,19888,713.624],3,true, false],
[[9026.12,20360,687.103],1,true, false],
[[8972.81,20222.4,714.263],3,true, false],
[[9406.59,19506.8,635.903],3,true, false],
[[7715.5,20352.6,822.616],3,true, false]
[ "lythium","nwaste", 4,
[[19123.5,1726.78,77.169],1,true, false], // loadout (0-4), false=random placement near position, true = show smoke at position
[[19000.5,1657.84,79.3068],2,true, false],
[[19028.6,1525.28,80.0602],2,true, false],
[[19076.7,1536.15,78.7828],1,true, false],
[[19393.5,1784.66,32.3623],3,true, false],
[[19391,1783.63,32.5241],1,true, false],
[[19255.1,2204.95,46.3486],3,true, false],
[[19398.7,2323,42.8409],3,true, false]
[ "lythium","mine", 4,
[[4114.84,905.004,357.621],1,true, false], // loadout (0-4), false=random placement near position, true = show smoke at position
[[3714.22,760.414,383.659],2,true, false],
[[3774.63,684.883,384.924],2,true, false],
[[3747.2,777.427,384.203],1,true, false],
[[3761.07,611.827,383.125],3,true, false],
[[3709.12,780.889,383.27],1,true, false],
[[3712.96,805.05,382.848],3,true, false],
[[3688.47,713.877,382.692],3,true, false],
[[4373.19,607.184,370.77],3,true, false]

View File

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
for ghostridergaming
By Ghostrider [GRG]
Copyright 2016
Last Modified 8-23-17
@ -71,7 +69,6 @@ _fn_spawnCrate = {
_crate = [[0,0,0],_selectedCrateType] call blck_fnc_spawnCrate;
_crate setPosATL _pos;
_crate setDir round(random(360));
//uiSleep 1;
_crate setVectorUp surfaceNormal _pos;
@ -81,7 +78,7 @@ _fn_setupCrates = {
_crate = [_location,_randomPos] call _fn_SpawnCrate;
while {_lootType == 0} do {_lootType = round(random(3));};
_lootType = selectrandom [1,2,3];
switch(_lootType) do
// format here is [_arrayOfLoot, crateToLoad, magazinesToAddForEachWeaponLoaded]
@ -102,37 +99,31 @@ _fn_setupCrates = {
//diag_log "[blckeagls] SLS System: Functions Initialized!";
_map = _x select 0;
_name = _x select 1;
_no = _x select 2;
_ar = _x select 3;
_index = 1;
if (blck_debugON) then
_x params ["_map","_name","_no","_ar"];
_index = 1;
if (blck_debugON) then
diag_log format["[blckeagls] SLS :: main function: Location name = %3 |count _ar = %1 | _index = %2", count _ar, _index, _name];
diag_log format["[blckeagls] SLS :: main function: count _ar = %1", _ar];
if ((tolower _map) isEqualto (toLower(worldName))) then
for "_i" from 1 to _no do
diag_log format["[blckeagls] SLS :: main function: Location name = %3 |count _ar = %1 | _index = %2", count _ar, _index, _name];
diag_log format["[blckeagls] SLS :: main function: count _ar = %1", _ar];
if (_map isEqualto (toLower(worldName))) then
_usedLocations = [];
for "_i" from 1 to _no do
// Pick a random element and be sure it has not already been selected
_ar = _ar call Bis_fnc_arrayshuffle;
_crateParams = _ar deleteat 0;
if (blck_debugON) then
// Pick a random element and be sure it has not already been selected_crateParams
_crateParams = selectRandom _ar;
while {_crateParams in _usedLocations} do {_crateParams = selectRandom _ar;}; // selectRandom is about 5X faster than BIS_fnc_selectRandom in my testing.
if (blck_debugON) then
diag_log format["[blckeagls] SLS:: spawning crate spawning crate at location name %1 with parameters of %2 --->>> %1",_name,_crateParams];
_usedLocations pushback _crateParams;
_crateParams params["_cratePos","_lootType","_randomPos","_useSmoke"]; // params is about 5x faster in my testing over _this select 0 where many local variables are defined by parsing _this.
[_cratePos,_lootType,_randomPos,_useSmoke] call _fn_setupCrates;
diag_log format["[blckeagls] SLS:: spawning crate spawning crate at location name %1 with parameters of %2 --->>> %1",_name,_crateParams];
// _crateParams params["_cratePos","_lootType","_randomPos","_useSmoke"];
_crateParams call _fn_setupCrates;
} forEach _lootBoxes;

View File

@ -15,14 +15,13 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
if not (isNull( configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "a3_epoch_server" )) then
if ((tolower blck_modType) isEqualto "epoch") then
[] execVM "\q\addons\custom_server\SLS\SLS_init_epoch.sqf";
call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\SLS\SLS_init_epoch.sqf";
if not (isNull ( configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "exile_server" ) ) then
if ((tolower blck_modType) isEqualto "exile") then
[] execVM "\q\addons\custom_server\SLS\SLS_init_exile.sqf";
call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\SLS\SLS_init_exile.sqf";
diag_log "[blckeagls] SLS System: Static loot crates ran successfully!";
blck_SLSComplete = true;