See the Changelog for a full list of changes.

This commit is contained in:
Ghostrider-DbD- 2017-04-30 21:58:38 -04:00
parent 757fd07fdc
commit 9e03feb468
48 changed files with 701 additions and 408 deletions

View File

@ -41,8 +41,7 @@ while {true} do
[] call blck_fnc_cleanupAliveAI;
[] call blck_fnc_cleanupObjects;
[] call blck_fnc_cleanupDeadAI;
//[] call blck_fnc_missionGroupMonitor;
[] call blck_fnc_missionGroupMonitor;
_timer20sec = diag_tickTime;
//diag_log format["_mainThread::-->> diag_tickTime = %1",diag_tickTime];
@ -50,6 +49,7 @@ while {true} do
_timer1min = diag_tickTime;
[] call blck_fnc_spawnPendingMissions;
//[] call blck_fnc_missionGroupMonitor;
if (_modType isEqualTo "Epoch") then
[] call blck_fnc_cleanEmptyGroups;

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
for DBD Clan
By Ghostrider-DBD-
Copyright 2016
Last modified 3/14/17
Last modified 4/23/17
@ -13,35 +13,81 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
#ifdef blck_debugMode
//diag_log "_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint: blck_debugMode enabled";
//diag_log format["_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint:: -- :: _this = %1 with typeName _this = %2",_this, typeName _this];
if !(typeName _this isEqualTo "OBJECT") exitWith {diag_log "_fnc_changeToSADWaypoint aborted for incorrect parameter. You must pass a unit in the group for this to function";};
_group = group _this;
//diag_log format["_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint:: -- >> group to update is %1 with typeName %2",_group, typeName _group];
_groupSpawned setcombatmode "YELLOW";
_groupSpawned setBehaviour "COMBAT";
_group setVariable["timeStamp",diag_tickTime];
_wp = [_group, 0];
_wpPos = getPos ((units _group) select 0);
_dis = (_group getVariable["minDis"]) + random( (_group getVariable["maxDis"]) - (_group getVariable["minDis"]));
_dir = _group getVariable["wpDir",0];
_center = _group getVariable ["patrolCenter",_wpPos];
if (_group getVariable["wpMode","random"] isEqualTo "random") then
_arc = random(360);
_dir = random(360);
} else {
_arc = (_group getVariable["arc",0]) + 70;
_group setVariable["arc",_arc];
_dir = (_group getVariable["wpDir",0]) + 70;
_group setVariable["wpDir",_dir];
_newPos = (_group getVariable ["patrolCenter",_wpPos]) getPos[_dis,_arc];
_group setCurrentWaypoint _wp;
_minDis = _group getVariable["minDis",25];
_maxDis = _group getVariable["maxDis",30];
_dis = (_minDis) + random( (_maxDis) - (_minDis) );
_newPos = (_center) getPos[_dis,_dir];
_wp setWPPos [_newPos select 0, _newPos select 1];
_wp setWaypointCompletionRadius (_group getVariable["wpRadius",30]);
_wp setWaypointType "MOVE";
_wp setWaypointName "move";
_wp setWaypointBehaviour blck_groupBehavior;
_wp setWaypointCombatMode blck_combatMode;
_wp setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT";
_wp setWaypointCombatMode "YELLOW";
_wp setWaypointTimeout [1,1.1,1.2];
//_wp setWaypointStatements ["true","this call blck_fnc_changeToSADWaypoint; diag_log format['====Updating timestamp for group %1 and changing its WP to a SAD Waypoint',group this];"];
_wp setWaypointStatements ["true","this call blck_fnc_changeToSentryWaypoint; diag_log format['====Updating timestamp for group %1 and changing its WP to a SAD Waypoint',group this];"];
_wp setWaypointPosition _newPos;
_group setCurrentWaypoint _wp;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
diag_log format["_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint (4/25/17): _this = %1", _this];
diag_log format["_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint: typeName _this = %1", typeName _this];
diag_log format["_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint:_group = %1",_group];
diag_log format["_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint:_group timestamp updated to %1", _group getVariable "timeStamp"];
diag_log format["_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint:: -- >> wpMode %1 _dir %2 _dis %3 _center %4",_group getVariable["wpMode","random"], _dir, _dis,_center];
diag_log format["_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint:: -- >> group to update is %1 and new position is %2",_group, _newPos];
diag_log format["_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint:: -- >> group to update is %1 and new Waypoint position is %2",_group, getWPPos _wp];
diag_log format["_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint:_group %1 basic waypoint parameters updates", _group getVariable "timeStamp"];
_marker =_group getVariable["wpMarker",""];
_marker setMarkerColor "ColorBlue";
diag_log format["_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint:: -- >> Waypoint marker for group %1 have been configured as %2",_group, _group getVariable "wpMarker"];
if (_group getVariable["wpPatrolMode",""] isEqualTo "SAD") then
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint: seting waypoint script for group %1 to SAD Mode",_group];
_wp setWaypointStatements ["true","this call blck_fnc_changeToSADWaypoint; diag_log format['====Updating timestamp for group %1 and changing its WP to a SAD Waypoint',group this];"];
_wp setWaypointStatements ["true","this call blck_fnc_changeToSADWaypoint;"];
if (_group getVariable["wpPatrolMode",""] isEqualTo "SENTRY") then
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint: seting waypoint script for group %1 to SENTRY Mode",_group];
_wp setWaypointStatements ["true","this call blck_fnc_changeToSentryWaypoint; diag_log format['====Updating timestamp for group %1 and changing its WP to a SENTRY Waypoint',group this];"];
_wp setWaypointStatements ["true","this call blck_fnc_changeToSentryWaypoint;"];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint:: -- >> Waypoint statements for group %1 have been configured as %2",_group, waypointStatements _wp];

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
for DBD Clan
By Ghostrider-DBD-
Copyright 2016
Last modified 3/14/17
Last modified 4/29/17
@ -14,20 +14,39 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
#ifdef blck_debugMode
diag_log "_fnc_changeToSADWaypoint: blck_debugMode enabled";
//diag_log format["_fnc_changeToSADWaypoint:: -- :: _this = %1 and typName _this %2",_this, typeName _this];
_group = group _this;
//diag_log format["_fnc_changeToSADWaypoint:: -- >> group to update is %1 with typeName %2",_group, typeName _group];
_group setVariable["timeStamp",diag_tickTime];
_group setcombatmode "RED";
_group setBehaviour "COMBAT";
_wp = [_group, 0];
_group setCurrentWaypoint _wp;
_wp setWaypointType "SAD";
_wp setWaypointName "sad";
_wp setWaypointBehaviour blck_groupBehavior;
_wp setWaypointCombatMode blck_combatMode;
_wp setWaypointTimeout [60,75,90];
_wp setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT";
_wp setWaypointCombatMode "RED";
_wp setWaypointTimeout [10,15,20];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
_wp setWaypointStatements ["true","this call blck_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint; diag_log format['====Updating timestamp for group %1 and changing its WP to a Move Waypoint',group this];"];
_wp setWaypointStatements ["true","this call blck_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint;"];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
private ["_marker"];
_marker = _group getVariable["wpMarker",""];
_marker setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
diag_log format["_fnc_changeToSADWaypoint:: -- :: _this = %1 and typName _this %2",_this, typeName _this];
diag_log format["_fnc_changeToSADWaypoint:: -- >> group to update is %1 with typeName %2",_group, typeName _group];
diag_log format["_fnc_changeToSADWaypoint:: -- >> Waypoint statements for group %1 have been configured as %2",_group, waypointStatements _wp];
diag_log format["_fnc_changeToSADWaypoint:: -- >> Waypoint marker for group %1 have been configured as %2",_group, _group getVariable "wpMarker"];

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
for DBD Clan
By Ghostrider-DBD-
Copyright 2016
Last modified 3/14/17
Last modified 4/29/17
@ -13,21 +13,37 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
#ifdef blck_debugMode
diag_log "_fnc_changeToSADWaypoint: blck_debugMode enabled";
//diag_log format["_fnc_changeToSADWaypoint:: -- :: _this = %1 and typName _this %2",_this, typeName _this];
_group = group _this;
//diag_log format["_fnc_changeToSADWaypoint:: -- >> group to update is %1 with typeName %2",_group, typeName _group];
_group setVariable["timeStamp",diag_tickTime];
_wp = [_group, 0];
_group setCurrentWaypoint _wp;
_group setcombatmode "RED";
_group setBehaviour "COMBAT";
_wp setWaypointType "SENTRY";
_wp setWaypointName "sentry";
_wp setWaypointBehaviour blck_groupBehavior;
_wp setWaypointCombatMode blck_combatMode;
_wp setWaypointTimeout [60,75,90];
_wp setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT";
_wp setWaypointCombatMode "RED";
_wp setWaypointTimeout [10,15,20];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
_wp setWaypointStatements ["true","this call blck_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint; diag_log format['====Updating timestamp for group %1 and changing its WP to a Move Waypoint',group this];"];
_wp setWaypointStatements ["true","this call blck_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint;"];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel >1) then
diag_log format["_fnc_changeToSentryWaypoint:: -- :: _this = %1 and typName _this %2",_this, typeName _this];
diag_log format["_fnc_changeToSentryWaypoint:: -- >> group to update is %1 with typeName %2",_group, typeName _group];
private ["_marker"];
_marker = _group getVariable["wpMarker",""];
_marker setMarkerColor "ColorYellow";
diag_log format["_fnc_changeToSentryWaypoint:: -- >> Waypoint statements for group %1 have been configured as %2",_group, waypointStatements _wp];
diag_log format["_fnc_changeToSentryWaypoint:: -- >> Waypoint marker for group %1 have been configured as %2",_group, _group getVariable "wpMarker"];

View File

@ -25,5 +25,6 @@ private _grp = allGroups;
//diag_log format["_fnc_cleanEmptyGroups:: - >> type of object _x = %1",typeName _x];
if ((count units _x) isEqualTo 0) then {deleteGroup _x};
}forEach _grp;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then {diag_log "_fnc_cleanEmptyGroups:: -- >> exiting function";};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
// Sets the WP type for WP for the specified group and updates other atributes accordingly.
for DBD Clan
By Ghostrider-DBD-
Copyright 2016
Last modified 4/23/17
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
diag_log format["_fnc_changeToSADWaypoint:: -- :: _this = %1 and typName _this %2",_this, typeName _this];
_group = group _this;
diag_log format["_fnc_emplacedWeaponWaypoint:: -- >> group to update is %1 with typeName %2",_group, typeName _group];
_group setVariable["timeStamp",diag_tickTime];
_wp = [_group, 0];
_group setCurrentWaypoint _wp;
diag_log format["_fnc_emplacedWeaponWaypoint:: -- >> group to update is %1 waypoints updated at %2",_group, (_group getVariable["timeStamp",diag_tickTime])];

View File

@ -17,8 +17,10 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
//diag_log format["_fnc_waypointMonitor::-->> running function at diag_tickTime = %1 with blck_fnc_missionGroupMonitor = %2",diag_tickTime,blck_monitoredMissionAIGroups];
//diag_log format["_fnc_missionGroupMonitor (4/29:4:09 PM)::-->> running function at diag_tickTime = %1 with blck_fnc_missionGroupMonitor = %2",diag_tickTime,blck_monitoredMissionAIGroups];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
//diag_log format["_fnc_missionGroupMonitor:: blck_debugMode defined"];
_fn_allPlayers = {
private ["_players"];
_players = [];
@ -75,34 +77,79 @@ _fn_removeEmptyOrNullGroups = {
_fn_monitorGroupWaypoints = {
_timeStamp = _x getVariable ["timeStamp",0];
if (_timeStamp isEqualTo 0) then {
_group setVariable["timeStamp",diag_tickTime];
//diag_log format["_fn_monitorGroupWaypoints::--> updating timestamp for group %1 at time %2",__x,diag_tickTime];
_x setVariable["timeStamp",diag_tickTime];
//diag_log format["_fn_monitorGroupWaypoints::--> updating timestamp for group %1 at time %2",_x,diag_tickTime];
if (diag_tickTime > (_x getVariable "timeStamp") + 300) then
_soldierType = _x getVariable["soldierType","null"];
//diag_log format["_fn_monitorGroupWaypoints::--> soldierType for group %1 = %2 and timeStamp = %3",_x,_soldierType,_timeStamp];
if (_soldierType isEqualTo "infantry") then
if !([_x] call _fn_inCombat) then
if (diag_tickTime > (_x getVariable "timeStamp") + 60) then
_units = [_x] call _fn_aliveGroupUnits;
if (count _units > 0) then
_u = _units select 0;
if (vehicle _u isEqualTo _u) then // Only do this for foot patrols at present.
private _leader = leader _x;
(_leader) call blck_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then {diag_log format["_fnc_missionGroupMonitor: infantry group %1 stuck, waypoint reset",_x];};
if ( (getPos _leader) distance2d (_group getVariable "patrolCenter") > 200) then
_index = currentWaypoint _x;
if ( (waypointName [_x, _index]) isEqualTo "move") then {
//diag_log format["_fn_monitorGroupWaypoints:: -- >> updating waypoint for group %1 to SAD at %2",_x,diag_tickTime];
[_u] call blck_fnc_changetoSADWaypoint;
if ( (waypointName [_x, _index])isEqualTo "sad") then {
//diag_log format["_fn_monitorGroupWaypoints:: -- >> updating waypoint for group %1 to Move at %2",_x,diag_tickTime];
[_u] call blck_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint;
if (_soldierType isEqualTo "vehicle") then
if (diag_tickTime > (_x getVariable "timeStamp") + 60) then
_units = [_x] call _fn_aliveGroupUnits;
if (count _units > 0) then
private _leader = leader _x;
(_leader) call blck_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then {diag_log format["_fnc_missionGroupMonitor: vehicle group %1 stuck, waypoint reset",_x];};
if ( (getPos _leader) distance2d (_group getVariable "patrolCenter") > 200) then
if (_soldierType isEqualTo "helicopter") then
if (diag_tickTime > (_x getVariable "timeStamp") + 60) then
_units = [_x] call _fn_aliveGroupUnits;
if (count _units > 0) then
private _leader = leader _x;
(_leader) call blck_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then {diag_log format["_fnc_missionGroupMonitor: helicopter group %1 stuck, waypoint reset",_x];};
if ( (getPos _leader) distance2d (_group getVariable "patrolCenter") > 200) then
} forEach blck_monitoredMissionAIGroups;
@ -111,7 +158,9 @@ _fn_monitorGroupWaypoints = {
// Start of main function
//diag_log format["_fnc_missionGroupMonitor: executing function at %1",diag_tickTime];
uiSleep 0.1;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then {diag_log format["_fnc_missionGroupMonitor: executing function at %1",diag_tickTime];};
[] call _fn_removeEmptyOrNullGroups;
uiSleep 0.1;
[] call _fn_monitorGroupWaypoints;

View File

@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ private["_group","_wp","_index","_pattern","_mode","_arc","_dis","_wpPos"];
_group = group _this;
_group setVariable["timeStamp",diag_tickTime];
_group setcombatmode "YELLOW";
_group setBehaviour "COMBAT"
_wp = [_group, 0];
_pattern = _group getVariable["wpPattern",[]];
@ -26,8 +28,10 @@ _index = _group getVariable["wpIndex",0];
_index = _index + 1;
_minDis = _group getVariable["minDis",0];
_maxDis = _group getVariable["maxDis",0];
_arc = (_group getVariable["arc",0]) + 70;
//diag_log format["_fnc_setNextWaypoint: -> _minDis = %1 | _maxDis = %2 | _arc = %3",_minDis,_maxDis,_arc];
dir = (_group getVariable["wpDir",0]) + _group getVariable["wpArc",360/5];
_group setVariable["wpDir",_dir];
diag_log format["_fnc_setNextWaypoint: -> _minDis = %1 | _maxDis = %2 | _arc = %3",_minDis,_maxDis,_arc];
if (_index >= (count _pattern)) then
_index = 0;
@ -47,25 +51,27 @@ _wpPos = waypointPosition _wp;
_wp setWaypointType _type;
_wp setWaypointName toLower _type;
if (true /*_type isEqualTo toLower "move"*/) then
if (_type isEqualTo (toLower "move")) then
_dis = (_minDis) + random( (_maxDis) - (_minDis) );
if (toLower (_group getVariable["wpMode","random"]) isEqualTo "random") then
if (_group getVariable["wpMode",""] isEqualTo "random") then
_arc = random(360);
_dir = random(360)
} else {
_group setVariable["arc",_arc];
_dir = _group getVariable["wpDir",0] + _group getVariable["wpArc",360/5];
_group setVariable["wpDir",_dir];
_oldPos = waypointPosition _wp;
_newPos = (_group getVariable ["patrolCenter",_wpPos]) getPos[_dis,_arc];
_wp setWPPos _newPos;
_wp setWPPos [_newPos select 0, _newPos select 1];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
diag_log format["_fnc_setNextWaypoint: -- > for group %5 | _dis = %1 | _arc = %2 _oldPos = %3 | _newPos = %4",_dis,_arc,_oldPos,_newPos,_group];
//_wp setWaypointTimeout [1.0,1.1,1.2];
_wp setWaypointTimeout [20,25,30];
_wp setWaypointTimeout [1.0,1.1,1.2];
//_wp setWaypointTimeout [20,25,30];
} else {
_wp setWaypointTimeout [20,25,30];
_newPos = _wpPos;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
// Sets up waypoints for a specified group.
for DBD Clan
By Ghostrider-DBD-
Copyright 2016
Last modified 4/29/17
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
#ifdef blck_debugMode
diag_log "_fnc_setupWaypoints: blck_debugMode enabled";
params["_pos","_minDis","_maxDis","_group",["_mode","random"],["_wpPatrolMode","SAD"],["_soldierType","null"] ];
_wp = [_group, 0];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
diag_log format["_fnc_setupWaypoints (4/29/17): configuring waypoints for group %1: _mode = %2 | _wpPatrolMode = %3 _soldierType = %4",_group, _mode, _wpPatrolMode,_soldierType];
if (_soldierType isEqualTo "emplaced") then
_wp setWaypointType "SENTRY";
_wp setWPPos (getPos leader _group);
_wp setWaypointCompletionRadius 100;
_wp setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT";
_wp setWaypointCombatMode "RED";
_wp setWaypointTimeout [1,1.1,1.2];
//_wp setWaypointTimeout [0.1,0.1100,0.1200];
_group setCurrentWaypoint _wp;
_group setVariable["soldierType",_soldierType];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
_wp setWaypointStatements ["true","this call blck_fnc_emplacedWeaponWaypoint; diag_log format['====Updating timestamp for group %1 and changing its WP to an emplaced weapon Waypoint',group this];"];
_wp setWaypointStatements ["true","this call blck_fnc_emplacedWeaponWaypoint;"];
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then {diag_log format["_fnc_setupWaypoints: configuring weapoints for group %2 for emplaced weapon with _soldierType = %1",_soldierType,_group];};
if !(_soldierType isEqualTo "emplaced") then
_group setcombatmode "YELLOW";
_group setBehaviour "COMBAT";
_group setVariable["patrolCenter",_pos];
_group setVariable["minDis",_minDis];
_group setVariable["maxDis",_maxDis];
_group setVariable["timeStamp",diag_tickTime];
_group setVariable["wpRadius",30];
_group setVariable["wpMode",_mode];
_group setVariable["wpPatrolMode",_wpPatrolMode];
_group setVariable["wpDir",0];
_group setVariable["wpArc",_arc];
_group setVariable["soldierType",_soldierType];
_dir = 0;
_arc = 360/5;
_wpradius = 30;
_dis = (_minDis) + random( (_maxDis) - (_minDis) );
_newPos = _pos getPos[_dis,_dir];
_wp setWPPos [_newPos select 0, _newPos select 1];
_wp setWaypointCompletionRadius (_group getVariable["wpRadius",30]);
_wp setWaypointType "MOVE";
_wp setWaypointName "move";
_wp setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT";
_wp setWaypointCombatMode "RED";
_wp setWaypointTimeout [1,1.1,1.2];
_group setCurrentWaypoint _wp;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
_wp setWaypointStatements ["true","this call blck_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint; diag_log format['====Updating timestamp for group %1 and changing its WP to a Move Waypoint',group this];"];
_wp setWaypointStatements ["true","this call blck_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint;"];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
_marker = createMarker [format["GroupMarker%1",_group],_newPos];
_group setVariable["wpMarker",_marker];
_marker setMarkerColor "ColorBlue";
_marker setMarkerText format["%1 %2",(_group getVariable["soldierType","null"]),_group];
_marker setMarkerType "mil_triangle";
//diag_log format["_fnc_setupWaypoints: configuring weapoints for group %2 mobile patrol with _soldierType = %1",_solderType,_group];
diag_log format["_fnc_setupWaypoints: soldier type for mobile _group %1 set to %2",_group, (_group getVariable["soldierType","null"])];
diag_log format["_fnc_setupWaypoints: all variables for the group have been set for group %1",_group];
diag_log format["_fnc_setupWaypoints:: -- >> wpMode %1 _dir %2 _dis 3",_group getVariable["wpMode","random"], _dir, _dis];
diag_log format["_fnc_setupWaypoints:: -- >> group to update is %1 and new position is %2",_group, _newPos];
diag_log format["_fnc_setupWaypoints:: -- >> Waypoint statements for group %1 have been configured as %2",_group, waypointStatements _wp];
diag_log format["_fnc_setupWaypoints:: -- >> Waypoint marker for group %1 have been configured as %2 with text set to %3",_group, _group getVariable "wpMarker", markerText (_group getVariable "wpMarker")];

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
for DBD Clan
By Ghostrider-DBD-
Copyright 2016
Last modified 3/14/17
Last modified 4/25/17
@ -16,30 +16,41 @@
params["_pos", ["_numai1",5], ["_numai2",10], ["_skillLevel","red"], "_center", ["_minDist",20], ["_maxDist",35], ["_uniforms",blck_SkinList], ["_headGear",blck_headgear] ];
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
params["_pos", ["_numai1",5], ["_numai2",10], ["_skillLevel","red"], "_center", ["_minDist",20], ["_maxDist",35], ["_uniforms",blck_SkinList], ["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_configureWaypoints",true] ];
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["[blckeagls] _fnc_spawnGroup called parameters: _numai1 %1, _numbai2 %2, _skillLevel %3, _center %4",_numai1,_numai2,_skillLevel,_center];
//Spawns correct number of AI
if (_numai2 > _numai1) then {
if (_numai2 > _numai1) then
_numbertospawn = floor( (random (_numai2 - _numai1) + _numai1 ) );
} else {
_numbertospawn = _numai2;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["spawnGroup.sqf: _numbertospawn = %1",_numbertospawn];
_groupSpawned = createGroup blck_AI_Side;
_groupSpawned setVariable["groupVehicle",objNull];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["spawnGroup.sqf: _groupSpawned = %1",_groupSpawned];
if !(isNull _groupSpawned) then
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then {diag_log format["_fnc_spawnGroup:: -- >> Group created = %1",_groupSpawned]};
_groupSpawned setcombatmode blck_combatMode;
_groupSpawned setcombatmode "RED";
_groupSpawned setBehaviour "COMBAT";
_groupSpawned allowfleeing 0;
_groupSpawned setspeedmode "FULL";
_groupSpawned setFormation blck_groupFormation;
@ -81,10 +92,14 @@ if !(isNull _groupSpawned) then
_groupSpawned selectLeader (units _groupSpawned select 0);
// params["_pos","_minDis","_maxDis","_group",["_mode","random"],["_pattern",["MOVE","SAD"]]];
[_pos,_minDist,_maxDist,_groupSpawned,"random",["MOVE","SAD"]] spawn blck_fnc_setupWaypoints;
if (_configureWaypoints) then
[_pos,_minDist,_maxDist,_groupSpawned,"random","SAD","infantry"] spawn blck_fnc_setupWaypoints;
//[_pos,_minDist,_maxDist,_groupSpawned,"random","SENTRY"] spawn blck_fnc_setupWaypoints;
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnGroup: blck_fnc_setupWaypoints called for group %1",_groupSpawned];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["fnc_spawnGroup:: Group spawned was %1 with units of %2",_groupSpawned, units _groupSpawned];

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
for DBD Clan
By Ghostrider-DBD-
Copyright 2016
Last Modified 1-24-17
Last Modified 4-11-17
@ -25,20 +25,11 @@ _fn_deleteObjects = {
if ((typeOf _x) isKindOf "LandVehicle") then
if !(_x getVariable["releasedToPlayers",false]) then
private _crew = crew _x;
[_x] call blck_fnc_deleteAI;
}forEach _crew;
_x setVariable["blck_DeleteAt",0]; // Schedule it to be deleted by fnc_vehicleMonitor immediately
} else {
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then {diag_log format["_fnc_cleanUpObjects: -> deleting object %1",_x];};
deleteVehicle _x;
} forEach _objects;

View File

@ -16,11 +16,10 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
//diag_log format["_fnc_endMission: _blck_localMissionMarker %1 | _coords %2 | _mission %3 | _aborted %4",_blck_localMissionMarker,_coords,_mission,_aborted];
//uisleep 0.1;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {
diag_log format["_fnc_endMission: _blck_localMissionMarker %1 | _coords %2 | _mission %3 | _aborted %4",_blck_localMissionMarker,_coords,_mission,_aborted];
diag_log format["_fnc_endMission: _aborted = %1",_aborted];
@ -28,7 +27,7 @@
if (blck_useSignalEnd && !_aborted) then
diag_log format["**** Minor\SM1.sqf:: _crate = %1",_crates select 0];
//diag_log format["**** Minor\SM1.sqf:: _crate = %1",_crates select 0];
[_crates select 0] spawn blck_fnc_signalEnd;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
@ -67,22 +66,30 @@
// Using a variable attached to the crate rather than the global setting to be sure we do not fill a crate twice.
// the "lootLoaded" loaded should be set to true by the crate filler script so we can use that for our check.
diag_log format["_fnc_endMission: for crate %1 lootLoaded = %2",_x,_x getVariable["lootLoaded",false]];
//diag_log format["_fnc_endMission: for crate %1 lootLoaded = %2",_x,_x getVariable["lootLoaded",false]];
if !(_x getVariable["lootLoaded",false]) then
// _crateLoot,_lootCounts are defined above and carry the loot table to be used and the number of items of each category to load
[_x,_crateLoot,_lootCounts] call blck_fnc_fillBoxes;
}forEach _crates;
private ["_v","_posnVeh"];
_posnVeh = blck_monitoredVehicles find _x; // returns -1 if the vehicle is not in the array else returns 0-(count blck_monitoredVehicles -1)
if (_posnVeh >= 0) then
//diag_log format["_fnc_endMission: setting missionCompleted for vehicle %1 to %2",_x,diag_tickTime];
(blck_monitoredVehicles select _posnVeh) setVariable ["missionCompleted", diag_tickTime];
} else {
_x setVariable ["missionCompleted", diag_tickTime];
blck_monitoredVehicles pushback _x;
} forEach _vehicles;
[_mines] spawn blck_fnc_clearMines;
//diag_log format["_fnc_endMission: (23) _objects = %1",_objects];
[_objects, _cleanupCompositionTimer] spawn blck_fnc_addObjToQue;
//diag_log format["_fnc_endMission:: (26) _blck_AllMissionAI = %1",_blck_AllMissionAI];
_x setVariable["missionCompleted",diag_tickTime];
_x setVariable["cleanupTimer",_cleanupAliveAITimer];
} forEach _patrolVehicles;
[_blck_AllMissionAI, (_cleanupAliveAITimer)] spawn blck_fnc_addLiveAItoQue;
[_blck_localMissionMarker select 0] execVM "debug\deleteMarker.sqf";
blck_ActiveMissionCoords = blck_ActiveMissionCoords - [ _coords];

View File

@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ if (blck_useStatic && (_noEmplacedWeapons > 0)) then
if !(_abort) then
_objects append (_temp select 0);
//_blck_AllMissionAI append (_temp select 1);
_blck_AllMissionAI append (_temp select 1);
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then
@ -352,7 +352,10 @@ if (_allowReinforcements) then
temp = [];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["[blckeagls] missionSpawner:: (268) calling in reinforcements: Current mission: _cords %1 : _markerClass %2 : _aiDifficultyLevel %3 _markerMissionName %4",_coords,_markerClass,_aiDifficultyLevel,_markerMissionName];

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
[_missionEmplacedWeapons,_noEmplacedWeapons,_aiDifficultyLevel,_coords,_uniforms,_headGear] call blck_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray;
Last modified 3/20/17
Last modified 4/27/17
By Ghostrider-DbD-
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ _pos = [];
_mode = "vector";
#ifdef blck_debugMode
diag_log "_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray start";
//diag_log "_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray start";
// Define _missionEmplacedWeapons if not already configured.
@ -32,7 +32,10 @@ if (_missionEmplacedWeapons isEqualTo []) then
_mode = "world";
_missionEmplacedWeaponPositions = [_coords,_noEmplacedWeapons,35,50] call blck_fnc_findPositionsAlongARadius;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray: creating random spawn locations: _missionEmplacedWeaponsPositions = %1", _missionEmplacedWeaponPositions];
_static = selectRandom blck_staticWeapons;
@ -43,7 +46,10 @@ if (_missionEmplacedWeapons isEqualTo []) then
#ifdef blck_debugMode
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray:: starting static weapon spawner with _missionEmplacedWeapons = %1", _missionEmplacedWeapons];
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray:: starting static weapon spawner with _missionEmplacedWeapons = %1", _missionEmplacedWeapons];
@ -55,26 +61,35 @@ diag_log format["_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray:: starting static weapon spawner
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray: _coords = %1 | offset = %2 | final _pos = 53",_coords,_x select 1, _pos];
// params["_pos", ["_numai1",5], ["_numai2",10], ["_skillLevel","red"], "_center", ["_minDist",20], ["_maxDist",35], ["_uniforms",blck_SkinList], ["_headGear",blck_headgear] ];
_empGroup = [(_x select 1),1,1,_aiDifficultyLevel,(_x select 1),1,2,_uniforms,_headGear] call blck_fnc_spawnGroup;
while {(count (waypoints _empGroup)) > 1} do
deleteWaypoint ((waypoints _empGroup) select 0);
_empGroup = [(_x select 1),1,1,_aiDifficultyLevel,(_x select 1),1,2,_uniforms,_headGear,false] call blck_fnc_spawnGroup;
_empGroup setcombatmode "RED";
_empGroup setBehaviour "COMBAT";
[(_x select 1),0.01,0.02,_empGroup,"random","SAD","emplaced"] spawn blck_fnc_setupWaypoints;
if (isNull _empGroup) exitWith {_abort = _true};
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray:: typeName _empGroup = %1 and _empGroup = %2 and _x = %3",typeName _empGroup, _empGroup,_x];
// params["_vehType","_pos",["_clearInventory",true]];
_wep = [(_x select 0),[0,0,0],false] call blck_fnc_spawnVehicle;
_empGroup setVariable["groupVehicle",_wep];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray (23) spawnVehicle returned value of _wep = %1",_wep];
_wep setVariable["DBD_vehType","emplaced"];
@ -87,24 +102,22 @@ diag_log format["_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray:: starting static weapon spawner
_emplacedAI append _units;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray:: position of emplaced weapon = %1 and targetd position is %2",getPos _wep, _pos];
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray:: _gunner = %1 and crew _wep = %2",_gunner, crew _wep];
_wp = [_empGroup, 0];
_wp setWaypointType "SENTRY";
_wp setWaypointName "sentry";
_wp setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT";
_wp setWaypointCombatMode "RED";
_wp setWaypointTimeout [10000,11000,12000];
_wp = _empGroup addWaypoint [_pos, 25];
_wp setWaypointType "CYCLE";
} forEach _missionEmplacedWeapons;
blck_missionVehicles append _emplacedWeps;
blck_monitoredVehicles append _emplacedWeps;
_return = [_emplacedWeps,_emplacedAI,_abort];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray:: returning with _return = _emplacedWeps = %1",_return];
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray:: returning with _return = _emplacedWeps = %1",_return];

View File

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
_newGroup = [_coords,_unitsToSpawn,_unitsToSpawn,_aiDifficultyLevel,_coords,3,18,_uniforms,_headGear] call blck_fnc_spawnGroup;
_newGroup = [_coords,_unitsToSpawn,_unitsToSpawn,_aiDifficultyLevel,_coords,25,30,_uniforms,_headGear,true] call blck_fnc_spawnGroup;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
_newAI = units _newGroup;
blck_monitoredMissionAIGroups pushback _newGroup;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
@ -72,6 +72,7 @@
_blck_AllMissionAI append _newAI;
case 2: {
@ -93,7 +94,7 @@
} else {
_adjusttedGroupSize = _unitsPerGroup;
_newGroup = [_x,_adjusttedGroupSize,_adjusttedGroupSize,_aiDifficultyLevel,_coords,1,12,_uniforms,_headGear] call blck_fnc_spawnGroup;
_newGroup = [_x,_adjusttedGroupSize,_adjusttedGroupSize,_aiDifficultyLevel,_coords,15,25,_uniforms,_headGear] call blck_fnc_spawnGroup;
if (isNull _newGroup) then
_abort = true;
@ -124,7 +125,7 @@
_newGroup = [_coords,_unitsPerGroup + _ResidualUnits,_unitsPerGroup + _ResidualUnits,_aiDifficultyLevel,_coords,1,12,_uniforms,_headGear] call blck_fnc_spawnGroup;
_newGroup = [_coords,_unitsPerGroup + _ResidualUnits,_unitsPerGroup + _ResidualUnits,_aiDifficultyLevel,_coords,10,15,_uniforms,_headGear] call blck_fnc_spawnGroup;
if (isNull _newGroup) then
_abort = true;

View File

@ -24,7 +24,12 @@ _objs = [];
_x params["_crateType","_crateOffset","_lootArray","_lootCounts"];
//_pos = [(_coords select 0)+(_crateOffset select 0),(_coords select 1) + (_crateOffset select 1),(_coords select 2)+(_crateOffset select 2)]; // calculate the world coordinates
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionCrates: _crateType = %1 | _crateOffset = %2 | _lootArray = %3 | _lootCounts = %4",_crateType,_crateOffset,_lootArray,_lootCounts];
_pos = _coords vectorAdd _crateOffset;
_crate = [_pos,_crateType] call blck_fnc_spawnCrate;
_objs pushback _crate;

View File

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ _grpPilot allowFleeing 0;
//create helicopter and spawn it
_supplyHeli = createVehicle [_chopperType, _spawnPos, [], 90, "FLY"];
blck_monitoredVehicles pushback _supplyHeli;
[_supplyHeli] call blck_fnc_protectVehicle;
if ([] call blck_fnc_getModType isEqualTo "Epoch") then
@ -68,15 +70,8 @@ diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner:: heli spawned and pilot added"];
//set waypoint for helicopter
[_grpPilot, 0] setWPPos _coords;
[_grpPilot, 0] setWaypointType "MOVE";
[_grpPilot, 0] setWaypointSpeed "FULL";
[_grpPilot, 0] setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS";
[_grpPilot, 0] setWaypointCompletionRadius 30;
[_grpPilot, 0] setWaypointStatements ["true","[this, 0] setWaypointName ""done"" ;"];
[_grpPilot,0] setWaypointTimeout [0.5,0.5,0.5];
_grpPilot setCurrentWaypoint [_grpPilot,0];
//params["_pos","_minDis","_maxDis","_group",["_mode","random"],["_wpPatrolMode","SAD"],["_soldierType","null"] ];
[_coords,25,40,_grpPilot,"random","SAD","helicpoter"] spawn blck_fnc_setupWaypoints;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner:: initial pilot waypoints set"];

View File

@ -33,15 +33,21 @@ _vehiclePatrolSpawns = [_coords,_noVehiclePatrols,45,60] call blck_fnc_findPosit
private ["_spawnPos"];
_spawnPos = _x;
_vehGroup = [_spawnPos,3,3,_aiDifficultyLevel,_coords,1,2,_uniforms,_headGear] call blck_fnc_spawnGroup;
_vehGroup = [_spawnPos,3,3,_aiDifficultyLevel,_coords,1,2,_uniforms,_headGear,false] call blck_fnc_spawnGroup;
if (isNull _vehGroup) exitWith
_abort = true;
if !(isNull _vehGroup) then
blck_monitoredMissionAIGroups pushBack _vehGroup;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols: group spawned = %1",_vehGroup];
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols (40):: -> _missionType = %3 _vehGroup = %1 and units _vehGroup = %2",_vehGroup, units _vehGroup,_missionType];
@ -49,19 +55,20 @@ _vehiclePatrolSpawns = [_coords,_noVehiclePatrols,45,60] call blck_fnc_findPosit
_randomVehicle = selectRandom blck_AIPatrolVehicles;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols: _randomVehicle = %1",_randomVehicle];
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols:: -> randomly selected vehicle = %1",_randomVehicle];
_patrolVehicle = [_coords,_spawnPos,_randomVehicle,30,45,_vehGroup] call blck_fnc_spawnVehiclePatrol;
_patrolVehicle = [_coords,_spawnPos,_randomVehicle,35,45,_vehGroup] call blck_fnc_spawnVehiclePatrol;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols:: - > patrol vehicle spawned was %1",_patrolVehicle];
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols (65):: - > patrol vehicle spawned was %1",_patrolVehicle];
@ -72,7 +79,7 @@ _vehiclePatrolSpawns = [_coords,_noVehiclePatrols,45,60] call blck_fnc_findPosit
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols:: -- > _vehicles updated to %1",_vehicles];
@ -80,7 +87,7 @@ _vehiclePatrolSpawns = [_coords,_noVehiclePatrols,45,60] call blck_fnc_findPosit
} forEach _vehiclePatrolSpawns;
blck_missionVehicles append _vehicles;
blck_monitoredVehicles append _vehicles;
_return = [_vehicles, _missionAI, _abort];

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
for DBD Clan
By Ghostrider-DBD-
Copyright 2016
Last modified 3/20/17
Last modified 4/29/17
checks the status of each entry in
By Ghostrider-DbD-
@ -39,8 +39,12 @@ _readyToSpawnQue = [];
_readyToSpawnQue pushback _x;
} forEach blck_pendingMissions;
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnPendingMissions:: --- >> _readyToSpawnQue = %1",_readyToSpawnQue];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnPendingMissions:: --- >> _readyToSpawnQue = %1",_readyToSpawnQue];
if (count _readyToSpawnQue > 0) then
_missionToSpawn = selectRandom _readyToSpawnQue;

View File

@ -1,16 +1,7 @@
Pulled from Arma
version of 11/9/16
Modified by Ghostrider-DbD-
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";

View File

@ -27,17 +27,24 @@ _sunrise = _arr select 0;
_sunset = _arr select 1;
_time = dayTime;
diag_log format["_fnc_Time:: -- > _sunrise = %1 | _sunset = %2 | _time = %3",_sunrise,_sunset,_time];
// blck_debugMode3
#ifdef blck_debugMode
diag_log "fnc_Time:: Debug settings ON";
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
diag_log "fnc_Time:: Debug settings ON";
diag_log format["_fnc_Time:: -- > _sunrise = %1 | _sunset = %2 | _time = %3",_sunrise,_sunset,_time];
// Night
if (_time > (_sunset + 0.5) || _time < (_sunrise - 0.5)) exitWith {
setTimeMultiplier blck_timeAccelerationNight;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
diag_log format["NIGHT TIMGE ADJUSTMENT:: time accel updated to %1; time of day = %2",timeMultiplier,dayTime];
@ -45,14 +52,21 @@ if (_time > (_sunset + 0.5) || _time < (_sunrise - 0.5)) exitWith {
if (_time > (_sunrise + 0.5) && _time < (_sunset - 0.5)) exitWith {
setTimeMultiplier blck_timeAccelerationDay;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
diag_log format["DAYTIME ADJUSTMENT:: time accel updated to %1; time of day = %2",timeMultiplier,dayTime];
// default
setTimeMultiplier blck_timeAccelerationDusk;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
diag_log format["DUSK ADJUSTMENT:: time accel updated to %1; time of day = %2",timeMultiplier,dayTime];
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
diag_log format["DUSK ADJUSTMENT:: time accel updated to %1; time of day = %2",timeMultiplier,dayTime];

View File

@ -17,7 +17,14 @@ private ["_unit","_instigator","_group","_wp"];
//diag_log format["_EH_AIHit::-->> _this = %1",_this];
_unit = _this select 0 select 0;
_instigator = _this select 0 select 3;
diag_log format["EH_AIHit:: _units = %1 and _instigator = %2 units damage is %3",_unit,_instigator, damage _unit];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel ? 1) then
diag_log format["EH_AIHit:: _units = %1 and _instigator = %2 units damage is %3",_unit,_instigator, damage _unit];
if (!(alive _unit)) exitWith {};
if (!(isPlayer _instigator)) exitWith {};
[_unit,_instigator] call blck_fnc_alertNearbyLeader;
@ -33,9 +40,11 @@ if ((damage _unit) > 0.1 ) then
//diag_log format["_EH_AIHit::-->> Healing unit %1",_unit];
_unit setVariable["hasHealed",true,true];
//_unit addMagazine "SmokeShellOrange";
_unit fire ["SmokeShellMuzzle","SmokeShellMuzzle","SmokeShellRed"];
_unit addItem "FirstAidKit";
_unit action ["HealSoldierSelf", soldier1];
_unit addMagazine "SmokeShellOrange";
_unit fire "SmokeShellMuzzle";
_unit addItem "FAK";
_unit action ["HealSoldierSelf", _unit];
_unit setDamage 0;
_unit removeItem "FAK";

View File

@ -31,10 +31,12 @@
//_unit = _this select 0;
//_mag = _this select 3 select 0;
(_this select 0) addMagazine (_this select 3 select 0);
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugON) then {
//diag_log format["_EH_unitWeaponReloaded:: unit %1 reloaded weapon %2 with magazine %3",_this select 0, (_this select 3 select 0)];
//diag_log format["_EH_unitWeaponReloaded:: unit %1 currently has the following magazines 2",_this select 0,magazines (_this select 0)];
//if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then (diag_log format["_EH_unitWeaponReloaded:: one magazine of type %1 added to inventory of unit %2",_mag,_unit];

View File

@ -47,13 +47,12 @@ for "_i" from 1 to (count blck_liveMissionAI) do
diag_log format["_fnc_cleanupAliveAI:: deleting unit %1",_x];
diag_log format["_fnc_cleanupAliveAI:: vehicle _x = %1",vehicle _x];
diag_log format["_fnc_cleanupAliveAI:: objectParent _x = %1",objectParent _x];
if ((alive _x) && !(isNull objectParent _x)) then // mark the vehicle for deletion
(vehicle _x) setVariable["blck_DeleteAt",diag_tickTime];
diag_log format["_fnc_cleanupAliveAI:: deleteAt for vehicle _x = %1",(vehicle _x) getVariable["blck_DeleteAt",0]];
diag_log format["_fnc_cleanupAliveAI: deleteing objectParent %1 [%3] for unit %2",objectParent _x, _x, typeName (objectParent _x), typeOf (objectParent _x)];
[objectParent _x] call blck_fn_deleteAIvehicle;
[_x] call blck_fnc_deleteAI;
}forEach (_units select 0);
uiSleep 0.1;

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then {diag_log format["fnc_cleanupDeadAI called at time %1",diag_tickTime];};
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then {diag_log format["fnc_cleanupDeadAI called at time %1",diag_tickTime];};

View File

@ -17,9 +17,10 @@ _launcher = _unit getVariable ["Launcher",""];
_legal = true;
_fn_targetVehicle = { // force AI to fire on the vehicle with launchers if equiped
if (((position _x) distance (position _unit)) <= 350) then
if ( ( (getPos _vk) distance2d (getPos _x) ) < 500 ) then
_x reveal [_vk, 4];
_x dowatch _vk;
@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ _fn_targetVehicle = { // force AI to fire on the vehicle with launchers if equi
_x doFire _vk;
} forEach allUnits;
} forEach (call blck_fnc_allPlayers);
_fn_applyVehicleDamage = { // apply a bit of damage
@ -60,10 +61,12 @@ if (typeOf _killer != typeOf (vehicle _killer)) then // AI was killed by a vehi
if(_killer == driver(vehicle _killer))then{ // The AI was runover
if(blck_RunGear) then { // If we are supposed to delete gear from AI that were run over then lets do it.
[_unit] call _fn_deleteAIGear;
if (blck_debugON) then
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
diag_log format["<<--->> Unit %1 was run over by %2",_unit,_killer];
if (blck_VK_RunoverDamage) then {//apply vehicle damage
[vehicle _killer] call _fn_applyVehicleDamage;
@ -76,11 +79,12 @@ if (typeOf _killer != typeOf (vehicle _killer)) then // AI was killed by a vehi
if ( blck_VK_GunnerDamage &&((typeOf vehicle _killer) in blck_forbidenVehicles or (currentWeapon _killer) in blck_forbidenVehicleGuns) ) then {
if (blck_debugON) then
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
diag_log format["!!---!! Unit was killed by a forbidden vehicle or gun",_unit];
if (blck_VK_Gear) then {[_unit] call _fn_deleteAIGear;};
[_unit, vehicle _killer] call _fn_targetVehicle;
[vehicle _killer] call _fn_applyVehicleDamage;

View File

@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ if (_veh getVariable["DBD_vehType","none"] isEqualTo "emplaced") then // Deal w
} forEach ["HitLFWheel","HitLF2Wheel","HitRFWheel","HitRF2Wheel","HitEngine","HitLBWheel","HitLMWheel","HitRBWheel","HitRMWheel","HitTurret","HitGun","HitTurret","HitGun","HitTurret","HitGun","HitTurret","HitGun"];
_veh setVariable["blck_DeleteAt",diag_tickTime + 60];
} else {
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log format["_fnc_vehicleMonitor:: case of release vehicle = %1 to player with blck_missionVehicles = %2",_veh, blck_missionVehicles];};
blck_missionVehicles = blck_missionVehicles - [_veh];
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log format["_fnc_vehicleMonitor:: blck_missionVehicles updated to %1", blck_missionVehicles];};
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log format["_fnc_vehicleMonitor:: case of release vehicle = %1 to player with blck_monitoredVehicles = %2",_veh, blck_monitoredVehicles];};
blck_monitoredVehicles = blck_monitoredVehicles - [_veh];
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log format["_fnc_vehicleMonitor:: blck_monitoredVehicles updated to %1", blck_monitoredVehicles];};
[_veh] call blck_fnc_releaseVehicleToPlayers;

View File

@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
//diag_log format["_fnc_releastVehicletoPlayers.sqf: removing vehicle %1 from ",_v,blck_missionVehicles];
//blck_missionVehicles = blck_missionVehicles - [_v];
//diag_log format["_fnc_releastVehicletoPlayers.sqf: removing vehicle %1 from ",_v,blck_monitoredVehicles];
//blck_monitoredVehicles = blck_monitoredVehicles - [_v];
_v removeAllEventHandlers "GetIn";
_v removeAllEventHandlers "GetOut";
_v removeAllEventHandlers "Fired";

View File

@ -3,15 +3,7 @@
Inspiration: blckeagls / A3EAI / VEMF / IgiLoad / SDROP
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Last Modified 1/23/17
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
_pilot = (units _grpPilot) select 0;

View File

@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ if (!(isNull _grpPilot) && !(isNull _grpParatroops)) then
_patrolHeli = createVehicle [_chopperType, _coords, [], 90, "FLY"];
_grpPilot setVariable["groupVehicle",_patrolHeli];
[_patrolHeli] call blck_fnc_protectVehicle;
_patrolHeli setFuel 1;
_patrolHeli engineOn true;
@ -163,96 +164,9 @@ if (!(isNull _grpPilot) && !(isNull _grpParatroops)) then
//set waypoint for helicopter
//set waypoint for helicopter
_dir = 0;
_arc = 30;
_noWp = 1;
_wpradius = 30;
_wp = [_grpPilot, 0];
_pos = getWPPos _wp;
_newPos = _pos getPos [(_minDis+(random (_maxDis - _minDis))), _dir];
#ifdef wpModeMove
_wp setWaypointType "MOVE";
_wp setWaypointName "move";
_wp setWaypointTimeout [1,1.1,1.2];
_wp setWaypointStatements ["true","this call blck_fnc_setNextWaypoint;diag_log format['====Updating waypoint to for group %1',group this];"];
_wp setWaypointType "SAD";
_wp setWaypointName "sad";
_wp setWaypointTimeout [20,25,30];
_wp setWaypointStatements ["true","this call blck_fnc_setNextWaypoint;diag_log format['====Updating waypointfor group %1',group this];"];
_wp setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT";
_wp setWaypointCombatMode "RED";
//_wp setWaypointTimeout [1,1.1,1.2];
_grpPilot setCurrentWaypoint _wp;
// params["_pos","_minDis","_maxDis","_group",["_mode","random"],["_pattern",["MOVE","SAD"]]];
//[_coords,2,10,_grpPilot,"random",["SENTRY"]] call blck_fnc_setupWaypoints;
_grpPilot setVariable["patrolCenter",_coords];
_grpPilot setVariable["minDis",10];
_grpPilot setVariable["maxDis",25];
_grpPilot setVariable["timeStamp",diag_tickTime];
_grpPilot setVariable["arc",0];
_grpPilot setVariable["wpRadius",30];
//_grpPilot setVariable["wpMode",_mode];
_dir = 0;
_arc = 30;
_noWp = 1;
_wpradius = 30;
_newPos = _pos getPos [(_minDis+(random (_maxDis - _minDis))), _dir];
_wp = [_grpPilot, 0];
#ifdef wpModeMove
_wp setWaypointType "MOVE";
_wp setWaypointName "move";
_wp setWaypointTimeout [1,1.1,1.2];
_wp setWaypointStatements ["true","this call blck_fnc_changeToSADWaypoint;diag_log format['====Updating waypoint to SAD for group %1',group this];"];
_wp setWaypointType "SAD";
_wp setWaypointName "sad";
_wp setWaypointTimeout [20,25,30];
_wp setWaypointStatements ["true","this call blck_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint;diag_log format['====Updating waypoint to Move for group %1',group this];"];
_wp setWaypointBehaviour blck_groupBehavior;
_wp setWaypointCombatMode blck_combatMode;
_grpPilot setCurrentWaypoint _wp;
for "_i" from 1 to 5 do
_pos = _coords getPos [15 + random (15), random(360)];
if (_i == 1) then
_wp = [_grpPilot, 0];
_wp setWPPos _pos;
} else {
_wp = _grpPilot addWaypoint [_pos, 25];
_wp setWaypointType "SAD";
_wp setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL";
_wp setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE";
//[_grpPilot, 0] setWaypointStatements ["true","[group this, 0] setCurrentWaypoint [group this,0];"];
_wp setWaypointTimeout [20,30,40];
_wp = _grpPilot addWaypoint [_coords,25];
_wp setWaypointType "MOVE";
_wp setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE";
_wp setWaypointTimeout [1, 1.1, 1.2];
_wp = _grpPilot addWaypoint [_coords,25];
_wp setWaypointType "CYCLE";
_grpPilot setCurrentWaypoint [_grpPilot,0];
[_coords,30,35,_grpPilot,"random","SENTRY"] spawn blck_fnc_setupWaypoints;
blck_monitoredMissionAIGroups pushBack _grpPilot;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
@ -262,7 +176,7 @@ if (!(isNull _grpPilot) && !(isNull _grpParatroops)) then
diag_log "_fnc_spawnMissionHeli:-> spawning crew monitoring loop";
while {!isNull _patrolHeli} do
uiSleep 10;
uiSleep 120;
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionHeli:-> heli %1 has %2 crew alive",_patrolHeli, {alive _x} count crew _patrolHeli];
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionHeli:-> heli %1 fullCrew = %2",_patrolHeli, fullCrew _patrolHeli];

View File

@ -91,8 +91,9 @@ if ( (random(1) < _chanceParatroops)) then
_aborted = [_coords,_grpParatroops,_noPara,_skillAI,_weapons,_uniforms,_headGear,_heli] call blck_fnc_spawnParaUnits;
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionParatroops: blck_fnc_spawnParaUnits returned a value of %1",_aborted];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionParatroops: _aborted = %1",_aborted];
if (_aborted) then
_return = [[],true];

View File

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ if (isNull _paraGroup) then
_aborted = true;
} else {
_paraGroup setVariable["groupVehicle",objNull];
_launcherType = "none";
private ["_arc","_spawnPos"];
_arc = 45;
@ -47,15 +48,26 @@ if (isNull _paraGroup) then
_unit moveInDriver _chute;
_unit allowDamage true;
_dir = _dir + _arc;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnParaUnits:: spawned unit %1, at location %2 and vehicle _unit %1",_unit,getPos _unit, vehicle _unit];
uiSleep 2;
_paraGroup selectLeader ((units _paraGroup) select 0);
[_missionPos,10,20,_paraGroup] call blck_fnc_setupWaypoints;
// [_pos,_minDist,_maxDist,_groupSpawned,"random","SAD"] spawn blck_fnc_setupWaypoints;
[_missionPos,20,30,_paraGroup,"random","SAD","paraUnits"] call blck_fnc_setupWaypoints;
blck_monitoredMissionAIGroups pushback _paraGroup;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log "_fnc_spawnParaUnits (44): All Units spawned";

View File

@ -21,34 +21,43 @@ _uniforms = _this select 3;
_headgear = _this select 4;
if (blck_debugON) then {diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionReinforcements (25): Script Starting with _aiSkillsLevel = %1",_aiSkillsLevel]};
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionReinforcements (25): Script Starting with _aiSkillsLevel = %1",_aiSkillsLevel]};
_aiSkillsLevel = toLower _aiSkillsLevel;
if (_aiSkillsLevel isEqualTo "blue") then {
if (blck_debugON) then {diag_log "_fnc_spawnMissionReinforcements (29): BLUE difficulty settings applied";};
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log "_fnc_spawnMissionReinforcements (29): BLUE difficulty settings applied";};
_chanceHeliPatrol = blck_chanceHeliPatrolBlue;
_missionHelis = blck_patrolHelisBlue;
if (_aiSkillsLevel isEqualTo "green") then {
if (blck_debugON) then {diag_log "_fnc_spawnMissionReinforcements (34): GREEN difficulty settings applied";};
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log "_fnc_spawnMissionReinforcements (34): GREEN difficulty settings applied";};
_chanceHeliPatrol = blck_chanceHeliPatrolGreen;
_missionHelis = blck_patrolHelisGreen;
if (_aiSkillsLevel isEqualTo "orange") then {
if (blck_debugON) then {diag_log "_fnc_spawnMissionReinforcements (39): ORANGE difficulty settings applied";};
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log "_fnc_spawnMissionReinforcements (39): ORANGE difficulty settings applied";};
_chanceHeliPatrol = blck_chanceHeliPatrolOrange;
_missionHelis = blck_patrolHelisOrange;
if (_aiSkillsLevel isEqualTo "red") then
if (blck_debugON) then {diag_log "_fnc_spawnMissionReinforcements (46): RED difficulty settings applied";};
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log "_fnc_spawnMissionReinforcements (46): RED difficulty settings applied";};
_chanceHeliPatrol = blck_chanceHeliPatrolRed;
_missionHelis = blck_patrolHelisRed;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then {diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionReinforcements (50): Variables defined: _chanceHeliPatrol %1 | _missionHelis %2",_chanceHeliPatrol,_missionHelis];};
if ( (_chanceHeliPatrol > 0) && (random (1) < _chanceHeliPatrol) ) then // if helipatrols are 'enabled' then paratroops will only drop if a heli spawns.
// The chance that they drop is linked to the value for them for that difficulty _aiSkillsLevel
//see _fnc_spannMissionParatroops for how this is handled.

View File

@ -16,20 +16,20 @@ private["_veh","_modType"];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then {diag_log format["spawnVehicle.sqf: _vehType = %1 | _pos = %2",_vehType,_pos];};
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then {diag_log format["spawnVehicle.sqf: _vehType = %1 | _pos = %2",_vehType,_pos];};
_veh = createVehicle[_vehType, _pos, [], 0, "NONE"];
[_veh] call blck_fnc_protectVehicle;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then {diag_log format["spawnVehicle.sqf:: vehicle spawned is %1",_veh];};
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then {diag_log format["spawnVehicle.sqf:: vehicle spawned is %1",_veh];};
// params["_veh",["_clearInventory",true]];
[_veh,_clearInventory] call blck_fnc_configureMissionVehicle;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
diag_log format["spawnVehicle:: returning parameter _veh = %1",_veh];
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then {diag_log format["spawnVehicle:: returning parameter _veh = %1",_veh];};

View File

@ -25,23 +25,23 @@ params["_center","_pos",["_vehType","I_G_Offroad_01_armed_F"],["_minDis",30],["_
//_maxDis = maximum distance from the center of the mission for vehicle waypoints
//_groupForVehiclePatrol = The group with which to man the vehicle
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
//#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnVehiclePatrol:: _center = %1 | _pos = %2 | _vehType = %3 | _group = %4",_center,_pos,_vehType,_group];
if !(isNull _group) then
{ // exitWith {diag_log "[blckeagls] ERROR CONDITION:-->> NULL-GROUP Provided to _fnc_spawnVehiclePatrol"; objNull;};
_veh = [_vehType,_pos] call blck_fnc_spawnVehicle;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
_group setVariable["groupVehicle",_veh];
//#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["spawnVehiclePatrol:: vehicle spawned is %1 of typeof %2",_veh, typeOf _veh];
_unitNumber = 0;
@ -56,6 +56,19 @@ if !(isNull _group) then
_unitNumber = _unitNumber + 1;
}forEach (units _group);
// params["_pos","_minDis","_maxDis","_group",["_mode","random"],["_pattern",["MOVE","SAD"]]];
_group setcombatmode "RED";
_group setBehaviour "COMBAT";
[_center,_minDis,_maxDis,_group,"perimeter","SAD","vehicle"] spawn blck_fnc_setupWaypoints;
//#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnVehiclePatrol::->> _veh = %1",_veh];
while {(count (waypoints _group)) > 0} do
deleteWaypoint ((waypoints _group) select 0);
@ -94,13 +107,9 @@ if !(isNull _group) then
_wp = _group addWaypoint [_pos, 25];
_wp setWaypointType "CYCLE";
_group setVariable["wpIndex",0];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnVehiclePatrol::->> _veh = %1",_veh];

View File

@ -23,15 +23,14 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
_fn_removeVehicleFromVehicleMonitoring = {
blck_missionVehicles = blck_missionVehicles - [_veh];
//diag_log "_fnc_vehicleMonitor: starting function";
#ifdef blck_debugMode
//diag_log format["_fnc_vehicleMonitor:: blck_debugMode defined"];
_fn_releaseVehicle = {
//diag_log format["vehicleMonitor.sqf: make vehicle available to players; stripping eventHandlers from _v %1",_v];
[_v] call _fn_removeVehicleFromVehicleMonitoring;
blck_monitoredVehicles = blck_monitoredVehicles - [_veh];
_v setVehicleLock "UNLOCKED" ;
//_v setVariable["releasedToPlayers",true];
[_v] call blck_fnc_emptyObject;
@ -40,28 +39,19 @@ _fn_releaseVehicle = {
} forEach ["GetIn","GetOut","fired","hit","hitpart","reloaded","dammaged","HandleDamage"];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
if (blck_debugLevel > 3) then
diag_log format["_fnc_vehicleMonitor:: case of patrol vehicle released to players where vehicle = %1",_v];
_fn_deleteAIvehicle = {
_veh removeAllEventHandlers _x;
}forEach ["Hit","HitPart","GetIn","GetOut","Fired","FiredNear"];
[_veh] call _fn_removeVehicleFromVehicleMonitoring;
deleteVehicle _veh;
_fn_destroyVehicleAndCrew = {
_crew = crew _veh;
{[_x] call blck_fnc_deleteAI;} forEach _crew;
[_veh] call _fn_deleteAIvehicle;
[_veh] call blck_fn_deleteAIvehicle;
_fn_reloadAmmo = {
@ -91,16 +81,30 @@ _fn_reloadAmmo = {
} forEach _crew;
blck_fn_deleteAIvehicle = {
_veh removeAllEventHandlers _x;
}forEach ["Hit","HitPart","GetIn","GetOut","Fired","FiredNear"];
blck_monitoredVehicles = blck_monitoredVehicles - [_veh];
deleteVehicle _veh;
private ["_veh","_vehList"];
_vehList = blck_missionVehicles;
_vehList = +blck_monitoredVehicles;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then {diag_log format["_fnc_vehicleMonitor:: function called at %1",diag_tickTime];};
if (blck_debugLevel > 3) then {diag_log format["_fnc_vehicleMonitor:: function called at %1 with _vehList %2 and blck_monitoredVehicles %3",diag_tickTime,_vehList,blck_monitoredVehicles];};
_veh = _x; // (purely for clarity at this point, _x could be used just as well)
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 3) then
diag_log format["_fnc_vehicleMonitor: vehicle %1 with missionCompleted = %2 being evaluated",_x, _x getVariable"missionCompleted",0];
_evaluate = true;
// Case where vehicle has been marked for deletion after a certain time.
@ -118,7 +122,7 @@ if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then {diag_log format["_fnc_vehicleMonitor:: function c
if (blck_killEmptyStaticWeapons) then
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then {diag_log format["_fnc_vehicleMonitor:: case of destroyed where vehicle = %1",_veh];};
if (blck_debugLevel > 3) then {diag_log format["_fnc_vehicleMonitor:: case of destroyed where vehicle = %1",_veh];};
_veh setDamage 1;
@ -154,7 +158,7 @@ if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then {diag_log format["_fnc_vehicleMonitor:: function c
_cleanupTimer = _veh getVariable["cleanupTimer",0]; // The time delat to deleting any alive AI units
// "missionCompleted" = the time at which the mission was completed or aborted
if (diag_tickTime > (_cleanupTimer + (_veh getVariable["missionCompleted",0])) ) then
if (diag_tickTime > ((blck_AliveAICleanUpTimer - 70) + (_veh getVariable["missionCompleted",0])) ) then
[_veh] call _fn_destroyVehicleAndCrew;
_evaluate = false;

View File

@ -81,12 +81,12 @@ blck_fnc_missionAIareDead = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\cu
// Group-related functions
blck_fnc_spawnGroup = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Groups\GMS_fnc_spawnGroup.sqf"; // Spawn a single group and populate it with AI units]
blck_fnc_setupWaypoints = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Groups\GMS_fnc_setWaypoints.sqf"; // Set default waypoints for a group
blck_fnc_setupWaypoints = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Groups\GMS_fnc_setupWaypoints.sqf"; // Set default waypoints for a group
blck_fnc_missionGroupMonitor = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Groups\GMS_fnc_missionGroupMonitor.sqf"; // Monitors active groups for those that are stuck in an SAD waypoint but not in combat
blck_fnc_changeToSADWaypoint = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Groups\GMS_fnc_changeToSADWaypoint.sqf";
blck_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Groups\GMS_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint.sqf";
blck_fnc_changeToSentryWaypoint = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Groups\GMS_fnc_changeToSentryWaypoint.sqf"; //
blck_fnc_setNextWaypoint = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Groups\GMS_fnc_setNextWaypoint.sqf";
//blck_fnc_setNextWaypoint = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Groups\GMS_fnc_setNextWaypoint.sqf";
blck_fnc_cleanEmptyGroups = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Groups\GMS_fnc_cleanEmptyGroups.sqf"; // GMS_fnc_cleanEmptyGroups
// Functions specific to vehicles, whether wheeled, aircraft or static

View File

@ -26,13 +26,12 @@ blck_locationBlackList = [];
blck_monitoredVehicles = [];
blck_livemissionai = [];
blck_monitoredMissionAIGroups = []; // Used to track groups in active missions for whatever purpose
blck_liveMissionAIGroups = []; // Used to track groups assigned to completed missions for eventual cleanup.
blck_oldMissionObjects = [];
blck_pendingMissions = [];
blck_missionsRunning = 0;
blck_activeMissions = [];
blck_deadAI = [];
blck_missionVehicles = [];
// Arrays for use during cleanup of alive AI at some time after the end of a mission
DBD_HeliCrashSites = [];

View File

@ -148,10 +148,10 @@
blck_chanceHeliPatrolRed = 0; // 0.4;
blck_patrolHelisRed = _blck_littleBirds;
blck_chanceHeliPatrolGreen = 0.2;
blck_chanceHeliPatrolGreen = 0;
blck_patrolHelisGreen = _blck_littleBirds;
blck_chanceHeliPatrolOrange = 0.5;
blck_chanceHeliPatrolOrange = 0;
blck_patrolHelisOrange = _blck_littleBirds; //_blck_armed_hellcats+_blck_armed_orcas;

View File

@ -23,19 +23,22 @@ _blck_loadingStartTime = diag_tickTime;
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\init\build.sqf";
diag_log format["[blckeagls] Loading version %1 Build %2",_blck_versionDate,_blck_version];
#ifdef DBDserver
diag_log "[blckegls] Running DBD Clan Version";
call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\blck_variables.sqf";
waitUntil {(isNil "blck_variablesLoaded") isEqualTo false;};
blck_variablesLoaded = nil;
if !(blck_debugON) then {uiSleep 60;};
//if !(blck_debugON) then {uiSleep 60;};
// compile functions
call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\blck_functions.sqf";
waitUntil {(isNil "blck_functionsCompiled") isEqualTo false;};
blck_functionsCompiled = nil;
diag_log format["[blckeagls] debug mode settings:blck_debugON = %1",blck_debugON];
diag_log format["[blckeagls] debug mode settings:blck_debugON = %1 blck_debugLevel = %2",blck_debugON,blck_debugLevel];
execVM "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_configs.sqf";
waitUntil {(isNil "blck_configsLoaded") isEqualTo false;};
@ -61,28 +64,40 @@ blck_worldSet = nil;
diag_log "[blckeagls] Loading Mission Lists";
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\GMS_missionLists.sqf";
#ifdef DBDserver
//start the dynamic loot crate system
[] execVM "\q\addons\custom_server\DLS\DLS_init.sqf";
waitUntil {(isNil "blck_DLSComplete") isEqualTo false;};
blck_DLSComplete = nil;
// Load any user-defined specifications or overrides
call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_custom_config.sqf";
diag_log format["[blckeagls] version %1 Build %2 Loaded in %3 seconds",_blck_versionDate,_blck_version,diag_tickTime - _blck_loadingStartTime]; //,blck_modType];
diag_log format["blckeagls] waiting for players to join ---- >>>>"];
if (!blck_debugON || (blck_debugLevel isEqualTo 0)) then
if !(blck_debugON || (blck_debugLevel isEqualTo 0)) then
waitUntil{{isPlayer _x}count playableUnits > 0};
diag_log "[blckeagls] Player Connected, spawning missions";
} else {
diag_log "[blckeagls] spawning Missions";
diag_log "[blckeagls] Player Connected, loading mission system";
if (blck_spawnStaticLootCrates) then
// Start the static loot crate spawner
diag_log "[blckeagls] SLS:: -- >> Static Loot Spawner Started";
[] execVM "\q\addons\custom_server\SLS\SLS_init.sqf";
waitUntil {(isNil "blck_SLSComplete") isEqualTo false;};
blck_SLSComplete = nil;
diag_log "[blckeagls] SLS:: -- >> Static Loot Spawner Done";
diag_log "[blckeagls] SLS:: -- >> Static Loot Spawner disabled";
blck_spawnStaticLootCrates = nil;
//Start the mission timers
if (blck_enableOrangeMissions > 0) then
@ -105,6 +120,26 @@ if (blck_enableBlueMissions > 0) then
//[_missionListBlue,_pathBlue,"BlueMarker","blue",blck_TMin_Blue,blck_TMax_Blue] spawn blck_fnc_missionTimer;//Starts minor mission system (Blue Map Markers)
[_missionListBlue,_pathBlue,"BlueMarker","blue",blck_TMin_Blue,blck_TMax_Blue,blck_enableBlueMissions] call blck_fnc_addMissionToQue;
#ifdef DBDserver
if (blck_enableScoutsMissions > 0) then
//[_missionListScouts,_pathScouts,"ScoutsMarker","red",blck_TMin_Scouts,blck_TMax_Scouts] spawn blck_fnc_missionTimer;
[_missionListScouts,_pathScouts,"ScoutsMarker","red",blck_TMin_Scouts,blck_TMax_Scouts,blck_enableScoutsMissions, false] call blck_fnc_addMissionToQue;
if (blck_enableHunterMissions > 0) then
//[_missionListHunters,_pathHunters,"HunterMarker","green",blck_TMin_Hunter,blck_TMax_Hunter] spawn blck_fnc_missionTimer;
// params["_missionList","_path","_marker","_difficulty","_tMin","_tMax","_noMissions"];
[_missionListHunters,_pathHunters,"HunterMarker","green",blck_TMin_Hunter,blck_TMax_Hunter,blck_enableHunterMissions, false] call blck_fnc_addMissionToQue;
// Running new version of Crash sites.
if (blck_maxCrashSites > 0) then
[] execVM "\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\HeliCrashs\Crashes2.sqf";
// start the main thread for the mission system which monitors missions running and stuff to be cleaned up
[] spawn blck_fnc_mainThread;
diag_log "[blckeagls] Mission spawner started";

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@ -1,15 +1,3 @@
By Ghostrider-DbD
Last Modified 4-11-17
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
private ["_version","_versionDate"];
_blck_version = "6.58 Build 53";
_blck_versionDate = "4-11-17 8:00 PM";
_blck_version = "6.58 Build 57";
_blck_versionDate = "4-30-17 8:00 PM";

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@ -1,11 +1,18 @@
Core Mission System.
This addon includes several modules which will be discussed in the following order:
1. The core, dynamic mission system
2. A static mission system (WIP)
3. A custom time acceleration module
4. A module to execute scripts for custom bases and so forths.
5. A module to spawn loot crates in specific locations at server startup.
1. Core Mission System.
The core mission system is configured to run 4 different classes of mission (Blue, Red, Green and Orange) simultaneously.
Reducing value for ...\custom_serer\configs\blck_configs.sqf\blck_maxSpawnedMissions will reduce the number of missions running on the server.
General settings include the ability set whether and how messages to players regarding missions spawned or completed are displayed,
General settings include:
the ability set whether and how messages to players regarding missions spawned or completed are displayed,
whether and how messages to players regarding killed AI are displayed
Number of AI groups;
Number of AI per group;
AI skills;
@ -13,6 +20,11 @@ General settings include the ability set whether and how messages to players reg
Number and type of armed vehicle patrols.
Presence of AI helicopter patrols.
Whether such patrols drop AI reinforcements.
Whether vehicles are destroyed when AI are killed
Whether static weapons are destroyed when AI are killed.
Whether AI spawn with NVG or launchers and what types they spawn with.
Whether NVG or launchers are deleted.
Whether players are penalized for running over AI.
Loot can also be configured for each mission class. You can modify the number of weapons, magazines, items, construction materials, etc.
You can also adjust the choices for each of these types of items.
@ -23,7 +35,7 @@ General settings include the ability set whether and how messages to players reg
Where possible, I have tried group weapons based on desirability from low rank (5.56 ammo) to high rank (7.6 caliber or larger, large bore sniper, heavy LMG) then combine these groups to define parameters as needed.
The missions themselves are spawned from templates which can be used to define:
The missions themselves are spawned from templates which can be used to define most aspects of the missions including:
the messages sent to players;
text used to label the mark
type of marker used to label the map
@ -45,12 +57,13 @@ Performance considerations.
At present, missions do not actually spawn objects or players untill a player is within the trigger distance (1000 M).
Hence, performance penalties should be modest to none until players engage a mission.
There is some performance penalty to having a lot of dead AI on the server, or a lot of spawned objects used for scenery at AI missions. Hence, these are deleted after a certain time.
You can shorten the time after which bodies or scenery are deleted if you believe performance is an issue.
Static Mission System (WIP).
2. Static Mission System (WIP).
Additional Modules Available:
1. Time Acceleration
3. Time Acceleration
This provides an optional ability to accelerate time by user-specified factors.
The time acceleration can be specified for night, daytime and dusk.
@ -63,7 +76,7 @@ Variables controlling the time acceleration module are located in ...\custom_ser
Note that map/mod specific settings can be specified in blck_custom_config.sqf if that is helpful.
2. Map Addons
4. Map Addons
This module allows you to load map-addons (custom bases, enhancements to villages or towns, ATMs at traders etc) but to do so in a way that is map and mod-specific.
I use it to manage the map addons we run on multiple different Arma servers.
@ -74,18 +87,18 @@ blck_spawnMapAddons = false;
You can define which addons you wish to load in ...\custom_server\MapAddons\MapAddons_init.sqf.
3. Static Loot System
5. Static Loot System
This module spawns loot crates at pre-specified locations on the ground, inside buildings or on roofs.
It is designed to function in conjunction with the Map Addons module if you wish it to.
It was derived from the loot crate spawner originally released by DarthRogue but has been extensively revised.
One enhancement is that I have written the code so that you do not need to sort items by there arma type (weapon, magazine, item).
One enhancement is that I have written the code so that you do not need to sort items by their arma type (weapon, magazine, item).
In any event, it is a great tool for placing loot chests at AI strongholds or static missions.
Some basic features are:
Crates can be spawned at precise locations with / without a nearby smoking wreck to mark their location (which crates an apololyptic feel).
Crates can be loaded with one of 3 different loadouts (add more if you like) which can be specified or randomly determined.
If the number of possible spawn locations is greater than the number of crates to spawned, spawn locations will be randomly chosen giving some variation to your mission.
If the number of possible spawn locations is greater than the number of crates to spawned, spawn locations will be randomly chosen giving some variation to your mission from one server restart to the next.
The static loot crate spawner is enabled/disable by changing the following variable in ...\custom_server\configs\blck_configs.sqf
@ -94,6 +107,4 @@ The static loot crate spawner is enabled/disable by changing the following varia
I wrote the crate spawner in a way that helps me manage static loot crates across multiple maps and mods.
The configuration files for Epoch or Exile give examples of how to implement the system.
Known issues

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@ -17,22 +17,14 @@ Installation:
// Battleye Exceptions
9) update the scripts.txt file in the Battleye directory in your server directory as directed below.
More to come on this.
Please see the links below for some how-to's and two useful tools to automate adding appropriate exceptions:
7 deletemarker
7 setMarker
7 createMarker
10) Add the following to publicvariable.txt
11) Merge the following into addbackpackcargo.txt
!"B_Kitbag_(cbr|mcamo|rgr|sgg)" !"B_Bergen_(mcamo|dgtl|hex|tna)_F" !"ViperHarness_(blk|ghex|hex|khk|oli)_F" !"ViperLightHarness_(blk|ghex|hex|khk|oli)_F" !"B_Carryall_(cbr|khk|mcamo|ocamo|oli|oucamo|hex|ghex)" !"B_AssaultPack_(cbr|dgtl|khk|mcamo|ocamo|rgr|sgg|blk)" !"B_FieldPack_(blk|cbr|khk|ocamo|oli|oucamo)" !"B_TacticalPack_(blk|mcamo|ocamo|oli|rgr)"
12) To permit you to loot crypto from dead AI on Epoch, Open Epoch.<MAP Name>\epoch_config\CfgObjectInteractions.hpp

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Blckegls mission system Ver 6.58
Build 54
Build 57
Included is an updated version of blckeagls mission system. This began as an effort to fix bugs in and upgrade version 2.0.2 as updated by Narines and has now evolved to a complete reworking of almost all code.

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@ -4,14 +4,25 @@ Loosely based on the AI mission system by blckeagls ver 2.0.2
Contributions by Narines: bug fixes, testing, infinite ammo fix.
Ideas or code from that by Vampire and KiloSwiss have been used for certain functions.
4/6/17 Version 6.58 Build 54
4/29/17 Version 6.58 Build 57
[Added] A FAQ presenting an overview of the mission system and addons.
[Changed] Helicopter crew waypoint system reverted to that from Build 46.
[Added] Optional helicopter patrols that drop paratroops. These can be configured using variables in blck_configs.sqf:
For example, settings for the blue difficulty for missions are shown below.
blck_chanceParaBlue = 0.1; // [0 - 1] set to 0 to deactivate and 1 to always have paratroops spawn over the center of the mission.
blck_noParaBlue = 3; // [1-N]
[Changed] A new method for dynamically setting waypoints was added and waypoints are now scanned to detect and correct the case that AI get 'stuck', meaning the waypoint is never completed.
[Changes] AI behaviors should be more agressive.
[Changed] License information added to all files.
[Added] Preprocessor definitions included in all files.
[Fixed] Mission timouts would prevent new missions from spawning after a while.
[Fixed] blck_timeAcceleration now determines if time acceleration is activated.
[Fixed] Missions did not complete correctly under certain circumstances.
[Fixed] Mission vehicles were not properly deleted, unlocked or otherwise handled at misison end or when AI crew were killed.
[Fixed] Throws errors when evaluating errors related to certain disallowed types of kills.
[Fixed] Static loot crate spawner spawned empty crates under some circumstances.
Known errors: throws errors with certain loot crate setups (Exile)
3/23/17 Verision 6.58 build 48