Revert "Version 6.84 Build 144"

This reverts commit 6b67ce4ae1.
This commit is contained in:
Ghostrider-GRG- 2018-06-23 06:13:49 -04:00
parent 6b67ce4ae1
commit a6d4e35105
83 changed files with 6476 additions and 679 deletions

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
// For more information, visit:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"type": "sqflint",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Watch RPT File"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
// self explanatory. Checks to see if the position is in either a black listed location or near a player spawn.
// As written this relies on BIS_fnc_findSafePos to ensure that the spawn point is not on water or an excessively steep slope.
for ghostridergaming
By Ghostrider [GRG]
Copyright 2016
Last Modified 1-22-17
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
_findNew = true;
_tries = 0;
while {_findNew} do {
_findNew = false;
//[_centerForSearch,_minDistFromCenter,_maxDistanceFromCenter,_minDistanceFromNearestObj,_waterMode,_maxTerainGradient,_shoreMode] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos
_coords = [blck_mapCenter,0,blck_mapRange,30,0,5,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
//diag_log format["<<--->> _coords = %1",_coords];
if ((_x distance2D _coords) < blck_MinDistanceFromMission) then {
_findNew = true;
}forEach blck_heliCrashSites;
if ( ((_x select 0) distance2D _coords) < (_x select 1)) exitWith
_findNew = true;
} forEach blck_locationBlackList;
//diag_log format["#- findSafePosn -# blck_ActiveMissionCoords isEqualTo %1", blck_ActiveMissionCoords];
//diag_log format["#- findSafePosn -# blck_ActiveMissionCoords active mission item is %1", _x];
if ( (_x distance2D _coords) < blck_MinDistanceFromMission) exitWith
_FindNew = true;
} forEach blck_ActiveMissionCoords;
//diag_log format["#- findSafePosn -# blck_recentMissionCoords isEqualTo %1", blck_recentMissionCoords];
_ignore = false;
//diag_log format["-# findSafePosn.sqf -# Old Mission element is %1", _x];
if (diag_tickTime > ((_x select 1) + 1200)) then // if the prior mission was completed more than 20 min ago then delete it from the list and ignore the check for this location.
_ignore = true;
blck_recentMissionCoords= blck_recentMissionCoords - _x;
//diag_log format["-# findSafePosn.sqf -# Removing Old Mission element: %1", _x];
if !(_ignore) then
//diag_log format["-# findSafePosn.sqf -# testing _coords against Old Mission coords is %1", _x select 0];
if ( ((_x select 0) distance2D _coords) < blck_MinDistanceFromMission) then
_findNew = true;
//diag_log format["-# findSafePosn.sqf -# Too Close to Old Mission element: %1", _x];
} forEach blck_recentMissionCoords;
// test for water nearby
_dist = 100;
for [{_i=0}, {_i<360}, {_i=_i+20}] do
_xpos = (_coords select 0) + sin (_i) * _dist;
_ypos = (_coords select 1) + cos (_i) * _dist;
_newPos = [_xpos,_ypos,0];
if (surfaceIsWater _newPos) then
_findNew = true;
_i = 361;
// check that missions spawn at least 1 kkm from towns
_townPos = [((locationPosition _x) select 0), ((locationPosition _x) select 1), 0];
if (_townPos distance2D _coords < blck_minDistanceFromTowns) exitWith {
_findNew = true;
} forEach blck_townLocations;
// check for nearby plot pole/freq jammer within 800 meters
_mod = call blck_fnc_getModType;
_pole = "";
if (_mod isEqualTo "Epoch") then {_pole = "PlotPole_EPOCH"};
if (_mod isEqualTo "Exile") then {_pole = "Exile_Construction_Flag_Static"};
//diag_log format["_fnc_findSafePosn:: -- >> _mod = %1 and _pole = %2",_mod,_pole];
if ((_x distance2D _coords) < blck_minDistanceToBases) then
_findNew = true;
}forEach nearestObjects[blck_mapCenter, [_pole], blck_minDistanceToBases];
// check to be sure we do not spawn a mission on top of a player.
if (isPlayer _x && (_x distance2D _coords) < blck_minDistanceToPlayer) then
_findNew = true;
}forEach playableUnits;
if (toLower(worldName) isEqualTo "taviana") then
_tavTest = createVehicle ["SmokeShell",_coords,[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_tavHeight = (getPosASL _tavTest) select 2;
deleteVehicle _tavTest;
if (_tavHeight > 100) then {_FindNew = true;};
_tries = _tries + 1;
if ((count _coords) > 2) then
_temp = [_coords select 0, _coords select 1];
_coords = _temp;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
By Ghostrider [GRG]
Copyright 2016
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
// _newGroup = [_groupSpawnPos,_minAI,_maxAI,_skillLevel,_coords,_minPatrolRadius,_maxPatrolRadius,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weapons,_sideArms,true,_isScubaGroup]
params["_pos", "_center", ["_numai1",5], ["_numai2",10], ["_skillLevel","red"], ["_minDist",20], ["_maxDist",35],["_configureWaypoints",true], ["_uniforms",blck_SkinList], ["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",blck_Pistols], ["_scuba",false] ];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel >= 2) then
private _params = ["_pos","_center","_numai1","_numai2","_skillLevel","_minDis","_maxDist","_configureWaypoints","_uniforms","_headGear","_vests","_backpacks","_weaponList","_sideArms","_scuba"];
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnGroup: param %1 | value %2 | _forEachIndex %3",_params select _forEachIndex,_this select _forEachIndex,_forEachIndex];
}forEach _this;
//Spawns correct number of AI
if (_numai2 > _numai1) then
_numbertospawn = floor( (random (_numai2 - _numai1) + _numai1 ) );
} else {
_numbertospawn = _numai2;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel >= 1) then
diag_log format["spawnGroup.sqf: _numbertospawn = %1",_numbertospawn];
//_groupSpawned = createGroup [blck_AI_Side, true]; // true here causes any empty group to be automatically deleted within 1 sec or so.
_groupSpawned = call blck_fnc_create_AI_Group;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel >= 1) then
diag_log format["spawnGroup.sqf: _groupSpawned = %1",_groupSpawned];
if !(isNull _groupSpawned) then
//diag_log format["spawnGroup:: group is %1",_groupSpawned];
_useLauncher = blck_useLaunchers;
if (_weaponList isEqualTo []) then
_weaponList = [_skillLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAILoadout;
//Spawns the correct number of AI Groups, each with the correct number of units
//Counter variable
_i = 0;
while {_i < _numbertospawn} do {
_i = _i + 1;
if (blck_useLaunchers && _i <= blck_launchersPerGroup) then
_launcherType = selectRandom blck_launcherTypes;
} else {
_launcherType = "none";
//Finds a safe positon to spawn the AI in the area given
//_safepos = [_pos,0,30,2,0,20,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
//Spawns the AI unit
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
diag_log format["spawnGroup:: spawning unit #%1",_i];
//params["_pos","_aiGroup",_skillLevel,_uniforms, _headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_Launcher,_weaponList,_sideArms,_scuba];
[_pos,_groupSpawned,_skillLevel,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_launcherType, _weaponList, _sideArms, _scuba] call blck_fnc_spawnUnit;
_groupSpawned selectLeader (units _groupSpawned select 0);
// params["_pos","_minDis","_maxDis","_group",["_mode","random"],["_pattern",["MOVE","SAD"]]];
if (_configureWaypoints) then
if (_scuba) then {_infantryType = "scuba"} else {_infantryType = "infantry"};
[_pos,_minDist,_maxDist,_groupSpawned,"random","SAD","infantry"] spawn blck_fnc_setupWaypoints;
//[_pos,_minDist,_maxDist,_groupSpawned,"random","SENTRY"] spawn blck_fnc_setupWaypoints;
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnGroup: blck_fnc_setupWaypoints called for group %1",_groupSpawned];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel >= 1) then
diag_log format["fnc_spawnGroup:: Group spawned was %1 with units of %2",_groupSpawned, units _groupSpawned];
} else
diag_log "_fnc_spawnGroup:: ERROR CONDITION : NULL GROUP CREATED";

View File

@ -14,13 +14,7 @@
// _newGroup = [_groupSpawnPos,_minAI,_maxAI,_skillLevel,_coords,_minPatrolRadius,_maxPatrolRadius,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weapons,_sideArms,true,_isScubaGroup]
params["_pos", "_center", ["_numai1",5], ["_numai2",10], ["_skillLevel","red"], ["_minDist",20], ["_maxDist",35],["_configureWaypoints",true], ["_uniforms",[]], ["_headGear",[]],["_vests",[]],["_backpacks",[]],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",[]], ["_scuba",false]];
if (_weaponList isEqualTo []) then {_weaponList = [_skillLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAILoadout};
if (_sideArms isEqualTo []) then {_sideArms = [_skillLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAISidearms};
if (_uniforms isEqualTo []) then {_uniforms = [_skillLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIUniforms};
if (_headGear isEqualTo []) then {_headGear = [_skillLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIHeadgear};
if (_vests isEqualTo []) then {_vests = [_skillLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIVests};
if (_backpacks isEqualTo []) then {_backpacks = [_skillLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIBackpacks};
params["_pos", "_center", ["_numai1",5], ["_numai2",10], ["_skillLevel","red"], ["_minDist",20], ["_maxDist",35],["_configureWaypoints",true], ["_uniforms",blck_SkinList], ["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",blck_Pistols], ["_scuba",false]];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel >= 2) then

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
Dynamic Loot Crate Spaw System for Exile Mod for Arma 3
Ghostrider [GRG]
for ghostridergaming
Spawn a crate on land or in the air
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
//_crate = _this select 0;
_start = diag_tickTime;
// If night, attach a chemlight
_signal = "SmokeShellOrange";
if (sunOrMoon < 0.2) then
_signal = "FlareYellow_F";
_bbr = boundingBoxReal _crate;
_p1 = _bbr select 0;
_p2 = _bbr select 1;
_maxHeight = abs ((_p2 select 2) - (_p1 select 2));
while {(diag_tickTime - _start) < 3*60} do
_beacon = _signal createVehicle getPosATL _crate;
_beacon setPos (getPos _crate);
_beacon attachTo [_crate,[0,0,(_maxHeight + 0.05)]];
uiSleep 30;
deleteVehicle _beacon;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
// removes mines in a region centered around a specific position.
[_missionAIGroups] call blck_fnc_missionAIareDead; // _missionAIGroups is an array of groups.
for ghostridergaming
By Ghostrider [GRG]
Copyright 2016
Last Modified 3-13-17
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
params ["_missionAIGroups"];
_allAIDead = true;
_group = _x; // done for coding clarity only - actually less efficient this way
if ( {alive _x) count (units _group) > 0 ) exitWith {_allAIDead = false};
} forEach _missionAIGroups;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
Dynamic Mission Spawner (over-ground missions)
By Ghostrider GRG
Copyright 2016
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
#define delayTime 1
private ["_abort","_crates","_aiGroup","_objects","_groupPatrolRadius","_missionLandscape","_mines","_blck_AllMissionAI","_blck_localMissionMarker","_assetKilledMsg","_enemyLeaderConfig",
// set all variables needed for the missions
// data is pulled either from the mission description or from the _mission variable passsed as a parameter
// Deal with situations where some of these variables might not be defined as well.
// _mission params["OrangeMarker","orange",blck_TMin_Orange,blck_TMax_Orange];
//_markerClass = _mission select 0;
// _aiDifficultyLevel = _mission select 1;
[_markerClass, "active",_coords] call blck_fnc_updateMissionQue;
blck_ActiveMissionCoords pushback _coords;
blck_missionsRunning = blck_missionsRunning + 1;
diag_log format["[blckeagls] missionSpawner (17):: Initializing mission: _cords %1 : _markerClass %2 : _aiDifficultyLevel %3 _markerMissionName %4",_coords,_markerClass,_aiDifficultyLevel,_markerMissionName];
if (isNil "_assetKilledMsg") then {_assetKilledMsg = ""};
if (isNil "_markerColor") then {_markerColor = "ColorBlack"};
if (isNil "_markerType") then {_markerType = ["mil_box",[]]};
//if (isNil "_timeOut") then {_timeOut = -1;};
if (isNil "_endCondition") then {_endCondition = blck_missionEndCondition}; // Options are "allUnitsKilled", "playerNear", "allKilledOrPlayerNear"};
if (isNil "_spawnCratesTiming") then {_spawnCratesTiming = blck_spawnCratesTiming}; // Choices: "atMissionSpawnGround","atMissionStartAir","atMissionEndGround","atMissionEndAir".
if (isNil "_loadCratesTiming") then {_loadCratesTiming = blck_loadCratesTiming}; // valid choices are "atMissionCompletion" and "atMissionSpawn";
if (isNil "_missionPatrolVehicles") then {_missionPatrolVehicles = []};
if (isNil "_missionGroups") then {_missionGroups = []};
if (isNil "_hostageConfig") then {_hostageConfig = []};
if (isNil "_enemyLeaderConfig") then {_enemyLeaderConfig = []};
if (isNil "_useMines") then {_useMines = blck_useMines;};
if (isNil "_weaponList") then {_weaponList = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAILoadout};
if (isNil "_sideArms") then {_sideArms = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAISidearms};
if (isNil "_uniforms") then {_uniforms = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIUniforms};
if (isNil "_headGear") then {_headGear = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIHeadgear};
if (isNil "_vests") then {_vests = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIVests};
if (isNil "_backpacks") then {_backpacks = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIBackpacks};
if (isNil "_chanceHeliPatrol") then
switch (toLower(_aiDifficultyLevel)) do
case "blue": {_chanceHeliPatrol = blck_chanceHeliPatrolBlue};
case "red": {_chanceHeliPatrol = blck_chanceHeliPatrolRed};
case "green": {_chanceHeliPatrol = blck_chanceHeliPatrolGreen};
case "orange": {_chanceHeliPatrol = blck_chanceHeliPatrolOrange};
default {_chanceHeliPatrol = 0};
if (isNil "_noChoppers") then
switch (toLower(_aiDifficultyLevel)) do
case "blue": {_noChoppers = blck_noPatrolHelisBlue};
case "red": {_noChoppers = blck_noPatrolHelisRed};
case "green": {_noChoppers = blck_noPatrolHelisGreen};
case "orange": {_noChoppers = blck_noPatrolHelisOrange};
default {_noChoppers = 0};
if (isNil "_chancePara") then
switch (toLower (_aiDifficultyLevel)) do
case "blue": {_chancePara = blck_chanceParaBlue};
case "red": {_chancePara = blck_chanceParaRed};
case "green": {_chancePara = blck_chanceParaGreen};
case "orange": {_chancePara = blck_chanceParaOrange};
default {_chancePara = 0};
if (isNil "_missionHelis") then
switch (toLower (_aiDifficultyLevel)) do
case "blue": {_missionHelis = blck_patrolHelisBlue};
case "red": {_missionHelis = blck_patrolHelisRed};
case "green": {_missionHelis = blck_patrolHelisGreen};
case "orange": {_missionHelis = blck_patrolHelisOrange};
default {_missionHelis = blck_patrolHelisBlue};
if (isNil "_noPara") then
switch (toLower (_aiDifficultyLevel)) do
case "blue": {_noPara = blck_noParaBlue};
case "red": {_noPara = blck_noParaRed};
case "green": {_noPara = blck_noParaGreen};
case "orange": {_noPara = blck_noParaOrange};
default {_noPara = 0};
if (isNil "_chanceLoot") then {_chanceLoot = 1.0}; //0.5};
if (isNil "_paraTriggerDistance") then {_paraTriggerDistance = 400;};
if (isNil "_paraLoot") then {_paraLoot = blck_BoxLoot_Green};
if (isNil "_paraLootCounts") then {_paraLootCounts = blck_lootCountsRed};
_objects = [];
_mines = [];
_crates = [];
_aiGroup = [];
_missionAIVehicles = [];
_blck_AllMissionAI = [];
_AI_Vehicles = [];
_blck_localMissionMarker = [_markerClass,_coords,"","",_markerColor,_markerType];
#define delayTime 1
//_groupPatrolRadius = 50;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
diag_log "_missionSpawner: All variables initialized";
if (blck_labelMapMarkers select 0) then
//diag_log "labeling map markers *****";
_blck_localMissionMarker set [2, _markerMissionName];
if !(blck_preciseMapMarkers) then
//diag_log "Map marker will be OFFSET from the mission position";
_blck_localMissionMarker set [1,[_coords,75] call blck_fnc_randomPosition];
_blck_localMissionMarker set [3,blck_labelMapMarkers select 1]; // Use an arrow labeled with the mission name?
[["start",_startMsg,_markerMissionName]] call blck_fnc_messageplayers;
_marker = [_blck_localMissionMarker] call blck_fnc_spawnMarker;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log "missionSpawner:: (145) message players and spawn a mission marker";};
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log format["missionSpawner:: (146) _marker = %1",_marker];};
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log "missionSpawner:: (147) waiting for player to trigger the mission";};
// All parameters are defined, lets wait until a player is nearby or the mission has timed out
_missionStartTime = diag_tickTime;
_playerInRange = false;
_missionTimedOut = false;
_wait = true;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {
diag_log "missionSpawner:: (90) starting mission trigger loop"};
diag_log format["missionSpawner (163) blck_MissionTimeout = %1", blck_MissionTimeout];
while {_wait} do
#ifdef blck_debugMode
//diag_log "missionSpawner:: top of mission trigger loop";
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) exitWith {_playerInRange = true;diag_log "_fnc_missionSpawner (168): player trigger loop triggered by scripting";};
if ([_coords, blck_TriggerDistance, false] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) exitWith {_playerInRange = true;};
if ([_missionStartTime,blck_MissionTimeout] call blck_fnc_timedOut) exitWith {_missionTimedOut = true;};
uiSleep 5;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
diag_log format["missionSpawner:: Trigger Loop - blck_debugLevel = %1 and _coords = %2",blck_debugLevel, _coords];
diag_log format["missionSpawner:: Trigger Loop - players in range = %1",{isPlayer _x && _x distance2D _coords < blck_TriggerDistance} count allPlayers];
diag_log format["missionSpawner:: Trigger Loop - timeout = %1", [_missionStartTime,blck_MissionTimeout] call blck_fnc_timedOut];
if (_missionTimedOut) exitWith
diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner (187): mission timed out"];
[_mines,_objects,_crates, _blck_AllMissionAI,_endMsg,_blck_localMissionMarker,_coords,_markerClass, 1] call blck_fnc_endMission;
// Spawn the mission objects, loot chest, and AI
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then
diag_log format["[blckeagls] missionSpawner:: (200) -- >> Mission tripped: _cords %1 : _markerClass %2 : _aiDifficultyLevel %3 _markerMissionName %4",_coords,_markerClass,_aiDifficultyLevel,_markerMissionName];
if (blck_SmokeAtMissions select 0) then // spawn a fire and smoke near the crate
_temp = [_coords,blck_SmokeAtMissions select 1] call blck_fnc_smokeAtCrates;
if (typeName _temp isEqualTo "ARRAY") then
_objects append _temp;
uiSleep delayTime;
if (_useMines) then
_mines = [_coords] call blck_fnc_spawnMines;
uiSleep delayTime;
_temp = [];
if (_missionLandscapeMode isEqualTo "random") then
_temp = [_coords,_missionLandscape, 3, 15, 2] call blck_fnc_spawnRandomLandscape;
} else {
_temp = [_coords, _missionLandscape] call blck_fnc_spawnCompositionObjects;
if (typeName _temp isEqualTo "ARRAY") then
_objects append _temp;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then
diag_log format["[blckeagls] missionSpawner:: (237) Landscape spawned: _cords %1 : _markerClass %2 : _aiDifficultyLevel %3 _markerMissionName %4",_coords,_markerClass,_aiDifficultyLevel,_markerMissionName];
uiSleep delayTime;;
_temp = [_coords,_missionLootVehicles] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionLootVehicles;
//uisleep 1;
_crates append _temp;
uiSleep delayTime;
_abort = false;
_temp = [[],[],false];
// params["_coords",_minNoAI,_maxNoAI,_missionGroups,_aiDifficultyLevel,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests",_backpacks,_weapons,sideArms,_isScubaGroup];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
private _params = [_coords,_minNoAI,_maxNoAI,_missionGroups,_aiDifficultyLevel,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms];
diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner: _param %1 label %2 = %3",_forEachIndex, _x, _params select _forEachIndex];
}forEach ["_coords","_minNoAI","_maxNoAI","_missionGroups","_aiDifficultyLevel","_uniforms","_headgear","_vests","_backpacks","_weaponList","_sideArms"];
_temp = [_coords, _minNoAI,_maxNoAI,_missionGroups,_aiDifficultyLevel,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionAI;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then {
diag_log format["missionSpawner :: (264) blck_fnc_spawnMissionAI returned a value of _temp = %1",_temp]; uiSleep 1;
_abort = _temp select 1;
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then {
diag_log format["missionSpawner :: (269) blck_fnc_spawnMissionAI returned a value of _abort = %1",_abort]; uiSleep 1;
if (_abort) exitWith
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then {
diag_log "missionSpawner:: (277) grpNull returned, mission termination criteria met, calling blck_fnc_endMission"
[_mines,_objects,_crates, _blck_AllMissionAI,_endMsg,_blck_localMissionMarker,_coords,_markerClass, 1] call blck_fnc_endMission;
if !(_abort) then
_blck_AllMissionAI append (_temp select 0);
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then
diag_log format["[blckeagls] missionSpawner:: (288) AI Patrols Spawned: _cords %1 : _markerClass %2 : _aiDifficultyLevel %3 _markerMissionName %4",_coords,_markerClass,_aiDifficultyLevel,_markerMissionName];
_assetSpawned = objNull;
if !(_hostageConfig isEqualTo []) then
_assetSpawned = [_coords,_hostageConfig] call blck_fnc_spawnHostage;
//diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner: _assetSpawned = %1",_assetSpawned];
_blck_AllMissionAI pushBack _assetSpawned;
if !(_enemyLeaderConfig isEqualTo []) then
_assetSpawned = [_coords,_enemyLeaderConfig] call blck_fnc_spawnLeader;
//diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner: _assetSpawned = %1",_assetSpawned];
_blck_AllMissionAI pushBack _assetSpawned;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel >= 1) then {
diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner: _assetSpawned = %1",_assetSpawned];
uiSleep delayTime;
_temp = [[],[],false];
_abort = false;
_vehToSpawn = [_noVehiclePatrols] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
if (blck_useVehiclePatrols && ((_vehToSpawn > 0) || count _missionPatrolVehicles > 0)) then
#define useRelativePos true
//params[_coords,_noVehiclePatrols,_aiDifficultyLevel,_missionPatrolVehicles,_useRelativePos,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms, _isScubaGroup];
//_temp = [_coords,_vehToSpawn,_aiDifficultyLevel,_uniforms,_headGear,_missionPatrolVehicles] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols;
_temp = [_coords,_vehToSpawn,_aiDifficultyLevel,_missionPatrolVehicles,useRelativePos,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols;
if (typeName _temp isEqualTo "ARRAY") then
_abort = _temp select 2;
if !(_abort) then
_patrolVehicles = _temp select 0;
_blck_AllMissionAI append (_temp select 1);
if (_abort) exitWith
[_mines,_objects,_crates, _blck_AllMissionAI,_endMsg,_blck_localMissionMarker,_coords,_markerClass, 1] call blck_fnc_endMission;
uiSleep delayTime;
_temp = [[],[],false];
_abort = false;
// Deal with helicopter patrols
_temp = [];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["[blckeagls] missionSpawner:: (351) calling in heli patrol: Current mission: _cords %1 : _markerClass %2 : _aiDifficultyLevel %3 _markerMissionName %4",_coords,_markerClass,_aiDifficultyLevel,_markerMissionName];
_noChoppers = [_noChoppers] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
//_noPara = [_noPara] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then {diag_log format["_missionSpawner(322):: _noChoppers = %1 && _chancePara = %2",_noChoppers,_chancePara]};
if (_noChoppers > 0) then
for "_i" from 1 to (_noChoppers) do
if (random(1) < _chanceHeliPatrol) then
//_temp = [_coords,_missionHelis,spawnHeli,_aiDifficultyLevel,_chancePara,_noPara,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionReinforcements;
_temp = [_coords,_aiDifficultyLevel,_missionHelis,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,"none",_weaponList, _sideArms] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionHeli;
if (typeName _temp isEqualTo "ARRAY") then
_abort = _temp select 2;
blck_monitoredVehicles pushBack (_temp select 0);
_blck_AllMissionAI append (_temp select 1);
if (_abort) then
_objects pushback (_temp select 0);
[_mines,_objects,_crates, _blck_AllMissionAI,_endMsg,_blck_localMissionMarker,_coords,_markerClass, 1] call blck_fnc_endMission;
// Spawn Crates and Emplaced Weapons Last to try to force them to correct positions relative to spawned buildinga or other objects.
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log format["missionSpawner:: (389) preparing to spawn emplaced weapons for _coords %4 | _markerClass %3 | blck_useStatic = %1 | _noEmplacedWeapons = %2",blck_useStatic,_noEmplacedWeapons,_markerClass,_coords];};
uiSleep 15;
_noEmplacedToSpawn = [_noEmplacedWeapons] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
//diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner: -> _noEmplacedToSpawn = %1 | blck_useStatic = %2",_noEmplacedToSpawn,blck_useStatic];
if (blck_useStatic && (_noEmplacedToSpawn > 0)) then
// _params = ["_coords","_missionEmplacedWeapons","_useRelativePos","_noEmplacedWeapons","_aiDifficultyLevel","_uniforms","_headGear","_vests","_backpacks","_weaponList","_sideArms"];
// _temp = [_missionEmplacedWeapons,_noEmplacedToSpawn,_aiDifficultyLevel,_coords,_uniforms,_headGear] call blck_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray;
_temp = [_coords,_missionEmplacedWeapons,useRelativePos,_noEmplacedToSpawn,_aiDifficultyLevel,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms] call blck_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray;
if (typeName _temp isEqualTo "ARRAY") then
_abort = _temp select 2;
if !(_abort) then
_objects append (_temp select 0);
_blck_AllMissionAI append (_temp select 1);
if (_abort) exitWith
[_mines,_objects,_crates, _blck_AllMissionAI,_endMsg,_blck_localMissionMarker,_coords,_markerClass, 1] call blck_fnc_endMission;
uiSleep delayTime;
if (_spawnCratesTiming isEqualTo "atMissionSpawnGround") then
if (count _missionLootBoxes > 0) then
_crates = [_coords,_missionLootBoxes,_loadCratesTiming, _spawnCratesTiming, "start", _aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionCrates;
_crates = [_coords,[[selectRandom blck_crateTypes,[0,0,0],_crateLoot,_lootCounts]], _loadCratesTiming, _spawnCratesTiming, "start", _aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionCrates;
if (blck_cleanUpLootChests) then
_objects append _crates;
if (_noPara > 0 && (random(1) < _chancePara) && _paraTriggerDistance == 0) then
diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner (436): spawning %1 paraunits at mission spawn",_noPara];
private _paratroops = [_coords,_noPara,_aiDifficultyLevel,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms] call blck_fnc_spawnParaUnits;
if !(isNull _paratroops) then
_blck_AllMissionAI append (units _paratroops);
if (random(1) < _chanceLoot) then
diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner (446): spawning supplemental loot with _chanceLoot = %1",_chanceLoot];
private _extraCrates = [_coords,[[selectRandom blck_crateTypes,[0,0,0],_paraLoot,_paraLootCounts]], "atMissionSpawn","atMissionStartAir", "start", _aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionCrates;
if (blck_cleanUpLootChests) then
_objects append _extraCrates;
// Define Triggers for mission end
_missionComplete = -1;
_startTime = diag_tickTime;
switch (_endCondition) do
case "playerNear": {_secureAsset = false; _endIfPlayerNear = true;_endIfAIKilled = false;};
case "allUnitsKilled": {_secureAsset = false; _endIfPlayerNear = false;_endIfAIKilled = true;};
case "allKilledOrPlayerNear": {_secureAsset = false; _endIfPlayerNear = true;_endIfAIKilled = true;};
case "assetSecured": {_secureAsset = true; _endIfPlayerNear = false; _endIfAIKilled = false;};
//diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner: _secureAsset = %1",_secureAsset];
if (blck_showCountAliveAI) then
if !(_marker isEqualTo "") then
[_marker,_markerMissionName,_blck_AllMissionAI] call blck_fnc_updateMarkerAliveCount;
blck_missionMarkers pushBack [_marker,_markerMissionName,_blck_AllMissionAI];
_crateStolen = false;
_locations = [_coords];
private _spawnPara = if (random(1) < _chancePara) then {true} else {false};
_locations pushback (getPos _x);
_x setVariable["crateSpawnPos", (getPos _x)];
} forEach _crates;
_thresholdPercentageKilled = (1-blck_killPercentage);
while {_missionComplete isEqualTo -1} do
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) exitWith {uiSleep blck_triggerLoopCompleteTime;diag_log "_missionSpawner (492) scripted Mission End blck_debugLevel = 3";};
if (_endIfPlayerNear) then
if ([_locations,20,true] call blck_fnc_playerInRangeArray) then {_missionComplete = 1};
if (_endIfAIKilled) then
_result = [_blck_AllMissionAI,1] call blck_fnc_countAliveAI;
// _result is an array of [no alive, total spawned];
//private _noneAlive = if (_result select 0 isEqualTo 0) then {true} else {false};
//private _aiCountBelowThreshold = if ( (_result select 0)/(_result select 1) < _thresholdPercentageKilled) then {true} else {false};
//diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner: _noneAlive = %1 | _result = %2 | PercentageKilled = %3",_noneAlive,_result,(_result select 0)/(_result select 1)];
if ((_result select 0) < 1 || ((_result select 0)/(_result select 1)) < _thresholdPercentageKilled ) then {_missionComplete = 1};
if (_spawnCratesTiming isEqualTo "atMissionSpawn") then
if ({[_x] call blck_fnc_crateMoved} count _crates > 0) exitWith
_missionComplete = 1;
_crateStolen = true;
}forEach _crates;
if (_secureAsset) then
if !(alive _assetSpawned) then
_missionComplete = 1
} else {
//if (_assetSpawned getVariable["blck_AIState",0] > 0 && (({alive _x} count _blck_AllMissionAI) isEqualTo 1)) then {_missionComplete = 1};
_result = [_blck_AllMissionAI, 1] call blck_fnc_countAliveAI;
// _result is an array of [no alive, total spawned];
//private _noneAlive = if (_result select 0 isEqualTo 0) then {true} else {false};
//private _aiCountBelowThreshold = if ((_result select 0)/(_result select 1) < _thresholdPercentageKilled) then {true} else {false};
//diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner: _noneAlive = %1 | _result = %2 | PercentageKilled = %3",_noneAlive,_result,(_result select 0)/(_result select 1)];
if (((_result select 0)/(_result select 1)) < 0.18) then
if (_assetSpawned getVariable["blck_unguarded",0] isEqualTo 0) then {_assetSpawned setVariable["blck_unguarded",1,true]};
if ((_assetSpawned getVariable["blck_AIState",0] > 0)) then {
_missionComplete = 1:
_assetSpawned allowdamage false;
if (_spawnPara) then
if ([_coords,_paraTriggerDistance,true] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
_spawnPara = false; // The player gets one try to spawn these.
if (random(1) < _chancePara) then //
private _paratroops = [_coords,_noPara,_aiDifficultyLevel,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms] call blck_fnc_spawnParaUnits;
if !(isNull _paratroops) then
_blck_AllMissionAI append (units _paratroops);
if (random(1) < _chanceLoot) then
private _extraCrates = [_coords,[[selectRandom blck_crateTypes,[0,0,0],_paraLoot,_paraLootCounts]], "atMissionSpawn","atMissionStartAir", "start", _aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionCrates;
if (blck_cleanUpLootChests) then
_objects append _extraCrates;
uiSleep 1;
if (_crateStolen) exitWith
diag_log format["missionSpawner:: (542) Crate Stolen Callening _fnc_endMission - > players near = %1 and ai alive = %2 and crates stolen = %3",[_locations,10,true] call blck_fnc_playerInRangeArray, {alive _x} count _blck_AllMissionAI, _crateStolen];
[_mines,_objects,_crates, _blck_AllMissionAI,"Crate Removed from Mission Site Before Mission Completion: Mission Aborted",_blck_localMissionMarker,_coords,_markerClass, 2] call blck_fnc_endMission;
if ((_secureAsset) && !(alive _assetSpawned)) exitWith
[_mines,_objects,_crates, _blck_AllMissionAI,_assetKilledMsg,_blck_localMissionMarker,_coords,_markerClass, 2] call blck_fnc_endMission;
if (_spawnCratesTiming in ["atMissionEndGround","atMissionEndAir"]) then
if (count _missionLootBoxes > 0) then
_crates = [_coords,_missionLootBoxes,_loadCratesTiming,_spawnCratesTiming, "end", _aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionCrates;
_crates = [_coords,[[selectRandom blck_crateTypes,[0,0,0],_crateLoot,_lootCounts]], _loadCratesTiming,_spawnCratesTiming, "end", _aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionCrates;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner (531): _crates = %1", _crates]};
if (blck_cleanUpLootChests) then
_objects append _crates;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log format["[blckeagls] missionSpawner:: (428) Crates Spawned: _cords %1 : _markerClass %2 : _aiDifficultyLevel %3 _markerMissionName %4",_coords,_markerClass,_aiDifficultyLevel,_markerMissionName]};
if (_spawnCratesTiming isEqualTo "atMissionSpawnGround" && _loadCratesTiming isEqualTo "atMissionCompletion") then
[_x] call blck_fnc_loadMissionCrate;
} forEach _crates;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then
diag_log format["[blckeagls] missionSpawner:: (586) Mission completion criteria fulfilled: _cords %1 : _markerClass %2 : _aiDifficultyLevel %3 _markerMissionName %4",_coords,_markerClass,_aiDifficultyLevel,_markerMissionName];
diag_log format["missionSpawner :: (587) _endIfPlayerNear = %1 _endIfAIKilled= %2",_endIfPlayerNear,_endIfAIKilled];
diag_log format["[blckeagls] missionSpawner:: (588) calling endMission: _cords %1 : _markerClass %2 : _aiDifficultyLevel %3 _markerMissionName %4",_coords,_markerClass,_aiDifficultyLevel,_markerMissionName];
// Force passing the mission name for informational purposes.
_blck_localMissionMarker set [2, _markerMissionName];
if (blck_showCountAliveAI) then
_marker setMarkerText format["%1: All AI Dead",_markerMissionName];
if ((_x select 1) isEqualTo _markerMissionName) exitWith{blck_missionMarkers deleteAt _forEachIndex};
}forEach blck_missionMarkers;
//diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner (557) Build 123: _secureAsset = %1 | {alive _assetSpawned} = %2 | assetType = %3",_secureAsset,alive _assetSpawned, _assetSpawned getVariable["assetType",-1]];
if (_assetSpawned getVariable["assetType",0] isEqualTo 1) then
//diag_log "Processing Mission End for Hostage Rescue";
_assetSpawned setCaptive false;
_assetSpawned setVariable["GMSAnimations",[""],true];
[_assetSpawned,""] remoteExec["switchMove",-2];;
uiSleep 0.1;
_assetSpawned enableAI "ALL";
private _newPos = (getPos _assetSpawned) getPos [1000, random(360)];
//diag_log format["processing domove for hostage with current pos = %1 and new pos = %2",getPos _assetSpawned, _newPos];
(group _assetSpawned) setCurrentWaypoint [group _assetSpawned, 0];
[group _assetSpawned,0] setWaypointPosition [_newPos,0];
[group _assetSpawned,0] setWaypointType "MOVE";
if (_assetSpawned getVariable["assetType",0] isEqualTo 2) then
//diag_log format["Processing Mission End for Arrest of Leader %1 with endAnimation %2",_assetSpawned,_assetSpawned getVariable["endAnimation",""]];
[_assetSpawned,""] remoteExec["switchMove",-2];
_assetSpawned setVariable["GMSAnimations",_assetSpawned getVariable["endAnimation",["AidlPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_AI"]],true];
[_assetSpawned,selectRandom(_assetSpawned getVariable["endAnimation",["AidlPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_AI"]])] remoteExec["switchMove",-2];
//diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner (579) Build 123: <calling blck_fnc_endMission> _secureAsset = %1 | {alive _assetSpawned} = %2 | assetType = %3",_secureAsset,alive _assetSpawned, _assetSpawned getVariable["assetType",-1]];
_result = [_mines,_objects,_crates,_blck_AllMissionAI,_endMsg,_blck_localMissionMarker,_coords,_markerClass, 0] call blck_fnc_endMission;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then {diag_log format["[blckeagls] missionSpawner:: (507)end of mission: blck_fnc_endMission has returned control to _fnc_missionSpawner"]};
diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner (643) Mission Completed | _cords %1 : _markerClass %2 : _aiDifficultyLevel %3 _markerMissionName %4",_coords,_markerClass,_aiDifficultyLevel,_markerMissionName];
blck_missionsRun = blck_missionsRun + 1;
diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner (644): Total Dyanamic Land and UMS Run = %1", blck_missionsRun];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,608 @@
Dynamic Mission Spawner (over-ground missions)
By Ghostrider GRG
Copyright 2016
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
#define delayTime 1
private ["_abort","_crates","_aiGroup","_objects","_groupPatrolRadius","_missionLandscape","_mines","_blck_AllMissionAI","_blck_localMissionMarker","_assetKilledMsg","_enemyLeaderConfig",
// set all variables needed for the missions
// data is pulled either from the mission description or from the _mission variable passsed as a parameter
// Deal with situations where some of these variables might not be defined as well.
// _mission params["OrangeMarker","orange",blck_TMin_Orange,blck_TMax_Orange];
//_markerClass = _mission select 0;
// _aiDifficultyLevel = _mission select 1;
[_markerClass, "active",_coords] call blck_fnc_updateMissionQue;
blck_ActiveMissionCoords pushback _coords;
blck_missionsRunning = blck_missionsRunning + 1;
diag_log format["[blckeagls] missionSpawner (17):: Initializing mission: _cords %1 : _markerClass %2 : _aiDifficultyLevel %3 _markerMissionName %4",_coords,_markerClass,_aiDifficultyLevel,_markerMissionName];
if (isNil "_assetKilledMsg") then {_assetKilledMsg = ""};
if (isNil "_markerColor") then {_markerColor = "ColorBlack"};
if (isNil "_markerType") then {_markerType = ["mil_box",[]]};
//if (isNil "_timeOut") then {_timeOut = -1;};
if (isNil "_endCondition") then {_endCondition = blck_missionEndCondition}; // Options are "allUnitsKilled", "playerNear", "allKilledOrPlayerNear"};
if (isNil "_spawnCratesTiming") then {_spawnCratesTiming = blck_spawnCratesTiming}; // Choices: "atMissionSpawnGround","atMissionStartAir","atMissionEndGround","atMissionEndAir".
if (isNil "_loadCratesTiming") then {_loadCratesTiming = blck_loadCratesTiming}; // valid choices are "atMissionCompletion" and "atMissionSpawn";
if (isNil "_missionPatrolVehicles") then {_missionPatrolVehicles = []};
if (isNil "_missionGroups") then {_missionGroups = []};
if (isNil "_hostageConfig") then {_hostageConfig = []};
if (isNil "_enemyLeaderConfig") then {_enemyLeaderConfig = []};
if (isNil "_useMines") then {_useMines = blck_useMines;};
if (isNil "_weaponList") then {_weaponList = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAILoadout};
if (isNil "_sideArms") then {_sideArms = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAISidearms};
if (isNil "_uniforms") then {_uniforms = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIUniforms};
if (isNil "_headGear") then {_headGear = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIHeadgear};
if (isNil "_vests") then {_vests = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIVests};
if (isNil "_backpacks") then {_backpacks = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIBackpacks};
if (isNil "_chanceHeliPatrol") then {_chanceHeliPatrol = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectChanceHeliPatrol};
if (isNil "_noChoppers") then {_noChoppers = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectNumberAirPatrols};
if (isNil "_chancePara") then {_chancePara = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectChanceParatroops};
if (isNil "_missionHelis") then {_missionHelis = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectMissionHelis};
if (isNil "_noPara") then {_noPara = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectNumberParatroops};
if (isNil "_chanceLoot") then {_chanceLoot = 1.0}; //0.5};
if (isNil "_paraTriggerDistance") then {_paraTriggerDistance = 400;};
if (isNil "_paraLoot") then {_paraLoot = blck_BoxLoot_Green}; // Add diffiiculty based settings
if (isNil "_paraLootCounts") then {_paraLootCounts = blck_lootCountsRed}; // Add difficulty based settings
_objects = [];
_mines = [];
_crates = [];
_aiGroup = [];
_missionAIVehicles = [];
_blck_AllMissionAI = [];
_AI_Vehicles = [];
_blck_localMissionMarker = [_markerClass,_coords,"","",_markerColor,_markerType];
#define delayTime 1
//_groupPatrolRadius = 50;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
diag_log "_missionSpawner: All variables initialized";
if (blck_labelMapMarkers select 0) then
//diag_log "labeling map markers *****";
_blck_localMissionMarker set [2, _markerMissionName];
if !(blck_preciseMapMarkers) then
//diag_log "Map marker will be OFFSET from the mission position";
_blck_localMissionMarker set [1,[_coords,75] call blck_fnc_randomPosition];
_blck_localMissionMarker set [3,blck_labelMapMarkers select 1]; // Use an arrow labeled with the mission name?
[["start",_startMsg,_markerMissionName]] call blck_fnc_messageplayers;
_marker = [_blck_localMissionMarker] call blck_fnc_spawnMarker;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log "missionSpawner:: (145) message players and spawn a mission marker";};
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log format["missionSpawner:: (146) _marker = %1",_marker];};
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log "missionSpawner:: (147) waiting for player to trigger the mission";};
// All parameters are defined, lets wait until a player is nearby or the mission has timed out
_missionStartTime = diag_tickTime;
_playerInRange = false;
_missionTimedOut = false;
_wait = true;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {
diag_log "missionSpawner:: (90) starting mission trigger loop"};
diag_log format["missionSpawner (163) blck_MissionTimeout = %1", blck_MissionTimeout];
while {_wait} do
#ifdef blck_debugMode
//diag_log "missionSpawner:: top of mission trigger loop";
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) exitWith {_playerInRange = true;diag_log "_fnc_missionSpawner (168): player trigger loop triggered by scripting";};
if ([_coords, blck_TriggerDistance, false] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) exitWith {_playerInRange = true;};
if ([_missionStartTime,blck_MissionTimeout] call blck_fnc_timedOut) exitWith {_missionTimedOut = true;};
uiSleep 5;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
diag_log format["missionSpawner:: Trigger Loop - blck_debugLevel = %1 and _coords = %2",blck_debugLevel, _coords];
diag_log format["missionSpawner:: Trigger Loop - players in range = %1",{isPlayer _x && _x distance2D _coords < blck_TriggerDistance} count allPlayers];
diag_log format["missionSpawner:: Trigger Loop - timeout = %1", [_missionStartTime,blck_MissionTimeout] call blck_fnc_timedOut];
if (_missionTimedOut) exitWith
diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner (187): mission timed out"];
[_mines,_objects,_crates, _blck_AllMissionAI,_endMsg,_blck_localMissionMarker,_coords,_markerClass, 1] call blck_fnc_endMission;
// Spawn the mission objects, loot chest, and AI
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then
diag_log format["[blckeagls] missionSpawner:: (200) -- >> Mission tripped: _cords %1 : _markerClass %2 : _aiDifficultyLevel %3 _markerMissionName %4",_coords,_markerClass,_aiDifficultyLevel,_markerMissionName];
if (blck_SmokeAtMissions select 0) then // spawn a fire and smoke near the crate
_temp = [_coords,blck_SmokeAtMissions select 1] call blck_fnc_smokeAtCrates;
if (typeName _temp isEqualTo "ARRAY") then
_objects append _temp;
uiSleep delayTime;
if (_useMines) then
_mines = [_coords] call blck_fnc_spawnMines;
uiSleep delayTime;
_temp = [];
if (_missionLandscapeMode isEqualTo "random") then
_temp = [_coords,_missionLandscape, 3, 15, 2] call blck_fnc_spawnRandomLandscape;
} else {
_temp = [_coords, _missionLandscape] call blck_fnc_spawnCompositionObjects;
if (typeName _temp isEqualTo "ARRAY") then
_objects append _temp;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then
diag_log format["[blckeagls] missionSpawner:: (237) Landscape spawned: _cords %1 : _markerClass %2 : _aiDifficultyLevel %3 _markerMissionName %4",_coords,_markerClass,_aiDifficultyLevel,_markerMissionName];
uiSleep delayTime;;
_temp = [_coords,_missionLootVehicles] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionLootVehicles;
//uisleep 1;
_crates append _temp;
uiSleep delayTime;
_abort = false;
_temp = [[],[],false];
// params["_coords",_minNoAI,_maxNoAI,_missionGroups,_aiDifficultyLevel,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests",_backpacks,_weapons,sideArms,_isScubaGroup];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
private _params = [_coords,_minNoAI,_maxNoAI,_missionGroups,_aiDifficultyLevel,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms];
diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner: _param %1 label %2 = %3",_forEachIndex, _x, _params select _forEachIndex];
}forEach ["_coords","_minNoAI","_maxNoAI","_missionGroups","_aiDifficultyLevel","_uniforms","_headgear","_vests","_backpacks","_weaponList","_sideArms"];
_temp = [_coords, _minNoAI,_maxNoAI,_missionGroups,_aiDifficultyLevel,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionAI;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then {
diag_log format["missionSpawner :: (264) blck_fnc_spawnMissionAI returned a value of _temp = %1",_temp]; uiSleep 1;
_abort = _temp select 1;
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then {
diag_log format["missionSpawner :: (269) blck_fnc_spawnMissionAI returned a value of _abort = %1",_abort]; uiSleep 1;
if (_abort) exitWith
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then {
diag_log "missionSpawner:: (277) grpNull returned, mission termination criteria met, calling blck_fnc_endMission"
[_mines,_objects,_crates, _blck_AllMissionAI,_endMsg,_blck_localMissionMarker,_coords,_markerClass, 1] call blck_fnc_endMission;
if !(_abort) then
_blck_AllMissionAI append (_temp select 0);
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then
diag_log format["[blckeagls] missionSpawner:: (288) AI Patrols Spawned: _cords %1 : _markerClass %2 : _aiDifficultyLevel %3 _markerMissionName %4",_coords,_markerClass,_aiDifficultyLevel,_markerMissionName];
_assetSpawned = objNull;
if !(_hostageConfig isEqualTo []) then
_assetSpawned = [_coords,_hostageConfig] call blck_fnc_spawnHostage;
//diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner: _assetSpawned = %1",_assetSpawned];
_blck_AllMissionAI pushBack _assetSpawned;
if !(_enemyLeaderConfig isEqualTo []) then
_assetSpawned = [_coords,_enemyLeaderConfig] call blck_fnc_spawnLeader;
//diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner: _assetSpawned = %1",_assetSpawned];
_blck_AllMissionAI pushBack _assetSpawned;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel >= 1) then {
diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner: _assetSpawned = %1",_assetSpawned];
uiSleep delayTime;
_temp = [[],[],false];
_abort = false;
_vehToSpawn = [_noVehiclePatrols] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
if (blck_useVehiclePatrols && ((_vehToSpawn > 0) || count _missionPatrolVehicles > 0)) then
#define useRelativePos true
//params[_coords,_noVehiclePatrols,_aiDifficultyLevel,_missionPatrolVehicles,_useRelativePos,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms, _isScubaGroup];
//_temp = [_coords,_vehToSpawn,_aiDifficultyLevel,_uniforms,_headGear,_missionPatrolVehicles] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols;
_temp = [_coords,_vehToSpawn,_aiDifficultyLevel,_missionPatrolVehicles,useRelativePos,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols;
if (typeName _temp isEqualTo "ARRAY") then
_abort = _temp select 2;
if !(_abort) then
_patrolVehicles = _temp select 0;
_blck_AllMissionAI append (_temp select 1);
if (_abort) exitWith
[_mines,_objects,_crates, _blck_AllMissionAI,_endMsg,_blck_localMissionMarker,_coords,_markerClass, 1] call blck_fnc_endMission;
uiSleep delayTime;
_temp = [[],[],false];
_abort = false;
// Deal with helicopter patrols
_temp = [];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["[blckeagls] missionSpawner:: (351) calling in heli patrol: Current mission: _cords %1 : _markerClass %2 : _aiDifficultyLevel %3 _markerMissionName %4",_coords,_markerClass,_aiDifficultyLevel,_markerMissionName];
_noChoppers = [_noChoppers] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
//_noPara = [_noPara] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then {diag_log format["_missionSpawner(322):: _noChoppers = %1 && _chancePara = %2",_noChoppers,_chancePara]};
if (_noChoppers > 0) then
for "_i" from 1 to (_noChoppers) do
if (random(1) < _chanceHeliPatrol) then
//_temp = [_coords,_missionHelis,spawnHeli,_aiDifficultyLevel,_chancePara,_noPara,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionReinforcements;
_temp = [_coords,_aiDifficultyLevel,_missionHelis,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,"none",_weaponList, _sideArms] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionHeli;
if (typeName _temp isEqualTo "ARRAY") then
_abort = _temp select 2;
blck_monitoredVehicles pushBack (_temp select 0);
_blck_AllMissionAI append (_temp select 1);
if (_abort) then
_objects pushback (_temp select 0);
[_mines,_objects,_crates, _blck_AllMissionAI,_endMsg,_blck_localMissionMarker,_coords,_markerClass, 1] call blck_fnc_endMission;
// Spawn Crates and Emplaced Weapons Last to try to force them to correct positions relative to spawned buildinga or other objects.
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log format["missionSpawner:: (389) preparing to spawn emplaced weapons for _coords %4 | _markerClass %3 | blck_useStatic = %1 | _noEmplacedWeapons = %2",blck_useStatic,_noEmplacedWeapons,_markerClass,_coords];};
uiSleep 15;
_noEmplacedToSpawn = [_noEmplacedWeapons] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
//diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner: -> _noEmplacedToSpawn = %1 | blck_useStatic = %2",_noEmplacedToSpawn,blck_useStatic];
if (blck_useStatic && (_noEmplacedToSpawn > 0)) then
// _params = ["_coords","_missionEmplacedWeapons","_useRelativePos","_noEmplacedWeapons","_aiDifficultyLevel","_uniforms","_headGear","_vests","_backpacks","_weaponList","_sideArms"];
// _temp = [_missionEmplacedWeapons,_noEmplacedToSpawn,_aiDifficultyLevel,_coords,_uniforms,_headGear] call blck_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray;
_temp = [_coords,_missionEmplacedWeapons,useRelativePos,_noEmplacedToSpawn,_aiDifficultyLevel,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms] call blck_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray;
if (typeName _temp isEqualTo "ARRAY") then
_abort = _temp select 2;
if !(_abort) then
_objects append (_temp select 0);
_blck_AllMissionAI append (_temp select 1);
if (_abort) exitWith
[_mines,_objects,_crates, _blck_AllMissionAI,_endMsg,_blck_localMissionMarker,_coords,_markerClass, 1] call blck_fnc_endMission;
uiSleep delayTime;
if (_spawnCratesTiming isEqualTo "atMissionSpawnGround") then
if (count _missionLootBoxes > 0) then
_crates = [_coords,_missionLootBoxes,_loadCratesTiming, _spawnCratesTiming, "start", _aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionCrates;
_crates = [_coords,[[selectRandom blck_crateTypes,[0,0,0],_crateLoot,_lootCounts]], _loadCratesTiming, _spawnCratesTiming, "start", _aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionCrates;
if (blck_cleanUpLootChests) then
_objects append _crates;
if (_noPara > 0 && (random(1) < _chancePara) && _paraTriggerDistance == 0) then
diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner (436): spawning %1 paraunits at mission spawn",_noPara];
private _paratroops = [_coords,_noPara,_aiDifficultyLevel,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms] call blck_fnc_spawnParaUnits;
if !(isNull _paratroops) then
_blck_AllMissionAI append (units _paratroops);
if (random(1) < _chanceLoot) then
diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner (446): spawning supplemental loot with _chanceLoot = %1",_chanceLoot];
private _extraCrates = [_coords,[[selectRandom blck_crateTypes,[0,0,0],_paraLoot,_paraLootCounts]], "atMissionSpawn","atMissionStartAir", "start", _aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionCrates;
if (blck_cleanUpLootChests) then
_objects append _extraCrates;
// Define Triggers for mission end
_missionComplete = -1;
_startTime = diag_tickTime;
switch (_endCondition) do
case "playerNear": {_secureAsset = false; _endIfPlayerNear = true;_endIfAIKilled = false;};
case "allUnitsKilled": {_secureAsset = false; _endIfPlayerNear = false;_endIfAIKilled = true;};
case "allKilledOrPlayerNear": {_secureAsset = false; _endIfPlayerNear = true;_endIfAIKilled = true;};
case "assetSecured": {_secureAsset = true; _endIfPlayerNear = false; _endIfAIKilled = false;};
//diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner: _secureAsset = %1",_secureAsset];
if (blck_showCountAliveAI) then
if !(_marker isEqualTo "") then
[_marker,_markerMissionName,_blck_AllMissionAI] call blck_fnc_updateMarkerAliveCount;
blck_missionMarkers pushBack [_marker,_markerMissionName,_blck_AllMissionAI];
_crateStolen = false;
_locations = [_coords];
private _spawnPara = if (random(1) < _chancePara) then {true} else {false};
_locations pushback (getPos _x);
_x setVariable["crateSpawnPos", (getPos _x)];
} forEach _crates;
_thresholdPercentageKilled = (1-blck_killPercentage);
while {_missionComplete isEqualTo -1} do
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) exitWith {uiSleep blck_triggerLoopCompleteTime;diag_log "_missionSpawner (492) scripted Mission End blck_debugLevel = 3";};
if (_endIfPlayerNear) then
if ([_locations,20,true] call blck_fnc_playerInRangeArray) then {_missionComplete = 1};
if (_endIfAIKilled) then
_result = [_blck_AllMissionAI,1] call blck_fnc_countAliveAI;
// _result is an array of [no alive, total spawned];
//private _noneAlive = if (_result select 0 isEqualTo 0) then {true} else {false};
//private _aiCountBelowThreshold = if ( (_result select 0)/(_result select 1) < _thresholdPercentageKilled) then {true} else {false};
//diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner: _noneAlive = %1 | _result = %2 | PercentageKilled = %3",_noneAlive,_result,(_result select 0)/(_result select 1)];
if ((_result select 0) < 1 || ((_result select 0)/(_result select 1)) < _thresholdPercentageKilled ) then {_missionComplete = 1};
if (_spawnCratesTiming isEqualTo "atMissionSpawn") then
if ({[_x] call blck_fnc_crateMoved} count _crates > 0) exitWith
_missionComplete = 1;
_crateStolen = true;
}forEach _crates;
if (_secureAsset) then
if !(alive _assetSpawned) then
_missionComplete = 1
} else {
//if (_assetSpawned getVariable["blck_AIState",0] > 0 && (({alive _x} count _blck_AllMissionAI) isEqualTo 1)) then {_missionComplete = 1};
_result = [_blck_AllMissionAI, 1] call blck_fnc_countAliveAI;
// _result is an array of [no alive, total spawned];
//private _noneAlive = if (_result select 0 isEqualTo 0) then {true} else {false};
//private _aiCountBelowThreshold = if ((_result select 0)/(_result select 1) < _thresholdPercentageKilled) then {true} else {false};
//diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner: _noneAlive = %1 | _result = %2 | PercentageKilled = %3",_noneAlive,_result,(_result select 0)/(_result select 1)];
if (((_result select 0)/(_result select 1)) < 0.18) then
if (_assetSpawned getVariable["blck_unguarded",0] isEqualTo 0) then {_assetSpawned setVariable["blck_unguarded",1,true]};
if ((_assetSpawned getVariable["blck_AIState",0] > 0)) then {
_missionComplete = 1:
_assetSpawned allowdamage false;
if (_spawnPara) then
if ([_coords,_paraTriggerDistance,true] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
_spawnPara = false; // The player gets one try to spawn these.
if (random(1) < _chancePara) then //
private _paratroops = [_coords,_noPara,_aiDifficultyLevel,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms] call blck_fnc_spawnParaUnits;
if !(isNull _paratroops) then
_blck_AllMissionAI append (units _paratroops);
if (random(1) < _chanceLoot) then
private _extraCrates = [_coords,[[selectRandom blck_crateTypes,[0,0,0],_paraLoot,_paraLootCounts]], "atMissionSpawn","atMissionStartAir", "start", _aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionCrates;
if (blck_cleanUpLootChests) then
_objects append _extraCrates;
uiSleep 1;
if (_crateStolen) exitWith
diag_log format["missionSpawner:: (542) Crate Stolen Callening _fnc_endMission - > players near = %1 and ai alive = %2 and crates stolen = %3",[_locations,10,true] call blck_fnc_playerInRangeArray, {alive _x} count _blck_AllMissionAI, _crateStolen];
[_mines,_objects,_crates, _blck_AllMissionAI,"Crate Removed from Mission Site Before Mission Completion: Mission Aborted",_blck_localMissionMarker,_coords,_markerClass, 2] call blck_fnc_endMission;
if ((_secureAsset) && !(alive _assetSpawned)) exitWith
[_mines,_objects,_crates, _blck_AllMissionAI,_assetKilledMsg,_blck_localMissionMarker,_coords,_markerClass, 2] call blck_fnc_endMission;
if (_spawnCratesTiming in ["atMissionEndGround","atMissionEndAir"]) then
if (count _missionLootBoxes > 0) then
_crates = [_coords,_missionLootBoxes,_loadCratesTiming,_spawnCratesTiming, "end", _aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionCrates;
_crates = [_coords,[[selectRandom blck_crateTypes,[0,0,0],_crateLoot,_lootCounts]], _loadCratesTiming,_spawnCratesTiming, "end", _aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionCrates;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner (531): _crates = %1", _crates]};
if (blck_cleanUpLootChests) then
_objects append _crates;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log format["[blckeagls] missionSpawner:: (428) Crates Spawned: _cords %1 : _markerClass %2 : _aiDifficultyLevel %3 _markerMissionName %4",_coords,_markerClass,_aiDifficultyLevel,_markerMissionName]};
if (_spawnCratesTiming isEqualTo "atMissionSpawnGround" && _loadCratesTiming isEqualTo "atMissionCompletion") then
[_x] call blck_fnc_loadMissionCrate;
} forEach _crates;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then
diag_log format["[blckeagls] missionSpawner:: (586) Mission completion criteria fulfilled: _cords %1 : _markerClass %2 : _aiDifficultyLevel %3 _markerMissionName %4",_coords,_markerClass,_aiDifficultyLevel,_markerMissionName];
diag_log format["missionSpawner :: (587) _endIfPlayerNear = %1 _endIfAIKilled= %2",_endIfPlayerNear,_endIfAIKilled];
diag_log format["[blckeagls] missionSpawner:: (588) calling endMission: _cords %1 : _markerClass %2 : _aiDifficultyLevel %3 _markerMissionName %4",_coords,_markerClass,_aiDifficultyLevel,_markerMissionName];
// Force passing the mission name for informational purposes.
_blck_localMissionMarker set [2, _markerMissionName];
if (blck_showCountAliveAI) then
_marker setMarkerText format["%1: All AI Dead",_markerMissionName];
if ((_x select 1) isEqualTo _markerMissionName) exitWith{blck_missionMarkers deleteAt _forEachIndex};
}forEach blck_missionMarkers;
//diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner (557) Build 123: _secureAsset = %1 | {alive _assetSpawned} = %2 | assetType = %3",_secureAsset,alive _assetSpawned, _assetSpawned getVariable["assetType",-1]];
if (_assetSpawned getVariable["assetType",0] isEqualTo 1) then
//diag_log "Processing Mission End for Hostage Rescue";
_assetSpawned setCaptive false;
_assetSpawned setVariable["GMSAnimations",[""],true];
[_assetSpawned,""] remoteExec["switchMove",-2];;
uiSleep 0.1;
_assetSpawned enableAI "ALL";
private _newPos = (getPos _assetSpawned) getPos [1000, random(360)];
//diag_log format["processing domove for hostage with current pos = %1 and new pos = %2",getPos _assetSpawned, _newPos];
(group _assetSpawned) setCurrentWaypoint [group _assetSpawned, 0];
[group _assetSpawned,0] setWaypointPosition [_newPos,0];
[group _assetSpawned,0] setWaypointType "MOVE";
if (_assetSpawned getVariable["assetType",0] isEqualTo 2) then
//diag_log format["Processing Mission End for Arrest of Leader %1 with endAnimation %2",_assetSpawned,_assetSpawned getVariable["endAnimation",""]];
[_assetSpawned,""] remoteExec["switchMove",-2];
_assetSpawned setVariable["GMSAnimations",_assetSpawned getVariable["endAnimation",["AidlPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_AI"]],true];
[_assetSpawned,selectRandom(_assetSpawned getVariable["endAnimation",["AidlPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_AI"]])] remoteExec["switchMove",-2];
//diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner (579) Build 123: <calling blck_fnc_endMission> _secureAsset = %1 | {alive _assetSpawned} = %2 | assetType = %3",_secureAsset,alive _assetSpawned, _assetSpawned getVariable["assetType",-1]];
_result = [_mines,_objects,_crates,_blck_AllMissionAI,_endMsg,_blck_localMissionMarker,_coords,_markerClass, 0] call blck_fnc_endMission;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then {diag_log format["[blckeagls] missionSpawner:: (507)end of mission: blck_fnc_endMission has returned control to _fnc_missionSpawner"]};
diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner (643) Mission Completed | _cords %1 : _markerClass %2 : _aiDifficultyLevel %3 _markerMissionName %4",_coords,_markerClass,_aiDifficultyLevel,_markerMissionName];
blck_missionsRun = blck_missionsRun + 1;
diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner (644): Total Dyanamic Land and UMS Run = %1", blck_missionsRun];

View File

@ -19,6 +19,16 @@ private ["_abort","_crates","_aiGroup","_objects","_groupPatrolRadius","_mission
// set all variables needed for the missions
// data is pulled either from the mission description or from the _mission variable passsed as a parameter
// Deal with situations where some of these variables might not be defined as well.
// _mission params["OrangeMarker","orange",blck_TMin_Orange,blck_TMax_Orange];
//_markerClass = _mission select 0;
// _aiDifficultyLevel = _mission select 1;
[_markerClass, "active",_coords] call blck_fnc_updateMissionQue;
blck_ActiveMissionCoords pushback _coords;
blck_missionsRunning = blck_missionsRunning + 1;
@ -37,20 +47,21 @@ if (isNil "_hostageConfig") then {_hostageConfig = []};
if (isNil "_enemyLeaderConfig") then {_enemyLeaderConfig = []};
if (isNil "_useMines") then {_useMines = blck_useMines;};
if (isNil "_weaponList") then {_weaponList = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAILoadout};
if (isNil "_sideArms") then {_sideArms = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAISidearms};
if (isNil "_uniforms") then {_uniforms = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIUniforms};
if (isNil "_headGear") then {_headGear = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIHeadgear};
if (isNil "_vests") then {_vests = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIVests};
if (isNil "_backpacks") then {_backpacks = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIBackpacks};
if (isNil "_chanceHeliPatrol") then {_chanceHeliPatrol = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectChanceHeliPatrol};
if (isNil "_noChoppers") then {_noChoppers = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectNumberAirPatrols};
if (isNil "_chancePara") then {_chancePara = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectChanceParatroops};
if (isNil "_missionHelis") then {_missionHelis = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectMissionHelis};
if (isNil "_noPara") then {_noPara = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectNumberParatroops};
if (isNil "_chanceLoot") then {_chanceLoot = 1.0}; //0.5};
if (isNil "_paraTriggerDistance") then {_paraTriggerDistance = 400;};
if (isNil "_paraLoot") then {_paraLoot = blck_BoxLoot_Green}; // Add diffiiculty based settings
if (isNil "_paraLootCounts") then {_paraLootCounts = blck_lootCountsRed}; // Add difficulty based settings
if (isNil "_sideArms") then {_sideArms = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAISidearms};
if (isNil "_uniforms") then {_uniforms = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIUniforms};
if (isNil "_headGear") then {_headGear = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIHeadgear};
if (isNil "_vests") then {_vests = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIVests};
if (isNil "_backpacks") then {_backpacks = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIBackpacks};
if (isNil "_chanceHeliPatrol") then {_chanceHeliPatrol = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectChanceHeliPatrol};
if (isNil "_noChoppers") then {_noChoppers = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectNumberAirPatrols};
if (isNil "_chancePara") then {_chancePara = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectChanceParatroops};
if (isNil "_missionHelis") then {_missionHelis = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectMissionHelis};
if (isNil "_noPara") then {_noPara = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectNumberParatroops};
if (isNil "_chanceLoot") then {_chanceLoot = 1.0}; //0.5};
if (isNil "_paraTriggerDistance") then {_paraTriggerDistance = 400;};
if (isNil "_paraLoot") then {_paraLoot = blck_BoxLoot_Green}; // Add diffiiculty based settings
if (isNil "_paraLootCounts") then {_paraLootCounts = blck_lootCountsRed}; // Add difficulty based settings
_objects = [];
_mines = [];
@ -61,6 +72,7 @@ _blck_AllMissionAI = [];
_AI_Vehicles = [];
_blck_localMissionMarker = [_markerClass,_coords,"","",_markerColor,_markerType];
#define delayTime 1
//_groupPatrolRadius = 50;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
diag_log "_missionSpawner: All variables initialized";
@ -68,10 +80,12 @@ diag_log "_missionSpawner: All variables initialized";
if (blck_labelMapMarkers select 0) then
//diag_log "labeling map markers *****";
_blck_localMissionMarker set [2, _markerMissionName];
if !(blck_preciseMapMarkers) then
//diag_log "Map marker will be OFFSET from the mission position";
_blck_localMissionMarker set [1,[_coords,75] call blck_fnc_randomPosition];
_blck_localMissionMarker set [3,blck_labelMapMarkers select 1]; // Use an arrow labeled with the mission name?
@ -101,6 +115,7 @@ if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {
while {_wait} do
#ifdef blck_debugMode
//diag_log "missionSpawner:: top of mission trigger loop";
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) exitWith {_playerInRange = true;diag_log "_fnc_missionSpawner (168): player trigger loop triggered by scripting";};
@ -174,6 +189,7 @@ if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then
uiSleep delayTime;;
_temp = [_coords,_missionLootVehicles] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionLootVehicles;
//uisleep 1;
_crates append _temp;
uiSleep delayTime;
@ -181,6 +197,7 @@ uiSleep delayTime;
_abort = false;
_temp = [[],[],false];
// params["_coords",_minNoAI,_maxNoAI,_missionGroups,_aiDifficultyLevel,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests",_backpacks,_weapons,sideArms,_isScubaGroup];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
private _params = [_coords,_minNoAI,_maxNoAI,_missionGroups,_aiDifficultyLevel,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms];
@ -223,25 +240,16 @@ if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then
_assetSpawned = objNull;
if !(_hostageConfig isEqualTo []) then
_temp = [_coords,_hostageConfig] call blck_fnc_spawnHostage;
//diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner: _fnc_spawnHostage returned %1",_temp];
_assetSpawned = _temp select 0;
_objects pushBack (_temp select 1);
_assetSpawned = [_coords,_hostageConfig] call blck_fnc_spawnHostage;
//diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner: _assetSpawned = %1",_assetSpawned];
//diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner: _fnc_spawnHostage returned object %1",_temp select 1];
_blck_AllMissionAI pushBack _assetSpawned;
if !(_enemyLeaderConfig isEqualTo []) then
_temp = [_coords,_enemyLeaderConfig] call blck_fnc_spawnLeader;
//diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner: _fnc_spawnLeader return _temp = %1",_temp];
_assetSpawned = _temp select 0;
_objects pushBack (_temp select 1);
_assetSpawned = [_coords,_enemyLeaderConfig] call blck_fnc_spawnLeader;
//diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner: _assetSpawned = %1",_assetSpawned];
//diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner: building spawned by _fnc_spawnLeader = %1",_temp select 1];
_blck_AllMissionAI pushBack _assetSpawned;
//diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner (261): _blck_AllMissionAI",_blck_AllMissionAI];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
@ -258,6 +266,8 @@ _vehToSpawn = [_noVehiclePatrols] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
if (blck_useVehiclePatrols && ((_vehToSpawn > 0) || count _missionPatrolVehicles > 0)) then
#define useRelativePos true
//params[_coords,_noVehiclePatrols,_aiDifficultyLevel,_missionPatrolVehicles,_useRelativePos,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms, _isScubaGroup];
//_temp = [_coords,_vehToSpawn,_aiDifficultyLevel,_uniforms,_headGear,_missionPatrolVehicles] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols;
_temp = [_coords,_vehToSpawn,_aiDifficultyLevel,_missionPatrolVehicles,useRelativePos,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols;
if (typeName _temp isEqualTo "ARRAY") then
@ -291,6 +301,7 @@ if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
_noChoppers = [_noChoppers] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
//_noPara = [_noPara] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then {diag_log format["_missionSpawner(322):: _noChoppers = %1 && _chancePara = %2",_noChoppers,_chancePara]};
@ -301,7 +312,8 @@ if (_noChoppers > 0) then
if (random(1) < _chanceHeliPatrol) then
_temp = [_coords,_aiDifficultyLevel,_missionHelis,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList, _sideArms,"none"] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionHeli;
//_temp = [_coords,_missionHelis,spawnHeli,_aiDifficultyLevel,_chancePara,_noPara,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionReinforcements;
_temp = [_coords,_aiDifficultyLevel,_missionHelis,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,"none",_weaponList, _sideArms] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionHeli;
if (typeName _temp isEqualTo "ARRAY") then
@ -330,6 +342,8 @@ _noEmplacedToSpawn = [_noEmplacedWeapons] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
//diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner: -> _noEmplacedToSpawn = %1 | blck_useStatic = %2",_noEmplacedToSpawn,blck_useStatic];
if (blck_useStatic && (_noEmplacedToSpawn > 0)) then
// _params = ["_coords","_missionEmplacedWeapons","_useRelativePos","_noEmplacedWeapons","_aiDifficultyLevel","_uniforms","_headGear","_vests","_backpacks","_weaponList","_sideArms"];
// _temp = [_missionEmplacedWeapons,_noEmplacedToSpawn,_aiDifficultyLevel,_coords,_uniforms,_headGear] call blck_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray;
_temp = [_coords,_missionEmplacedWeapons,useRelativePos,_noEmplacedToSpawn,_aiDifficultyLevel,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms] call blck_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray;
if (typeName _temp isEqualTo "ARRAY") then

View File

@ -1,15 +1,3 @@
by Ghostrider [GRG]
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";

View File

@ -1,15 +1,3 @@
by Ghostrider [GRG]
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";

View File

@ -1,15 +1,3 @@
by Ghostrider [GRG]
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";

View File

@ -1,18 +1,5 @@
by Ghostrider [GRG]
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
params["_aiDifficultyLevel"]; //[["_aiDifficultyLevel",selectRandom["Red","Green"]]];
//diag_log format["_fnc_selectAISidearms: _aiDifficultyLevel = %1",_aiDifficultyLevel];
switch (toLower (_aiDifficultyLevel)) do

View File

@ -1,15 +1,3 @@
by Ghostrider [GRG]
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";

View File

@ -1,15 +1,3 @@
by Ghostrider [GRG]
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";

View File

@ -1,15 +1,3 @@
by Ghostrider [GRG]
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";

View File

@ -1,15 +1,3 @@
by Ghostrider [GRG]
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";

View File

@ -1,15 +1,3 @@
by Ghostrider [GRG]
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";

View File

@ -1,15 +1,3 @@
by Ghostrider [GRG]
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";

View File

@ -17,13 +17,8 @@ params["_center","_objects"];
if (count _center == 2) then {_center pushBack 0};
private ["_newObjs","_simDam","_obj","_spawnPos"];
_newObjs = [];
_obj = createVehicle ["RoadCone_L_F", _coords]; // To designate the mission center
_obj allowDamage true;
_obj enableSimulation false;
_obj enableSimulationGlobal false;
_obj enableDynamicSimulation false;
_newObjs pushBack _obj;
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnBaseObjects::-->> _x = %1",_x];
if (count _x == 3) then
_simDam = [false,false];
@ -33,12 +28,11 @@ _newObjs pushBack _obj;
_simDam = _x select 3;
_obj = createVehicle[(_x select 0),_center vectorAdd (_x select 1),[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnBaseObjects::-->> _x = %1 | _obj = %2",_x,_obj];
_newObjs pushback _obj;
_obj setDir (_x select 2);
_obj enableDynamicSimulation (_simDam select 0);
_obj allowDamage (_simDam select 1);
if ((typeOf _obj) isKindOf "LandVehicle" || (typeOf _obj) isKindOf "Air" || (typeOf _obj) isKindOf "Sea") then
if ( (typeOf _obj) isKindOf "LandVehicle" || (typeOf _obj) isKindOf "Air" || (typeOf _obj) isKindOf "Sea") then
[_obj] call blck_fnc_configureMissionVehicle;

View File

@ -14,12 +14,12 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
params["_coords","_missionEmplacedWeapons","_useRelativePos","_noEmplacedWeapons","_aiDifficultyLevel",["_uniforms",[]], ["_headGear",[]],["_vests",[]],["_backpacks",[]],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",[]]];
if (_uniforms isEqualTo []) then {_uniforms = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIUniforms};
if (_headGear isEqualTo []) then {_headGear = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIHeadgear};
if (_vests isEqualTo []) then {_vests = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIVests};
if (_backpacks isEqualTo []) then {_backpacks = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIBackpacks};
if (_weaponList isEqualTo []) then {_weaponList = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAILoadout};
if (_sideArms isEqualTo []) then {[_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAISidearms};
if (count _uniforms == 0) then {_uniforms = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIUniforms};
if (count _headGear == 0) then {_headGear = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIHeadgear};
if (count _vests == 0) then {_vests = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIVests};
if (count _backpacks == 0) then {_backpacks = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIBackpacks};
if (count _weaponList == 0) then {_weaponList = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAILoadout};
if (count _sideArms == 0) then {[_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAISidearms};
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel >=2) then

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
#define configureWaypoints true
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel >=2) then

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
Author: Ghostrider [GRG]
Inspiration: blckeagls / A3EAI / VEMF / IgiLoad / SDROP
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
This is basically a container that determines whether a paragroop group should be created and if so creates a group and passes it off to the routine that spawns the paratroops.
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel >=2) then
private _params = ["_coords","_skillAI","_chancePara","_uniforms","_headGear","_vests","_backpacks","_weapons","_sideArms","_grpParatroops","_heli"];
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionParatroops:: param %1 | isEqualTo %2 | _forEachIndex %3",_params select _forEachIndex,_this select _forEachIndex, _forEachIndex];
}forEach _this;
_skillAI = toLower _skillAI;
_aborted = false;
_grpParatroops = createGroup blck_AI_Side;
_aborted = [_coords,_grpParatroops,_noPara,_skillAI,_weapons,_uniforms,_headGear,_heli] call blck_fnc_spawnParaUnits;
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionParatroops: blck_fnc_spawnParaUnits returned a value of %1",_aborted];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionParatroops: _aborted = %1",_aborted];
if (_aborted) then
_return = [[],true];
} else {
_return = [(units _grpParatroops),false];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionParatroops:-> _return = %1 | _abort = %2",_return,_aborted];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
by Ghostrider [GRG]
returns [] if no groups could be created
returns [_AI_Vehicles,_missionAI] otherwise;
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
// params["_pos", "_center", ["_numai1",5], ["_numai2",10], ["_skillLevel","red"], ["_minDist",20], ["_maxDist",35],["_configureWaypoints",true], ["_uniforms",blck_SkinList], ["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",blck_Pistols], ["_scuba",false] ];
params["_coords","_noVehiclePatrols","_aiDifficultyLevel","_missionPatrolVehicles",["_useRelativePos",true],["_uniforms",[]], ["_headGear",[]],["_vests",[]],["_backpacks",[]],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",[]], ["_isScubaGroup",false]];
if (count _uniforms == 0) then {_uniforms = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIUniforms};
if (count _headGear == 0) then {_headGear = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIHeadgear};
if (count _vests == 0) then {_vests = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIVests};
if (count _backpacks == 0) then {_backpacks = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIBackpacks};
if (count _weaponList == 0) then {_weaponList = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAILoadout};
if (count _sideArms == 0) then {[_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAISidearms};
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel >=2) then
private _params = ["_coords","_noVehiclePatrols","_aiDifficultyLevel","_missionPatrolVehicles","_useRelativePos","_uniforms","_headGear","_vests","_backpacks","_weaponList","_sideArms","_isScubaGroup"];
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols:: param %1 | isEqualTo %2 | _forEachIndex %3",_params select _forEachIndex,_this select _forEachIndex, _forEachIndex];
}forEach _this;
_vehicles = [];
_missionAI = [];
_abort = false;
//_useRelativePos = false;
if (_missionPatrolVehicles isEqualTo []) then
_useRelativePos = false;
_vehiclePatrolSpawns = [_coords,_noVehiclePatrols,45,60] call blck_fnc_findPositionsAlongARadius;
_v = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectPatrolVehicle;
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols (36):: position = %1 and vehicle = %2",_x, _v];
_missionPatrolVehicles pushBack [_v, _x];
}forEach _vehiclePatrolSpawns;
#define configureWaypoints false
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols:: _x = %1 and _coords = %2",_x,_coords];
if (_useRelativePos) then
_spawnPos = _coords vectorAdd (_x select 1)
} else {
_spawnPos = _x select 1;
_vehicle = _x select 0;
// params["_pos", "_center", _numai1, _numai2, _skillLevel, _minDist, _maxDist, _configureWaypoints, _uniforms, _headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms, _scuba ];
_vehGroup = [_spawnPos,_coords,3,3,_aiDifficultyLevel,1,2,false,_uniforms, _headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms,_isScubaGroup] call blck_fnc_spawnGroup;
if (isNull _vehGroup) exitWith
_abort = true;
if !(isNull _vehGroup) then
blck_monitoredMissionAIGroups pushBack _vehGroup;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols (73): group spawned = %1",_vehGroup];
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols (74):: -> _missionType = %3 _vehGroup = %1 and units _vehGroup = %2",_vehGroup, units _vehGroup,_missionType];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols(66): will spawn vehicle %1 at position %2",_vehicle,_spawnPos];
_patrolVehicle = [_coords,_spawnPos,_vehicle,30,45,_vehGroup,true] call blck_fnc_spawnVehiclePatrol;
_vehGroup setVariable["groupVehicle",_vehicle];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols (76):: - > patrol vehicle spawned was %1",_patrolVehicle];
if !(isNull _patrolVehicle) then
_patrolVehicle setVariable["vehicleGroup",_vehGroup];
_vehicles pushback _patrolVehicle;
_missionAI append (units _vehGroup);
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols(91):: -- > _vehicles updated to %1",_vehicles];
} forEach _missionPatrolVehicles;
blck_monitoredVehicles append _vehicles;
_return = [_vehicles, _missionAI, _abort];

View File

@ -14,23 +14,18 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
// params["_pos", "_center", ["_numai1",5], ["_numai2",10], ["_skillLevel","red"], ["_minDist",20], ["_maxDist",35],["_configureWaypoints",true], ["_uniforms",blck_SkinList], ["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",blck_Pistols], ["_scuba",false] ];
params["_coords","_noVehiclePatrols","_skillAI","_missionPatrolVehicles",["_useRelativePos",true],["_uniforms",[]], ["_headGear",[]],["_vests",[]],["_backpacks",[]],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",[]], ["_isScubaGroup",false]];
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols: _this = %1",_this];
if (_uniforms isEqualTo []) then {_uniforms = [_skillAI] call blck_fnc_selectAIUniforms};
if (_headGear isEqualTo []) then {_headGear = [_skillAI] call blck_fnc_selectAIHeadgear};
if (_vests isEqualTo []) then {_vests = [_skillAI] call blck_fnc_selectAIVests};
if (_backpacks isEqualTo []) then {_backpacks = [_skillAI] call blck_fnc_selectAIBackpacks};
if (_weaponList isEqualTo []) then {_weaponList = [_skillAI] call blck_fnc_selectAILoadout};
if (_sideArms isEqualTo []) then {[_skillAI] call blck_fnc_selectAISidearms};
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols: %1 = %2",_x select 0, _x select 1];
//}forEach [["uniforms",_uniforms],["headgear",_headGear],["vests",_vests],["backpacks",_backpacks],["primary weapons",_weaponList],["secondary weapons",_sideArms]];
params["_coords","_noVehiclePatrols","_aiDifficultyLevel","_missionPatrolVehicles",["_useRelativePos",true],["_uniforms",[]], ["_headGear",[]],["_vests",[]],["_backpacks",[]],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",[]], ["_isScubaGroup",false]];
if (count _uniforms == 0) then {_uniforms = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIUniforms};
if (count _headGear == 0) then {_headGear = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIHeadgear};
if (count _vests == 0) then {_vests = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIVests};
if (count _backpacks == 0) then {_backpacks = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIBackpacks};
if (count _weaponList == 0) then {_weaponList = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAILoadout};
if (count _sideArms == 0) then {[_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAISidearms};
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel >=2) then
private _params = ["_coords","_noVehiclePatrols","_skillAI","_missionPatrolVehicles","_useRelativePos","_uniforms","_headGear","_vests","_backpacks","_weaponList","_sideArms","_isScubaGroup"];
private _params = ["_coords","_noVehiclePatrols","_aiDifficultyLevel","_missionPatrolVehicles","_useRelativePos","_uniforms","_headGear","_vests","_backpacks","_weaponList","_sideArms","_isScubaGroup"];
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols:: param %1 | isEqualTo %2 | _forEachIndex %3",_params select _forEachIndex,_this select _forEachIndex, _forEachIndex];
}forEach _this;
@ -47,7 +42,7 @@ if (_missionPatrolVehicles isEqualTo []) then
_useRelativePos = false;
_vehiclePatrolSpawns = [_coords,_noVehiclePatrols,45,60] call blck_fnc_findPositionsAlongARadius;
_v = [_skillAI] call blck_fnc_selectPatrolVehicle;
_v = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectPatrolVehicle;
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols (36):: position = %1 and vehicle = %2",_x, _v];
_missionPatrolVehicles pushBack [_v, _x];
}forEach _vehiclePatrolSpawns;
@ -69,7 +64,7 @@ if (_missionPatrolVehicles isEqualTo []) then
_vehicle = _x select 0;
// params["_pos", "_center", _numai1, _numai2, _skillLevel, _minDist, _maxDist, _configureWaypoints, _uniforms, _headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms, _scuba ];
_vehGroup = [_spawnPos,_coords,3,3,_skillAI,1,2,false,_uniforms, _headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms,_isScubaGroup] call blck_fnc_spawnGroup;
_vehGroup = [_spawnPos,_coords,3,3,_aiDifficultyLevel,1,2,false,_uniforms, _headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms,_isScubaGroup] call blck_fnc_spawnGroup;
if (isNull _vehGroup) exitWith
_abort = true;

View File

@ -11,24 +11,17 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
#define objectSpawnRadius 15
_objects = [];
_wreck = createVehicle ["RoadCone_L_F", _coords]; // To designate the mission center
_wreck allowDamage true;
_wreck enableSimulation false;
_wreck enableSimulationGlobal false;
_wreck enableDynamicSimulation false;
//_wreck = createVehicle ["Flag_AAF_F", _coords, [], 25, "NONE"];
_objects pushBack _wreck;
//Random Position Objects based on distance in array
private _posX = ((_coords select 0) + random(objectSpawnRadius)) * (selectRandom[1,-1]);
private _posY = ((_coords select 1) + random(objectSpawnRadius)) * (selectRandom[1,-1]);
_pos = [_coords,_min,_max,_nearest,0,5,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
_wreck = createVehicle[_x, _pos, [], 2];
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnRandomLandscape: _x = %1 | _wreck = %2",_x,_wreck];
_wreck = createVehicle[_x, _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_wreck allowDamage true;
_wreck enableSimulation false;
_wreck enableSimulationGlobal false;
@ -36,7 +29,6 @@ _objects pushBack _wreck;
_dirOffset = random(30) * ([1,-1] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom);
_dir = _dirOffset +([_wreck,_coords] call BIS_fnc_dirTo);
_wreck setDir _dir;
//_wreck setDir (_wreck relativeDir _coords);
_objects pushback _wreck;
sleep 0.1;
} forEach _missionLandscape;

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
by Ghostrider
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
//diag_log format["_fnc_placeCharacterInBuilding: _characterBuildingConfigs = %1",_characterBuildingConfigs];
private ["_obj"];
if !(_characterBuildingConfigs isEqualTo []) then
_obj = createVehicle[(_characterBuildingConfigs select 0),_center vectorAdd (_characterBuildingConfigs select 1),[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
diag_log format["_fnc_placeCharacterInBuilding: _obj = %1",_obj];
_obj setDir (_characterBuildingConfigs select 2);
_obj allowDamage true;
_obj enableDynamicSimulation true;
_character setPosATL (_obj buildingPos (round(random((count ([_obj] call BIS_fnc_buildingPositions)) -1))));

View File

@ -52,5 +52,5 @@ _char allowDamage true;
_char enableSimulationGlobal true;
_char setVariable["GMSAnimations",_animations,true];
_char setUnitPos "UP";
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawncharacter: _char = %1",_char];

View File

@ -11,13 +11,16 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
_hostage = [_coords,_hostageConfigs] call blck_fnc_spawnCharacter;
_hostage remoteExec["GMS_fnc_initHostage", -2, true];
_hostage setVariable["assetType",1,true];
_building = [_hostage,_coords,_hostageConfigs select 7] call blck_fnc_placeCharacterInBuilding;
_result = [_hostage,_building];
//diag_log format["_fnd_spawnHostage: _result = %1",_result];
private _marker = createMarker [format["hostageMarger%1",getPos _hostage], getPos _hostage];
_marker setMarkerColor "ColorBlack";
_marker setMarkerType "mil_dot";
_marker setMarkerText "Hostage";

View File

@ -11,15 +11,17 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
_leader = [_coords, _leaderConfigs] call blck_fnc_spawnCharacter;
_leader remoteExec["GMS_fnc_initLeader", -2, true];
_leader setVariable["assetType",2,true];
_leader setVariable["endAnimation",["Acts_CivilShocked_1"],true];
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnLeader: _leaderConfigs = %1",_leaderConfigs];
_building = [_leader,_coords,_leaderConfigs select 7] call blck_fnc_placeCharacterInBuilding;
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnLeader: _building = %1",_building];
_result = [_leader,_building];
private _marker = createMarker [format["hostageMarger%1",getPos _leader], getPos _leader];
_marker setMarkerColor "ColorBlack";
_marker setMarkerType "mil_dot";
_marker setMarkerText "Hostage";

View File

@ -18,15 +18,7 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
if (_weaponList isEqualTo []) then {_weaponList = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAILoadout};
if (_sideArms isEqualTo []) then {_sideArms = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAISidearms};
if (_uniforms isEqualTo []) then {_uniforms = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIUniforms};
if (_headGear isEqualTo []) then {_headGear = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIHeadgear};
if (_vests isEqualTo []) then {_vests = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIVests};
if (_backpacks isEqualTo []) then {_backpacks = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIBackpacks};
private _params = ["_pos","_numAI","_skillAI"];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
@ -50,7 +42,7 @@ for "_i" from 1 to _numAI do
_chute = createVehicle ["Steerable_Parachute_F", [_spawnPos select 0, _spawnPos select 1, 250], [], 0, "FLY"];
[_chute] call blck_fnc_protectVehicle;
// ["_pos","_aiGroup",["_skillLevel","red"],["_uniforms", blck_SkinList],["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_Launcher","none"],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",[]],["_scuba",false]];
_unit = [getPos _chute,_paraGroup,_skillAI,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,launcherType,_weapons,_sideArms,_isScuba] call blck_fnc_spawnUnit;
_unit = [getPos _chute,_paraGroup,_skillAI,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,launcherType,_weapons] call blck_fnc_spawnUnit;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnParaUnits: unit %1 = %2 dropping in chute %3",_i,_unit,_chute];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
Original Code by blckeagls
Modified by Ghostrider
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
private ["_i","_weap","_skin","_unit","_skillLevel","_aiSkills","_launcherRound","_index","_ammoChoices","_optics","_pointers","_muzzles","_underbarrel","_legalOptics"];
params["_pos","_aiGroup",["_skillLevel","red"],["_uniforms", blck_SkinList],["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_Launcher","none"],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",[]],["_scuba",false]];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel >= 2) then
private _params = ["_pos","_aiGroup","_skillLevel","_uniforms","_headGear","_vests","_backpacks","_Launcher","_weaponList","_sideArms","_scuba"]; //"_weaponList", "_Launcher"
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnUnit::-> _this select %1 (%2) = %3",_forEachIndex, _params select _forEachIndex, _this select _forEachIndex];
}forEach _this;
if (isNull _aiGroup) exitWith {diag_log "[blckeagls] ERROR CONDITION:-->> NULL-GROUP Provided to _fnc_spawnUnit"};
_unit = ObjNull;
if (blck_modType isEqualTo "Epoch") then
"I_Soldier_EPOCH" createUnit [[0,0,0], _aiGroup, "_unit = this", blck_baseSkill, "COLONEL"];
_unit setVariable ["LAST_CHECK",28800,true];
switch(_skillLevel) do
case "blue":{_unit setVariable["Crypto",2 + floor(random(blck_maxMoneyBlue)),true];};
case "red":{_unit setVariable["Crypto",4 + floor(random(blck_maxMoneyRed)),true];};
case "green":{_unit setVariable["Crypto",6 + floor(random(blck_maxMoneyGreen)),true];};
case "orange":{_unit setVariable["Crypto",8 + floor(random(blck_maxMoneyOrange)),true];};
if (blck_modType isEqualTo "Exile") then
"i_g_soldier_unarmed_f" createUnit [[0,0,0], _aiGroup, "_unit = this", blck_baseSkill, "COLONEL"];
switch(_skillLevel) do
case "blue":{_unit setVariable["ExileMoney",2 + floor(random(blck_maxMoneyBlue)),true];};
case "red":{_unit setVariable["ExileMoney",4 + floor(random(blck_maxMoneyRed)),true];};
case "green":{_unit setVariable["ExileMoney",6 + floor(random(blck_maxMoneyGreen)),true];};
case "orange":{_unit setVariable["ExileMoney",8 + floor(random(blck_maxMoneyOrange)),true];};
// findEmptyPosition [minDistance, maxDistance, vehicleType]
_unit setPos ( _pos findEmptyPosition [0.1,3,(typeOf _unit)]);
_posUnit = getPosATL _unit;
_start = +_posUnit;
_start set [2, 100];
while { (lineIntersects [ATLToASL _start, ATLToASL _posUnit]) } do {
_pos set [2, ((_pos select 2) + 0.25)];
_posUnit set[1,((_posUnit select 1) + 0.25)];
_unit setPosATL _pos;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel >= 2) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnUnit::-->> unit spawned = %1",_unit];
[_unit] call blck_fnc_removeGear;
if (_scuba) then
_unit swiminDepth (_pos select 2);
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel >= 2) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnUnit:: -- >> unit depth = %1 and underwater for unit = %2",_pos select 2, underwater _unit];
_skin = "";
_counter = 1;
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnUnit: _uniforms = %1",_uniforms];
while {_skin isEqualTo "" && _counter < 10} do
_unit forceAddUniform (selectRandom _uniforms);
_skin = uniform _unit;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnUnit::-->> for unit _unit % uniform is %2",_unit, uniform _unit];
_counter =+1;
//Sets AI Tactics
_unit enableAI "ALL";
_unit allowDammage true;
_unit setBehaviour "COMBAT";
_unit setunitpos "AUTO";
if !(_headGear isEqualTo []) then
_unit addHeadgear (selectRandom _headGear);
//diag_log format["Headgear for unit %1 = %2",_unit, headgear _unit];
if !(_vests isEqualTo []) then
_unit addVest (selectRandom _vests);
//diag_log format["Vest for unit %1 = %2",_unit, vest _unit];
if (_weaponList isEqualTo []) then {_weaponList = call blck_fnc_selectAILoadout};
_weap = selectRandom _weaponList;
_unit addWeaponGlobal _weap;
_ammoChoices = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weap >> "magazines");
_optics = getArray (configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weap >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "CowsSlot" >> "compatibleItems");
_pointers = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weap >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "PointerSlot" >> "compatibleItems");
_muzzles = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weap >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "MuzzleSlot" >> "compatibleItems");
_underbarrel = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weap >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "UnderBarrelSlot" >> "compatibleItems");
_legalOptics = _optics - blck_blacklistedOptics;
_unit addMagazines [selectRandom _ammoChoices, 3];
if (random 1 < 0.4) then {_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem (selectRandom _muzzles)};
if (random 1 < 0.4) then {_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem (selectRandom _legalOptics)};
if (random 1 < 0.4) then {_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem (selectRandom _pointers)};
if (random 1 < 0.4) then {_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem (selectRandom _muzzles)};
if (random 1 < 0.4) then {_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem (selectRandom _underbarrel)};
if ((count(getArray (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _weap >> "muzzles"))) > 1) then
_unit addMagazine "1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell";
if !(_sideArms isEqualTo []) then
_weap = selectRandom _sideArms;
//diag_log format["[spawnUnit.sqf] _weap os %1",_weap];
_unit addWeaponGlobal _weap;
_ammoChoices = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weap >> "magazines");
_unit addMagazines [selectRandom _ammoChoices, 2];
for "_i" from 1 to (1+floor(random(4))) do
_unit addItem (selectRandom blck_ConsumableItems);
// Add First Aid or Grenade 50% of the time
if (round(random 10) <= 5) then
//diag_log format["spawnUnit.sqf] -- Item is %1", _item];
_unit addItem selectRandom blck_specialItems;
//diag_log format["_spawnUnit: _Launcher = %1",_Launcher];
if ( !(_Launcher isEqualTo "none") && !(_backpacks isEqualTo [])) then
_unit addWeaponGlobal _Launcher;
_unit addBackpack (selectRandom _backpacks);
for "_i" from 1 to 3 do
_unit addItemToBackpack (getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _Launcher >> "magazines") select 0); // call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_unit setVariable["Launcher",_launcher,true];
} else {
if ( random (1) < blck_chanceBackpack && !(_backpacks isEqualTo [])) then
_unit addBackpack selectRandom _backpacks;
if(sunOrMoon < 0.2 && blck_useNVG)then
_unit addWeapon selectRandom blck_NVG;
_unit setVariable ["hasNVG", true,true];
_unit setVariable ["hasNVG", false,true];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnUnit:: --> unit loadout = %1", getUnitLoadout _unit];
_unit addEventHandler ["Reloaded", {_this call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers blck_EH_unitWeaponReloaded;}];
_unit addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", {[(_this select 0), (_this select 1)] call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers blck_EH_AIKilled;}]; // changed to reduce number of concurrent threads, but also works as spawn blck_AIKilled; }];
_unit addMPEventHandler ["MPHit",{ [_this] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers blck_EH_AIHit;}];
switch (_skillLevel) do
case "blue": {_index = 0;_aiSkills = blck_SkillsBlue;};
case "red": {_index = 1;_aiSkills = blck_SkillsRed;};
case "green": {_index = 2;_aiSkills = blck_SkillsGreen;};
case "orange": {_index = 3;_aiSkills = blck_SkillsOrange;};
default {_index = 0;_aiSkills = blck_SkillsBlue;};
[_unit,_aiSkills] call blck_fnc_setSkill;
_unit setVariable ["alertDist",blck_AIAlertDistance select _index,true];
_unit setVariable ["intelligence",blck_AIIntelligence select _index,true];
_unit setVariable ["GMS_AI",true,true];

View File

@ -13,13 +13,8 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
private ["_i","_weap","_skin","_unit","_skillLevel","_aiSkills","_launcherRound","_index","_ammoChoices","_optics","_pointers","_muzzles","_underbarrel","_legalOptics"];
params["_pos","_aiGroup",["_skillLevel","red"],["_uniforms", []],["_headGear",[]],["_vests",[]],["_backpacks",[]],["_Launcher","none"],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",[]],["_scuba",false]];
if (_weaponList isEqualTo []) then {_weaponList = [_skillLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAILoadout};
if (_sideArms isEqualTo []) then {_sideArms = [_skillLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAISidearms};
if (_uniforms isEqualTo []) then {_uniforms = [_skillLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIUniforms};
if (_headGear isEqualTo []) then {_headGear = [_skillLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIHeadgear};
if (_vests isEqualTo []) then {_vests = [_skillLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIVests};
if (_backpacks isEqualTo []) then {_backpacks = [_skillLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIBackpacks};
params["_pos","_aiGroup",["_skillLevel","red"],["_uniforms", blck_SkinList],["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_Launcher","none"],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",[]],["_scuba",false]];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel >= 2) then
@ -119,7 +114,6 @@ if !(_vests isEqualTo []) then
if (_weaponList isEqualTo []) then {_weaponList = call blck_fnc_selectAILoadout};
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnUnit: _weaponList = %1",_weaponList];
_weap = selectRandom _weaponList;
_unit addWeaponGlobal _weap;
_ammoChoices = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weap >> "magazines");
@ -187,8 +181,6 @@ else
_unit setVariable ["hasNVG", false,true];
_unit addWeapon selectRandomWeighted["",4,"Binocular",3,"Rangefinder",1];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then

View File

@ -13,20 +13,12 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
params["_coords","_skillAI","_helis",["_uniforms",[]], ["_headGear",[]],["_vests",[]],["_backpacks",[]],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",[]],["_Launcher","none"]];
if (_uniforms isEqualTo []) then {_uniforms = [_skillAI] call blck_fnc_selectAIUniforms};
if (_headGear isEqualTo []) then {_headGear = [_skillAI] call blck_fnc_selectAIHeadgear};
if (_vests isEqualTo []) then {_vests = [_skillAI] call blck_fnc_selectAIVests};
if (_backpacks isEqualTo []) then {_backpacks = [_skillAI] call blck_fnc_selectAIBackpacks};
if (_weaponList isEqualTo []) then {_weaponList = [_skillAI] call blck_fnc_selectAILoadout};
if (_sideArms isEqualTo []) then {[_skillAI] call blck_fnc_selectAISidearms};
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionHeli: parameter %1 = %2",_foreachIndex,_x];
}forEach [_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms];
if (count _uniforms == 0) then {_uniforms = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIUniforms};
if (count _headGear == 0) then {_headGear = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIHeadgear};
if (count _vests == 0) then {_vests = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIVests};
if (count _backpacks == 0) then {_backpacks = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIBackpacks};
if (count _weaponList == 0) then {_weaponList = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAILoadout};
if (count _sideArms == 0) then {[_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAISidearms};
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then
@ -90,7 +82,7 @@ if !(isNull _grpPilot) then
[_patrolHeli] call blck_fnc_emptyObject;
_launcherType = "none";
//params["_pos","_aiGroup",["_skillLevel","red"],["_uniforms", []],["_headGear",[]],["_vests",[]],["_backpacks",[]],["_Launcher","none"],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",[]],["_scuba",false]];
//params["_pos","_aiGroup",["_skillLevel","red"],["_uniforms", blck_SkinList],["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_Launcher","none"],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",[]],["_scuba",false]];
_unitPilot = [[100,100,100],_grpPilot,_skillAI,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_Launcher,_weaponList,_sideArms] call blck_fnc_spawnUnit;
_unitPilot setSkill 1;
_unitPilot assignAsDriver _patrolHeli;

View File

@ -15,14 +15,12 @@
// [_coords,_aiDifficultyLevel,_chancePara,_noPara,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms]
params["_coords","_missionHelis","_spawnHeli",["_aiSkillsLevel","Red"],["_chancePara",0],["_noPara",0],["_uniforms",[]], ["_headGear",[]],["_vests",[]],["_backpacks",[]],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",[]]];
if (_uniforms isEqualTo []) then {_uniforms = [_skillAI] call blck_fnc_selectAIUniforms};
if (_headGear isEqualTo []) then {_headGear = [_skillAI] call blck_fnc_selectAIHeadgear};
if (_vests isEqualTo []) then {_vests = [_skillAI] call blck_fnc_selectAIVests};
if (_backpacks isEqualTo []) then {_backpacks = [_skillAI] call blck_fnc_selectAIBackpacks};
if (_weaponList isEqualTo []) then {_weaponList = [_skillAI] call blck_fnc_selectAILoadout};
if (_sideArms isEqualTo []) then {[_skillAI] call blck_fnc_selectAISidearms};
if (count _uniforms == 0) then {_uniforms = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIUniforms};
if (count _headGear == 0) then {_headGear = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIHeadgear};
if (count _vests == 0) then {_vests = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIVests};
if (count _backpacks == 0) then {_backpacks = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIBackpacks};
if (count _weaponList == 0) then {_weaponList = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAILoadout};
if (count _sideArms == 0) then {[_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAISidearms};
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel >=2) then

View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
Author: Ghostrider [GRG]
Inspiration: blckeagls / A3EAI / VEMF / IgiLoad / SDROP
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
_aborted = false;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnParaUnits (17)::_missionPos %1 | _paraGroup %2 | _numAI %3 | _skillAI %4 | _heli = %5",_missionPos,_paraGroup,_numAI,_skillAI,_heli];
if (isNull _paraGroup) then
_aborted = true;
} else {
_paraGroup setVariable["groupVehicle",objNull];
_launcherType = "none";
private ["_arc","_spawnPos"];
_arc = 45;
_dir = 0;
_pos = _missionPos;
for "_i" from 1 to _numAI do
if (_heli isKindOf "Air") then {_pos = getPos _heli};
_spawnPos = _pos getPos[1.5,_dir];
_chute = createVehicle ["Steerable_Parachute_F", [100, 100, 200], [], 0, "FLY"];
[_chute] call blck_fnc_protectVehicle;
_unit = [[_spawnPos select 0, _spawnPos select 1, 100],_weapons,_paraGroup,_skillAI,_launcherType,_uniforms,_headGear] call blck_fnc_spawnAI;
_chute setPos [_spawnPos select 0, _spawnPos select 1, 125]; //(_offset select 2) - 10];
_unit assignAsDriver _chute;
_unit moveInDriver _chute;
_unit allowDamage true;
_dir = _dir + _arc;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnParaUnits:: spawned unit %1, at location %2 and vehicle _unit %1",_unit,getPos _unit, vehicle _unit];
uiSleep 2;
_paraGroup selectLeader ((units _paraGroup) select 0);
// [_pos,_minDist,_maxDist,_groupSpawned,"random","SAD"] spawn blck_fnc_setupWaypoints;
[_missionPos,20,30,_paraGroup,"random","SAD","paraUnits"] call blck_fnc_setupWaypoints;
blck_monitoredMissionAIGroups pushback _paraGroup;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log "_fnc_spawnParaUnits (44): All Units spawned";
#ifdef blck_debugMode
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnParaUnits: _aborted = %1",_aborted];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
Spawn a vehicle and protect it against cleanup by Epoch
Returns the object (vehicle) created.
By Ghostrider [GRG]
Last modified 1-27-17
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then {diag_log format["spawnVehicle.sqf: _vehType = %1 | _pos = %2",_vehType,_pos];};
_veh = createVehicle[_vehType, _pos, [], 0, "NONE"];
_veh allowDamage true;
_veh enableRopeAttach true;
_veh setVariable["blck_vehicle",true];
[_veh] call blck_fnc_protectVehicle;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then {diag_log format["spawnVehicle.sqf:: vehicle spawned is %1",_veh];};
// params["_veh",["_clearInventory",true]];
[_veh,_clearInventory] call blck_fnc_configureMissionVehicle;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then {diag_log format["spawnVehicle:: returning parameter _veh = %1",_veh];};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
By Ghostrider [GRG]
Copyright 2016
Last updated 3-17-17
spawns a vehicle of _vehType and mans it with units in _group.
returns _veh, the vehicle spawned.
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
private _params = ["_center","_pos","_vehType","_minDis","_maxDis","_group","_setWaypoints"];
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrol:: param %1 | isEqualTo %2 | _forEachIndex %3",_params select _forEachIndex,_this select _forEachIndex, _forEachIndex];
}forEach _this;
//_center Center of the mission area - this is usuall the position treated as the center by the mission spawner. Vehicles will patrol the perimeter of the mission area.
// _pos the approximate spawn point for the vehicle
//_vehType = [_this,1,"I_G_Offroad_01_armed_F"] call BIS_fnc_param;
//_minDis = minimum distance from the center of the mission for vehicle waypoints
//_maxDis = maximum distance from the center of the mission for vehicle waypoints
//_groupForVehiclePatrol = The group with which to man the vehicle
if !(isNull _group) then
{ // exitWith {diag_log "[blckeagls] ERROR CONDITION:-->> NULL-GROUP Provided to _fnc_spawnVehiclePatrol"; objNull;};
_veh = [_vehType,_pos] call blck_fnc_spawnVehicle;
// _veh addEventHandler["HandleDamage",{ [_this] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers blck_EH_AIVehicle_HandleDamage}];
_veh addMPEventHandler["MPHit",{ [_this] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers blck_EH_AIVehicle_HandleHit}];
_group setVariable["groupVehicle",_veh];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["spawnVehiclePatrol:: vehicle spawned is %1 of typeof %2",_veh, typeOf _veh];
_unitNumber = 0;
switch (_unitNumber) do
case 0: {_x moveingunner _veh;};
case 1: {_x moveindriver _veh;};
default {_x moveInCargo _veh;};
_unitNumber = _unitNumber + 1;
}forEach (units _group);
// params["_pos","_minDis","_maxDis","_group",["_mode","random"],["_wpPatrolMode","SAD"],["_soldierType","null"] ];
_group setcombatmode "RED";
_group setBehaviour "COMBAT";
if (_setWaypoints) then
[_center,_minDis,_maxDis,_group,"perimeter","SAD","vehicle"] spawn blck_fnc_setupWaypoints;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnVehiclePatrol::->> _veh = %1",_veh];

View File

@ -60,11 +60,13 @@ blck_fnc_selectMissionHelis = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons
blck_fnc_selectNumberAirPatrols = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Missions\GMS_fnc_selectNumberAirPatrols.sqf";
blck_fnc_selectNumberParatroops = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Missions\GMS_fnc_selectNumberParatroops.sqf";
blck_fnc_selectChanceParatroops = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Missions\GMS_fnc_selecctChanceParatroops.sqf";
blck_fnc_addMissionToQue = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Missions\GMS_fnc_addMissionToQue.sqf"; //
blck_fnc_updateMissionQue = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Missions\GMS_fnc_updateMissionQue.sqf"; //
blck_fnc_spawnPendingMissions = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Missions\GMS_fnc_spawnPendingMissions.sqf"; //
blck_fnc_addLiveAItoQue = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Missions\GMS_fnc_addLiveAItoQue.sqf";
blck_fnc_addObjToQue = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Missions\GMS_fnc_addObjToQue.sqf"; //
//blck_fnc_missionTimer = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Missions\GMS_fnc_missionTimer.sqf";
blck_fnc_spawnCrate = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Missions\GMS_fnc_spawnCrate.sqf"; // Simply spawns a crate of a specified type at a specific position.
blck_fnc_spawnMissionCrates = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Missions\GMS_fnc_spawnMissionCrates.sqf";
blck_fnc_cleanupObjects = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Missions\GMS_fnc_cleanUpObjects.sqf";
@ -80,11 +82,13 @@ blck_fnc_spawnMines = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_s
blck_fnc_clearMines = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Missions\GMS_fnc_clearMines.sqf"; // clears mines in an array passed as a parameter
blck_fnc_signalEnd = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Missions\GMS_fnc_signalEnd.sqf"; // deploy smoke grenades at loot crates at the end of the mission.
blck_fnc_endMission = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Missions\GMS_fnc_endMission.sqf";
//blck_fnc_missionAIareDead = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Missions\GMS_fnc_missionAIareDead.sqf";
//blck_fnc_countAliveAI = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Functions\GMS_fnc_countAliveAI.sqf";
blck_fnc_paraDropObject = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Missions\GMS_fnc_paraDropObject.sqf";
blck_fnc_loadMissionCrate = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Missions\GMS_fnc_loadMissionCrate.sqf";
blck_fnc_crateMoved = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Missions\GMS_fnc_crateMoved.sqf";
blck_fnc_crateMarker = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Missions\GMS_fnc_crateMarker.sqf";
//blck_fnc_crateMapMarker = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Missions\GMS_fnc_crateMapMarker.sqf";
// Group-related functions
blck_fnc_spawnGroup = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Groups\GMS_fnc_spawnGroup.sqf"; // Spawn a single group and populate it with AI units]
@ -106,6 +110,9 @@ blck_fnc_configureMissionVehicle = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\ad
blck_fnc_vehicleMonitor = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Vehicles\GMS_fnc_vehicleMonitor.sqf";
blck_fnc_spawnMissionReinforcements = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Vehicles\GMS_fnc_spawnMissionReinforcements.sqf";
blck_fnc_spawnMissionHeli = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Vehicles\GMS_fnc_spawnMissionHeli.sqf";
//blck_fnc_spawnMissionParatroops = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Vehicles\GMS_fnc_spawnMissionParatroops.sqf"; // Lumped here because these 'jump' from aircraft
//blck_fnc_spawnParaUnits = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Vehicles\GMS_fnc_spawnParaUnits.sqf"; // Lumped here because these 'jump' from aircraft
//blck_fnc_releaseVehicleToPlayers = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Vehicles\GMS_fnc_releaseVehicleToPlayers.sqf"; // GMS_fnc_releaseVehicleToPlayers
blck_EH_AIVehicle_HandleHit = "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Vehicles\GMS_EH_AIVehicle_Hit.sqf";
blck_fnc_HandleAIVehicleHit = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Vehicles\GMS_fnc_HandleAIVehicleHit.sqf";
blck_EH_VehicleKilled = "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Vehicles\GMS_EH_VehicleKilled.sqf";
@ -141,7 +148,6 @@ blck_fnc_spawnLeader = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom
blck_fnc_spawnCharacter = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Units\GMS_fnc_spawnCharacter.sqf";
blck_fnc_spawnParaUnits = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Units\GMS_fnc_spawnParaUnits.sqf";
blck_fnc_nextAnim = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Units\GMS_fnc_nextAnim.sqf";
blck_fnc_placeCharacterInBuilding = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Units\GMS_fnc_placeCharacterInBuilding.sqf";
// HC support functions
blck_fnc_HC_XferGroup = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\HC\GMS_fnc_HC_XferGroup.sqf";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
_blck_lightlyArmed_ARMA3 = [
_blck_tracked_APC_ARMA3 = [
_blck_Tanks_ARMA3 = [
_blck_APC_CUP = [
_blck_Tanks_CUP = [

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ _markerMissionName = "Capture Don";
_missionLandscapeMode = "precise"; // acceptable values are "none","random","precise"
_missionLandscape = [
@ -62,26 +63,11 @@ _missionLandscape = [
]; // list of objects to spawn as landscape; // list of objects to spawn as landscape
_buildings = [
_enemyLeaderConfig =
["I_G_resistanceLeader_F", // select 0
[-7.83789,13.1465,-0.00143886], // select 1
126.345, // select 2
[true,false], // select 3
["Acts_B_briefings"], // Use the animation viewer to see other choices:
["H_Beret_Colonel"], // array of headgear choices
["U_OrestesBody"], // array of uniform choices
[selectRandom _buildings,[-3.79102,2.56055,0],0,[true,false]]
["U_OrestesBody"] // array of uniform choices
_enemyLeaderConfig set[
1, selectRandom [[-7.83789,13.1465,-0.00143886]]
@ -137,7 +123,7 @@ _noEmplacedWeapons = blck_SpawnEmplaced_Blue;
//_headgear = blck_headgear;
_chanceReinforcements = blck_chanceParaBlue;
_noPara = blck_noParaBlue;
_chanceHeliPatrol = 0;
_chanceHeliPatrol = blck_chanceHeliPatrolBlue;
_spawnCratesTiming = "atMissionEndAir";
_endCondition = "assetSecured"; // Options are "allUnitsKilled", "playerNear", "allKilledOrPlayerNear", "assetSecured"
//_timeOut = -1;

View File

@ -68,26 +68,11 @@ _markerType = ["ELIPSE",[175,175],"GRID"];
_markerColor = "ColorBlue";
_markerMissionName = "Bandit Patrol";
_missionLandscapeMode = "random"; // acceptable values are "none","random","precise"
// _missionLandscape
// Note that the format for the _missionLandscape is different for the two modes.
// In random, the objects are randomly arrayed around the mission center.
// In precise, the objects are spawned as closely as possible to the x,y,z offset from mission center specified.
// See default2.sqf for an example of the use of precise base objects.
private _addedLandscape = ["Land_FoodSacks_01_cargo_brown_F","Land_FoodSacks_01_large_brown_F","Land_FoodSack_01_full_brown_F","Land_PaperBox_01_open_boxes_F",
_missionLandscape = ["Flag_AAF_F","Land_TentDome_F","Land_TentDome_F","Land_TentDome_F","Land_TentDome_F","Land_FieldToilet_F","Campfire_burning_F"]; // list of objects to spawn as landscape
for "_i" from 1 to 8 do
_missionLandscape pushBack selectRandom [
_missionLandscape = ["Land_WoodPile_F","Land_BagFence_Short_F","Land_WoodPile_F","Land_BagFence_Short_F","Land_WoodPile_F","Land_BagFence_Short_F","Land_FieldToilet_F","Land_TentDome_F","Land_TentDome_F","Land_TentDome_F","Land_TentDome_F","Land_CargoBox_V1_F","Land_CargoBox_V1_F"]; // list of objects to spawn as landscape
_missionLootBoxes = []; // Parameters are "Box Item Code", array defining the loot to be spawned, and position.
// when empty, a single loot container will be spawned at the center of the mission.
// Use this to specify exact spots to spawn crates; see default2.seq for an example.

View File

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ _markerColor = "ColorBlue";
_markerMissionName = "Bandit Patrol";
_missionLandscapeMode = "precise"; // acceptable values are "none","random","precise"
_missionLandscape = [

View File

@ -24,85 +24,69 @@ _markerColor = "ColorBlue";
_markerMissionName = "Rescue Hostage";
_missionLandscapeMode = "precise"; // acceptable values are "none","random","precise"
_missionLandscape = [
]; // list of objects to spawn as landscape; // list of objects to spawn as landscape
_buildings = [
_hostageConfig = ["C_man_polo_6_F",
["H_Cap_red"], // array of headgear choices
["U_NikosBody"], // array of uniform choices
[selectRandom _buildings,[-0.279297,-15.9199,0],0,[true,false]]
["U_NikosBody"] // array of uniform choices
]; // Sitting Animation
// Use the animation view to see other choices:
_missionLootBoxes = [
@ -130,7 +114,7 @@ _missionGroups =
]; // Can be used to define spawn positions of AI patrols
_missionEmplacedWeapons = [
@ -155,7 +139,7 @@ _noEmplacedWeapons = blck_SpawnEmplaced_Blue;
//_headgear = blck_headgear;
_noPara = blck_noParaBlue;
_chanceHeliPatrol = 0;
//_chanceHeliPatrol = blck_chanceHeliPatrolBlue;
_spawnCratesTiming = "atMissionEndAir";
_endCondition = "assetSecured"; // Options are "allUnitsKilled", "playerNear", "allKilledOrPlayerNear", "assetSecured"
//_timeOut = -1;

View File

@ -26,23 +26,23 @@ _markerColor = "ColorBlue";
_markerMissionName = "Medical Camp";
_missionLandscapeMode = "precise"; // acceptable values are "none","random","precise"
_missionLandscape = [
]; // list of objects to spawn as landscape
_missionLootBoxes = []; // Parameters are "Box Item Code", array defining the loot to be spawned, and position.
_missionLootVehicles = []; // Parameters are "Box Item Code", array defining the loot to be spawned, and position.

View File

@ -26,48 +26,48 @@ _markerColor = "ColorBlue";
_markerMissionName = "Bandit Camp";
_missionLandscapeMode = "precise"; // acceptable values are "none","random","precise"
_missionLandscape = [
]; // list of objects to spawn as landscape
_missionLootBoxes = []; // Parameters are "Box Item Code", array defining the loot to be spawned, and position.
_missionLootVehicles = []; // Parameters are "Box Item Code", array defining the loot to be spawned, and position.

View File

@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ _missionLandscapeMode = "precise"; // acceptable values are "none","random","pre
_missionLandscape = [
]; // list of objects to spawn as landscape
_missionLootBoxes = []; // Parameters are "Box Item Code", array defining the loot to be spawned, and position.
_missionLootVehicles = []; // Parameters are "Box Item Code", array defining the loot to be spawned, and position.

View File

@ -14,13 +14,12 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
_pathBlue = "Blue";
//_missionListBlue = ["captive1"];
_missionListBlue = ["default","captive1","hostage1"/*,"default2"/*,"medicalCamp","redCamp","resupplyCamp"*/];
_missionListBlue = ["default"];
//_missionListBlue = ["default","captive1","hostage1"/*,"default2"/*,"medicalCamp","redCamp","resupplyCamp"*/];
_pathRed = "Red";
//_missionListRed = ["resupplyCamp"];
_missionListRed = [/*"default","default2","medicalCamp",*/"redCamp"/*,"resupplyCamp"*/];
_pathGreen = "Green";
//_missionListGreen = ["resupplyCamp"];
_missionListGreen = [/*"default","default2",/*"redCamp",*//*"resupplyCamp",*/"medicalCamp"];

View File

@ -26,23 +26,23 @@ _markerColor = "ColorGreen";
_markerMissionName = "Medical Camp";
_missionLandscapeMode = "precise"; // acceptable values are "none","random","precise"
_missionLandscape = [
]; // list of objects to spawn as landscape
_missionLootBoxes = []; // Parameters are "Box Item Code", array defining the loot to be spawned, and position.
_missionLootVehicles = []; // Parameters are "Box Item Code", array defining the loot to be spawned, and position.

View File

@ -25,48 +25,48 @@ _markerColor = "ColorGreen";
_markerMissionName = "Bandit Camp";
_missionLandscapeMode = "precise"; // acceptable values are "none","random","precise"
_missionLandscape = [
]; // list of objects to spawn as landscape
_missionLootBoxes = []; // Parameters are "Box Item Code", array defining the loot to be spawned, and position.
_missionLootVehicles = []; // Parameters are "Box Item Code", array defining the loot to be spawned, and position.

View File

@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ _missionLandscapeMode = "precise"; // acceptable values are "none","random","pre
_missionLandscape = [
]; // list of objects to spawn as landscape
_missionLootBoxes = []; // Parameters are "Box Item Code", array defining the loot to be spawned, and position.
_missionLootVehicles = []; // Parameters are "Box Item Code", array defining the loot to be spawned, and position.

View File

@ -25,23 +25,23 @@ _markerColor = "ColorOrange";
_markerMissionName = "Medical Camp";
_missionLandscapeMode = "precise"; // acceptable values are "none","random","precise"
_missionLandscape = [
]; // list of objects to spawn as landscape
_missionLootBoxes = []; // Parameters are "Box Item Code", array defining the loot to be spawned, and position.
_missionLootVehicles = []; // Parameters are "Box Item Code", array defining the loot to be spawned, and position.

View File

@ -25,48 +25,48 @@ _markerColor = "ColorOrange";
_markerMissionName = "Bandit Camp";
_missionLandscapeMode = "precise"; // acceptable values are "none","random","precise"
_missionLandscape = [
]; // list of objects to spawn as landscape
_missionLootBoxes = []; // Parameters are "Box Item Code", array defining the loot to be spawned, and position.
_missionLootVehicles = []; // Parameters are "Box Item Code", array defining the loot to be spawned, and position.

View File

@ -28,12 +28,12 @@ _missionLandscapeMode = "precise"; // acceptable values are "none","random","pre
_missionLandscape = [
]; // list of objects to spawn as landscape
_missionLootBoxes = []; // Parameters are "Box Item Code", array defining the loot to be spawned, and position.
_missionLootVehicles = []; // Parameters are "Box Item Code", array defining the loot to be spawned, and position.

View File

@ -25,61 +25,42 @@ _markerColor = "ColorRed";
_markerMissionName = "Rescue Hostage";
_missionLandscapeMode = "precise"; // acceptable values are "none","random","precise"
_missionLandscape = [
]; // list of objects to spawn as landscape; // list of objects to spawn as landscape
_hostageConfig = ["C_man_polo_6_F",

View File

@ -25,17 +25,17 @@ _markerColor = "ColorRed";
_markerMissionName = "Medical Camp";
_missionLandscapeMode = "precise"; // acceptable values are "none","random","precise"
_missionLandscape = [

View File

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ _markerColor = "ColorRed";
_markerMissionName = "Bandit Camp";
_missionLandscapeMode = "precise"; // acceptable values are "none","random","precise"
_missionLandscape = [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
by Ghostrider [GRG]
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
//diag_log format["_sm_addAircraft: _this = %5",_this];
//diag_log format["_sm_addAircraft: _aircraftPatrol = %1",_aircraftPatrol];
//blck_sm_Aircraft pushBack [_aircraftPatrol,grpNull,0];
[blck_sm_Aircraft,_aircraftPatrol] call blck_fnc_sm_AddGroupToArray;
//diag_log format["_sm_addAircraft: updated blck_sm_Aircraft = %1",blck_sm_Aircraft];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
by Ghostrider [GRG]
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
//blck_sm_Emplaced pushBack [_emplacedWeapon,grpNull,0];
[blck_sm_Emplaced,_emplacedWeapon] call blck_fnc_sm_AddGroupToArray;
//diag_log format["_sm_AddEmplaced::-> _emplacedWeapon = %1, blck_sm_Emplaced = %2",_emplacedWeapon,blck_sm_Emplaced];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
by Ghostrider [GRG]
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
//blck_sm_Groups pushBack [_group,grpNull,0];
[blck_sm_Groups,_group] call blck_fnc_sm_AddGroupToArray;
//diag_log format["_sm_AddGroup:: blck_sm_Groups = %1",blck_sm_Groups];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
by Ghostrider [GRG]
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
//blck_sm_Vehicles pushBack [_vehicle,grpNull,0];
[blck_sm_Vehicles,_vehicle] call blck_fnc_sm_AddGroupToArray;

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
//diag_log "[blckeagls] GMS_fnc_sm_init_functions.sqf <Defining Variables and Compiling Functions>";
diag_log "[blckeagls] GMS_fnc_sm_init_functions.sqf <Defining Variables and Compiling Functions>";
//blck_sm_Groups = [];
blck_sm_Infantry = [];
blck_sm_Vehicles = [];
@ -52,6 +52,6 @@ blck_fnc_sm_spawnLootContainers = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\ad
blck_fnc_sm_spawnObjects = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\Static\Code\GMS_fnc_sm_spawnObjects.sqf";
blck_fnc_sm_spawnVehiclePatrols = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\Static\Code\GMS_fnc_sm_spawnVehiclePatrols.sqf";
//diag_log "[blckeagls] GMS_sm_init_functions.sqf <Variables Defined and Functions Loaded>";
diag_log "[blckeagls] GMS_sm_init_functions.sqf <Variables Defined and Functions Loaded>";
blck_sm_functionsLoaded = true;

View File

@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ _sm_groups = +blck_sm_Aircraft;
if ([_pos,staticPatrolTriggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
private _numAI = [_units] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
_return = [_pos,_difficulty,[_aircraftType]] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionHeli;
_group = group (driver (_return select 0));
_timesSpawned = _timesSpawned + 1;

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ private["_mode","_sm_groups"];
_sm_groups = +blck_sm_Emplaced;
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorEmplaced: time %2 | blck_sm_Emplaced %1",blck_sm_Emplaced,diag_tickTime];
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_groupSpawned","_timesSpawned","_respawnAt","_maxRespawns"];
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_groupSpawned","_timesSpawned","_respawnAt"];
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorEmplaced: _x %1",_x];
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorEmplaced: _groupParameters = %1",_groupParameters];
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorEmplaced (9): _group %1 | _groupSpawned %2 | _timesSpawned %3 | _respawnAt %4",_group,_groupSpawned,_timesSpawned,_respawnAt];
@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ _sm_groups = +blck_sm_Emplaced;
if ([_pos,staticPatrolTriggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
// params["_coords","_missionEmplacedWeapons","_useRelativePos","_noEmplacedWeapons","_aiDifficultyLevel",["_uniforms",[]], ["_headGear",[]],["_vests",[]],["_backpacks",[]],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",[]]];
private _return = [_pos,[_groupParameters],false,1,_difficulty] call blck_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray;
_group = group( (_return select 1) select 0);
_timesSpawned = _timesSpawned + 1;
@ -78,7 +77,7 @@ _sm_groups = +blck_sm_Emplaced;
} else {
if (diag_tickTime > (_group getVariable["playerNearAt",diag_tickTime]) + blck_sm_groupDespawnTime) then
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorEmplaced: despanwing patrol for _element %1",_element];
diag_log format["_fnc_monitorEmplaced: despanwing patrol for _element %1",_element];
_groupParameters set [2, {alive _x} count (units _group)];
private _veh = vehicle (leader _group);
[_veh] call blck_fnc_destroyVehicleAndCrew;

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ private["_mode","_sm_groups"];
_sm_groups = +blck_sm_scubaGroups;
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorScubaGroups: time %2 | blck_sm_scubaGroups %1",blck_sm_scubaGroups,diag_tickTime];
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_groupSpawned","_timesSpawned","_respawnAt","_maxRespawns"];
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_groupSpawned","_timesSpawned","_respawnAt"];
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorScubaGroups: _x %1",_x];
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorScubaGroups: _groupParameters = %1",_groupParameters];
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorScubaGroups (9): _group %1 | _groupSpawned %2 | _timesSpawned %3 | _respawnAt %4",_group,_groupSpawned,_timesSpawned,_respawnAt];

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ private["_mode","_sm_groups"];
_sm_groups = +blck_sm_surfaceShips;
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorShips: time %2 | blck_sm_surfaceShips %1",blck_sm_surfaceShips,diag_tickTime];
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_groupSpawned","_timesSpawned","_respawnAt","_maxRespawns"];
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_groupSpawned","_timesSpawned","_respawnAt"];
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorShips: _x %1",_x];
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorShips: _groupParameters = %1",_groupParameters];
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorShips (9): _group %1 | _groupSpawned %2 | _timesSpawned %3 | _respawnAt %4",_group,_groupSpawned,_timesSpawned,_respawnAt];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
by Ghostrider [GRG]
for ghostridergaming
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
_fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields = {
diag_log format["_fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields::-> _this = %1",_this];
private _index = _array find _element;
_element set[1,_group];
_element set[2,_spawnedAt];
_array set[_index,_element];
private _triggerRange = 1000;
_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups = {
private _localpatrolsArray = +_patrolsArray;
// _x = [ [[22819.4,16929.5,5.33892],""red"",4,75,30], R Alpha 1-1,-1,0]"
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnedAt","_respawnAt","_lastTimePlayerNear"];
// [[22819.4,16929.5,5.33892],""red"",4,75,30]
_groupParameters params["_pos","_difficulty","_units","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: _x = %1",_x];
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: units alive in group %1 = %2",_group, {alive _x} count (units _group)];
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: _respawnInterval = %1",_respawnInterval];
if (_spawnedAt > 0) then
if (({alive _x} count (units _group) == 0)) then
diag_log format["all units in patrol %1 are dead | _respawnInterval = %2",_x,_respawnInterval];
if ((_respawnInterval != 0)) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead and we should respawn them after a certain interval
//[_patrolsArray,_x,grpNull,0,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupRepawnTimerFields;
private _index = _patrolsArray find _element;
private _element = _x;
_element set[1,grpNull];
_element set[2,0];
_element set[3,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)];
_patrolsArray set[_index,_element];
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups | element updated to %1",_element];
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: _patrolsArray updated to %1",_patrolsArray];
if (_respawnInterval == 0) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead but we should not do a respawn
_patrolsArray deleteAt (_patrolsArray find _x);
diag_log format["patrol %1 deleted from static patrol cue",_x];
if ({alive _x} count (units _group) > 0) then
// Case where a player is near and we need to update the time stamp.
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
private _index = _patrolsArray find _x;
_x set[4, diag_tickTime];
_patrolsArray set[_index,_x];
diag_log format["player near static group for element %1 timestamp updated to %2",_x, _x select 4];
} else {
// Case where no player is near and we need to test if the patrol should be de-spawned.
if ((diag_tickTime - _lastTimePlayerNear) > blck_sm_groupDespawnTime) then
diag_log format["despawning static group %1",_x];
private _index = _patrolsArray find _x;
_groupParameters set[2,{alive _x} count (units _group)];
_element = _x;
_element set[0,_groupParameters];
_element set[1,grpNull];
_element set[2,0];
_element set[3,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)];
_patrolsArray set[_index,_element];
if (vehicle _x != _x) then {[vehicle _x] call blck_fnc_deleteAIVehicle};
[_x] call blck_fnc_deleteAI;
} forEach (units _group);
} forEach _localpatrolsArray;
blck_sm_monitoring = 1;
_sm_groups = +blck_sm_Groups;
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnedAt","_respawnAt","_lastTimePlayerNear"];
_groupParameters params["_pos","_difficulty","_units","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
//diag_log format["<_sm_monitorStaticUnits::Group spawning routine:: _units = %1 | _x = %2 |_forEachIndex = %3",_units,_x,_forEachIndex];
//private _groupSpawned = false;
//diag_log format["there are %1 players in range",{_pos distance2D _x < _triggerRange} count allPlayers];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ((isNull _group)) then
diag_log format["testing if patrol %1 should be spawned | _spawnedAt = %2",_x,_spawnedAt];
diag_log format["_spawnedAt = %1 | _respawnAt = %2 | _respawnInterval = %3",_spawnedAt,_respawnAt, _respawnInterval];
if ( ((_spawnedAt == 0) && (_respawnAt == 0)) || ((diag_tickTime > _respawnAt) && (_respawnInterval > 0)) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static group spawner] evaluating _x = %1 ",_x];
_numAI = [_units] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static group spawner] _units = %1 and _numAI = %2",_units,_numAI];
// // params["_pos", "_center", _numai1, _numai2, _skillLevel, _minDist, _maxDist, _configureWaypoints, _uniforms, _headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms, _scuba ];
_group = [_pos,_pos,_numAI,_numAI,_difficulty,_patrolRadius-2,_patrolRadius,true] call blck_fnc_spawnGroup;
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static group spawner] _group %1",_group];
[blck_sm_Groups,_x,_group,diag_tickTime] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn Group step :: blck_sm_Groups updated to %1",blck_sm_Groups];
}forEach _sm_groups;
[blck_sm_Groups] call _fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups;
_sm_scubaGroups = +blck_sm_scubaGroups;
// [ [px, py, pz] /* position*/, "difficulty", 4 /*Number to Spawn*/, 150 /*radius of patrol*/, _respawnInterval, _group, _spawnAt]
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_pos","_difficulty","_units","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
//diag_log format["<_sm_monitorScubaUnits:: _group = %1 | _x = %2 |_forEachIndex = %3",_group,_x,_forEachIndex];
private _groupSpawned = false;
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ((isNull _group) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1)) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static scubaGroup spawner] evaluating _x = %1 ",_x];
_numAI = [_units] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static scubaGroup spawning routine] _units = %1 and _numAI = %2",_units,_numAI];
//params["_pos", "_numUnits", ["_skillLevel","red"], "_center", ["_minDist",20], ["_maxDist",35], ["_uniforms",blck_UMS_uniforms], ["_headGear",blck_UMS_headgear],["_configureWaypoints",true],["_weapons",blck_UMS_weapons],["_vests",blck_UMS_vests]];
_group = [_pos,_difficulty,_units,_patrolRadius] call blck_fnc_spawnScubaGroup;
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static scubaGroup spawner] _group %1",_group];
[blck_sm_scubaGroups,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn Group step :: blck_sm_Groups updated to %1",blck_sm_Groups];
if (!(_groupSpawned) && (isNull _group) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval > 0)) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead and we should rspawn them after a certain interval
[blck_sm_scubaGroups,_x,_group,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | set scubaGroup respawn time step :: blck_sm_Groups updated to %1",blck_sm_scubaGroups];
if (!(_groupSpawned) && (isNull _group) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval == 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead but we should not do a respawn
blck_sm_scubaGroups deleteAt (blck_sm_scubaGroups find _x);
}forEach _sm_scubaGroups;
_sm_Emplaced = +blck_sm_Emplaced;
// ["B_G_Mortar_01_F",[22944.3,16820.5,3.14243],"green",0,0,_group,_spawnAt]
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorEmplacedUnits::-> _x = %1",_x];
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_weapType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static Emplaced spawner] _weapType = %1 and _difficulty = %2",_weapType,_difficulty];
// params["_coords","_missionEmplacedWeapons","_useRelativePos","_noEmplacedWeapons","_aiDifficultyLevel",["_uniforms",blck_SkinList], ["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",blck_Pistols]];
_group = [_pos,[_groupParameters],false,1,_difficulty] call blck_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray;
[blck_sm_Emplaced,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Emplaced updated to %1",blck_sm_Emplaced];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval > 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
[blck_sm_Emplaced,_x,_group,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | set Group respawn time step :: blck_sm_Emplaced updated to %1",blck_sm_Emplaced];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval == 0)) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
blck_sm_Emplaced deleteAt (blck_sm_Emplaced find _x);
}forEach _sm_Emplaced;
_sm_Vehicles = +blck_sm_Vehicles;
// ["B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F",[22819.4,16929.5,3.17413],"red",600,0,_group,_spawnAt],
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorVehicles::-> _x = %1",_x];
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_vehicleType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//params["_coords","_noVehiclePatrols","_aiDifficultyLevel","_missionPatrolVehicles",["_useRelativePos",true],["_uniforms",blck_SkinList], ["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",blck_Pistols], ["_isScubaGroup",false]];
_return = [_pos,1,_difficulty,[_groupParameters],false] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols;
// _return = [_vehicles, _missionAI, _abort];
_group = group (_return select 1 select 0);
[blck_sm_Vehicles,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval > 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
[blck_sm_Vehicles,_x,_group,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | set Group respawn time step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval == 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
blck_sm_Vehicles deleteAt (blck_sm_Vehicles find _x);
}forEach _sm_Vehicles;
_sm_surfaceVehicles = +blck_sm_surfaceShips;
// ["B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F",[22819.4,16929.5,3.17413],"red",600,0,_group,_spawnAt],
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_weapType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static vehiclePatrol spawner] _weapType = %1 and _difficulty = %2",_weapType,_difficulty];
[_pos,1,_difficulty,[_groupParameters],false] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols;
_return params ["_vehicles", "_missionAI", "_abort"];
_group = group (_missionAI select 0);
[blck_sm_surfaceShips,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval > 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
[blck_sm_surfaceShips,_x,_group,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | set Group respawn time step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval == 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
blck_sm_surfaceShips deleteAt (blck_sm_surfaceShips find _x);
}forEach _sm_surfaceVehicles;
_sm_SDVVehicles = +blck_sm_submarines;
// ["B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F",[22819.4,16929.5,3.17413],"red",600,0,_group,_spawnAt],
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_weapType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static sub patrol spawner] _weapType = %1 and _difficulty = %2",_weapType,_difficulty];
//params["_coords","_noVehiclePatrols","_aiDifficultyLevel","_missionPatrolVehicles",["_useRelativePos",true],["_uniforms",blck_SkinList], ["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",blck_Pistols], ["_isScubaGroup",false]];
_return = [_pos,1,_difficulty,[_groupParameters],false,blck_UMS_uniforms,blck_UMS_headgear,blck_UMS_vests,blck_backpacks,blck_UMS_weapons,blck_Pistols,true] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols;
_return params ["_vehicles", "_missionAI", "_abort"];
_group = group (_missionAI select 0);
[blck_sm_submarines,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval > 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
[blck_sm_submarines,_x,_group,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | set Group respawn time step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval == 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
blck_sm_submarines deleteAt (blck_sm_submarines find _x);
}forEach _sm_SDVVehicles;
_sm_Aircraft = +blck_sm_Aircraft;
// ["Exile_Chopper_Huey_Armed_Green",[22923.4,16953,3.19],"red",1000,0],
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_aircraftType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( (isNull _group) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1)) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
_weapon = [toLower _difficulty] call blck_fnc_selectAILoadout;
//params["_coords","_skillAI","_helis",["_uniforms", blck_SkinList],["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_Launcher","none"],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",[]]]
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static aircraftePatrol spawner] _weapon = %1 and _difficulty = %2",_weapon,_difficulty];
_return = [_pos,_difficulty,[_aircraftType]] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionHeli; // Allow the spawner to fit the default AI Loadouts for blckeagls; revisit at a later time when custom uniforms are set up for these AI.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls] static aircraftePatrol spawner -> _return = %1",_return];
_return params ["_patrolHeli","_ai","_abort"];
_group = group (_ai select 0);
[blck_sm_Aircraft,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Aircraft updated to %1",blck_sm_Aircraft];
if ( (isNull _group) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval > 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
[blck_sm_Aircraft,_x,_group,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | set Group respawn time step :: blck_sm_Aircraft updated to %1",blck_sm_Aircraft];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval == 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
blck_sm_Aircraft deleteAt (blck_sm_Aircraft find _x);
}forEach _sm_Aircraft;
blck_sm_monitoring = 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
by Ghostrider [GRG]
for ghostridergaming
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
_fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields = {
diag_log format["_fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields::-> _this = %1",_this];
private _index = _array find _element;
_element set[1,_group];
_element set[2,_spawnedAt];
_array set[_index,_element];
private _triggerRange = 1000;
_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups = {
private _localpatrolsArray = +_patrolsArray;
// _x = [ [[22819.4,16929.5,5.33892],""red"",4,75,30], R Alpha 1-1,-1,0]"
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: _x = %1",_x];
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnedAt","_respawnAt","_lastTimePlayerNear"];
if !(isNull _group) then
// [[22819.4,16929.5,5.33892],""red"",4,75,30]
//_groupParameters params["_pos","_difficulty","_units","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: typeName _groupParameters select 0 = %1",typeName (_groupParameters select 0)];
if (_aiType isEqualTo "onFoot") then {
//_groupParameters params["_pos","_difficulty","_units","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"]
_pos = _groupParameters select 0;
_difficulty = _groupParameters select 1;
_units = _groupParameters select 2;
_patrolRadius = _groupParameters select 3;
_respawnInterval = _groupParameters select 4;
if (_aiType isEqualTo "inVehicle") then
//_groupParameters params["_vehicleType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"]};
_vehicleType = _groupParameters select 0;
_pos = _groupParameters select 1;
_difficulty = _groupParameters select 2;
_patrolRadius = _groupParameters select 3;
_respawnInterval = _groupParameters select 4;
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: _groupParameters = %1",_groupParameters];
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: _pos = %1 | _difficulty = %2 | _patrolRadius = %3 | _respawnInterval = %4",_pos,_difficulty,_patrolRadius,_respawnInterval];
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: units alive in group %1 = %2",_group, {alive _x} count (units _group)];
//diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: _respawnInterval = %1",_respawnInterval];
if (_spawnedAt > 0) then
if (({alive _x} count (units _group) == 0)) then
diag_log format["all units in patrol %1 are dead | _respawnInterval = %2",_x,_respawnInterval];
if ((_respawnInterval != 0)) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead and we should respawn them after a certain interval
//[_patrolsArray,_x,grpNull,0,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupRepawnTimerFields;
private _index = _patrolsArray find _element;
private _element = _x;
_element set[1,grpNull];
_element set[2,0];
_element set[3,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)];
_patrolsArray set[_index,_element];
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups | element updated to %1",_element];
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: _patrolsArray updated to %1",_patrolsArray];
if (_respawnInterval == 0) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead but we should not do a respawn
_patrolsArray deleteAt (_patrolsArray find _x);
diag_log format["patrol %1 deleted from static patrol cue",_x];
if ({alive _x} count (units _group) > 0) then
// Case where a player is near and we need to update the time stamp.
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
private _index = _patrolsArray find _x;
_x set[4, diag_tickTime];
_patrolsArray set[_index,_x];
diag_log format["player near static group for element %1 timestamp updated to %2",_x, _x select 4];
} else {
// Case where no player is near and we need to test if the patrol should be de-spawned.
if ((diag_tickTime - _lastTimePlayerNear) > blck_sm_groupDespawnTime) then
diag_log format["despawning static group %1",_x];
private _index = _patrolsArray find _x;
_groupParameters set[2,{alive _x} count (units _group)];
_element = _x;
_element set[0,_groupParameters];
_element set[1,grpNull];
_element set[2,0];
_element set[3,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)];
_patrolsArray set[_index,_element];
if (vehicle _x != _x) then {[vehicle _x] call blck_fnc_deleteAIVehicle};
[_x] call blck_fnc_deleteAI;
} forEach (units _group);
} forEach _localpatrolsArray;
blck_sm_monitoring = 1;
_sm_groups = +blck_sm_Groups;
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnedAt","_respawnAt","_lastTimePlayerNear"];
_groupParameters params["_pos","_difficulty","_units","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
//diag_log format["<_sm_monitorStaticUnits::Group spawning routine:: _units = %1 | _x = %2 |_forEachIndex = %3",_units,_x,_forEachIndex];
//private _groupSpawned = false;
//diag_log format["there are %1 players in range",{_pos distance2D _x < _triggerRange} count allPlayers];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ((isNull _group)) then
diag_log format["testing if patrol %1 should be spawned | _spawnedAt = %2",_x,_spawnedAt];
diag_log format["_spawnedAt = %1 | _respawnAt = %2 | _respawnInterval = %3",_spawnedAt,_respawnAt, _respawnInterval];
if ( ((_spawnedAt == 0) && (_respawnAt == 0)) || ((diag_tickTime > _respawnAt) && (_respawnInterval > 0)) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static group spawner] evaluating _x = %1 ",_x];
_numAI = [_units] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static group spawner] _units = %1 and _numAI = %2",_units,_numAI];
// // params["_pos", "_center", _numai1, _numai2, _skillLevel, _minDist, _maxDist, _configureWaypoints, _uniforms, _headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms, _scuba ];
_group = [_pos,_pos,_numAI,_numAI,_difficulty,_patrolRadius-2,_patrolRadius,true] call blck_fnc_spawnGroup;
diag_log format["[blckeagls static group spawner] _group %1",_group];
[blck_sm_Groups,_x,_group,diag_tickTime] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn Group step :: blck_sm_Groups updated to %1",blck_sm_Groups];
}forEach _sm_groups;
["onFoot",blck_sm_Groups] call _fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups;
_sm_scubaGroups = +blck_sm_scubaGroups;
// [ [px, py, pz] /* position*/, "difficulty", 4 /*Number to Spawn*/, 150 /*radius of patrol*/, _respawnInterval, _group, _spawnAt]
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_pos","_difficulty","_units","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
//diag_log format["<_sm_monitorScubaUnits:: _group = %1 | _x = %2 |_forEachIndex = %3",_group,_x,_forEachIndex];
private _groupSpawned = false;
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ((isNull _group) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1)) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static scubaGroup spawner] evaluating _x = %1 ",_x];
_numAI = [_units] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static scubaGroup spawning routine] _units = %1 and _numAI = %2",_units,_numAI];
//params["_pos", "_numUnits", ["_skillLevel","red"], "_center", ["_minDist",20], ["_maxDist",35], ["_uniforms",blck_UMS_uniforms], ["_headGear",blck_UMS_headgear],["_configureWaypoints",true],["_weapons",blck_UMS_weapons],["_vests",blck_UMS_vests]];
_group = [_pos,_difficulty,_units,_patrolRadius] call blck_fnc_spawnScubaGroup;
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static scubaGroup spawner] _group %1",_group];
[blck_sm_scubaGroups,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn Group step :: blck_sm_Groups updated to %1",blck_sm_Groups];
if (!(_groupSpawned) && (isNull _group) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval > 0)) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead and we should rspawn them after a certain interval
[blck_sm_scubaGroups,_x,_group,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | set scubaGroup respawn time step :: blck_sm_Groups updated to %1",blck_sm_scubaGroups];
if (!(_groupSpawned) && (isNull _group) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval == 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead but we should not do a respawn
blck_sm_scubaGroups deleteAt (blck_sm_scubaGroups find _x);
}forEach _sm_scubaGroups;
_sm_Emplaced = +blck_sm_Emplaced;
// ["B_G_Mortar_01_F",[22944.3,16820.5,3.14243],"green",0,0,_group,_spawnAt]
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorEmplacedUnits::-> _x = %1",_x];
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_weapType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static Emplaced spawner] _weapType = %1 and _difficulty = %2",_weapType,_difficulty];
// params["_coords","_missionEmplacedWeapons","_useRelativePos","_noEmplacedWeapons","_aiDifficultyLevel",["_uniforms",blck_SkinList], ["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",blck_Pistols]];
_group = [_pos,[_groupParameters],false,1,_difficulty] call blck_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray;
[blck_sm_Emplaced,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Emplaced updated to %1",blck_sm_Emplaced];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval > 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
[blck_sm_Emplaced,_x,_group,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | set Group respawn time step :: blck_sm_Emplaced updated to %1",blck_sm_Emplaced];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval == 0)) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
blck_sm_Emplaced deleteAt (blck_sm_Emplaced find _x);
}forEach _sm_Emplaced;
_sm_Vehicles = +blck_sm_Vehicles;
// ["B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F",[22819.4,16929.5,3.17413],"red",600,0,_group,_spawnAt],
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorVehicles::-> _x = %1",_x];
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_vehicleType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//params["_coords","_noVehiclePatrols","_aiDifficultyLevel","_missionPatrolVehicles",["_useRelativePos",true],["_uniforms",blck_SkinList], ["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",blck_Pistols], ["_isScubaGroup",false]];
_return = [_pos,1,_difficulty,[_groupParameters],false] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols;
// _return = [_vehicles, _missionAI, _abort];
_group = group (_return select 1 select 0);
[blck_sm_Vehicles,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval > 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
[blck_sm_Vehicles,_x,_group,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | set Group respawn time step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval == 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
blck_sm_Vehicles deleteAt (blck_sm_Vehicles find _x);
}forEach _sm_Vehicles;
_sm_surfaceVehicles = +blck_sm_surfaceShips;
// ["B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F",[22819.4,16929.5,3.17413],"red",600,0,_group,_spawnAt],
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_weapType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static vehiclePatrol spawner] _weapType = %1 and _difficulty = %2",_weapType,_difficulty];
[_pos,1,_difficulty,[_groupParameters],false] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols;
_return params ["_vehicles", "_missionAI", "_abort"];
_group = group (_missionAI select 0);
[blck_sm_surfaceShips,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval > 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
[blck_sm_surfaceShips,_x,_group,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | set Group respawn time step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval == 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
blck_sm_surfaceShips deleteAt (blck_sm_surfaceShips find _x);
}forEach _sm_surfaceVehicles;
_sm_SDVVehicles = +blck_sm_submarines;
// ["B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F",[22819.4,16929.5,3.17413],"red",600,0,_group,_spawnAt],
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_weapType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static sub patrol spawner] _weapType = %1 and _difficulty = %2",_weapType,_difficulty];
//params["_coords","_noVehiclePatrols","_aiDifficultyLevel","_missionPatrolVehicles",["_useRelativePos",true],["_uniforms",blck_SkinList], ["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",blck_Pistols], ["_isScubaGroup",false]];
_return = [_pos,1,_difficulty,[_groupParameters],false,blck_UMS_uniforms,blck_UMS_headgear,blck_UMS_vests,blck_backpacks,blck_UMS_weapons,blck_Pistols,true] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols;
_return params ["_vehicles", "_missionAI", "_abort"];
_group = group (_missionAI select 0);
[blck_sm_submarines,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval > 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
[blck_sm_submarines,_x,_group,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | set Group respawn time step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval == 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
blck_sm_submarines deleteAt (blck_sm_submarines find _x);
}forEach _sm_SDVVehicles;
_sm_Aircraft = +blck_sm_Aircraft;
// ["Exile_Chopper_Huey_Armed_Green",[22923.4,16953,3.19],"red",1000,0],
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_aircraftType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( (isNull _group) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1)) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
_weapon = [toLower _difficulty] call blck_fnc_selectAILoadout;
//params["_coords","_skillAI","_helis",["_uniforms", blck_SkinList],["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_Launcher","none"],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",[]]]
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static aircraftePatrol spawner] _weapon = %1 and _difficulty = %2",_weapon,_difficulty];
_return = [_pos,_difficulty,[_aircraftType]] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionHeli; // Allow the spawner to fit the default AI Loadouts for blckeagls; revisit at a later time when custom uniforms are set up for these AI.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls] static aircraftePatrol spawner -> _return = %1",_return];
_return params ["_patrolHeli","_ai","_abort"];
_group = group (_ai select 0);
[blck_sm_Aircraft,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Aircraft updated to %1",blck_sm_Aircraft];
if ( (isNull _group) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval > 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
[blck_sm_Aircraft,_x,_group,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | set Group respawn time step :: blck_sm_Aircraft updated to %1",blck_sm_Aircraft];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval == 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
blck_sm_Aircraft deleteAt (blck_sm_Aircraft find _x);
}forEach _sm_Aircraft;
blck_sm_monitoring = 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
by Ghostrider [GRG]
for ghostridergaming
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
#define onFoot 1
#define inVehicle 2
_fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields = {
diag_log format["_fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields::-> _this = %1",_this];
private _index = _array find _element;
_element set[1,_group];
_element set[2,_spawnedAt];
_array set[_index,_element];
private _triggerRange = 1000;
_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups = {
private _localpatrolsArray = +_patrolsArray;
// _x = [ [[22819.4,16929.5,5.33892],""red"",4,75,30], R Alpha 1-1,-1,0]"
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: _x = %1",_x];
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnedAt","_respawnAt","_lastTimePlayerNear"];
if !(isNull _group) then
// [[22819.4,16929.5,5.33892],""red"",4,75,30]
//_groupParameters params["_pos","_difficulty","_units","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: typeName _groupParameters select 0 = %1",typeName (_groupParameters select 0)];
if (_aiType isEqualTo onFoot) then {
//_groupParameters params["_pos","_difficulty","_units","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"]
_pos = _groupParameters select 0;
_difficulty = _groupParameters select 1;
_units = _groupParameters select 2;
_patrolRadius = _groupParameters select 3;
_respawnInterval = _groupParameters select 4;
if (_aiType isEqualTo inVehicle) then
//_groupParameters params["_vehicleType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"]};
_vehicleType = _groupParameters select 0;
_pos = _groupParameters select 1;
_difficulty = _groupParameters select 2;
_patrolRadius = _groupParameters select 3;
_respawnInterval = _groupParameters select 4;
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: _groupParameters = %1",_groupParameters];
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: _pos = %1 | _difficulty = %2 | _patrolRadius = %3 | _respawnInterval = %4",_pos,_difficulty,_patrolRadius,_respawnInterval];
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: units alive in group %1 = %2",_group, {alive _x} count (units _group)];
//diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: _respawnInterval = %1",_respawnInterval];
if (_spawnedAt > 0) then
if (({alive _x} count (units _group) == 0)) then
diag_log format["all units in patrol %1 are dead | _respawnInterval = %2",_x,_respawnInterval];
if ((_respawnInterval != 0)) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead and we should respawn them after a certain interval
//[_patrolsArray,_x,grpNull,0,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupRepawnTimerFields;
private _index = _patrolsArray find _element;
private _element = _x;
_element set[1,grpNull];
_element set[2,0];
_element set[3,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)];
_patrolsArray set[_index,_element];
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups | element updated to %1",_element];
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: _patrolsArray updated to %1",_patrolsArray];
if (_respawnInterval == 0) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead but we should not do a respawn
_patrolsArray deleteAt (_patrolsArray find _x);
diag_log format["patrol %1 deleted from static patrol cue",_x];
if ({alive _x} count (units _group) > 0) then
// Case where a player is near and we need to update the time stamp.
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
private _index = _patrolsArray find _x;
_x set[4, diag_tickTime];
_patrolsArray set[_index,_x];
diag_log format["player near static group for element %1 timestamp updated to %2",_x, _x select 4];
} else {
// Case where no player is near and we need to test if the patrol should be de-spawned.
if ((diag_tickTime - _lastTimePlayerNear) > blck_sm_groupDespawnTime) then
diag_log format["despawning static group %1",_x];
private _index = _patrolsArray find _x;
_groupParameters set[2,{alive _x} count (units _group)];
_element = _x;
_element set[0,_groupParameters];
_element set[1,grpNull];
_element set[2,0];
_element set[3,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)];
_patrolsArray set[_index,_element];
if (vehicle _x != _x) then {[vehicle _x] call blck_fnc_deleteAIVehicle};
[_x] call blck_fnc_deleteAI;
} forEach (units _group);
} forEach _localpatrolsArray;
blck_sm_monitoring = 1;
_sm_groups = +blck_sm_Groups;
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnedAt","_respawnAt","_lastTimePlayerNear"];
_groupParameters params["_pos","_difficulty","_units","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
//diag_log format["<_sm_monitorStaticUnits::Group spawning routine:: _units = %1 | _x = %2 |_forEachIndex = %3",_units,_x,_forEachIndex];
//private _groupSpawned = false;
//diag_log format["there are %1 players in range",{_pos distance2D _x < _triggerRange} count allPlayers];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ((isNull _group)) then
//diag_log format["testing if patrol %1 should be spawned | _spawnedAt = %2",_x,_spawnedAt];
//diag_log format["_spawnedAt = %1 | _respawnAt = %2 | _respawnInterval = %3",_spawnedAt,_respawnAt, _respawnInterval];
if ( ((_spawnedAt == 0) && (_respawnAt == 0)) || ((diag_tickTime > _respawnAt) && (_respawnInterval > 0)) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static group spawner] evaluating _x = %1 ",_x];
_numAI = [_units] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static group spawner] _units = %1 and _numAI = %2",_units,_numAI];
// // params["_pos", "_center", _numai1, _numai2, _skillLevel, _minDist, _maxDist, _configureWaypoints, _uniforms, _headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms, _scuba ];
_group = [_pos,_pos,_numAI,_numAI,_difficulty,_patrolRadius-2,_patrolRadius,true] call blck_fnc_spawnGroup;
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static group spawner] _group %1",_group];
[blck_sm_Groups,_x,_group,diag_tickTime] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn Group step :: blck_sm_Groups updated to %1",blck_sm_Groups];
}forEach _sm_groups;
[onFoot,blck_sm_Groups] call _fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups;
_sm_Vehicles = +blck_sm_Vehicles;
// ["B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F",[22819.4,16929.5,3.17413],"red",600,0,_group,_spawnAt],
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorVehicles::-> _x = %1",_x];
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_vehicleType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//params["_coords","_noVehiclePatrols","_aiDifficultyLevel","_missionPatrolVehicles",["_useRelativePos",true],["_uniforms",blck_SkinList], ["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",blck_Pistols], ["_isScubaGroup",false]];
_return = [_pos,1,_difficulty,[_groupParameters],false] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols;
// _return = [_vehicles, _missionAI, _abort];
_group = group (_return select 1 select 0);
[blck_sm_Vehicles,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
}forEach _sm_Vehicles;
[inVehicle,blck_sm_Vehicles] call _fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups;
_sm_scubaGroups = +blck_sm_scubaGroups;
// [ [px, py, pz] /* position*/, "difficulty", 4 /*Number to Spawn*/, 150 /*radius of patrol*/, _respawnInterval, _group, _spawnAt]
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_pos","_difficulty","_units","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
//diag_log format["<_sm_monitorScubaUnits:: _group = %1 | _x = %2 |_forEachIndex = %3",_group,_x,_forEachIndex];
private _groupSpawned = false;
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ((isNull _group) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1)) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static scubaGroup spawner] evaluating _x = %1 ",_x];
_numAI = [_units] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static scubaGroup spawning routine] _units = %1 and _numAI = %2",_units,_numAI];
//params["_pos", "_numUnits", ["_skillLevel","red"], "_center", ["_minDist",20], ["_maxDist",35], ["_uniforms",blck_UMS_uniforms], ["_headGear",blck_UMS_headgear],["_configureWaypoints",true],["_weapons",blck_UMS_weapons],["_vests",blck_UMS_vests]];
_group = [_pos,_difficulty,_units,_patrolRadius] call blck_fnc_spawnScubaGroup;
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static scubaGroup spawner] _group %1",_group];
[blck_sm_scubaGroups,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn Group step :: blck_sm_Groups updated to %1",blck_sm_Groups];
if (!(_groupSpawned) && (isNull _group) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval > 0)) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead and we should rspawn them after a certain interval
[blck_sm_scubaGroups,_x,_group,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | set scubaGroup respawn time step :: blck_sm_Groups updated to %1",blck_sm_scubaGroups];
if (!(_groupSpawned) && (isNull _group) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval == 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead but we should not do a respawn
blck_sm_scubaGroups deleteAt (blck_sm_scubaGroups find _x);
}forEach _sm_scubaGroups;
_sm_Emplaced = +blck_sm_Emplaced;
// ["B_G_Mortar_01_F",[22944.3,16820.5,3.14243],"green",0,0,_group,_spawnAt]
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorEmplacedUnits::-> _x = %1",_x];
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_weapType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static Emplaced spawner] _weapType = %1 and _difficulty = %2",_weapType,_difficulty];
// params["_coords","_missionEmplacedWeapons","_useRelativePos","_noEmplacedWeapons","_aiDifficultyLevel",["_uniforms",blck_SkinList], ["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",blck_Pistols]];
_group = [_pos,[_groupParameters],false,1,_difficulty] call blck_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray;
[blck_sm_Emplaced,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Emplaced updated to %1",blck_sm_Emplaced];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval > 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
[blck_sm_Emplaced,_x,_group,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | set Group respawn time step :: blck_sm_Emplaced updated to %1",blck_sm_Emplaced];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval == 0)) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
blck_sm_Emplaced deleteAt (blck_sm_Emplaced find _x);
}forEach _sm_Emplaced;
_sm_surfaceVehicles = +blck_sm_surfaceShips;
// ["B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F",[22819.4,16929.5,3.17413],"red",600,0,_group,_spawnAt],
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_weapType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static vehiclePatrol spawner] _weapType = %1 and _difficulty = %2",_weapType,_difficulty];
[_pos,1,_difficulty,[_groupParameters],false] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols;
_return params ["_vehicles", "_missionAI", "_abort"];
_group = group (_missionAI select 0);
[blck_sm_surfaceShips,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval > 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
[blck_sm_surfaceShips,_x,_group,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | set Group respawn time step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval == 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
blck_sm_surfaceShips deleteAt (blck_sm_surfaceShips find _x);
}forEach _sm_surfaceVehicles;
_sm_SDVVehicles = +blck_sm_submarines;
// ["B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F",[22819.4,16929.5,3.17413],"red",600,0,_group,_spawnAt],
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_weapType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static sub patrol spawner] _weapType = %1 and _difficulty = %2",_weapType,_difficulty];
//params["_coords","_noVehiclePatrols","_aiDifficultyLevel","_missionPatrolVehicles",["_useRelativePos",true],["_uniforms",blck_SkinList], ["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",blck_Pistols], ["_isScubaGroup",false]];
_return = [_pos,1,_difficulty,[_groupParameters],false,blck_UMS_uniforms,blck_UMS_headgear,blck_UMS_vests,blck_backpacks,blck_UMS_weapons,blck_Pistols,true] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols;
_return params ["_vehicles", "_missionAI", "_abort"];
_group = group (_missionAI select 0);
[blck_sm_submarines,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval > 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
[blck_sm_submarines,_x,_group,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | set Group respawn time step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval == 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
blck_sm_submarines deleteAt (blck_sm_submarines find _x);
}forEach _sm_SDVVehicles;
_sm_Aircraft = +blck_sm_Aircraft;
// ["Exile_Chopper_Huey_Armed_Green",[22923.4,16953,3.19],"red",1000,0],
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_aircraftType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( (isNull _group) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1)) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
_weapon = [toLower _difficulty] call blck_fnc_selectAILoadout;
//params["_coords","_skillAI","_helis",["_uniforms", blck_SkinList],["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_Launcher","none"],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",[]]]
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static aircraftePatrol spawner] _weapon = %1 and _difficulty = %2",_weapon,_difficulty];
_return = [_pos,_difficulty,[_aircraftType]] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionHeli; // Allow the spawner to fit the default AI Loadouts for blckeagls; revisit at a later time when custom uniforms are set up for these AI.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls] static aircraftePatrol spawner -> _return = %1",_return];
_return params ["_patrolHeli","_ai","_abort"];
_group = group (_ai select 0);
[blck_sm_Aircraft,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Aircraft updated to %1",blck_sm_Aircraft];
if ( (isNull _group) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval > 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
[blck_sm_Aircraft,_x,_group,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | set Group respawn time step :: blck_sm_Aircraft updated to %1",blck_sm_Aircraft];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval == 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
blck_sm_Aircraft deleteAt (blck_sm_Aircraft find _x);
}forEach _sm_Aircraft;
blck_sm_monitoring = 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
by Ghostrider [GRG]
for ghostridergaming
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
#define onFoot 1
#define inVehicle 2
_fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields = {
diag_log format["_fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields::-> _this = %1",_this];
private _index = _array find _element;
_element set[1,_group];
_element set[2,_spawnedAt];
_array set[_index,_element];
private _triggerRange = 1000;
_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups = {
private _localpatrolsArray = +_patrolsArray;
// _x = [ [[22819.4,16929.5,5.33892],""red"",4,75,30], R Alpha 1-1,-1,0]"
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: _x = %1",_x];
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnedAt","_respawnAt","_lastTimePlayerNear"];
if !(isNull _group) then
// [[22819.4,16929.5,5.33892],""red"",4,75,30]
//_groupParameters params["_pos","_difficulty","_units","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
//diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: typeName _groupParameters select 0 = %1",typeName (_groupParameters select 0)];
if (_aiType isEqualTo onFoot) then {
//_groupParameters params["_pos","_difficulty","_units","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"]
_pos = _groupParameters select 0;
_difficulty = _groupParameters select 1;
_units = _groupParameters select 2;
_patrolRadius = _groupParameters select 3;
_respawnInterval = _groupParameters select 4;
if (_aiType isEqualTo inVehicle) then
//_groupParameters params["_vehicleType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"]};
_vehicleType = _groupParameters select 0;
_pos = _groupParameters select 1;
_difficulty = _groupParameters select 2;
_patrolRadius = _groupParameters select 3;
_respawnInterval = _groupParameters select 4;
//diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: _groupParameters = %1",_groupParameters];
//diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: _pos = %1 | _difficulty = %2 | _patrolRadius = %3 | _respawnInterval = %4",_pos,_difficulty,_patrolRadius,_respawnInterval];
//diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: units alive in group %1 = %2",_group, {alive _x} count (units _group)];
//diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: _respawnInterval = %1",_respawnInterval];
if (_spawnedAt > 0) then
if (({alive _x} count (units _group) == 0)) then
diag_log format["all units in patrol %1 are dead | _respawnInterval = %2",_x,_respawnInterval];
if ((_respawnInterval != 0)) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead and we should respawn them after a certain interval
//[_patrolsArray,_x,grpNull,0,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupRepawnTimerFields;
private _index = _patrolsArray find _element;
private _element = _x;
_element set[1,grpNull];
_element set[2,0];
_element set[3,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)];
_patrolsArray set[_index,_element];
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups | element updated to %1",_element];
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: _patrolsArray updated to %1",_patrolsArray];
if (_respawnInterval == 0) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead but we should not do a respawn
_patrolsArray deleteAt (_patrolsArray find _x);
diag_log format["patrol %1 deleted from static patrol cue",_x];
if ({alive _x} count (units _group) > 0) then
// Case where a player is near and we need to update the time stamp.
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
private _index = _patrolsArray find _x;
_x set[4, diag_tickTime];
_patrolsArray set[_index,_x];
diag_log format["player near static group for element %1 timestamp updated to %2",_x, _x select 4];
} else {
// Case where no player is near and we need to test if the patrol should be de-spawned.
if ((diag_tickTime - _lastTimePlayerNear) > blck_sm_groupDespawnTime) then
diag_log format["despawning static group %1",_x];
private _index = _patrolsArray find _x;
_groupParameters set[2,{alive _x} count (units _group)];
_element = _x;
_element set[0,_groupParameters];
_element set[1,grpNull];
_element set[2,0];
_element set[3,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)];
_patrolsArray set[_index,_element];
if (vehicle _x != _x) then {[vehicle _x] call blck_fnc_deleteAIVehicle};
[_x] call blck_fnc_deleteAI;
} forEach (units _group);
} forEach _localpatrolsArray;
blck_sm_monitoring = 1;
_sm_groups = +blck_sm_Groups;
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnedAt","_respawnAt","_lastTimePlayerNear"];
_groupParameters params["_pos","_difficulty","_units","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
//diag_log format["<_sm_monitorStaticUnits::Group spawning routine:: _units = %1 | _x = %2 |_forEachIndex = %3",_units,_x,_forEachIndex];
//private _groupSpawned = false;
//diag_log format["there are %1 players in range",{_pos distance2D _x < _triggerRange} count allPlayers];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ((isNull _group)) then
//diag_log format["testing if patrol %1 should be spawned | _spawnedAt = %2",_x,_spawnedAt];
//diag_log format["_spawnedAt = %1 | _respawnAt = %2 | _respawnInterval = %3",_spawnedAt,_respawnAt, _respawnInterval];
if ( ((_spawnedAt == 0) && (_respawnAt == 0)) || ((diag_tickTime > _respawnAt) && (_respawnInterval > 0)) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static group spawner] evaluating _x = %1 ",_x];
_numAI = [_units] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static group spawner] _units = %1 and _numAI = %2",_units,_numAI];
// // params["_pos", "_center", _numai1, _numai2, _skillLevel, _minDist, _maxDist, _configureWaypoints, _uniforms, _headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms, _scuba ];
_group = [_pos,_pos,_numAI,_numAI,_difficulty,_patrolRadius-2,_patrolRadius,true] call blck_fnc_spawnGroup;
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static group spawner] _group %1",_group];
[blck_sm_Groups,_x,_group,diag_tickTime] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn Group step :: blck_sm_Groups updated to %1",blck_sm_Groups];
}forEach _sm_groups;
[onFoot,blck_sm_Groups] call _fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups;
_sm_Vehicles = +blck_sm_Vehicles;
// ["B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F",[22819.4,16929.5,3.17413],"red",600,0,_group,_spawnAt],
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorVehicles::-> _x = %1",_x];
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_vehicleType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//params["_coords","_noVehiclePatrols","_aiDifficultyLevel","_missionPatrolVehicles",["_useRelativePos",true],["_uniforms",blck_SkinList], ["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",blck_Pistols], ["_isScubaGroup",false]];
_return = [_pos,1,_difficulty,[_groupParameters],false] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols;
// _return = [_vehicles, _missionAI, _abort];
_group = group (_return select 1 select 0);
[blck_sm_Vehicles,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
}forEach _sm_Vehicles;
[inVehicle,blck_sm_Vehicles] call _fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups;
_sm_Aircraft = +blck_sm_Aircraft;
// ["Exile_Chopper_Huey_Armed_Green",[22923.4,16953,3.19],"red",1000,0],
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_aircraftType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( (isNull _group) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1)) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
_weapon = [toLower _difficulty] call blck_fnc_selectAILoadout;
//params["_coords","_skillAI","_helis",["_uniforms", blck_SkinList],["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_Launcher","none"],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",[]]]
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static aircraftePatrol spawner] _weapon = %1 and _difficulty = %2",_weapon,_difficulty];
_return = [_pos,_difficulty,[_aircraftType]] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionHeli; // Allow the spawner to fit the default AI Loadouts for blckeagls; revisit at a later time when custom uniforms are set up for these AI.
diag_log format["[blckeagls] static aircraftePatrol spawner -> _return = %1",_return];
_return params ["_patrolHeli","_ai","_abort"];
_group = group (_ai select 0);
[blck_sm_Aircraft,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Aircraft updated to %1",blck_sm_Aircraft];
}forEach _sm_Aircraft;
[inVehicle,blck_sm_Aircraft] call _fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups;
_sm_Emplaced = +blck_sm_Emplaced;
// ["B_G_Mortar_01_F",[22944.3,16820.5,3.14243],"green",0,0,_group,_spawnAt]
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorEmplacedUnits::-> _x = %1",_x];
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_weapType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static Emplaced spawner] _weapType = %1 and _difficulty = %2",_weapType,_difficulty];
// params["_coords","_missionEmplacedWeapons","_useRelativePos","_noEmplacedWeapons","_aiDifficultyLevel",["_uniforms",blck_SkinList], ["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",blck_Pistols]];
_group = [_pos,[_groupParameters],false,1,_difficulty] call blck_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray;
[blck_sm_Emplaced,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Emplaced updated to %1",blck_sm_Emplaced];
}forEach _sm_Emplaced;
[inVehicle,blck_sm_Emplaced] call _fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups;
_sm_scubaGroups = +blck_sm_scubaGroups;
// [ [px, py, pz] /* position*/, "difficulty", 4 /*Number to Spawn*/, 150 /*radius of patrol*/, _respawnInterval, _group, _spawnAt]
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_pos","_difficulty","_units","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
//diag_log format["<_sm_monitorScubaUnits:: _group = %1 | _x = %2 |_forEachIndex = %3",_group,_x,_forEachIndex];
private _groupSpawned = false;
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ((isNull _group) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1)) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static scubaGroup spawner] evaluating _x = %1 ",_x];
_numAI = [_units] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static scubaGroup spawning routine] _units = %1 and _numAI = %2",_units,_numAI];
//params["_pos", "_numUnits", ["_skillLevel","red"], "_center", ["_minDist",20], ["_maxDist",35], ["_uniforms",blck_UMS_uniforms], ["_headGear",blck_UMS_headgear],["_configureWaypoints",true],["_weapons",blck_UMS_weapons],["_vests",blck_UMS_vests]];
_group = [_pos,_difficulty,_units,_patrolRadius] call blck_fnc_spawnScubaGroup;
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static scubaGroup spawner] _group %1",_group];
[blck_sm_scubaGroups,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn Group step :: blck_sm_Groups updated to %1",blck_sm_Groups];
}forEach _sm_scubaGroups;
[onFoot,blck_sm_scubaGroups] call _fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups;
_sm_surfaceVehicles = +blck_sm_surfaceShips;
// ["B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F",[22819.4,16929.5,3.17413],"red",600,0,_group,_spawnAt],
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_weapType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static vehiclePatrol spawner] _weapType = %1 and _difficulty = %2",_weapType,_difficulty];
[_pos,1,_difficulty,[_groupParameters],false] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols;
_return params ["_vehicles", "_missionAI", "_abort"];
_group = group (_missionAI select 0);
[blck_sm_surfaceShips,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
}forEach _sm_surfaceVehicles;
[inVehicle,blck_sm_surfaceShips] call _fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups;
_sm_SDVVehicles = +blck_sm_submarines;
// ["B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F",[22819.4,16929.5,3.17413],"red",600,0,_group,_spawnAt],
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_weapType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static sub patrol spawner] _weapType = %1 and _difficulty = %2",_weapType,_difficulty];
//params["_coords","_noVehiclePatrols","_aiDifficultyLevel","_missionPatrolVehicles",["_useRelativePos",true],["_uniforms",blck_SkinList], ["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",blck_Pistols], ["_isScubaGroup",false]];
_return = [_pos,1,_difficulty,[_groupParameters],false,blck_UMS_uniforms,blck_UMS_headgear,blck_UMS_vests,blck_backpacks,blck_UMS_weapons,blck_Pistols,true] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols;
_return params ["_vehicles", "_missionAI", "_abort"];
_group = group (_missionAI select 0);
[blck_sm_submarines,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval > 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
[blck_sm_submarines,_x,_group,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | set Group respawn time step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval == 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
blck_sm_submarines deleteAt (blck_sm_submarines find _x);
}forEach _sm_SDVVehicles;
[inVehicle,blck_sm_submarines] call _fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups;
blck_sm_monitoring = 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
by Ghostrider [GRG]
for ghostridergaming
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
_fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields = {
diag_log format["_fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields::-> _this = %1",_this];
private _index = _array find _element;
_element set[1,_group];
_element set[2,_spawnedAt];
_array set[_index,_element];
private _triggerRange = 1000;
_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups = {
private _localpatrolsArray = +_patrolsArray;
// _x = [ [[22819.4,16929.5,5.33892],""red"",4,75,30], R Alpha 1-1,-1,0]"
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnedAt","_respawnAt","_lastTimePlayerNear"];
// [[22819.4,16929.5,5.33892],""red"",4,75,30]
_groupParameters params["_pos","_difficulty","_units","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: _x = %1",_x];
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: units alive in group %1 = %2",_group, {alive _x} count (units _group)];
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: _respawnInterval = %1",_respawnInterval];
if (_spawnedAt > 0) then
if (({alive _x} count (units _group) == 0)) then
diag_log format["all units in patrol %1 are dead | _respawnInterval = %2",_x,_respawnInterval];
if ((_respawnInterval != 0)) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead and we should respawn them after a certain interval
//[_patrolsArray,_x,grpNull,0,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupRepawnTimerFields;
private _index = _patrolsArray find _element;
private _element = _x;
_element set[1,grpNull];
_element set[2,0];
_element set[3,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)];
_patrolsArray set[_index,_element];
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups | element updated to %1",_element];
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: _patrolsArray updated to %1",_patrolsArray];
if (_respawnInterval == 0) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead but we should not do a respawn
_patrolsArray deleteAt (_patrolsArray find _x);
diag_log format["patrol %1 deleted from static patrol cue",_x];
if ({alive _x} count (units _group) > 0) then
// Case where a player is near and we need to update the time stamp.
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
private _index = _patrolsArray find _x;
_x set[4, diag_tickTime];
_patrolsArray set[_index,_x];
diag_log format["player near static group for element %1 timestamp updated to %2",_x, _x select 4];
} else {
// Case where no player is near and we need to test if the patrol should be de-spawned.
if ((diag_tickTime - _lastTimePlayerNear) > blck_sm_groupDespawnTime) then
diag_log format["despawning static group %1",_x];
private _index = _patrolsArray find _x;
_groupParameters set[2,{alive _x} count (units _group)];
_element = _x;
_element set[0,_groupParameters];
_element set[1,grpNull];
_element set[2,0];
_element set[3,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)];
_patrolsArray set[_index,_element];
if (vehicle _x != _x) then {[vehicle _x] call blck_fnc_deleteAIVehicle};
[_x] call blck_fnc_deleteAI;
} forEach (units _group);
} forEach _localpatrolsArray;
blck_sm_monitoring = 1;
_sm_groups = +blck_sm_Groups;
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnedAt","_respawnAt","_lastTimePlayerNear"];
_groupParameters params["_pos","_difficulty","_units","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
//diag_log format["<_sm_monitorStaticUnits::Group spawning routine:: _units = %1 | _x = %2 |_forEachIndex = %3",_units,_x,_forEachIndex];
//private _groupSpawned = false;
//diag_log format["there are %1 players in range",{_pos distance2D _x < _triggerRange} count allPlayers];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ((isNull _group)) then
diag_log format["testing if patrol %1 should be spawned | _spawnedAt = %2",_x,_spawnedAt];
diag_log format["_spawnedAt = %1 | _respawnAt = %2 | _respawnInterval = %3",_spawnedAt,_respawnAt, _respawnInterval];
if ( ((_spawnedAt == 0) && (_respawnAt == 0)) || ((diag_tickTime > _respawnAt) && (_respawnInterval > 0)) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static group spawner] evaluating _x = %1 ",_x];
_numAI = [_units] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static group spawner] _units = %1 and _numAI = %2",_units,_numAI];
// // params["_pos", "_center", _numai1, _numai2, _skillLevel, _minDist, _maxDist, _configureWaypoints, _uniforms, _headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms, _scuba ];
_group = [_pos,_pos,_numAI,_numAI,_difficulty,_patrolRadius-2,_patrolRadius,true] call blck_fnc_spawnGroup;
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static group spawner] _group %1",_group];
[blck_sm_Groups,_x,_group,diag_tickTime] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn Group step :: blck_sm_Groups updated to %1",blck_sm_Groups];
}forEach _sm_groups;
[blck_sm_Groups] call _fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups;
_sm_scubaGroups = +blck_sm_scubaGroups;
// [ [px, py, pz] /* position*/, "difficulty", 4 /*Number to Spawn*/, 150 /*radius of patrol*/, _respawnInterval, _group, _spawnAt]
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_pos","_difficulty","_units","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
//diag_log format["<_sm_monitorScubaUnits:: _group = %1 | _x = %2 |_forEachIndex = %3",_group,_x,_forEachIndex];
private _groupSpawned = false;
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ((isNull _group) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1)) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static scubaGroup spawner] evaluating _x = %1 ",_x];
_numAI = [_units] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static scubaGroup spawning routine] _units = %1 and _numAI = %2",_units,_numAI];
//params["_pos", "_numUnits", ["_skillLevel","red"], "_center", ["_minDist",20], ["_maxDist",35], ["_uniforms",blck_UMS_uniforms], ["_headGear",blck_UMS_headgear],["_configureWaypoints",true],["_weapons",blck_UMS_weapons],["_vests",blck_UMS_vests]];
_group = [_pos,_difficulty,_units,_patrolRadius] call blck_fnc_spawnScubaGroup;
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static scubaGroup spawner] _group %1",_group];
[blck_sm_scubaGroups,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn Group step :: blck_sm_Groups updated to %1",blck_sm_Groups];
if (!(_groupSpawned) && (isNull _group) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval > 0)) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead and we should rspawn them after a certain interval
[blck_sm_scubaGroups,_x,_group,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | set scubaGroup respawn time step :: blck_sm_Groups updated to %1",blck_sm_scubaGroups];
if (!(_groupSpawned) && (isNull _group) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval == 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead but we should not do a respawn
blck_sm_scubaGroups deleteAt (blck_sm_scubaGroups find _x);
}forEach _sm_scubaGroups;
_sm_Emplaced = +blck_sm_Emplaced;
// ["B_G_Mortar_01_F",[22944.3,16820.5,3.14243],"green",0,0,_group,_spawnAt]
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorEmplacedUnits::-> _x = %1",_x];
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_weapType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static Emplaced spawner] _weapType = %1 and _difficulty = %2",_weapType,_difficulty];
// params["_coords","_missionEmplacedWeapons","_useRelativePos","_noEmplacedWeapons","_aiDifficultyLevel",["_uniforms",blck_SkinList], ["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",blck_Pistols]];
_group = [_pos,[_groupParameters],false,1,_difficulty] call blck_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray;
[blck_sm_Emplaced,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Emplaced updated to %1",blck_sm_Emplaced];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval > 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
[blck_sm_Emplaced,_x,_group,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | set Group respawn time step :: blck_sm_Emplaced updated to %1",blck_sm_Emplaced];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval == 0)) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
blck_sm_Emplaced deleteAt (blck_sm_Emplaced find _x);
}forEach _sm_Emplaced;
_sm_Vehicles = +blck_sm_Vehicles;
// ["B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F",[22819.4,16929.5,3.17413],"red",600,0,_group,_spawnAt],
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorVehicles::-> _x = %1",_x];
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_vehicleType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//params["_coords","_noVehiclePatrols","_aiDifficultyLevel","_missionPatrolVehicles",["_useRelativePos",true],["_uniforms",blck_SkinList], ["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",blck_Pistols], ["_isScubaGroup",false]];
_return = [_pos,1,_difficulty,[_groupParameters],false] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols;
// _return = [_vehicles, _missionAI, _abort];
_group = group (_return select 1 select 0);
[blck_sm_Vehicles,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval > 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
[blck_sm_Vehicles,_x,_group,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | set Group respawn time step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval == 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
blck_sm_Vehicles deleteAt (blck_sm_Vehicles find _x);
}forEach _sm_Vehicles;
_sm_surfaceVehicles = +blck_sm_surfaceShips;
// ["B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F",[22819.4,16929.5,3.17413],"red",600,0,_group,_spawnAt],
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_weapType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static vehiclePatrol spawner] _weapType = %1 and _difficulty = %2",_weapType,_difficulty];
[_pos,1,_difficulty,[_groupParameters],false] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols;
_return params ["_vehicles", "_missionAI", "_abort"];
_group = group (_missionAI select 0);
[blck_sm_surfaceShips,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval > 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
[blck_sm_surfaceShips,_x,_group,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | set Group respawn time step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval == 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
blck_sm_surfaceShips deleteAt (blck_sm_surfaceShips find _x);
}forEach _sm_surfaceVehicles;
_sm_SDVVehicles = +blck_sm_submarines;
// ["B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F",[22819.4,16929.5,3.17413],"red",600,0,_group,_spawnAt],
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_weapType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static sub patrol spawner] _weapType = %1 and _difficulty = %2",_weapType,_difficulty];
//params["_coords","_noVehiclePatrols","_aiDifficultyLevel","_missionPatrolVehicles",["_useRelativePos",true],["_uniforms",blck_SkinList], ["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",blck_Pistols], ["_isScubaGroup",false]];
_return = [_pos,1,_difficulty,[_groupParameters],false,blck_UMS_uniforms,blck_UMS_headgear,blck_UMS_vests,blck_backpacks,blck_UMS_weapons,blck_Pistols,true] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols;
_return params ["_vehicles", "_missionAI", "_abort"];
_group = group (_missionAI select 0);
[blck_sm_submarines,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval > 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
[blck_sm_submarines,_x,_group,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | set Group respawn time step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval == 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
blck_sm_submarines deleteAt (blck_sm_submarines find _x);
}forEach _sm_SDVVehicles;
_sm_Aircraft = +blck_sm_Aircraft;
// ["Exile_Chopper_Huey_Armed_Green",[22923.4,16953,3.19],"red",1000,0],
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_aircraftType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( (isNull _group) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1)) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
_weapon = [toLower _difficulty] call blck_fnc_selectAILoadout;
//params["_coords","_skillAI","_helis",["_uniforms", blck_SkinList],["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_Launcher","none"],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",[]]]
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static aircraftePatrol spawner] _weapon = %1 and _difficulty = %2",_weapon,_difficulty];
_return = [_pos,_difficulty,[_aircraftType]] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionHeli; // Allow the spawner to fit the default AI Loadouts for blckeagls; revisit at a later time when custom uniforms are set up for these AI.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls] static aircraftePatrol spawner -> _return = %1",_return];
_return params ["_patrolHeli","_ai","_abort"];
_group = group (_ai select 0);
[blck_sm_Aircraft,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Aircraft updated to %1",blck_sm_Aircraft];
if ( (isNull _group) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval > 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
[blck_sm_Aircraft,_x,_group,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | set Group respawn time step :: blck_sm_Aircraft updated to %1",blck_sm_Aircraft];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval == 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
blck_sm_Aircraft deleteAt (blck_sm_Aircraft find _x);
}forEach _sm_Aircraft;
blck_sm_monitoring = 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
by Ghostrider [GRG]
for ghostridergaming
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
private _triggerRange = 1000;
_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups = {
private _localpatrolsArray = +_patrolsArray;
// _x = [ [[22819.4,16929.5,5.33892],""red"",4,75,30], R Alpha 1-1,-1,0]"
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnedAt","_respawnAt","_lastTimePlayerNear"];
// [[22819.4,16929.5,5.33892],""red"",4,75,30]
_groupParameters params["_pos","_difficulty","_units","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: _x = %1",_x];
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: units alive in group %1 = %2",_group, {alive _x} count (units _group)];
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: _respawnInterval = %1",_respawnInterval];
if (_spawnedAt > 0) then
if (({alive _x} count (units _group) == 0)) then
diag_log format["all units in patrol %1 are dead | _respawnInterval = %2",_x,_respawnInterval];
if ((_respawnInterval != 0)) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead and we should respawn them after a certain interval
//[_patrolsArray,_x,grpNull,0,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupRepawnTimerFields;
private _index = _patrolsArray find _element;
private _element = _x;
_element set[1,grpNull];
_element set[2,0];
_element set[3,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)];
_patrolsArray set[_index,_element];
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups | element updated to %1",_element];
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: _patrolsArray updated to %1",_patrolsArray];
if (_respawnInterval == 0) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead but we should not do a respawn
_patrolsArray deleteAt (_patrolsArray find _x);
diag_log format["patrol %1 deleted from static patrol cue",_x];
if ({alive _x} count (units _group) > 0) then
// Case where a player is near and we need to update the time stamp.
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
private _index = _patrolsArray find _x;
_x set[4, diag_tickTime];
_patrolsArray set[_index,_x];
diag_log format["player near static group for element %1 timestamp updated to ",_x, _x select 4];
} else {
// Case where no player is near and we need to test if the patrol should be de-spawned.
if ((diag_tickTime - _lastTimePlayerNear) > blck_sm_groupDespawnTime) then
diag_log format["despawning static group %1",_x];
private _index = _patrolsArray find _x;
_groupParameters set[2,{alive _x} count (units _group)];
_element = _x;
_element set[0,_groupParameters];
_element set[1,grpNull];
_element set[2,0];
_element set[3,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)];
_patrolsArray set[_index,_element];
if (vehicle _x != _x) then {[vehicle _x] call blck_fnc_deleteAIVehicle};
[_x] call blck_fnc_deleteAI;
} forEach (units _group);
} forEach _localpatrolsArray;
blck_sm_monitoring = 1;
_sm_groups = +blck_sm_Groups;
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnedAt","_respawnAt","_lastTimePlayerNear"];
_groupParameters params["_pos","_difficulty","_units","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
//diag_log format["<_sm_monitorStaticUnits::Group spawning routine:: _units = %1 | _x = %2 |_forEachIndex = %3",_units,_x,_forEachIndex];
//private _groupSpawned = false;
//diag_log format["there are %1 players in range",{_pos distance2D _x < _triggerRange} count allPlayers];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ((isNull _group)) then
diag_log format["testing if patrol %1 should be spawned | _spawnedAt = %2",_x,_spawnedAt];
diag_log format["_spawnedAt = %1 | _respawnAt = %2 | _respawnInterval = %3",_spawnedAt,_respawnAt, _respawnInterval];
if ( ((_spawnedAt == 0) && (_respawnAt == 0)) || ((diag_tickTime > _respawnAt) && (_respawnInterval > 0)) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static group spawner] evaluating _x = %1 ",_x];
_numAI = [_units] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static group spawner] _units = %1 and _numAI = %2",_units,_numAI];
// // params["_pos", "_center", _numai1, _numai2, _skillLevel, _minDist, _maxDist, _configureWaypoints, _uniforms, _headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms, _scuba ];
_group = [_pos,_pos,_numAI,_numAI,_difficulty,_patrolRadius-2,_patrolRadius,true] call blck_fnc_spawnGroup;
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static group spawner] _group %1",_group];
[blck_sm_Groups,_x,_group,diag_tickTime] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn Group step :: blck_sm_Groups updated to %1",blck_sm_Groups];
}forEach _sm_groups;
[blck_sm_Groups] call _fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups;
_sm_scubaGroups = +blck_sm_scubaGroups;
// [ [px, py, pz] /* position*/, "difficulty", 4 /*Number to Spawn*/, 150 /*radius of patrol*/, _respawnInterval, _group, _spawnAt]
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_pos","_difficulty","_units","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
//diag_log format["<_sm_monitorScubaUnits:: _group = %1 | _x = %2 |_forEachIndex = %3",_group,_x,_forEachIndex];
private _groupSpawned = false;
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ((isNull _group) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1)) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static scubaGroup spawner] evaluating _x = %1 ",_x];
_numAI = [_units] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static scubaGroup spawning routine] _units = %1 and _numAI = %2",_units,_numAI];
//params["_pos", "_numUnits", ["_skillLevel","red"], "_center", ["_minDist",20], ["_maxDist",35], ["_uniforms",blck_UMS_uniforms], ["_headGear",blck_UMS_headgear],["_configureWaypoints",true],["_weapons",blck_UMS_weapons],["_vests",blck_UMS_vests]];
_group = [_pos,_difficulty,_units,_patrolRadius] call blck_fnc_spawnScubaGroup;
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static scubaGroup spawner] _group %1",_group];
[blck_sm_scubaGroups,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn Group step :: blck_sm_Groups updated to %1",blck_sm_Groups];
if (!(_groupSpawned) && (isNull _group) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval > 0)) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead and we should rspawn them after a certain interval
[blck_sm_scubaGroups,_x,_group,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | set scubaGroup respawn time step :: blck_sm_Groups updated to %1",blck_sm_scubaGroups];
if (!(_groupSpawned) && (isNull _group) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval == 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead but we should not do a respawn
blck_sm_scubaGroups deleteAt (blck_sm_scubaGroups find _x);
}forEach _sm_scubaGroups;
_sm_Emplaced = +blck_sm_Emplaced;
// ["B_G_Mortar_01_F",[22944.3,16820.5,3.14243],"green",0,0,_group,_spawnAt]
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorEmplacedUnits::-> _x = %1",_x];
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_weapType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static Emplaced spawner] _weapType = %1 and _difficulty = %2",_weapType,_difficulty];
// params["_coords","_missionEmplacedWeapons","_useRelativePos","_noEmplacedWeapons","_aiDifficultyLevel",["_uniforms",blck_SkinList], ["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",blck_Pistols]];
_group = [_pos,[_groupParameters],false,1,_difficulty] call blck_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray;
[blck_sm_Emplaced,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Emplaced updated to %1",blck_sm_Emplaced];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval > 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
[blck_sm_Emplaced,_x,_group,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | set Group respawn time step :: blck_sm_Emplaced updated to %1",blck_sm_Emplaced];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval == 0)) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
blck_sm_Emplaced deleteAt (blck_sm_Emplaced find _x);
}forEach _sm_Emplaced;
_sm_Vehicles = +blck_sm_Vehicles;
// ["B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F",[22819.4,16929.5,3.17413],"red",600,0,_group,_spawnAt],
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorVehicles::-> _x = %1",_x];
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_vehicleType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//params["_coords","_noVehiclePatrols","_aiDifficultyLevel","_missionPatrolVehicles",["_useRelativePos",true],["_uniforms",blck_SkinList], ["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",blck_Pistols], ["_isScubaGroup",false]];
_return = [_pos,1,_difficulty,[_groupParameters],false] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols;
// _return = [_vehicles, _missionAI, _abort];
_group = group (_return select 1 select 0);
[blck_sm_Vehicles,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval > 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
[blck_sm_Vehicles,_x,_group,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | set Group respawn time step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval == 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
blck_sm_Vehicles deleteAt (blck_sm_Vehicles find _x);
}forEach _sm_Vehicles;
_sm_surfaceVehicles = +blck_sm_surfaceShips;
// ["B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F",[22819.4,16929.5,3.17413],"red",600,0,_group,_spawnAt],
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_weapType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static vehiclePatrol spawner] _weapType = %1 and _difficulty = %2",_weapType,_difficulty];
[_pos,1,_difficulty,[_groupParameters],false] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols;
_return params ["_vehicles", "_missionAI", "_abort"];
_group = group (_missionAI select 0);
[blck_sm_surfaceShips,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval > 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
[blck_sm_surfaceShips,_x,_group,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | set Group respawn time step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval == 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
blck_sm_surfaceShips deleteAt (blck_sm_surfaceShips find _x);
}forEach _sm_surfaceVehicles;
_sm_SDVVehicles = +blck_sm_submarines;
// ["B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F",[22819.4,16929.5,3.17413],"red",600,0,_group,_spawnAt],
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_weapType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static sub patrol spawner] _weapType = %1 and _difficulty = %2",_weapType,_difficulty];
//params["_coords","_noVehiclePatrols","_aiDifficultyLevel","_missionPatrolVehicles",["_useRelativePos",true],["_uniforms",blck_SkinList], ["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",blck_Pistols], ["_isScubaGroup",false]];
_return = [_pos,1,_difficulty,[_groupParameters],false,blck_UMS_uniforms,blck_UMS_headgear,blck_UMS_vests,blck_backpacks,blck_UMS_weapons,blck_Pistols,true] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols;
_return params ["_vehicles", "_missionAI", "_abort"];
_group = group (_missionAI select 0);
[blck_sm_submarines,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval > 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
[blck_sm_submarines,_x,_group,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | set Group respawn time step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval == 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
blck_sm_submarines deleteAt (blck_sm_submarines find _x);
}forEach _sm_SDVVehicles;
_sm_Aircraft = +blck_sm_Aircraft;
// ["Exile_Chopper_Huey_Armed_Green",[22923.4,16953,3.19],"red",1000,0],
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnAt"];
_groupParameters params["_aircraftType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( (isNull _group) && (diag_tickTime > _spawnAt) && (_spawnAt != -1)) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
_weapon = [toLower _difficulty] call blck_fnc_selectAILoadout;
//params["_coords","_skillAI","_helis",["_uniforms", blck_SkinList],["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_Launcher","none"],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",[]]]
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static aircraftePatrol spawner] _weapon = %1 and _difficulty = %2",_weapon,_difficulty];
_return = [_pos,_difficulty,[_aircraftType]] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionHeli; // Allow the spawner to fit the default AI Loadouts for blckeagls; revisit at a later time when custom uniforms are set up for these AI.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls] static aircraftePatrol spawner -> _return = %1",_return];
_return params ["_patrolHeli","_ai","_abort"];
_group = group (_ai select 0);
[blck_sm_Aircraft,_x,_group,-1] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Aircraft updated to %1",blck_sm_Aircraft];
if ( (isNull _group) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval > 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
[blck_sm_Aircraft,_x,_group,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | set Group respawn time step :: blck_sm_Aircraft updated to %1",blck_sm_Aircraft];
if ( (_group isEqualTo grpNull) && (_spawnAt == -1) && (_respawnInterval == 0) ) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead
blck_sm_Aircraft deleteAt (blck_sm_Aircraft find _x);
}forEach _sm_Aircraft;
blck_sm_monitoring = 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
by Ghostrider [GRG]
for ghostridergaming
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
#define onFoot 1
#define inVehicle 2
#define groupParameters 0
#define patrolGroup 1
#define spawnedAt 2
#define respawnAt 3
#define lastTimePlayerNear 4
_fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields = {
diag_log format["_fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields::-> _this = %1",_this];
private _index = _array find _element;
if !(isNull _group) then
_element set[patrolGroup,_group];
_element set[spawnedAt,_spawnedAt];
_element set[respawnAt,0];
_array set[_index,_element];
triggerRange = 1000;
_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups = {
private _localpatrolsArray = +_patrolsArray;
// _x = [ [[22819.4,16929.5,5.33892],""red"",4,75,30], R Alpha 1-1,-1,0]"
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: time = %2 | _x = %1",_x,diag_tickTime];
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnedAt","_respawnAt","_lastTimePlayerNear"];
// [[22819.4,16929.5,5.33892],""red"",4,75,30]
//_groupParameters params["_pos","_difficulty","_units","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: typeName _groupParameters select 0 = %1",typeName (_groupParameters select 0)];
if (_aiType isEqualTo onFoot) then {
//_groupParameters params["_pos","_difficulty","_units","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"]
_pos = _groupParameters select 0;
_difficulty = _groupParameters select 1;
_units = _groupParameters select 2;
_patrolRadius = _groupParameters select 3;
_respawnInterval = _groupParameters select 4;
if (_aiType isEqualTo inVehicle) then
//_groupParameters params["_vehicleType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"]};
_vehicleType = _groupParameters select 0;
_pos = _groupParameters select 1;
_difficulty = _groupParameters select 2;
_patrolRadius = _groupParameters select 3;
_respawnInterval = _groupParameters select 4;
if !(isNull _group) then
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: _groupParameters = %1",_groupParameters];
//diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: _pos = %1 | _difficulty = %2 | _patrolRadius = %3 | _respawnInterval = %4",_pos,_difficulty,_patrolRadius,_respawnInterval];
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: units alive in group %1 = %2",_group, {alive _x} count (units _group)];
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: _respawnInterval = %1",_respawnInterval];
if (_spawnedAt > 0) then
if (({alive _x} count (units _group) == 0)) then
diag_log format["all units in patrol %1 are dead | _respawnInterval = %2",_x,_respawnInterval];
if ((_respawnInterval != 0)) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead and we should respawn them after a certain interval
//[_patrolsArray,_x,grpNull,0,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupRepawnTimerFields;
private _index = _patrolsArray find _element;
private _element = _x;
// _x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnedAt","_respawnAt","_lastTimePlayerNear"];
_element set[patrolGroup,grpNull];
//_element set[2,0];
if (_respawnInterval > 0) then {_element set[respawnAt,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)]};
_patrolsArray set[_index,_element];
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups | element updated to %1",_element];
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: _patrolsArray updated to %1",_patrolsArray];
if (_respawnInterval == 0) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead but we should not do a respawn
_patrolsArray deleteAt (_patrolsArray find _x);
diag_log format["patrol %1 deleted from static patrol cue",_x];
if ({alive _x} count (units _group) > 0) then
// Case where a player is near and we need to update the time stamp.
if ([_pos,triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
private _index = _patrolsArray find _x;
// _x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnedAt","_respawnAt","_lastTimePlayerNear"];
_x set[lastTimePlayerNear, diag_tickTime];
_patrolsArray set[_index,_x];
diag_log format["player near static group for element %1 timestamp updated to %2",_x, _x select lastTimePlayerNear];
} else {
// Case where no player is near and we need to test if the patrol should be de-spawned.
if ((diag_tickTime - _lastTimePlayerNear) > blck_sm_groupDespawnTime) then
// _x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnedAt","_respawnAt","_lastTimePlayerNear"];
diag_log format["despawning static group %1",_x];
private _index = _patrolsArray find _x;
_groupParameters set[2,{alive _x} count (units _group)];
_element = _x;
_element set[groupParameters,_groupParameters];
_element set[patrolGroup,grpNull];
//_element set[2,0];
_element set[respawnAt,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)];
_patrolsArray set[_index,_element];
if (vehicle _x != _x) then {[vehicle _x] call blck_fnc_deleteAIVehicle};
[_x] call blck_fnc_deleteAI;
} forEach (units _group);
} else {
if (_respawnInterval == 0 && _spawnedAt > 0) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead but we should not do a respawn
_patrolsArray deleteAt (_patrolsArray find _x);
diag_log format["patrol %1 deleted from static patrol cue",_x];
if (_respawnInterval > 0 && _spawnedAt > 0 && _respawnAt == 0) then
// _x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnedAt","_respawnAt","_lastTimePlayerNear"];
private _index = _patrolsArray find _x;
_element = _x;
_element set[spawnedAt,0];
_element set[respawnAt,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)];
_patrolsArray set[_index,_element];
} forEach _localpatrolsArray;
blck_sm_monitoring = 1;
[onFoot,blck_sm_Groups] call _fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups;
[inVehicle,blck_sm_Vehicles] call _fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups;
[inVehicle,blck_sm_Aircraft] call _fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups;
[inVehicle,blck_sm_Emplaced] call _fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups;
[onFoot,blck_sm_scubaGroups] call _fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups;
[inVehicle,blck_sm_surfaceShips] call _fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups;
[inVehicle,blck_sm_submarines] call _fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups;
_sm_groups = +blck_sm_Groups;
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnedAt","_respawnAt","_lastTimePlayerNear"];
_groupParameters params["_pos","_difficulty","_units","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
diag_log format["<_sm_monitorStaticUnits::Group spawning routine:: _units = %1 | _x = %2 |_forEachIndex = %3",_units,_x,_forEachIndex];
//private _groupSpawned = false;
diag_log format["there are %1 players in range",{_pos distance2D _x < triggerRange} count allPlayers];
if ([_pos,triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ((isNull _group)) then
diag_log format["testing if patrol %1 should be spawned | _spawnedAt = %2",_x,_spawnedAt];
diag_log format["_spawnedAt = %1 | _respawnAt = %2 | _respawnInterval = %3",_spawnedAt,_respawnAt, _respawnInterval];
if ( ((_spawnedAt == 0) && (_respawnAt == 0)) || ((diag_tickTime > _respawnAt) && (_respawnAt > 0)) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
diag_log format["[blckeagls static group spawner] evaluating _x = %1 ",_x];
_numAI = [_units] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
diag_log format["[blckeagls static group spawner] _units = %1 and _numAI = %2",_units,_numAI];
// // params["_pos", "_center", _numai1, _numai2, _skillLevel, _minDist, _maxDist, _configureWaypoints, _uniforms, _headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms, _scuba ];
_group = [_pos,_pos,_numAI,_numAI,_difficulty,_patrolRadius-2,_patrolRadius,true] call blck_fnc_spawnGroup;
diag_log format["[blckeagls static group spawner] _group %1",_group];
[blck_sm_Groups,_x,_group,diag_tickTime] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn Group step :: blck_sm_Groups updated to %1",blck_sm_Groups];
}forEach _sm_groups;
_sm_Vehicles = +blck_sm_Vehicles;
// ["B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F",[22819.4,16929.5,3.17413],"red",600,0,_group,_spawnAt],
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorVehicles::-> _x = %1",_x];
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnedAt","_respawnAt","_lastTimePlayerNear"];
_groupParameters params["_vehicleType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ((isNull _group)) then
if ( ((_spawnedAt == 0) && (_respawnAt == 0)) || ((diag_tickTime > _respawnAt) && (_respawnAt > 0)) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//params["_coords","_noVehiclePatrols","_aiDifficultyLevel","_missionPatrolVehicles",["_useRelativePos",true],["_uniforms",blck_SkinList], ["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",blck_Pistols], ["_isScubaGroup",false]];
_return = [_pos,1,_difficulty,[_groupParameters],false] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols;
// _return = [_vehicles, _missionAI, _abort];
_group = group (_return select 1 select 0);
[blck_sm_Vehicles,_x,_group,diag_tickTime] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
}forEach _sm_Vehicles;
_sm_Aircraft = +blck_sm_Aircraft;
// ["Exile_Chopper_Huey_Armed_Green",[22923.4,16953,3.19],"red",1000,0],
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnedAt","_respawnAt","_lastTimePlayerNear"];
_groupParameters params["_aircraftType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ((isNull _group)) then
if ( ((_spawnedAt == 0) && (_respawnAt == 0)) || ((diag_tickTime > _respawnAt) && (_respawnAt > 0)) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
_weapon = [toLower _difficulty] call blck_fnc_selectAILoadout;
//params["_coords","_skillAI","_helis",["_uniforms", blck_SkinList],["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_Launcher","none"],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",[]]]
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static aircraftePatrol spawner] _weapon = %1 and _difficulty = %2",_weapon,_difficulty];
_return = [_pos,_difficulty,[_aircraftType]] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionHeli; // Allow the spawner to fit the default AI Loadouts for blckeagls; revisit at a later time when custom uniforms are set up for these AI.
diag_log format["[blckeagls] static aircraftePatrol spawner -> _return = %1",_return];
_return params ["_patrolHeli","_ai","_abort"];
_group = group (_ai select 0);
[blck_sm_Aircraft,_x,_group,diag_tickTime] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Aircraft updated to %1",blck_sm_Aircraft];
}forEach _sm_Aircraft;
_sm_Emplaced = +blck_sm_Emplaced;
// ["B_G_Mortar_01_F",[22944.3,16820.5,3.14243],"green",0,0,_group,_spawnAt]
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorEmplacedUnits::-> _x = %1",_x];
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnedAt","_respawnAt","_lastTimePlayerNear"];
_groupParameters params["_weapType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ((isNull _group)) then
if ( ((_spawnedAt == 0) && (_respawnAt == 0)) || ((diag_tickTime > _respawnAt) && (_respawnAt > 0)) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static Emplaced spawner] _weapType = %1 and _difficulty = %2",_weapType,_difficulty];
// params["_coords","_missionEmplacedWeapons","_useRelativePos","_noEmplacedWeapons","_aiDifficultyLevel",["_uniforms",blck_SkinList], ["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",blck_Pistols]];
_group = [_pos,[_groupParameters],false,1,_difficulty] call blck_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray;
[blck_sm_Emplaced,_x,_group,diag_tickTime] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Emplaced updated to %1",blck_sm_Emplaced];
}forEach _sm_Emplaced;
_sm_scubaGroups = +blck_sm_scubaGroups;
// [ [px, py, pz] /* position*/, "difficulty", 4 /*Number to Spawn*/, 150 /*radius of patrol*/, _respawnInterval, _group, _spawnAt]
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnedAt","_respawnAt","_lastTimePlayerNear"];
_groupParameters params["_pos","_difficulty","_units","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
//diag_log format["<_sm_monitorScubaUnits:: _group = %1 | _x = %2 |_forEachIndex = %3",_group,_x,_forEachIndex];
private _groupSpawned = false;
if ([_pos,triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ((isNull _group)) then
if ( ((_spawnedAt == 0) && (_respawnAt == 0)) || ((diag_tickTime > _respawnAt) && (_respawnAt > 0)) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static scubaGroup spawner] evaluating _x = %1 ",_x];
_numAI = [_units] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static scubaGroup spawning routine] _units = %1 and _numAI = %2",_units,_numAI];
//params["_pos", "_numUnits", ["_skillLevel","red"], "_center", ["_minDist",20], ["_maxDist",35], ["_uniforms",blck_UMS_uniforms], ["_headGear",blck_UMS_headgear],["_configureWaypoints",true],["_weapons",blck_UMS_weapons],["_vests",blck_UMS_vests]];
_group = [_pos,_difficulty,_units,_patrolRadius] call blck_fnc_spawnScubaGroup;
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static scubaGroup spawner] _group %1",_group];
[blck_sm_scubaGroups,_x,_group,diag_tickTime] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn Group step :: blck_sm_Groups updated to %1",blck_sm_Groups];
}forEach _sm_scubaGroups;
_sm_surfaceVehicles = +blck_sm_surfaceShips;
// ["B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F",[22819.4,16929.5,3.17413],"red",600,0,_group,_spawnAt],
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnedAt","_respawnAt","_lastTimePlayerNear"];
_groupParameters params["_weapType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ((isNull _group)) then
if ( ((_spawnedAt == 0) && (_respawnAt == 0)) || ((diag_tickTime > _respawnAt) && (_respawnAt > 0)) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static vehiclePatrol spawner] _weapType = %1 and _difficulty = %2",_weapType,_difficulty];
[_pos,1,_difficulty,[_groupParameters],false] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols;
_return params ["_vehicles", "_missionAI", "_abort"];
_group = group (_missionAI select 0);
[blck_sm_surfaceShips,_x,_group,diag_tickTime] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
}forEach _sm_surfaceVehicles;
_sm_SDVVehicles = +blck_sm_submarines;
// ["B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F",[22819.4,16929.5,3.17413],"red",600,0,_group,_spawnAt],
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnedAt","_respawnAt","_lastTimePlayerNear"];
_groupParameters params["_weapType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ((isNull _group)) then
if ( ((_spawnedAt == 0) && (_respawnAt == 0)) || ((diag_tickTime > _respawnAt) && (_respawnAt > 0)) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static sub patrol spawner] _weapType = %1 and _difficulty = %2",_weapType,_difficulty];
//params["_coords","_noVehiclePatrols","_aiDifficultyLevel","_missionPatrolVehicles",["_useRelativePos",true],["_uniforms",blck_SkinList], ["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",blck_Pistols], ["_isScubaGroup",false]];
_return = [_pos,1,_difficulty,[_groupParameters],false,blck_UMS_uniforms,blck_UMS_headgear,blck_UMS_vests,blck_backpacks,blck_UMS_weapons,blck_Pistols,true] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols;
_return params ["_vehicles", "_missionAI", "_abort"];
_group = group (_missionAI select 0);
[blck_sm_submarines,_x,_group,diag_tickTime] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
}forEach _sm_SDVVehicles;
blck_sm_monitoring = 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
by Ghostrider [GRG]
for ghostridergaming
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
diag_log format["Running _fnc_sm_monitorStaticUnits at Time = %1",diag_tickTime];
_fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields = {
diag_log format["_fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields::-> _this = %1",_this];
private _index = _array find _element;
_element set[1,_group];
_element set[2,_spawnedAt];
_array set[_index,_element];
private _triggerRange = 1000;
_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups = {
private _localpatrolsArray = +_patrolsArray;
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: _x = %1",_x];
// _x = [ [[22819.4,16929.5,5.33892],""red"",4,75,30], R Alpha 1-1,-1,0]"
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnedAt","_respawnAt","_lastTimePlayerNear"];
// [[22819.4,16929.5,5.33892],""red"",4,75,30]
if !(isNull _group) then
if (isArray _groupParameters select 0) then {_groupParameters params["_pos","_difficulty","_units","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"]};
if (isText _groupParameters select 0) then {_groupParameters params["_vehicleType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"]
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: units alive in group %1 = %2",_group, {alive _x} count (units _group)];
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: _respawnInterval = %1",_respawnInterval];
if (_spawnedAt > 0) then
if (({alive _x} count (units _group) == 0)) then
diag_log format["all units in patrol %1 are dead | _respawnInterval = %2",_x,_respawnInterval];
if ((_respawnInterval != 0)) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead and we should respawn them after a certain interval
//[_patrolsArray,_x,grpNull,0,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)] call _fnc_updateGroupRepawnTimerFields;
private _index = _patrolsArray find _element;
private _element = _x;
_element set[1,grpNull];
_element set[2,0];
_element set[3,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)];
_patrolsArray set[_index,_element];
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups | element updated to %1",_element];
diag_log format["_fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups: _patrolsArray updated to %1",_patrolsArray];
if (_respawnInterval == 0) then // a group was spawned and all units are dead but we should not do a respawn
_patrolsArray deleteAt (_patrolsArray find _x);
diag_log format["patrol %1 deleted from static patrol cue",_x];
if ({alive _x} count (units _group) > 0) then
// Case where a player is near and we need to update the time stamp.
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
private _index = _patrolsArray find _x;
_x set[4, diag_tickTime];
_patrolsArray set[_index,_x];
diag_log format["player near static group for element %1 timestamp updated to %2",_x, _x select 4];
} else {
// Case where no player is near and we need to test if the patrol should be de-spawned.
if ((diag_tickTime - _lastTimePlayerNear) > blck_sm_groupDespawnTime) then
diag_log format["despawning static mission group %1",_x];
private _index = _patrolsArray find _x;
if (isArray _groupParameters select 0) then
_groupParameters set[2,{alive _x} count (units _group)];
_element = _x;
_element set[0,_groupParameters];
_element set[1,grpNull];
_element set[2,0];
_element set[3,(diag_tickTime + _respawnInterval)];
_patrolsArray set[_index,_element];
if (vehicle _x != _x) then {[vehicle _x] call blck_fnc_deleteAIVehicle};
[_x] call blck_fnc_deleteAI;
} forEach (units _group);
} forEach _localpatrolsArray;
blck_sm_monitoring = 1;
_sm_groups = +blck_sm_Groups;
diag_log format["monitoring blck_sm_Groups: _x = %1",_x];
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnedAt","_respawnAt","_lastTimePlayerNear"];
_groupParameters params["_pos","_difficulty","_units","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
//diag_log format["<_sm_monitorStaticUnits::Group spawning routine:: _units = %1 | _x = %2 |_forEachIndex = %3",_units,_x,_forEachIndex];
//private _groupSpawned = false;
//diag_log format["there are %1 players in range",{_pos distance2D _x < _triggerRange} count allPlayers];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ((isNull _group)) then
diag_log format["testing if patrol %1 should be spawned | _spawnedAt = %2",_x,_spawnedAt];
diag_log format["_spawnedAt = %1 | _respawnAt = %2 | _respawnInterval = %3",_spawnedAt,_respawnAt, _respawnInterval];
if ( ((_spawnedAt == 0) && (_respawnAt == 0)) || ((diag_tickTime > _respawnAt) && (_respawnInterval > 0)) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static group spawner] evaluating _x = %1 ",_x];
_numAI = [_units] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static group spawner] _units = %1 and _numAI = %2",_units,_numAI];
// // params["_pos", "_center", _numai1, _numai2, _skillLevel, _minDist, _maxDist, _configureWaypoints, _uniforms, _headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms, _scuba ];
_group = [_pos,_pos,_numAI,_numAI,_difficulty,_patrolRadius-2,_patrolRadius,true] call blck_fnc_spawnGroup;
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static group spawner] _group %1",_group];
[blck_sm_Groups,_x,_group,diag_tickTime] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn Group step :: blck_sm_Groups updated to %1",blck_sm_Groups];
}forEach _sm_groups;
[blck_sm_Groups] call _fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups;
_sm_Vehicles = +blck_sm_Vehicles;
diag_log format["_sm_monitorVehicles::-> _x = %1",_x];
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnedAt","_respawnAt","_lastTimePlayerNear"];
// ["B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F",[22809.5,16699.2,8.78706],"green", 600,90]
_groupParameters params["_vehicleType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
diag_log format["_fnc_sm_monitorStaticUnits: vehicle spawn position = %1",_pos];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( ((_spawnedAt == 0) && (_respawnAt == 0)) || ((diag_tickTime > _respawnAt) && (_respawnInterval > 0)) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//params["_coords","_noVehiclePatrols","_aiDifficultyLevel","_missionPatrolVehicles",["_useRelativePos",true],["_uniforms",blck_SkinList], ["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",blck_Pistols], ["_isScubaGroup",false]];
_return = [_pos,1,_difficulty,[_groupParameters],false] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols;
// _return = [_vehicles, _missionAI, _abort];
_group = group (_return select 1 select 0);
[blck_sm_Vehicles,_x,_group,diag_tickTime] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
}forEach _sm_Vehicles;
[blck_sm_Vehicles] call _fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups;
_sm_Emplaced = +blck_sm_Emplaced;
// ["B_G_Mortar_01_F",[22944.3,16820.5,3.14243],"green",0,0,_group,_spawnAt]
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorEmplacedUnits::-> _x = %1",_x];
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnedAt","_respawnAt","_lastTimePlayerNear"];
_groupParameters params["_pos","_difficulty","_units","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( ((_spawnedAt == 0) && (_respawnAt == 0)) || ((diag_tickTime > _respawnAt) && (_respawnInterval > 0)) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static Emplaced spawner] _weapType = %1 and _difficulty = %2",_weapType,_difficulty];
// params["_coords","_missionEmplacedWeapons","_useRelativePos","_noEmplacedWeapons","_aiDifficultyLevel",["_uniforms",blck_SkinList], ["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",blck_Pistols]];
_return = [_pos,[_groupParameters],false,1,_difficulty] call blck_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray;
// _return = [_emplacedWeps,_emplacedAI,_abort];
// Make an assumption that only one emplaced weapon is spawned so that the group of the first AI in the list returned is the group we should monitor.
_group = group((_return select 1) select 0);
[blck_sm_Emplaced,_x,_group,diag_tickTime] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Emplaced updated to %1",blck_sm_Emplaced];
}forEach _sm_Emplaced;
[blck_sm_Emplaced] call _fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups;
_sm_Aircraft = +blck_sm_Aircraft;
// ["Exile_Chopper_Huey_Armed_Green",[22923.4,16953,3.19],"red",1000,0],
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnedAt","_respawnAt","_lastTimePlayerNear"];
_groupParameters params["_pos","_difficulty","_units","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( ((_spawnedAt == 0) && (_respawnAt == 0)) || ((diag_tickTime > _respawnAt) && (_respawnInterval > 0)) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
_weapon = [toLower _difficulty] call blck_fnc_selectAILoadout;
//params["_coords","_skillAI","_helis",["_uniforms", blck_SkinList],["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_Launcher","none"],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",[]]]
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static aircraftePatrol spawner] _weapon = %1 and _difficulty = %2",_weapon,_difficulty];
_return = [_pos,_difficulty,[_aircraftType]] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionHeli; // Allow the spawner to fit the default AI Loadouts for blckeagls; revisit at a later time when custom uniforms are set up for these AI.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls] static aircraftePatrol spawner -> _return = %1",_return];
//_return params ["_patrolHeli","_ai","_abort"];
_group = group((_return select 1) select 0);
[blck_sm_Aircraft,_x,_group,diag_tickTime] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Aircraft updated to %1",blck_sm_Aircraft];
}forEach _sm_Aircraft;
[blck_sm_Aircraft] call _fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups;
_sm_surfaceVehicles = +blck_sm_surfaceShips;
// ["B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F",[22819.4,16929.5,3.17413],"red",600,0,_group,_spawnAt],
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnedAt","_respawnAt","_lastTimePlayerNear"];
_groupParameters params["_pos","_difficulty","_units","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( ((_spawnedAt == 0) && (_respawnAt == 0)) || ((diag_tickTime > _respawnAt) && (_respawnInterval > 0)) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static vehiclePatrol spawner] _weapType = %1 and _difficulty = %2",_weapType,_difficulty];
_return = [_pos,1,_difficulty,[_groupParameters],false] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols;
//_return params ["_vehicles", "_missionAI", "_abort"];
_group = group((_return select 1) select 0);
[blck_sm_surfaceShips,_x,_group,diag_tickTime] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
}forEach _sm_surfaceVehicles;
[blck_sm_surfaceShips] call _fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups;
_sm_SDVVehicles = +blck_sm_submarines;
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnedAt","_respawnAt","_lastTimePlayerNear"];
_groupParameters params["_pos","_difficulty","_units","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( ((_spawnedAt == 0) && (_respawnAt == 0)) || ((diag_tickTime > _respawnAt) && (_respawnInterval > 0)) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static sub patrol spawner] _weapType = %1 and _difficulty = %2",_weapType,_difficulty];
_return = [_pos,1,_difficulty,[_groupParameters],false,blck_UMS_uniforms,blck_UMS_headgear,blck_UMS_vests,blck_backpacks,blck_UMS_weapons,blck_Pistols,true] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols;
//_return params ["_vehicles", "_missionAI", "_abort"];
_group = group((_return select 1) select 0);
[blck_sm_submarines,_x,_group,diag_tickTime] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn emplaced step :: blck_sm_Vehicles updated to %1",blck_sm_Vehicles];
}forEach _sm_SDVVehicles;
[blck_sm_submarines] call _fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups;
_sm_scubaGroups = +blck_sm_scubaGroups;
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_spawnedAt","_respawnAt","_lastTimePlayerNear"];
_groupParameters params["_pos","_difficulty","_units","_patrolRadius","_respawnInterval"];
//diag_log format["<_sm_monitorScubaUnits:: _group = %1 | _x = %2 |_forEachIndex = %3",_group,_x,_forEachIndex];
if ([_pos,_triggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
if ( ((_spawnedAt == 0) && (_respawnAt == 0)) || ((diag_tickTime > _respawnAt) && (_respawnInterval > 0)) ) then // no group has been spawned, spawn one.
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static scubaGroup spawner] evaluating _x = %1 ",_x];
_numAI = [_units] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static scubaGroup spawning routine] _units = %1 and _numAI = %2",_units,_numAI];
//params["_pos", "_numUnits", ["_skillLevel","red"], "_center", ["_minDist",20], ["_maxDist",35], ["_uniforms",blck_UMS_uniforms], ["_headGear",blck_UMS_headgear],["_configureWaypoints",true],["_weapons",blck_UMS_weapons],["_vests",blck_UMS_vests]];
_group = [_pos,_difficulty,_units,_patrolRadius] call blck_fnc_spawnScubaGroup;
//diag_log format["[blckeagls static scubaGroup spawner] _group %1",_group];
[blck_sm_scubaGroups,_x,_group,diag_tickTime] call _fnc_updateGroupSpawnTimerFields;
//diag_log format["_sm_monitorStaticUnits | spawn Group step :: blck_sm_Groups updated to %1",blck_sm_Groups];
}forEach _sm_scubaGroups;
[blck_sm_scubaGroups] call _fnc_evaluateSpawnedGroups;
blck_sm_monitoring = 0;

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ private["_mode","_sm_groups"];
_sm_groups = +blck_sm_submarines;
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorSubs: time %2 | blck_sm_submarines %1",blck_sm_submarines,diag_tickTime];
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_groupSpawned","_timesSpawned","_respawnAt","_maxRespawns"];
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_groupSpawned","_timesSpawned","_respawnAt"];
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorSubs: _x %1",_x];
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorSubs: _groupParameters = %1",_groupParameters];
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorSubs (9): _group %1 | _groupSpawned %2 | _timesSpawned %3 | _respawnAt %4",_group,_groupSpawned,_timesSpawned,_respawnAt];

View File

@ -14,10 +14,11 @@ private["_mode","_sm_groups"];
_sm_groups = +blck_sm_Vehicles;
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorVehicles: time %2 | blck_sm_Vehicles %1",blck_sm_Vehicles,diag_tickTime];
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_groupSpawned","_timesSpawned","_respawnAt","_maxRespawns"];
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_groupSpawned","_timesSpawned","_respawnAt"];
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorVehicles: _x %1",_x];
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorVehicles: _groupParameters = %1",_groupParameters];
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorVehicles (9): _group %1 | _groupSpawned %2 | _timesSpawned %3 | _respawnAt %4",_group,_groupSpawned,_timesSpawned,_respawnAt];
//_groupParameters params["_pos","_difficulty","_units","_patrolRadius","_respawnTime"];
_groupParameters params["_vehicleType","_pos","_difficulty","_patrolRadius","_respawnTime"];
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorVehicles: _vehicleType | %1 | _pos = %2 | _difficulty = %3 | _patrolRadius = %4 | _respawnTime = %5",_vehicleType,_pos,_difficulty,_patrolRadius,_respawnTime];
private _element = +_x;//
@ -45,7 +46,6 @@ _sm_groups = +blck_sm_Vehicles;
if ([_pos,staticPatrolTriggerRange] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
// params["_coords","_noVehiclePatrols","_aiDifficultyLevel","_missionPatrolVehicles",["_useRelativePos",true],["_uniforms",[]], ["_headGear",[]],["_vests",[]],["_backpacks",[]],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",[]], ["_isScubaGroup",false]];
_return = [_pos,1,_difficulty,[_groupParameters],false] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols;
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorVehicles: _return = %1",_return];
_group = group ((_return select 1) select 0);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
by Ghostridere-GRG-
Copyright 2016
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
blck_sm_Groups = [];
blck_sm_Vehicles = [];
blck_sm_Aircraft = [];
blck_sm_Emplaced = [];
blck_sm_lootContainers = [];
blck_fnc_sm_AddGroup = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\Static\Code\GMS_sm_AddGroup.sqf";
blck_fnc_sm_AddVehicle = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\Static\Code\GMS_sm_AddVehicle.sqf";
blck_fnc_sm_AddAircraft = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\Static\Code\GMS_sm_AddAircraft.sqf";
blck_fnc_sm_AddEmplaced = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\Static\Code\GMS_sm_AddEmplaced.sqf";
blck_fnc_sm_monitorStaticMissionUnits = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\Static\Code\GMS_sm_monitorStaticUnits.sqf";
blck_fnc_sm_spawnLootContainers = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\Static\Code\GMS_sm_spawnLootContainers.sqf";
blck_fnc_sm_spawnObjects = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\Static\Code\GMS_sm_spawnObjects.sqf";
//blck_fnc_sm_monitorStaticUnit = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\Static\Code\GMS_sm_monitorStaticUnits.sqf";
//blck_fnc_sm_spawnVehiclePatrol = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\Static\Code\GMS_sm_spawnVehiclePatrol.sqf";
//blck_fnc_sm_spawnAirPatrol = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\Static\Code\GMS_sm_spawnAirPatrol.sqf";
//blck_fnc_sm_spawnEmplaced = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\Static\Code\GMS_sm_spawnEmplaced.sqf";
//blck_fnc_sm_spawnInfantryPatrol = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\Static\Code\GMS_sm_spawnInfantryPatrol.sqf";
//blck_fnc_sm_checkForPlayerNearMission = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\Static\Code\StaticMissions_checkForPlayerNearMission.sqf";
//blck_fnc_sm_spawnAirPatrols = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\Static\Code\GMS_sm_spawnAirPatrols.sqf";
//blck_fnc_sm_spawnEmplaceds = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\Static\Code\GMS_sm_spawnEmplaced.sqf";
//blck_fnc_sm_spawnInfantryPatrols = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\Static\Code\GMS_sm_spawnInfantryPatrols.sqf";
//blck_fnc_sm_spawnVehiclePatrols = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\Static\Code\GMS_sm_spawnVehiclePatrols.sqf";
//diag_log "[blckeagls] GMS_sm_init_functions.sqf <Loaded>";
blck_sm_functionsLoaded = true;

View File

@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ _aiGroupParameters = [
//[[22849,16720.4,7.33123],"red",4, 75,9000],
//[[22832.9,16805.6,4.59315],"red",4, 75,900],
//[[22909.8,16778.6,3.19144],"red",4, 75,900],
//[[22809.4,16929.5,5.33892],"blue",1, 75,0],
[[22809.4,16929.5,5.33892],"blue",1, 75,0],
[[22819.4,16929.5,0],"red",1, 75, 10]

View File

@ -33,24 +33,29 @@ if (isNil "_endCondition") then {_endCondition = blck_missionEndCondition}; /
if (isNil "_spawnCratesTiming") then {_spawnCratesTiming = blck_spawnCratesTiming}; // Choices: "atMissionSpawnGround","atMissionStartAir","atMissionEndGround","atMissionEndAir".
if (isNil "_loadCratesTiming") then {_loadCratesTiming = blck_loadCratesTiming}; // valid choices are "atMissionCompletion" and "atMissionSpawn";
if (isNil "_useMines") then {_useMines = blck_useMines;};
if (isNil "_weaponList") then {_weaponList = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAILoadout};
if (isNil "_sideArms") then {_sideArms = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAISidearms};
if (isNil "_uniforms") then {_uniforms = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIUniforms};
if (isNil "_headGear") then {_headGear = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIHeadgear};
if (isNil "_vests") then {_vests = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIVests};
if (isNil "_backpacks") then {_backpacks = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIBackpacks};
if (isNil "_sideArms") then {_sideArms = blck_Pistols};
if (isNil "_vests") then {_vests = blck_vests};
if (isNil "_backpacks") then {_backpacks = blck_backpacks};
//diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner: -> blck_backpacks = %1", blck_backpacks];
//diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner: -> _backpacks = %1",_backpacks];
if (isNil "_weaponList") then {_weaponList = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAILoadout};
if (isNil "_sideArms") then {_sideArms = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAISidearms};
if (isNil "_uniforms") then {_uniforms = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIUniforms};
if (isNil "_headGear") then {_headGear = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIHeadgear};
if (isNil "_vests") then {_vests = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIVests};
if (isNil "_backpacks") then {_backpacks = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIBackpacks};
if (isNil "_chanceHeliPatrol") then {_chanceHeliPatrol = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectChanceHeliPatrol};
if (isNil "_noChoppers") then {_noChoppers = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectNumberAirPatrols};
if (isNil "_chancePara") then {_chancePara = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectChanceParatroops};
if (isNil "_missionHelis") then {_missionHelis = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectMissionHelis};
if (isNil "_noPara") then {_noPara = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectNumberParatroops};
if (isNil "_chanceHeliPatrol") then {_chanceHeliPatrol = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectChanceHeliPatrol};
if (isNil "_noChoppers") then {_noChoppers = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectNumberAirPatrols};
if (isNil "_chancePara") then {_chancePara = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectChanceParatroops};
if (isNil "_missionHelis") then {_missionHelis = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectMissionHelis};
if (isNil "_noPara") then {_noPara = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectNumberParatroops};
if (isNil "_chanceLoot") then {_chanceLoot = 0};
if (isNil "_chanceLoot") then {_chanceLoot = 0};
if (isNil "_paraTriggerDistance") then {_paraTriggerDistance = 400;};
if (isNil "_paraLoot") then {_paraLoot = blck_BoxLoot_Blue};
if (isNil "_paraLootCounts") then {_paraLootCounts = blck_lootCountsRed};
if (isNil "_paraLoot") then {_paraLoot = blck_BoxLoot_Blue};
if (isNil "_paraLootCounts") then {_paraLootCounts = blck_lootCountsRed};
_objects = [];
_mines = [];
@ -446,9 +451,7 @@ if (blck_cleanUpLootChests) then
if (_noPara > 0 && (random(1) < _chancePara) && _paraTriggerDistance == 0) then
diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner (435): spawning %1 paraunits at mission spawn",_noPara];
//private _paratroops = [_coords,_noPara,_aiDifficultyLevel,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms] call blck_fnc_spawnParaUnits;
// blck_UMS_uniforms,blck_UMS_headgear,blck_UMS_vests,[],blck_UMS_weapons,[],isScubaMission
private _paratroops = [_coords,_noPara,_aiDifficultyLevel,blck_UMS_uniforms,blck_UMS_headgear,blck_UMS_vests,[],blck_UMS_weapons,[],isScubaMission] call blck_fnc_spawnParaUnits;
private _paratroops = [_coords,_noPara,_aiDifficultyLevel,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms] call blck_fnc_spawnParaUnits;
if !(isNull _paratroops) then
_blck_AllMissionAI append (units _paratroops);
@ -549,8 +552,7 @@ while {_missionComplete isEqualTo -1} do
_spawnPara = false; // The player gets one try to spawn these.
if (random(1) < _chancePara) then //
// blck_UMS_uniforms,blck_UMS_headgear,blck_UMS_vests,[],blck_UMS_weapons,[],isScubaMission] call blck_fnc_spawnParaUnits;] call blck_fnc_spawnParaUnits;
private _paratroops = [_coords,_noPara,_aiDifficultyLevel,blck_UMS_uniforms,blck_UMS_headgear,blck_UMS_vests,[],blck_UMS_weapons,[],isScubaMission] call blck_fnc_spawnParaUnits;
private _paratroops = [_coords,_noPara,_aiDifficultyLevel,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms,true] call blck_fnc_spawnParaUnits;
if !(isNull _paratroops) then
_blck_AllMissionAI append (units _paratroops);

View File

@ -5,10 +5,8 @@
private ["_markerLabel","_endMsg","_startMsg","_lootCounts","_crateLoot","_markerMissionName","_missionLandscapeMode","_missionLandscape",
//_mission = "UMS mission example #2"; // Included for additional documentation. Not intended to be spawned as a mission per se.
//_missionCenter = [22584.9,15304.8,0]; // I pulled this from the position of the marker.

View File

@ -129,5 +129,5 @@ if (blck_enableBlueMissions > 0) then
[] execVM "\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\Static\GMS_StaticMissions_init.sqf";
[] execVM "q\addons\custom_server\Missions\UMS\GMS_UMS_init.sqf"; // loads functions and spawns any static missions.
//diag_log "blck_init_server: ->> Static and UMS systems initialized.";
diag_log "blck_init_server: ->> Static and UMS systems initialized.";
diag_log "[blckeagls] Mission spawner started";

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
private ["_version","_versionDate"];
blck_version = "6.84 Build 144";
blck_version = "6.84 Build 142";
_blck_version = blck_version;
_blck_versionDate = "6-21-18 5:00 PM";
_blck_versionDate = "6-19-18 5:00 PM";
blck_pvs_version = _blck_version;
publicVariable blck_pvs_version;