Build 212

This commit is contained in:
Chris Cardozo 2020-07-30 22:35:14 -04:00
parent 03c031537c
commit ddbf64be29
159 changed files with 2354 additions and 5977 deletions

View File

@ -13,11 +13,10 @@ for "_i" from 1 to (count blck_temporaryMarkers) do
if (_i > (count blck_temporaryMarkers)) exitWith {};
private _m = blck_temporaryMarkers deleteAt 0;
_m params["_marker","_deleteAt"];
if (diag_tickTime > _deleteAt) then
deleteMarker _marker;
} else {
blck_temporaryMarkers pushBack _m;

View File

@ -60,4 +60,4 @@ if (toUpper(_markerType) in ["ELLIPSE","RECTANGLE"]) then // not an Icon ....
//diag_log format["_fnc_createMarkers: case of ICON: _markers = %1",_markers];

View File

@ -11,6 +11,5 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
deleteMarker _markerName;
deleteMarker (_markerName + "label");

View File

@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
if (isNil "blck_locationBlackList") then {blck_locationBlackList = []};
_fn_buildBlacklistedLocationsList = {
/* locations of villages / cities / others already included in blck_locationBlackList so we do not need to add it here. */
@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ _fn_buildBlacklistedLocationsList = {
_blacklistedLocs pushBack [_x,_minToMissions];
} forEach blck_ActiveMissionCoords;
private "_bases";
private _bases = [];
if (blck_modType isEqualTo "Epoch") then {_bases = nearestObjects[blck_mapCenter, ["PlotPole_EPOCH"], blck_mapRange + 25000]};
if (blck_modType isEqualTo "Exile") then {_bases = nearestObjects[blck_mapCenter, ["Exile_Construction_Flag_Static"], blck_mapRange + 25000]};
@ -40,8 +39,6 @@ _fn_buildBlacklistedLocationsList = {
_blacklistedLocs pushBack [getPosATL _x,_minToBases];
} forEach _bases;
_blacklistedLocs pushBack [getPosATL _x,_minToPlayers];
} forEach allPlayers;
@ -61,7 +58,7 @@ private _mindistToMissions = blck_MinDistanceFromMission;
private _minToRecentMissionLocation = 200;
private _coords = [];
private _blacklistedLocations = [_minDistToBases,_minDistToPlayers,_minDistToTowns,_mindistToMissions,_minToRecentMissionLocation] call _fn_buildBlacklistedLocationsList;
//diag_log format["_blacklistedLocations = %1",_blacklistedLocations];
private _count = 25;
while {_coords isEqualTo [] && _count > 0} do
@ -73,6 +70,7 @@ while {_coords isEqualTo [] && _count > 0} do
_coords = [blck_mapCenter,0,blck_mapRange,10,0,0.5,0,_blacklistedLocations] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
/* Check whether the location is flat enough: returns [] if not. */
private _isFlat = _coords isFlatEmpty [20,0,0.5,100,0,false];
if (_coords isEqualTo [] || !(_isFlat isEqualTo [])) then

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
By Ghostrider [GRG]
Copyright 2016
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
params[["_message","Unknown Message"],["_code",""]];
switch (toLower _code) do
case "error": {_message = format["[blckeagls] <ERROR> %1",_message]};
case "warning": {_message = format["[blckeagls] <WARNING> %1",_message]};
default {_message = format["[blckeagls] :: %1",_message]};
diag_log _message;

View File

@ -10,11 +10,10 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
//diag_log format["starting _fnc_mainThread with time = %1",diag_tickTime];
_timer1sec = diag_tickTime;
_timer5sec = diag_tickTime;
_timer10Sec = diag_tickTime;
_timer20sec = diag_tickTime;
_timer1min = diag_tickTime;
_timer5min = diag_tickTime;
@ -24,7 +23,13 @@ while {true} do
uiSleep 1;
if (diag_tickTime > _timer1sec) then
[] spawn blck_fnc_monitorInitializedMissions;
if (blck_showCountAliveAI) then
_x call blck_fnc_updateMarkerAliveCount;
} forEach blck_missionLabelMarkers;
_timer1sec = diag_tickTime + 1;
if (diag_tickTime > _timer5sec) then
@ -32,12 +37,16 @@ while {true} do
_timer5sec = diag_tickTime + 5;
if (blck_simulationManager isEqualTo blck_useBlckeaglsSimulationManagement) then {[] call blck_fnc_simulationManager};
[] call blck_fnc_sm_staticPatrolMonitor;
[] call blck_fnc_vehicleMonitor;
[] call blck_fnc_vehicleMonitor;
#ifdef GRGserver
[] call blck_fnc_broadcastServerFPS;
if (diag_tickTime > _timer10Sec) then
[] call blck_fnc_spawnPendingMissions;
_timer10Sec = diag_tickTime;
if (diag_tickTime > _timer20sec) then
[] call blck_fnc_scanForPlayersNearVehicles;
@ -48,28 +57,15 @@ while {true} do
if ((diag_tickTime > _timer1min)) then
_timer1min = diag_tickTime + 60;
[] call blck_fnc_spawnPendingMissions;
[] call blck_fnc_groupWaypointMonitor;
if (blck_dynamicUMS_MissionsRuning < blck_numberUnderwaterDynamicMissions) then {[] spawn blck_fnc_addDyanamicUMS_Mission};
if (blck_useHC) then {[] call blck_fnc_HC_passToHCs};
if (blck_useTimeAcceleration) then {[] call blck_fnc_timeAcceleration};
if (blck_ai_offload_to_client) then {[] call blck_fnc_ai_offloadToClients};
#ifdef blck_debugMode
diag_log format["_fnc_mainThread: active scripts include: %1",diag_activeScripts];
if (diag_tickTime > _timer5min) then
diag_log format["[blckeagls] Timstamp %8 |Dynamic Missions Running %1 | UMS Running %2 | Vehicles %3 | Groups %4 | Server FPS %5 | Server Uptime %6 Min | Missions Run %7",blck_missionsRunning,blck_dynamicUMS_MissionsRuning,count blck_monitoredVehicles,count blck_monitoredMissionAIGroups,diag_FPS,floor(diag_tickTime/60),blck_missionsRun, diag_tickTime];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
Return Value:
Array of Arrays - to format [[scriptName, fileName, isRunning, currentLine], ...]:
[format["Timstamp %8 |Dynamic Missions Running %1 | UMS Running %2 | Vehicles %3 | Groups %4 | Server FPS %5 | Server Uptime %6 Min | Missions Run %7",blck_missionsRunning,blck_dynamicUMS_MissionsRuning,count blck_monitoredVehicles,count blck_monitoredMissionAIGroups,diag_FPS,floor(diag_tickTime/60),blck_missionsRun, diag_tickTime]] call blck_fnc_log;
[] call blck_fnc_cleanupAliveAI;
[] call blck_fnc_cleanupObjects;
[] call blck_fnc_cleanupDeadAI;

View File

@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
if !(isServer) exitWith {};
//diag_log format["AIM.sqf ===] _this = %1 | _msg = %2 | _players = %3",_this,_msg, _players];
if (isPlayer _x) then {_msg remoteExec["fn_handleMessage",(owner _x)]};

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@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
_newX = ((_pos select 0) + (random(_range)) * (selectRandom [1,-1]));
_newY = ((_pos select 1) + (random(_range)) * (selectRandom [1,-1]));

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@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
// test if a timeout condition exists.
// [_startTime] call blck_fnc_timedOut
// Returns true (timed out) or false (not timed out)
By Ghostrider [GRG]
Copyright 2016
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
private _return = if ((diag_tickTime - _startTime) > _timeoutTime) then {true} else {false};

View File

@ -14,9 +14,7 @@
// TODO: used for 'unstuck' cases
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
#ifdef blck_debugMode
diag_log "_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint: blck_debugMode enabled";
_group = group _this;
@ -49,23 +47,7 @@ _wp setWaypointLoiterRadius (_group getVariable["wpRadius",30]);
_wp setWaypointLoiterType "CIRCLE";
_wp setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED";
_group setCurrentWaypoint _wp;
diag_log format["_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint:: -- >> group to update is %1 and new Waypoint position is %2",_group, getWPPos _wp];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
diag_log format["_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint (4/25/17): _this = %1", _this];
diag_log format["_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint: typeName _this = %1", typeName _this];
diag_log format["_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint:_group = %1",_group];
diag_log format["_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint:_group timestamp updated to %1", _group getVariable "timeStamp"];
diag_log format["_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint:: -- >> wpMode %1 _dir %2 _dis %3 _center %4",_group getVariable["wpMode","random"], _dir, _dis,_center];
diag_log format["_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint:: -- >> group to update is %1 and new position is %2",_group, _newPos];
diag_log format["_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint:: -- >> group to update is %1 and new Waypoint position is %2",_group, getWPPos _wp];
diag_log format["_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint:_group %1 basic waypoint parameters updates", _group getVariable "timeStamp"];
_marker =_group getVariable["wpMarker",""];
_marker setMarkerColor "ColorBlue";
diag_log format["_fnc_changeToMoveWaypoint:: -- >> Waypoint marker for group %1 have been configured as %2",_group, _group getVariable "wpMarker"];
if (_group getVariable["wpPatrolMode",""] isEqualTo "SAD") then
#ifdef blck_debugMode

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@ -17,7 +17,4 @@ params["_group","_maxTime","_radius"];
if (diag_tickTime > (_group getVariable "timeStamp") + _maxTime) then // || ( (getPos (leader)) distance2d (_group getVariable "patrolCenter") > _radius)) then
(leader _group) call blck_fnc_setNextWaypoint;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then {diag_log format["_fnc_checkGroupWaypointStatus: group %1 stuck, waypoint reset",_group];};

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
//diag_log format["_fnc_cleanEmptyGroups: count blck_monitoredMissionAIGroups = %1",count blck_monitoredMissionAIGroups];
for "_i" from 0 to ((count blck_monitoredMissionAIGroups) - 1) do
if (_i >= (count blck_monitoredMissionAIGroups)) exitWith {};

View File

@ -22,26 +22,17 @@ _fn_waypointComplete = {
private _done = if (currentWaypoint _group) > (count (waypoints _group)) then {true} else {false};
//diag_log format["_fnc_groupWaypointMonitor called at %1 with %2 groups to monitor",diag_tickTime,count blck_monitoredMissionAIGroups];
if ( !(_x isEqualTo grpNull) && ({alive _x} count (units _x) > 0) ) then
#define blck_turnBackRadiusInfantry 800
#define blck_turnBackRadiusVehicles 1000
#define blck_turnBackRadiusHelis 1000
#define blck_turnBackRadiusJets 1500
//diag_log format["_fn_monitorGroupWaypoints - radii: on foot %1 | vehicle %2 | heli %3 | jet %4",blck_turnBackRadiusInfantry,blck_turnBackRadiusVehicles,blck_turnBackRadiusHelis,blck_turnBackRadiusJets];
_timeStamp = _x getVariable ["timeStamp",0];
if (_timeStamp isEqualTo 0) then
_x setVariable["timeStamp",diag_tickTime];
//diag_log format["_fn_monitorGroupWaypoints::--> updating timestamp for group %1 at time %2",_x,diag_tickTime];
_soldierType = _x getVariable["soldierType","null"];
//diag_log format["_fn_monitorGroupWaypoints::--> soldierType for group %1 = %2 and timeStamp = %3",_x,_soldierType,_timeStamp];
switch (_soldierType) do
case "infantry": {[_x, 60] call blck_fnc_checkgroupwaypointstatus;};
@ -49,6 +40,5 @@ _fn_waypointComplete = {
case "aircraft": {[_x, 90, 1000] call blck_fnc_checkgroupwaypointstatus;};
//private _updateNeeded = if (diag_tickTime > (_x getVariable "timeStamp") + 60) then
} forEach blck_monitoredMissionAIGroups;

View File

@ -25,15 +25,11 @@ private _leader = _this;
private _pos = _group getVariable "patrolCenter"; // Center of the area to be patroleld.
private _minDis = _group getVariable "minDis"; // minimum distance between waypoints
private _maxDis = _group getVariable "maxDis"; // maximum distance between waypoints
// _group getVariable "timeStamp"; // used to check that waypoints are being completed
//private _wpRadisu _group getVariable "wpRadius"; // Always set to 0 to force groups to move a bit
private _patrolRadius = _group getVariable "patrolRadius"; // radius of the area to be patrolled
private _wpMode = _group getVariable "wpMode"; // The default mode used when the waypoint becomes active
//_group getVariable "wpPatrolMode"; // Not used; the idea is to allow two algorythms: randomly select waypoints so groups move back and forth along the perimiter of the patrool area or sequenctioal, hoping along the perimeter
private _wpTimeout = _group getVariable "wpTimeout"; // Here to alow you to have the game engine pause before advancing to the next waypoing. a timout of 10-20 sec is recommended for infantry and land vehicles, and 1 sec for aircraft
private _wpDir = _group getVariable "wpDir"; // Used to note the degrees along the circumference of the patrol area at which the last waypoint was positioned.
private _arc = _group getVariable "wpArc"; // Increment in degrees to be used when advancing the position of the patrol to the next position along the patrol perimeter
//_group getVariable "soldierType"; // infantry, vehicle, air or emplaced. Note that there is no need to have more than one waypoint for emplaced units.
private _wp = [_group,0];
private _nearestEnemy = _leader findNearestEnemy (getPosATL _leader);
private _maxTime = _group getVariable["maxTime",300];

View File

@ -11,10 +11,7 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
if (blck_simulationManager isEqualTo blck_simulationManagementOff) exitWith
//diag_log format["_fnc_simulationMonitor: monitoring disabled at %1",diag_tickTime];
if (blck_simulationManager isEqualTo blck_simulationManagementOff) exitWith {};
if (blck_simulationManager isEqualTo blck_useDynamicSimulationManagement) exitWith
@ -31,7 +28,7 @@ if (blck_simulationManager isEqualTo blck_useDynamicSimulationManagement) exitWi
if (blck_simulationManager isEqualTo blck_useBlckeaglsSimulationManager) then
//diag_log format["_fnc_simulationMonitor: evaluating simulation using blckeagls code"];
private _group = _x;
private _nearplayer = [position (leader _group),blck_simulationEnabledDistance] call blck_fnc_nearestPlayers;
@ -43,19 +40,16 @@ if (blck_simulationManager isEqualTo blck_useBlckeaglsSimulationManager) then
_x enableSimulationGlobal true;
_x reveal [(_nearplayer select 0),(_group knowsAbout (_nearPlayer select 0)) + 0.001]; // Force simulation on
}forEach units _group;
//diag_log format["_fnc_simulationMonitor: (44) enabling simulation for group %1",_group];
if (simulationEnabled (leader _group)) then
{_x enableSimulationGlobal false} forEach units _group;
//diag_log format["_fnc_simulationMonitor: (50) disabling simulation for group %1",_group];
{_x enableSimulationGlobal false} forEach units _group;
} forEach blck_monitoredMissionAIGroups;
// diag_log format["_fnc_simulationManager: _x = %1 | blck_graveyardGroup = %2",_x, units blck_graveyardGroup];
// disable simulation once players have left the area.
private _nearPlayers = [position (_x),blck_simulationEnabledDistance] call blck_fnc_nearestPlayers;
if (simulationEnabled _x) then
@ -63,13 +57,11 @@ if (blck_simulationManager isEqualTo blck_useBlckeaglsSimulationManager) then
if (_nearPlayers isEqualTo []) then
_x enableSimulationGlobal false;
//diag_log format["_fnc_simulationMonior: simulation for unit %1 set to FALSE",_unit];
} else {
if !(_nearPlayers isEqualTo []) then
_x enableSimulationGlobal true;
//diag_log format["_fnc_simulationMonior: simulation for unit %1 set to TRUE",_unit];
_x enableSimulationGlobal true;
} forEach units blck_graveyardGroup;

View File

@ -15,15 +15,6 @@
params[["_group","Error"],"_pos", "_center", ["_numai1",5], ["_numai2",10], ["_skillLevel","red"], ["_minDist",30], ["_maxDist",45],["_configureWaypoints",true], ["_uniforms",[]], ["_headGear",[]],["_vests",[]],["_backpacks",[]],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",[]], ["_scuba",false],["_patrolRadius",30]];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 3) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnGroup: _this select %1 = %2",_forEachIndex,_this select _forEachIndex];
}forEach _this;
if (_weaponList isEqualTo []) then {_weaponList = [_skillLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAILoadout};
if (_sideArms isEqualTo []) then {_sideArms = [_skillLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAISidearms};
@ -52,17 +43,13 @@ if !(isNull _group) then
_launcherType = "none";
private _unitPos = [_pos,3,6] call blck_fnc_findRandomLocationWithinCircle;
[_unitPos,_group,_skillLevel,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_launcherType, _weaponList, _sideArms, _scuba] call blck_fnc_spawnUnit;
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnGroup: _unit %1 spawned at %2 at a distance from the group center of %3 and _vector of %4",_unit,_unitPos,_unitPos distance _pos,_pos getRelDir _unitPos];
_group selectLeader ((units _group) select 0);
if (_configureWaypoints) then
if (_scuba) then {_infantryType = "scuba"} else {_infantryType = "infantry"};
#define infantryPatrolRadius 30
#define infantryWaypointTimeout [5,7.5,10]
[_pos,_minDist,_maxDist,_group,"random","SAD",_infantryType,_patrolRadius,infantryWaypointTimeout] spawn blck_fnc_setupWaypoints;
@ -71,10 +58,5 @@ if !(isNull _group) then
diag_log "_fnc_spawnGroup:: ERROR CONDITION : NULL GROUP CREATED";
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnGroup:_group = %1",_group];

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
_isMagazine = false;
_isBackpack = false;
_quant = 0;
//diag_log format["_fn_addItemToCrate:: -- >> itemInfor = %1",_itemInfo];
if (typeName _itemInfo isEqualTo "STRING") then {_item = _itemInfo; _quant = 1}; // case where only the item descriptor was provided
if (typeName _itemInfo isEqualTo "ARRAY") then {

View File

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
Adds the basic list of parameters that define a mission such as the marker name, mission list, mission path, AI difficulty, and timer settings, to the arrays that the main thread inspects.
By Ghostrider-GRG-
Copyright 2016
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
"_missionList", // list of missions to be used for that category (blue, red, gree, orange, etc)
"_path", // path to the folder with the mission.sqf's
"_marker", // a root name for markers used in the mission
//{diag_log format["_fnc_addMissionToCue: _this %1 = %2",_forEachIndex,_x]} forEach _this;
private _waitTime = diag_tickTime + (_tMin) + random((_tMax) - (_tMin));
private _missionsData = []; // Parameters definine each of the missions for this difficulty are stored as arrays here.
private _missionFile = format["\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\%1\%2.sqf",_path,_x];
private _missionCode = compileFinal preprocessFileLinenumbers _missionFile;//return all of the values that define how the mission is spawned as an array of values.
private _data = [] call _missionCode;
_missionsData pushBack _data;
} forEach _missionList;
private _missionCategoryDescriptors = [
_noMissions, // Max no missions of this category
0, // Number active
_tMin, // Used to calculate waittime in the future
_tMax, // as above
_waitTime, // time at which a mission should be spawned
_missionsData //
blck_missionData pushBack _missionCategoryDescriptors;

View File

@ -12,30 +12,36 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
_compiledMissionsList = [];
for "_i" from 1 to _noMissions do
private _waitTime = diag_tickTime + (_tMin) + random((_tMax) - (_tMin));
private _missionsData = []; // Parameters definine each of the missions for this difficulty are stored as arrays here.
_waitTime = diag_tickTime + (_tMin) + random((_tMax) - (_tMin));
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
//_mission = [_missionList,_path,format["%1%2",_marker,_i],_difficulty,_tMin,_tMax,_waitTime,[0,0,0],_allowReinforcements];
private _missionFile = format["\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\%1\%2.sqf",_path,_x];
private _missionCode = compileFinal preprocessFileLinenumbers _missionFile;//return all of the values that define how the mission is spawned as an array of values
if !(isNil "_missionCode") then
//diag_log format["_fnc_addMissionToQue: _x = %1",_x];
_compiledMission = compilefinal preprocessFileLineNumbers format["\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\%1\%2.sqf",_path,_x];
_compiledMissionsList pushBack _compiledMission;
}forEach _missionList;
_mission = [_compiledMissionsList,format["%1%2",_marker,_i],_difficulty,_tMin,_tMax,_waitTime,[0,0,0]];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel >= 2) then {
diag_log format["-fnc_addMissionToQue::-->> _mission = %1",[/*_mission select 0, */_mission select 1, _mission select 2, _mission select 3, _mission select 4, _mission select 5, _mission select 6]];
private _data = [_marker,_difficulty] call _missionCode;
if !(isNil "_data") then
_missionsData pushBack _data;
} else {
diag_log format["bad path\mission combination %1",_missionFile];
//diag_log format["-fnc_addMissionToQue::-->> _mission = %1",[ _mission select 1, _mission select 2, _mission select 3, _mission select 4, _mission select 5, _mission select 6]];
blck_pendingMissions pushback _mission;
} forEach _missionList;
private _missionCategoryDescriptors = [
_noMissions, // Max no missions of this category
0, // Number active
_tMin, // Used to calculate waittime in the future
_tMax, // as above
_waitTime, // time at which a mission should be spawned
_missionsData //
blck_missionData pushBack _missionCategoryDescriptors;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel >= 4) then {diag_log format["_fnc_addMissionToQue:: -- >> Result - blck_pendingMissions = %1",blck_pendingMissions];};

View File

@ -16,8 +16,6 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
//diag_log format["_fnc_cleanUpObjects: time %1 | count blck_oldMissionObjects %2",diag_tickTime,count blck_oldMissionObjects];
for "_i" from 1 to (count blck_oldMissionObjects) do {
if (_i <= count blck_oldMissionObjects) then {
private _oldObjs = blck_oldMissionObjects deleteAt 0;
@ -27,7 +25,6 @@ for "_i" from 1 to (count blck_oldMissionObjects) do {
private _nearplayer = [_missionCenter,800] call blck_fnc_nearestPlayers;
if (_nearPlayer isEqualTo []) then
//diag_log format["_fnc_cleanUpObjects: _nearPlayer = %1 | _missionCenter = %2 | _objarr = %3",_nearplayer,_missionCenter,_objarr];
{deleteVehicle _x}forEach _objarr;
} else {
blck_oldMissionObjects pushback _oldObjs;

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@ -14,8 +14,7 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
params ["_mines"];
//_mines = _this select 0; // array containing the mines to be deleted
//diag_log format["deleting %1 mines----- >>>> ", count _mines];
deleteVehicle _x;
} forEach _mines;

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@ -13,5 +13,4 @@
private _result = if ((_crate distance (_crate getVariable["crateSpawnPos",[0,0,0]])) > 10) then {true} else {false};
//diag_log format["_fn_crateMoved:: _crate %1 | crateSpawnPos %2 | _result = %3",_crate,_result];

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@ -13,12 +13,10 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp"
_fn_missionCleanup = {
[_mines] call blck_fnc_clearMines;
//[_coords,_objects, _cleanupCompositionTimer] call blck_fnc_addObjToQue;
blck_oldMissionObjects pushback [_coords,_objects, (diag_tickTime + _cleanupCompositionTimer)];
blck_liveMissionAI pushback [_coords,_blck_AllMissionAI, (diag_tickTime + _cleanupAliveAITimer)];
blck_missionsRunning = blck_missionsRunning - 1;
@ -55,68 +53,77 @@ params[
private _param = ["_coords","_mines","_objects","_crates","_blck_AllMissionAI","_endMsg","_markers","_markerPos","_markerName","_markerLabel","_endCondition","_vehicles","_isScubaMission"];
diag_log format["_fnc_endMission: parameter %1 named %2 = %3",_forEachIndex,_param select _forEachIndex,_x];
} forEach _this;
[_x] call blck_fnc_deleteMarker;
}forEach (_markers);
if (_endCondition > 0) exitWith // Mision aborted for some reason
#define cleanupCompositionTimer 0
#define cleanupAliveAITimer 0
// params["_coords","_mines","_objects","_blck_AllMissionAI","_markerName","_cleanupAliveAITimer","_cleanupCompositionTimer",["_isScubaMission",false]];
[_coords,_mines,_objects,_blck_AllMissionAI,_markerName,cleanupAliveAITimer,cleanupCompositionTimer,_isScubaMission] call _fn_missionCleanup;
if (local _x) then {deleteVehicle _x};
}forEach _crates;
if (local _x) then {deleteVehicle _x};
}forEach _vehicles;
if (_endCondition <= 0) then // Normal Mission End State
switch (_endCondition) do
case 1: {
if (blck_useSignalEnd) then
[_crates select 0] spawn blck_fnc_signalEnd;
_x enableRopeAttach true;
}forEach _crates;
[["end",_endMsg,_markerLabel]] call blck_fnc_messageplayers;
[_markerPos, _markerName] spawn blck_fnc_missionCompleteMarker;
if !(_x getVariable["lootLoaded",false] || _endCondition == 1) then // dont load loot if the asset was killed
[_x,_crateLoot,_lootCounts] call blck_fnc_fillBoxes;
}forEach _crates;
if (blck_useSignalEnd) then
[_crates select 0] spawn blck_fnc_signalEnd;
_x enableRopeAttach true;
}forEach _crates;
private ["_v","_posnVeh"];
_posnVeh = blck_monitoredVehicles find _x; // returns -1 if the vehicle is not in the array else returns 0-(count blck_monitoredVehicles -1)
if (_posnVeh >= 0) then
(blck_monitoredVehicles select _posnVeh) setVariable ["missionCompleted", diag_tickTime];
} else {
_x setVariable ["missionCompleted", diag_tickTime];
blck_monitoredVehicles pushback _x;
} forEach _vehicles;
[_coords,_mines,_objects,_blck_AllMissionAI,_markerName,blck_AliveAICleanUpTimer,blck_cleanupCompositionTimer,_isScubaMission] call _fn_missionCleanup;
diag_log format["_fnc_endMission (93) _endMsg = %1 | _markerLabel = %2",_endMsg,_markerLabel];
if (_endCondition == 0) then {[["end",_endMsg,_markerLabel]] call blck_fnc_messageplayers;};
if (_endCondition == -1) then {[["warning",_endMsg,_markerLabel]] call blck_fnc_messageplayers;};
[_markerPos, _markerName] spawn blck_fnc_missionCompleteMarker;
if !(_x getVariable["lootLoaded",false] || _endCondition == 1) then // dont load loot if the asset was killed
case 2: { // Aborted for moving a crate
[_x,_crateLoot,_lootCounts] call blck_fnc_fillBoxes;
}forEach _crates;
if ( _x distance (_x getVariable ["crateSpawnPos", (getPos _x)]) > max_distance_crate_moved_uncompleted_mission)then {deleteVehicle _x};
} forEach _crates;
#define illegalCrateMoveMsg "Crate moved before mission completed"
[["warming",illegalCrateMoveMsg,_markerLabel]] call blck_fnc_messageplayers;
[_coords,_mines,_objects,_blck_AllMissionAI,_markerName,cleanupAliveAITimer,cleanupCompositionTimer,_isScubaMission] call _fn_missionCleanup;
case 3: { // Mision aborted for killing an asset
#define cleanupCompositionTimer 0
#define cleanupAliveAITimer 0
if (local _x) then {deleteVehicle _x};
}forEach _crates;
[["warning",_endMsg,_markerLabel]] call blck_fnc_messageplayers;
[_coords,_mines,_objects,_blck_AllMissionAI,_markerName,cleanupAliveAITimer,cleanupCompositionTimer,_isScubaMission] call _fn_missionCleanup;
private ["_v","_posnVeh"];
_posnVeh = blck_monitoredVehicles find _x; // returns -1 if the vehicle is not in the array else returns 0-(count blck_monitoredVehicles -1)
if (_posnVeh >= 0) then
(blck_monitoredVehicles select _posnVeh) setVariable ["missionCompleted", diag_tickTime];
} else {
_x setVariable ["missionCompleted", diag_tickTime];
blck_monitoredVehicles pushback _x;
} forEach _vehicles;
// params["_coords","_mines","_objects","_blck_AllMissionAI","_markerName","_cleanupAliveAITimer","_cleanupCompositionTimer",["_isScubaMission",false]];
[_coords,_mines,_objects,_blck_AllMissionAI,_markerName,blck_AliveAICleanUpTimer,blck_cleanupCompositionTimer,_isScubaMission] call _fn_missionCleanup;
case 4: {
#define cleanupCompositionTimer 0
#define cleanupAliveAITimer 0
if (local _x) then {deleteVehicle _x};
}forEach _crates;
[_coords,_mines,_objects,_blck_AllMissionAI,_markerName,cleanupAliveAITimer,cleanupCompositionTimer,_isScubaMission] call _fn_missionCleanup;
[format["Mission Completed | _cords %1 : _markerClass %2 : _markerMissionName %3",_coords,_markerName,_markerLabel]] call blck_fnc_log;
blck_missionsRun = blck_missionsRun + 1;

View File

@ -14,25 +14,19 @@
//diag_log format["_fnc_fillBoxes: _this = %1",_this];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
diag_log format["_fnc_fillBoxes: _this select %1 = %2",_foreachindex, _this select _foreachindex];
}foreach _this;
_itemCnts params["_wepCnt","_magCnt","_opticsCnt","_materialsCnt","_itemCnt","_bkcPckCnt"];
_boxLoot params["_weapons","_magazines","_optics","_materials","_items","_backpacks"];
//diag_log format["_fnc_fillBoxes: _weapons = %1",_weapons];
if !(_weapons isEqualTo []) then
_tries = [_wepCnt] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
//diag_log format["_fnc_fillBoxes (31): loading %1 weapons",_tries];
// Add some randomly selected weapons and corresponding magazines
for "_i" from 0 to (_tries - 1) do
_item = selectRandom _weapons;
//diag_log format["_fnc_fillBoxes with weapons: _item = %1",_item];
if (typeName _item isEqualTo "ARRAY") then // Check whether weapon name is part of an array that might also specify an ammo to use
_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal [_item select 0,1]; // if yes then assume the first element in the array is the weapon name
@ -51,16 +45,15 @@
//diag_log format["_fnc_fillBoxes: _magazines = %1",_magazines];
if !(_magazines isEqualTo []) then
_tries = [_magCnt] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
//diag_log format["_fnc_fillBoxes (26): loading %1 magazines",_tries];
// Add Magazines, grenades, and 40mm GL shells
for "_i" from 0 to (_tries - 1) do
_item = selectRandom _magazines;
//diag_log format["_fnc_fillBoxes with magazines: _item = %1",_item];
if (typeName _item isEqualTo "ARRAY") then
_diff = (_item select 2) - (_item select 1); // Take difference between max and min number of items to load and randomize based on this value
@ -73,16 +66,15 @@
//diag_log format["_fnc_fillBoxes: _optics = %1",_optics];
if !(_optics isEqualTo []) then
_tries = [_opticsCnt] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
//diag_log format["_fnc_fillBoxes (72): loading %1 optics",_tries];
// Add Optics
for "_i" from 0 to (_tries - 1) do
_item = selectRandom _optics;
//diag_log format["_fnc_fillBoxes with optics: _item = %1",_item];
if (typeName _item isEqualTo "ARRAY") then
_diff = (_item select 2) - (_item select 1);
@ -95,16 +87,15 @@
//diag_log format["_fnc_fillBoxes: _materials = %1",_materials];
if !(_materials isEqualTo []) then
_tries = [_materialsCnt] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
//diag_log format["_fnc_fillBoxes (92): loading %1 materials",_materialsCnt];
// Add materials (cindar, mortar, electrical parts etc)
for "_i" from 0 to (_tries - 1) do
_item = selectRandom _materials;
//diag_log format["_fnc_fillBoxes with materials: _item = %1",_item];
if (typeName _item isEqualTo "ARRAY") then
_diff = (_item select 2) - (_item select 1);
@ -117,16 +108,14 @@
//diag_log format["_fnc_fillBoxes: _items = %1",_items];
if !(_items isEqualTo []) then
_tries = [_itemCnt] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
//diag_log format["_fnc_fillBoxes (112): loading %1 items",_itemCnt];
// Add Items (first aid kits, multitool bits, vehicle repair kits, food and drinks)
for "_i" from 0 to (_tries - 1) do
_item = selectRandom _items;
//diag_log format["_fnc_fillBoxes with items: _item = %1",_item];
if (typeName _item isEqualTo "ARRAY") then
_diff = (_item select 2) - (_item select 1);
@ -139,15 +128,13 @@
//diag_log format["_fnc_fillBoxes: _backpacks = %1",_backpacks];
if !(_backpacks isEqualTo []) then
_tries = [_bkcPckCnt] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
//diag_log format["_fnc_fillBoxes (132): loading %1 backpacks",_tries];
for "_i" from 0 to (_tries - 1) do
_item = selectRandom _backpacks;
//diag_log format["_fnc_fillBoxes with backpacks: _item = %1",_item];
if (typeName _item isEqualTo "ARRAY") then
_diff = (_item select 2) - (_item select 1);
@ -159,6 +146,3 @@
//diag_log "_fnc_fillBoxes <END>";
//diag_log format["testCrateLoading: crate inventory = %1",getItemCargo _crate];
//diag_log "_fnc_fillBoxes <END>";

View File

@ -28,12 +28,6 @@ if (_headGear isEqualTo []) then {_headGear = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_f
if (_vests isEqualTo []) then {_vests = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIVests};
if (_backpacks isEqualTo []) then {_backpacks = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIBackpacks};
diag_log format["_fnc_garrisonBuilding_ATLsystem: _this %1 = %2",_forEachIndex,_this select _forEachIndex];
}forEach _this;
_buildingsSpawned = [];
_staticsSpawned = [];
@ -41,25 +35,15 @@ _group = [blck_AI_Side,true] call blck_fnc_createGroup;
if !(isNull _group) then
_g = _x;
diag_log format["_g %1 = %2",_forEachIndex,_g select _forEachIndex];
}forEach _g;
// ["Land_Unfinished_Building_02_F",[-28.3966,34.8145,-0.00268841],0,true,true,[["B_HMG_01_high_F",[-5.76953,1.16504,7.21168],360]],[]],
_g = _x;
_x params["_bldClassName","_bldRelPos","_bldDir","_s","_d","_statics","_men"];
//diag_log format["_bldClassName = %1 | _bldRelPos = %2 | _bldDir = %3",_bldClassName,_bldRelPos,_bldDir];
_building = createVehicle[_bldClassName,[0,0,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
_building setPosATL (_bldRelPos vectorAdd _center);
_building setDir _bldDir;
_buildingsSpawned pushBack _building;
// params["_building","_group","_statics","_men",["_aiDifficultyLevel","Red"], ["_uniforms",[]],["_headGear",[]],["_vests",[]],["_backpacks",[]],["_launcher","none"],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",[]]];
_staticsSpawned = [_building,_group,_statics,_men,_aiDifficultyLevel,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,"none",_weaponList,_sideArms] call blck_fnc_spawnGarrisonInsideBuilding_ATL;
}forEach _garrisonedBuilding_ATLsystem;
//diag_log format["__fnc_garrisonBuilding_ATLsystem: %2 = %1",_x select 1, _x select 0];
//}forEach [ [_buildingsSpawned,"Buildings"],[_staticsSpawned,"Statics"]];
_return = [_group,_buildingsSpawned,_staticsSpawned];

View File

@ -6,12 +6,8 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
private ["_coords","_coordArray","_return"];
_missionCategoryDescriptors params [
"_noMissions", // Max no missions of this category
@ -22,87 +18,17 @@ params["_missionCategoryDescriptors","_missionParameters"];
"_missionsData" //
diag_log format["fnc_initializeMission: _missionCategoryDescriptors:%1 = %2",_x,_missionCategoryDescriptors select _forEachIndex];
} forEach [
"_noMissions", // Max no missions of this category
"_noActive", // Number active
"_tMin", // Used to calculate waittime in the future
"_tMax", // as above
"_waitTime", // time at which a mission should be spawned
"_missionsData" //
if (_noActive > _noMissions) exitWith {if (blck_debugOn) then {}};
_missionParameters params[
"_defaultMissionLocations", // 1
"_crateLoot", // 2
"_lootCounts", // 3
"_startMsg", // 4
"_endMsg", // 5
"_markerMissionName", // 6 "Scouts";
"_markerType", // 7 "mil_triangle"
"_markerColor", // 8 ColorBlue
"_markerSize", // 9 [200,200] for ELLIPSE and rectangle markers only
"_markerBrush", // 10 "GRID", for ELLIPSE and rectangle markers only
"_missionLandscapeMode", // 11
"_garrisonedBuilding_ATLsystem", // 13
"_missionLandscape", // 14
"_missionLootBoxes", // 15
"_missionLootVehicles", // 16
"_missionPatrolVehicles", // 17
"_submarinePatrolParameters", // 18
"_airPatrols", // 19
"_noVehiclePatrols", // 20
"_vehicleCrewCount", // 21
"_missionEmplacedWeapons", // 22
"_noEmplacedWeapons", // 23
"_missionLootVehicles", // 24
"_useMines", // 25
"_minNoAI", // 26
diag_log format["fnc_initializeMission: _missionParameters:%1 = %2",_x,_missionParameters select _forEachIndex];
} forEach [
"_defaultMissionLocations", // 1
"_crateLoot", // 2
"_lootCounts", // 3
"_startMsg", // 2
"_endMsg", // 3
@ -120,7 +46,6 @@ _missionParameters params[
@ -129,6 +54,7 @@ _missionParameters params[
@ -150,8 +76,7 @@ _missionParameters params[
//diag_log format["_fnc_initializeMission: _isScubaMission = %1",_isScubaMission];
_coordsArray = [];
if !(_defaultMissionLocations isEqualTo []) then
@ -165,46 +90,40 @@ if !(_defaultMissionLocations isEqualTo []) then
//diag_log format["_fnc_initializeMission: _coords = %1",_coords];
//uiSleep 1;
if (_coords isEqualTo []) exitWith
//diag_log format['_fnc_initializeMission: no safe location found, defering initialization'];
//diag_log format["_fnc_initializeMission(160): _defaultMissionLocations = %3 | _markerMissionName = %1 | _coords = %2",_markerMissionName,_coords,_defaultMissionLocations];
blck_ActiveMissionCoords pushback _coords;
blck_missionsRunning = blck_missionsRunning + 1;
blck_missionsRun = blck_missionsRun + 1;
//diag_log format["_initializeMission (164): Total Dyanamic Land and UMS Run = %1 | total Dynamic and UMS Missions Running = %2", blck_missionsRun,blck_missionsRunning];
private _markers = [];
Handle map markers
private _markerName = format["%1:%2",_markerMissionName,blck_missionsRun];
//diag_log format["_initializeMission: _markerName = %1",_markerName];
private "_missionMarkerPosition";
private "_markerPos";
if (blck_labelMapMarkers select 0) then
_missionMarkerPosition = _coords;
_markerPos = _coords;
if !(blck_preciseMapMarkers) then
_missionMarkerPosition = [_coords,75] call blck_fnc_randomPosition;
_markerPos = [_coords,75] call blck_fnc_randomPosition;
private _markers = [_markerName,_coords,_markerMissionName,_markerColor,_markerType,_markerSize,_markerBrush] call blck_fnc_createMarker;
_markers params["_mainMarker",["_labelMarker",""]];
_markerType params["_type",["_size",[250,250]],["_brush","GRID"]];
private _markers = [_markerName,_markerPos,_markerMissionName,_markerColor,_type,_size,_brush] call blck_fnc_createMissionMarkers;
Send a message to players.
[["start",_startMsg,_markerMissionName]] call blck_fnc_messageplayers;
private _missionTimeoutAt = diag_tickTime + blck_MissionTimeout;
private _triggered = 0;
private _spawnPara = if (random(1) < _chancePara) then {true} else {false};
@ -216,7 +135,7 @@ private _blck_AllMissionAI = [];
private _AI_Vehicles = [];
private _assetSpawned = objNull;
private _missionData = [_coords,_mines,_objects,_crates, _blck_AllMissionAI,_assetSpawned,_missionAIVehicles,_mainMarker,_labelMarker];
private _missionData = [_coords,_mines,_objects,_crates, _blck_AllMissionAI,_assetSpawned,_missionAIVehicles,_markers];
blck_activeMissionsList pushBack [_missionCategoryDescriptors,_missionTimeoutAt,_triggered,_spawnPara,_missionData,_missionParameters];
[format["Initialized Mission %1 | description %2 | difficulty %3 at %4",_markerName, _markerMissionName, _difficulty, diag_tickTime]] call blck_fnc_log;

View File

@ -17,14 +17,10 @@ private ["_abort","_crates","_aiGroup","_objects","_groupPatrolRadius","_mission
"_defaultMissionLocations","_garrisonedbuildings_buildingposnsystem","_garrisonedBuilding_ATLsystem", "_isScubaMission","_markerlabel"];
"_defaultMissionLocations","_garrisonedbuildings_buildingposnsystem","_garrisonedBuilding_ATLsystem", "_isScubaMission","_markerlabel","_missionLootBoxes","_airpatrols"];
if (isNil "_markerLabel") then {_markerLabel = _markerMissionName};
[_markerName, "active",_coords] call blck_fnc_updateMissionQue;
diag_log format["[blckeagls] missionSpawner (17):: Initializing mission: _cords %1 : _markerName %2 : _aiDifficultyLevel %3",_coords,_markerName,_aiDifficultyLevel,_markerLabel];
if (isNil "_assetKilledMsg") then {_assetKilledMsg = ""};
if (isNil "_markerColor") then {_markerColor = "ColorBlack"};
if (isNil "_markerType") then {_markerType = ["mil_box",[]]};
@ -59,7 +55,6 @@ if (isNil "_garrisonedBuildings_BuildingPosnSystem") then {_garrisonedBuildings_
if (isNil "_vehicleCrewCount") then {_vehicleCrewCount = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call GMS_fnc_selectVehicleCrewCount};
if (isNil "_airpatrols") then {_airpatrols = []};
if (isNil "_submarinePatrolParameters") then {_submarinePatrolParameters = []};
if (isNil "_scubagroupparameters") then {_scubagroupparameters = []};
if (isNil "_markerMissionName") then {
diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner: _markerMissionName not defined, using default value"];
@ -68,607 +63,70 @@ if (isNil "_markerMissionName") then {
if (isNil "_noLootCrates") then {_noLootCrates = 1};
if (isNil "_lootCrates") then {_lootCrates = blck_crateTypes};
if (isNil "_lootCratePositions") then {_lootCratePositions = []};
if (isNil "_isScubaMission") then {_isScubaMission = false};
if (isNil "_missionLootBoxes") then {_missionLootBoxes = []};
private "_temp";
// If the mission is to be spawned at pre-defined coordinates then select one from the array that defines them
// otherwise use the _coords that were passed to the script in _this
if (isNil "_defaultMissionLocations") then {_defaultMissionLocations = []};
if !(_defaultMissionLocations isEqualTo []) then
_coords = selectRandom _defaultMissionLocations;
_markerType params["_markerType",["_markersize",[250,250]],["_markerBrush","GRID"]];
private _paraSkill = _aiDifficultyLevel;
blck_ActiveMissionCoords pushback _coords;
blck_missionsRunning = blck_missionsRunning + 1;
//diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner: count blck_ActiveMissionCoords = %1 | blck_ActiveMissionCoords = %2",count blck_ActiveMissionCoords,blck_ActiveMissionCoords];
_objects = [];
_mines = [];
_crates = [];
_aiGroup = [];
_missionAIVehicles = [];
_blck_AllMissionAI = [];
_AI_Vehicles = [];
#define delayTime 1
#define useRelativePos true
#ifdef blck_debugMode
diag_log "_missionSpawner: All variables initialized";
private _markerPos = _coords;
if !(blck_preciseMapMarkers) then
private _markerPos = [_coords,75] call blck_fnc_randomPosition;
//diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner (110): _markerPos = %1",_markerPos];
} ;
[["start",_startMsg,_markerMissionName]] call blck_fnc_messageplayers;
_markerType params["_type",["_size",[250,250]],["_brush","GRID"]];
_markers = [_markerName,_markerPos,_markerMissionName,_markerColor,_type,_size,_brush] call blck_fnc_createMissionMarkers;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log "missionSpawner:: (145) message players and spawn a mission marker";};
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log format["missionSpawner:: (146) _markers = %1",_markers];};
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log "missionSpawner:: (147) waiting for player to trigger the mission";};
// All parameters are defined, lets wait until a player is nearby or the mission has timed out
_missionStartTime = diag_tickTime;
_playerInRange = false;
_missionTimedOut = false;
_wait = true;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {
diag_log "missionSpawner:: (90) starting mission trigger loop"};
diag_log format["missionSpawner (163) blck_MissionTimeout = %1", blck_MissionTimeout];
while {_wait} do
//#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) exitWith {_playerInRange = true;diag_log "_fnc_missionSpawner (168): player trigger loop triggered by scripting";};
if ([_coords, blck_TriggerDistance, false] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) exitWith {_playerInRange = true;};
if ([_missionStartTime,blck_MissionTimeout] call blck_fnc_timedOut) exitWith {_missionTimedOut = true;};
uiSleep 5;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 3) then
diag_log format["missionSpawner:: Trigger Loop - blck_debugLevel = %1 and _coords = %2",blck_debugLevel, _coords];
diag_log format["missionSpawner:: Trigger Loop - players in range = %1",{isPlayer _x && _x distance2D _coords < blck_TriggerDistance} count allPlayers];
diag_log format["missionSpawner:: Trigger Loop - blck_MissionTimeout = %4 | _missionStartTime = %1 | time = %2 | timeout = %3",_missionStartTime, diag_tickTime, [_missionStartTime,blck_MissionTimeout] call blck_fnc_timedOut,blck_MissionTimeout];
if (_missionTimedOut) exitWith
// diag_log format["[blckeagls] missionSpawner (17):: Initializing mission: _cords %1 : _markerName %2 : _aiDifficultyLevel %3 _markerLabel %4",_coords,_markerName,_aiDifficultyLevel,_markerLabel];
diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner (187): mission timed out: _markerName %1 | _markerLabel %2 | time %3",_markerName,_markerLabel,diag_tickTime];
private _table = [
_markerMissionName, // Name used for setMarkerText and also for the root name for all markers
[_coords,_mines,_objects,_crates, _blck_AllMissionAI,_endMsg,_markers,_markerPos,_markerName,_markerMissionName, 1] call blck_fnc_endMission;
// Spawn the mission objects, loot chest, and AI
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then
diag_log format["[blckeagls] missionSpawner:: (200) -- >> Mission tripped: _cords %1 : _markerName %2 : _aiDifficultyLevel %3 _markerLabel %4",_coords,_markerName,_aiDifficultyLevel,_markerMissionName];
if (blck_SmokeAtMissions select 0) then // spawn a fire and smoke near the crate
_temp = [_coords,blck_SmokeAtMissions select 1] call blck_fnc_smokeAtCrates;
if (typeName _temp isEqualTo "ARRAY") then
_objects append _temp;
uiSleep delayTime;
if (_useMines) then
_mines = [_coords] call blck_fnc_spawnMines;
uiSleep delayTime;
_temp = [];
if (_missionLandscapeMode isEqualTo "random") then
_temp = [_coords,_missionLandscape, 3, 15, 2] call blck_fnc_spawnRandomLandscape;
} else {
_temp = [_coords, _missionLandscape] call blck_fnc_spawnCompositionObjects;
if (typeName _temp isEqualTo "ARRAY") then
_objects append _temp;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then
diag_log format["[blckeagls] missionSpawner:: (219) Landscape spawned: _cords %1 : _markerName %2 : _aiDifficultyLevel %3 _markerLabel %4",_coords,_markerName,_aiDifficultyLevel,_markerLabel];
uiSleep delayTime;
_abort = false;
_temp = [];
_temp = [_coords, _minNoAI,_maxNoAI,_noAIGroups,_missionGroups,_aiDifficultyLevel,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionAI;
_abort = _temp select 1;
if !(_abort) then
_blck_AllMissionAI append (_temp select 0);
//diag_log format["[blckeagls] missionSpawner:: (236) missionAI spawned: _markerName %1 : _markerLabel %2 : count _blck_AllMissionAI = %3",_markerName,_markerLabel, count _blck_AllMissionAI];
if !(_scubaGroupParameters isEqualTo []) then
#define isScubaMission true
//diag_log format["_fnc_dynamicUMSspawner: spawning scuba groups with _scubaGroupParameters = %1",_scubaGroupParameters];
// params["_coords",["_minNoAI",3],["_maxNoAI",6],"_missionGroups",["_aiDifficultyLevel","red"],["_uniforms",blck_SkinList],["_headGear",blck_BanditHeadgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",[]],["_weapons",[]],["_sideArms",blck_Pistols],["_isScubaGroup",false]];
private _temp = [_coords, _minNoAI,_maxNoAI,count _scubaGroupParameters,_scubaGroupParameters,_aiDifficultyLevel,blck_UMS_uniforms,blck_UMS_headgear,blck_UMS_vests,[],blck_UMS_weapons,[],_isScubaMission] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionAI;
diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner (243): _temp = %1",_temp];
uiSleep 2;
_abort = _temp select 1;
if !(_abort) then
_blck_AllMissionAI append (_temp select 0);
diag_log format["[blckeagls] missionSpawner:: (250) scuba AI spawned: _markerName %1 : _markerLabel %2 : count _blck_AllMissionAI = %3",_markerName,_markerLabel, count _blck_AllMissionAI];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
uiSleep 10;
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then
diag_log format["[blckeagls] missionSpawner:: (288) AI Patrols Spawned: _cords %1 : _markerName %2 : _aiDifficultyLevel %3 _markerLabel %4",_coords,_markerName,_aiDifficultyLevel,_markerLabel];
_assetSpawned = objNull;
if !(_hostageConfig isEqualTo []) then
_temp = [_coords,_hostageConfig] call blck_fnc_spawnHostage;
_assetSpawned = _temp select 0;
_objects pushBack (_temp select 1);
_blck_AllMissionAI pushBack _assetSpawned;
if !(_enemyLeaderConfig isEqualTo []) then
_temp = [_coords,_enemyLeaderConfig] call blck_fnc_spawnLeader;
_assetSpawned = _temp select 0;
_objects pushBack (_temp select 1);
_blck_AllMissionAI pushBack _assetSpawned;
uiSleep delayTime;
_temp = [[],[],false];
_abort = false;
// Deal with helicopter patrols
_temp = [];
_noChoppers = [_noChoppers] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
if (_noChoppers > 0) then
for "_i" from 1 to (_noChoppers) do
if (random(1) < _chanceHeliPatrol) then
_temp = [_coords,_aiDifficultyLevel,_missionHelis,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList, _sideArms,"none"] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionHeli;
if (typeName _temp isEqualTo "ARRAY") then
_abort = _temp select 2;
if !(_abort) then
blck_monitoredVehicles pushBack (_temp select 0);
_blck_AllMissionAI append (_temp select 1);
#ifdef blck_debugMode
uiSleep 10;
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then {diag_log "_fnc_missionSpawner (256) helipatrols spawned"};
uisleep 3;
if !(_garrisonedBuilding_ATLsystem isEqualTo []) then
_temp = [_coords, _garrisonedBuilding_ATLsystem, _aiDifficultyLevel,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms] call blck_fnc_garrisonBuilding_ATLsystem;
_objects append (_temp select 1);
blck_monitoredVehicles append (_temp select 2);
_blck_AllMissionAI append (units (_temp select 0));
#ifdef blck_debugMode
uiSleep 10;
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then {diag_log "_fnc_missionSpawner (271) garrisons (ATL) spawned"};
uiSleep 3;
if !(_garrisonedBuildings_BuildingPosnSystem isEqualTo []) then
_temp = [_coords, _garrisonedBuildings_BuildingPosnSystem, _aiDifficultyLevel,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms] call blck_fnc_garrisonBuilding_RelPosSystem;
_objects append (_temp select 1);
blck_monitoredVehicles append (_temp select 2);
_blck_AllMissionAI append (units (_temp select 0));
#ifdef blck_debugMode
uiSleep 10;
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then {diag_log "_fnc_missionSpawner (285) garrisons (building position system) spawned"};
uiSleep 15;
_noEmplacedToSpawn = [_noEmplacedWeapons] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
if (blck_useStatic && (_noEmplacedToSpawn > 0)) then
_temp = [_coords,_missionEmplacedWeapons,useRelativePos,_noEmplacedToSpawn,_aiDifficultyLevel,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms] call blck_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray;
_temp params ["_emplacedObjects","_units","_abort"];
_objects append _emplacedObjects;
_blck_AllMissionAI append _units;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
uiSleep 10;
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then {diag_log "_fnc_missionSpawner (309) emplaced weapons spawned"};
_vehToSpawn = [_noVehiclePatrols] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
if (blck_useVehiclePatrols && ((_vehToSpawn > 0) || !(_missionPatrolVehicles isEqualTo []) )) then
//diag_log format["_missionSpawner(315): _vehToSpawn = %1 | _missionPatrolVehicles = %2",_vehToSpawn,_missionPatrolVehicles];
_temp = [_coords,_vehToSpawn,_aiDifficultyLevel,_missionPatrolVehicles,useRelativePos,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms,false,_vehicleCrewCount] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols;
_temp params ["_patrolVehicles","_units","_abort"];
_blck_AllMissionAI append _units;
// Spawn any submarine patrols
if (blck_useVehiclePatrols && !(_submarinePatrolParameters isEqualTo []) ) then
// params["_coords","_noVehiclePatrols","_aiDifficultyLevel","_missionPatrolVehicles",["_useRelativePos",true],["_uniforms",blck_SkinList], ["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",blck_Pistols], ["_isScubaGroup",false]];
_temp = [_coords,_vehToSpawn,_aiDifficultyLevel,_submarinePatrolParameters,true,_umsUniforms,_umsHeadgear,_umsVests,[],_umsWeapons,[],isScubaMission] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols;
_missionAIVehicles append (_temp select 0);
_blck_AllMissionAI append (_temp select 1);
#ifdef blck_debugMode
uiSleep 10;
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then {diag_log "_fnc_missionSpawner (330) vehicle patrols spawned"};
uiSleep delayTime;
if (_spawnCratesTiming isEqualTo "atMissionSpawnGround") then
if !(_missionLootBoxes isEqualTo []) then
_crates = [_coords,_missionLootBoxes,_loadCratesTiming, _spawnCratesTiming, "start", _aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionCrates;
_crates = [_coords,[[selectRandom blck_crateTypes,[0,0,0],_crateLoot,_lootCounts]], _loadCratesTiming, _spawnCratesTiming, "start", _aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionCrates;
if (blck_cleanUpLootChests) then
_objects append _crates;
uiSleep delayTime;;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
uiSleep 10;
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then {diag_log "_fnc_missionSpawner (355) loot crate(s) spawned"};
if !(_missionLootVehicles isEqualTo []) then
_temp = [_coords,_missionLootVehicles,_loadCratesTiming,0] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionLootVehicles;
_crates append _temp;
if (_noPara > 0 && (random(1) < _chancePara) && _paraTriggerDistance == 0) then
diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner (436): spawning %1 paraunits at mission spawn",_noPara];
private _paratroops = [_coords,_noPara,_aiDifficultyLevel,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms] call blck_fnc_spawnParaUnits;
if !(isNull _paratroops) then
_blck_AllMissionAI append (units _paratroops);
if (random(1) < _chanceLoot) then
diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner (446): spawning supplemental loot with _chanceLoot = %1",_chanceLoot];
private _extraCrates = [_coords,[[selectRandom blck_crateTypes,[0,0,0],_paraLoot,_paraLootCounts]], "atMissionSpawn","atMissionStartAir", "start", _aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionCrates;
if (blck_cleanUpLootChests) then
_objects append _extraCrates;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
uiSleep 10;
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then {diag_log "_fnc_missionSpawner (384) mission loot vehicles spawned"};
_missionComplete = -1;
_startTime = diag_tickTime;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
uiSleep 10;
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then {diag_log "_fnc_missionSpawner (393) waiting for mission end contitions to be met"};
switch (_endCondition) do
case "playerNear": {_secureAsset = false; _endIfPlayerNear = true;_endIfAIKilled = false;};
case "allUnitsKilled": {_secureAsset = false; _endIfPlayerNear = false;_endIfAIKilled = true;};
case "allKilledOrPlayerNear": {_secureAsset = false; _endIfPlayerNear = true;_endIfAIKilled = true;};
case "assetSecured": {_secureAsset = true; _endIfPlayerNear = false; _endIfAIKilled = false;};
if (blck_showCountAliveAI) then
diag_log format["_missionSpawner(419): updating AI Alive Counts for _markers = %1",_markers];
[_markers select 1,_markerMissionName,_blck_AllMissionAI] call blck_fnc_updateMarkerAliveCount;
blck_missionLabelMarkers pushBack [_markers select 1,_markerMissionName,_blck_AllMissionAI];
_crateStolen = false;
_locations = [_coords];
private _spawnPara = if (random(1) < _chancePara) then {true} else {false};
_locations pushback (getPos _x);
_x setVariable["crateSpawnPos", (getPos _x)];
} forEach _crates;
_minNoAliveForCompletion = (count _blck_AllMissionAI) - (round(blck_killPercentage * (count _blck_AllMissionAI)));
if (_secureAsset) then {_minNoAliveForCompletion = _minNoAliveForCompletion + 1};
while {_missionComplete isEqualTo -1} do
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 3) exitWith {uiSleep blck_triggerLoopCompleteTime;diag_log "_missionSpawner (492) scripted Mission End blck_debugLevel = 3";};
if (_endIfPlayerNear) then
if ([_locations,20,true] call blck_fnc_playerInRangeArray) then {_missionComplete = 1};
if (_endIfAIKilled) then
if (({alive _x} count _blck_AllMissionAI) <= _minNoAliveForCompletion) then {_missionComplete = 1};
if (_spawnCratesTiming isEqualTo "atMissionSpawnGround") then
private _d = _x distance (_x getVariable ["crateSpawnPos",_coords]);
//diag_log format["crate %1 moved %2 at %3",_x,_d,diag_tickTime];
if (_d > 25) exitWith
_missionComplete = 1;
_crateStolen = true;
}forEach _crates;
if (_secureAsset) then
if !(alive _assetSpawned) then
_missionComplete = 1;
[_assetSpawned] remoteExec["GMS_fnc_clearAllActions",-2, true];
} else {
if (({alive _x} count _blck_AllMissionAI) <= _minNoAliveForCompletion) then
if ((_assetSpawned getVariable["blck_unguarded",0]) isEqualTo 0) then
_assetSpawned setVariable["blck_unguarded",1,true];
if ((_assetSpawned getVariable["blck_AIState",0]) isEqualTo 1) then
_missionComplete = 1;
_assetSpawned allowdamage false;
[_assetSpawned] remoteExec["GMS_fnc_clearAllActions",-2, true];
if (_spawnPara) then
if ([_coords,_paraTriggerDistance,true] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
_spawnPara = false; // The player gets one try to spawn these.
if (random(1) < _chancePara) then //
private _paratroops = [_coords,_noPara,_aiDifficultyLevel,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms] call blck_fnc_spawnParaUnits;
if !(isNull _paratroops) then
_blck_AllMissionAI append (units _paratroops);
if (random(1) < _chanceLoot) then
private _extraCrates = [_coords,[[selectRandom blck_crateTypes,[0,0,0],_paraLoot,_paraLootCounts]], "atMissionSpawn","atMissionStartAir", "start", _aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionCrates;
if (blck_cleanUpLootChests) then
_objects append _extraCrates;
uiSleep 1;
if (_crateStolen) exitWith
[_coords,_mines,_objects,_crates, _blck_AllMissionAI,"Crate Removed from Mission Site Before Mission Completion: Mission Aborted",_markers,_markerPos,_markerName,_markerLabel, 2] call blck_fnc_endMission;
if (_spawnCratesTiming in ["atMissionEndGround","atMissionEndAir"]) then
if (!(_secureAsset) || (_secureAsset && (alive _assetSpawned))) then
if !(_missionLootBoxes isEqualTo []) then
_crates = [_coords,_missionLootBoxes,_loadCratesTiming,_spawnCratesTiming, "end", _aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionCrates;
_crates = [_coords,[[selectRandom blck_crateTypes,[0,0,0],_crateLoot,_lootCounts]], _loadCratesTiming,_spawnCratesTiming, "end", _aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionCrates;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner (531): _crates = %1", _crates]};
if (blck_cleanUpLootChests) then
_objects append _crates;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log format["[blckeagls] missionSpawner:: (428) Crates Spawned: _cords %1 : _markerName %2 : _aiDifficultyLevel %3 _markerLabel %4",_coords,_markerName,_aiDifficultyLevel,_markerLabel]};
if (_spawnCratesTiming isEqualTo "atMissionSpawnGround" && _loadCratesTiming isEqualTo "atMissionCompletion") then
if (!(_secureAsset) || (_secureAsset && (alive _assetSpawned))) then
[_x] call blck_fnc_loadMissionCrate;
} forEach _crates;
if (_secureAsset && (alive _assetSpawned)) then
if (_assetSpawned getVariable["assetType",0] isEqualTo 1) then
_assetSpawned setVariable["GMSAnimations",[""],true];
[_assetSpawned,""] remoteExec["switchMove",-2];;
uiSleep 0.1;
_assetSpawned enableAI "ALL";
private _newPos = (getPos _assetSpawned) getPos [1000, random(360)];
(group _assetSpawned) setCurrentWaypoint [group _assetSpawned, 0];
[group _assetSpawned,0] setWaypointPosition [_newPos,0];
[group _assetSpawned,0] setWaypointType "MOVE";
if (_assetSpawned getVariable["assetType",0] isEqualTo 2) then
[_assetSpawned,""] remoteExec["switchMove",-2];
_assetSpawned setVariable["GMSAnimations",_assetSpawned getVariable["endAnimation",["AidlPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_AI"]],true];
[_assetSpawned,selectRandom(_assetSpawned getVariable["endAnimation",["AidlPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_AI"]])] remoteExec["switchMove",-2];
if (_secureAsset && !(alive _assetSpawned)) then
/* params[
[_coords,_mines,_objects,_crates,_blck_AllMissionAI,_assetKilledMsg,_markers,_markerPos,_markerName,_markerLabel, -1] call blck_fnc_endMission;
if (!(_secureAsset) || (_secureAsset && (alive _assetSpawned))) then
[_coords,_mines,_objects,_crates,_blck_AllMissionAI,_endMsg,_markers,_markerPos,_markerName,_markerLabel, 0] call blck_fnc_endMission;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then {diag_log format["[blckeagls] missionSpawner:: (507)end of mission: blck_fnc_endMission has returned control to _fnc_missionSpawner"]};
diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner (643) Mission Completed | _cords %1 : _markerName %2 : _aiDifficultyLevel %3 _markerLabel %4",_coords,_markerName,_aiDifficultyLevel,_markerLabel];
blck_missionsRun = blck_missionsRun + 1;
diag_log format["_fnc_missionSpawner (644): Total Dyanamic Land and UMS Run = %1", blck_missionsRun];

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
by Ghostrider-GRG-
//diag_log format["fnc_monitorInitializedMissions: time = %1 | count blck_activeMissionsList %2 | blck_activeMissionsList %3",diag_tickTime,count blck_activeMissionsList,blck_activeMissionsList];
for "_i" from 1 to (count blck_activeMissionsList) do
@ -10,8 +10,7 @@ for "_i" from 1 to (count blck_activeMissionsList) do
// Select a mission category (blue, red, green , etd)
private _el = blck_activeMissionsList deleteAt 0;
//diag_log format["fnc_monitorInitializedMissions: _el = %1",_el];
//blck_activeMissionsList pushBack [_missionCategoryDescriptors,_missionTimeoutAt,_triggered,_spawnPara,_missionData,_missionParameters];
_el params [
"_missionCategoryDescriptors", // 0
"_missionTimeoutAt", // 1
@ -20,29 +19,7 @@ for "_i" from 1 to (count blck_activeMissionsList) do
"_missionData", // 6
"_missionParameters" // 7
diag_log format["_fnc_monitorInitializedMissions: _el:%1 = %2",_x, _el select _forEachIndex];
} forEach [
"_missionCategoryDescriptors", // 0
"_missionTimeoutAt", // 1
"_triggered", // 2
"_spawnPara", // 3
"_missionData", // 6
"_missionParameters" // 7
private _missionCategoryDescriptors = [
_noMissions, // Max no missions of this category
0, // Number active
_tMin, // Used to calculate waittime in the future
_tMax, // as above
_waitTime, // time at which a mission should be spawned
_missionsData //
#define noActive 2
#define waitTime 5
#define missionData 6
@ -56,84 +33,65 @@ for "_i" from 1 to (count blck_activeMissionsList) do
"_waitTime", // time at which a mission should be spawned
"_missionsData" //
diag_log format["fnc_monitorInitializeMission: _missionCategoryDescriptors:%1 = %2",_x,_missionCategoryDescriptors select _forEachIndex];
} forEach [
"_noMissions", // Max no missions of this category
"_noActive", // Number active
"_tMin", // Used to calculate waittime in the future
"_tMax", // as above
"_waitTime", // time at which a mission should be spawned
"_missionsData" //
#define setMissionData _missionData = [_coords,_mines,_objects,_crates, _blck_AllMissionAI,_assetSpawned,_missionAIVehicles,_mainMarker,_labelMarker];
//private _missionData = [_coords,_mines,_objects,_crates, _blck_AllMissionAI,_assetSpawned,_missionAIVehicles,_mainMarker,_labelMarker];
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
_missionData params ["_coords","_mines","_objects","_crates","_blck_AllMissionAI","_assetSpawned","_missionAIVehicles","_mainMarker","_labelMarker"];
diag_log format["_fnc_monitorInitializedMissions (79): _missionData:%1 = %2",_x, _missionData select _forEachIndex];
} forEach ["_coords","_mines","_objects","_crates","_blck_AllMissionAI","_assetSpawned","_missionAIVehicles","_mainMarker","_labelMarker"];
_missionData params ["_coords","_mines","_objects","_crates","_blck_AllMissionAI","_assetSpawned","_missionAIVehicles","_markers"];
_missionParameters params[
"_crateLoot", // 0
"_lootCounts", // 1
"_startMsg", // 2
"_endMsg", // 3
_missionParameters params[
private _playerInRange = [_coords, blck_TriggerDistance, false] call blck_fnc_playerInRange;
#define delayTime 1
@ -157,34 +115,25 @@ for "_i" from 1 to (count blck_activeMissionsList) do
_monitorAction = 1;
//diag_log format["_monitorInitializedMissions(149): _triggered = %1 | _monitorAction = %2",_triggered,_monitorAction];
private _blck_localMissionMarker = [_markerType,_coords,"","",_markerColor,_markerType];
switch (_monitorAction) do
// Handle Timeout
case -1:
diag_log format["_fnc_monitorInitializedMissions: mission timed out: %1",_el];
[format["_fnc_monitorInitializedMissions: mission timed out: %1",_el]] call blck_fnc_log;
_missionCategoryDescriptors set[noActive, _noActive - 1];
// params ["_mines","_objects","_crates","_blck_AllMissionAI","_endMsg","_mainMarker","_labelMarker","_markerClass","_coords",["_endCondition",0]]
[_mines,_objects,_crates, _blck_AllMissionAI,_endMsg,_mainMarker,_labelMarker,_markerType,_coords,1] call blck_fnc_endMission;
[_coords,_mines,_objects,_crates, _blck_AllMissionAI,_endMsg,_markers,markerPos (_markers select 1),_markerName,_markerMissionName, 1] call blck_fnc_endMission;
// Handle mission waiting to be triggerd and player is within the range to trigger
case 0:
if (blck_debugLevel >= 3) then
diag_log format["_fnc_moniorInitializedMissions: blck_debugLevel == 3, spawning objects for mission %1",_el];
} else {
//diag_log format["_fnc_moniorInitializedMissions: mission TRIGGERED by player: spawning objects for mission %1",_el];
#define triggered 2
#define timedOut 1
_el set[triggered,1];
_el set[timedOut,diag_tickTime + 240];
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorInitializedMissions (167): spawning smoking wrecks as needed: blck_smokeAtMissions == %1",blck_SmokeAtMissions];
if (blck_SmokeAtMissions select 0) then // spawn a fire and smoke near the crate
@ -196,14 +145,12 @@ for "_i" from 1 to (count blck_activeMissionsList) do
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorInitializedMissions (193): spawning mines as needed: _useMines == %1",_useMines];
if (_useMines) then
_mines = [_coords] call blck_fnc_spawnMines;
uiSleep delayTime;
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorInitializedMissions (200): spawning landscape as needed: _missionLandscapeMode = %1 | _missionLandscape = %2",_missionLandscapeMode,_missionLandscape];
if (_missionLandscapeMode isEqualTo "random") then
_temp = [_coords,_missionLandscape, 3, 15, 2] call blck_fnc_spawnRandomLandscape;
@ -215,31 +162,24 @@ for "_i" from 1 to (count blck_activeMissionsList) do
uiSleep delayTime;
try {
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorInitializedMissions (213): spawning AI Patrols as needed: _missionGroups == %1",_missionGroups];
_temp = [_coords, _minNoAI,_maxNoAI,_noAIGroups,_missionGroups,_difficulty,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionAI;
_temp params["_ai","_abort"];
if (_abort) throw 1;
_blck_AllMissionAI append (_ai);
uiSleep delayTime;
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorInitializedMissions (220): spawning hostages as needed: _hostageConfig == %1",_hostageConfig];
//private ["_assetSpawned"];
if !(_hostageConfig isEqualTo []) then
_temp = [_coords,_hostageConfig] call blck_fnc_spawnHostage;
if (_temp isEqualTo grpNull) then {throw 1} else
_assetSpawned = _temp select 0;
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
// _missionData params ["_coords","_mines","_objects","_crates","_blck_AllMissionAI","_assetSpawned","_mainMarker","_labelMarker"];
_missionData set[5,_assetSpawned];
_objects pushBack (_temp select 1);
_blck_AllMissionAI pushBack _assetSpawned;
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorInitializedMissions (234): spawning leaders as needed: _enemyLeaderConfig == %1",_enemyLeaderConfig];
if !(_enemyLeaderConfig isEqualTo []) then
private _temp = [_coords,_enemyLeaderConfig] call blck_fnc_spawnLeader;
@ -252,7 +192,6 @@ for "_i" from 1 to (count blck_activeMissionsList) do
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorInitializedMissions (248): spawning chopers as needed: _noChoppers = %1 | _chanceHeliPatrol = %2 | _missionHelis = %3",_noChoppers,_chanceHeliPatrol,_missionHelis];
private _noChoppers = [_noChoppers] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
if (_noChoppers > 0) then
@ -276,7 +215,6 @@ for "_i" from 1 to (count blck_activeMissionsList) do
uisleep 3;
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorInitializedMissions (271): spawning garrisons using ATL coordinate system as needed: _garrisonedBuilding_ATLsystem == %1",_garrisonedBuilding_ATLsystem];
if (count _garrisonedBuilding_ATLsystem > 0) then // Note that there is no error checking here for nulGroups
private _temp = [_coords, _garrisonedBuilding_ATLsystem, _difficulty,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms] call blck_fnc_garrisonBuilding_ATLsystem;
@ -290,7 +228,6 @@ for "_i" from 1 to (count blck_activeMissionsList) do
uiSleep 3;
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorInitializedMissions (285): spawning garrisons using relative coordinate system as needed: _garrisonedBuildings_BuildingPosnSystem == %1",_garrisonedBuildings_BuildingPosnSystem];
if (count _garrisonedBuildings_BuildingPosnSystem > 0) then
private _temp = [_coords, _garrisonedBuildings_BuildingPosnSystem, _difficulty,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms] call blck_fnc_garrisonBuilding_RelPosSystem;
@ -305,13 +242,12 @@ for "_i" from 1 to (count blck_activeMissionsList) do
uiSleep 15;
private _userelativepos = true;
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorInitializedMissions (300): spawning static turrets needed: _noEmplacedToSpawn == %1 | _missionEmplacedWeapons = %2",_noEmplacedToSpawn,_missionEmplacedWeapons];
private _noEmplacedToSpawn = [_noEmplacedToSpawn] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
if (blck_useStatic && ((_noEmplacedToSpawn > 0) || count _missionEmplacedWeapons > 0)) then
private _noEmplacedWeapons = [_noEmplacedWeapons] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
if (blck_useStatic && ((_noEmplacedWeapons > 0) || count _missionEmplacedWeapons > 0)) then
// TODO: add error checks for grpNull to the emplaced weapon spawner
private _temp = [_coords,_missionEmplacedWeapons,_userelativepos,_noEmplacedToSpawn,_difficulty,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms] call blck_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray;
private _temp = [_coords,_missionEmplacedWeapons,_userelativepos,_noEmplacedWeapons,_difficulty,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms] call blck_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray;
if (_temp isEqualTo grpNull) then {throw 1} else
_objects append (_temp select 0);
@ -320,7 +256,6 @@ for "_i" from 1 to (count blck_activeMissionsList) do
uisleep 10;
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorInitializedMissions (316): spawning patrol vehicles as needed: _noVehiclePatrols == %1 | _missionPatrolVehicles = %2",_noVehiclePatrols,_missionPatrolVehicles];
private _noVehiclePatrols = [_noVehiclePatrols] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
if (blck_useVehiclePatrols && ((_noVehiclePatrols > 0) || count _missionPatrolVehicles > 0)) then
@ -357,21 +292,20 @@ for "_i" from 1 to (count blck_activeMissionsList) do
if (blck_showCountAliveAI) then
[_mainMarker,_labelMarker,_markerMissionName,_blck_AllMissionAI] call blck_fnc_updateMarkerAliveCount;
blck_missionLabelMarkers pushBack [_markers select 1,_markerMissionName,_blck_AllMissionAI];
_x setVariable["crateSpawnPos", (getPos _x)];
} forEach _crates;
private _spawnPara = if (random(1) < _chancePara) then {true} else {false};
setMissionData // code defined above
//{diag_log format["_monotirInitializedMissions:(371) _missiondata %1 = %2",_forEachIndex,_x]} forEach _missionData;
_missionData = [_coords,_mines,_objects,_crates, _blck_AllMissionAI,_assetSpawned,_missionAIVehicles,_markers];
_el set[missionData, _missionData];
// Everything spawned withouth serous errors so lets keep the mission active for future monitoring
blck_activeMissionsList pushBack _el;
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorInitializedMissions (366): all objects, men and vehicles spawened, blck_activeMissionsList= %1", blck_activeMissionsList];
@ -379,20 +313,21 @@ for "_i" from 1 to (count blck_activeMissionsList) do
if (_exception isEqualTo 1) then
_missionCategoryDescriptors set[noActive, _noActive - 1];
// params ["_mines","_objects","_crates","_blck_AllMissionAI","_endMsg","_mainMarker","_labelMarker","_markerClass","_coords",["_endCondition",0]]
[_mines,_objects,_crates, _blck_AllMissionAI,_endMsg,_mainMarker,_labelMarker,_markerType,_coords, 1] call blck_fnc_endMission;
diag_log format["[blkeagls] <WARNING> grpNull returned by one or more critical functions, mission spawning aborted!"];
[_coords,_mines,_objects,_crates, _blck_AllMissionAI,_endMsg,_markers,markerPos (_markers select 1),_markerName,_markerMissionName, 1] call blck_fnc_endMission;
["Critial Error returned by one or more critical functions, mission spawning aborted!",'error'] call blck_fnc_log;
case 1:
//diag_log format["_fnc_moniorInitializedMissions(398): evaluating status of mission %1 | _missionTimeoutAt = %2 | time = %3 | _crates = %4",_el,_missionTimeoutAt,diag_tickTime,_crates];
private _missionComplete = -1;
private _crateStolen = -1;
private ["_secureAsset","_endIfPlayerNear","_endIfAIKilled"];
switch (_endCondition) do
case "playerNear": {_secureAsset = false; _endIfPlayerNear = true;_endIfAIKilled = false;};
@ -400,49 +335,22 @@ for "_i" from 1 to (count blck_activeMissionsList) do
case "allKilledOrPlayerNear": {_secureAsset = false; _endIfPlayerNear = true;_endIfAIKilled = true;};
case "assetSecured": {_secureAsset = true; _endIfPlayerNear = false; _endIfAIKilled = false;};
if (blck_showCountAliveAI) then
[_mainMarker,_labelMarker,_markerMissionName,_blck_AllMissionAI] call blck_fnc_updateMarkerAliveCount;
try {
if (blck_debugLevel == 5) throw 1;
if (blck_debugLevel == 6) then {
diag_log format["_fnc_monitorInitializedMissions: mission ended, condition CRATE MOVED, mission %1",_el];
throw 2;
if (blck_debugLevel == 7) then
diag_log format["_fnc_monitorInitializedMissions: mission ended, condition simulated death of asset, mission %1",_el];
throw 3;
private _playerIsNear = [_crates,20,true] call blck_fnc_playerInRangeArray;
private _minNoAliveForCompletion = (count _blck_AllMissionAI) - (round(blck_killPercentage * (count _blck_AllMissionAI)));
private _aiKilled = if (({alive _x} count _blck_AllMissionAI) <= _minNoAliveForCompletion) then {true} else {false}; // mission complete
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorInitializedMissions (404): _playerIsNear = %1 | _aiKilled = %2 | _crates = %3",_playerIsNear,_aiKilled,_crates];
if (_endIfPlayerNear) then
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorInitializedMissions: mission ended, condition player near, mission %1",_el];
if (_playerIsNear) throw 1; // mission complete
if (_endIfAIKilled) then
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorInitializedMissions: mission ended, condition AI Killed, mission %1",_el];
if (_aiKilled) throw 1;
if (_spawnCratesTiming isEqualTo "atMissionSpawnGround") then
private _d = _x distance (_x getVariable ["crateSpawnPos",_coords]);
if (_d > 25) then
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorInitializedMissions: mission ended, condition CRATE MOVED, mission %1",_el];
throw 2;
}; // crate moved illegally
}forEach _crates;
if (_spawnPara) then
if ([_coords,_paraTriggerDistance,true] call blck_fnc_playerInRange) then
@ -472,21 +380,18 @@ for "_i" from 1 to (count blck_activeMissionsList) do
if !(alive _assetSpawned) then
diag_log format["_line 498 asset %1 killed throwing error with code 3",_assetSpawned];
throw 3;
} else {
diag_log format["line 501: asset alive, count _blck_AllMissionAI = %1",count _blck_AllMissionAI];
if (({alive _x} count _blck_AllMissionAI) <= _minNoAliveForCompletion) then
if (({alive _x} count _blck_AllMissionAI) <= (_minNoAliveForCompletion + 1)) then
if ((_assetSpawned getVariable["blck_unguarded",0]) isEqualTo 0) then
_assetSpawned setVariable["blck_unguarded",1,true];
diag_log format["_assetSpawned: blck_unguarded updated to 1 for asset %1",_assetSpawned];
if ((_assetSpawned getVariable["blck_AIState",0]) isEqualTo 1) then
diag_log format["_assetSpawned: blck_AIState updated to 1 for asset %1",_assetSpawned];
_assetSpawned allowdamage false;
[_assetSpawned] remoteExec["GMS_fnc_clearAllActions",-2, true];
throw 1;
@ -495,13 +400,15 @@ for "_i" from 1 to (count blck_activeMissionsList) do
if (blck_debugLevel > 3 && diag_tickTime > _missionTimeoutAt) then
private _moved = false;
if ((_spawnCratesTiming isEqualTo "atMissionSpawnGround") && blck_crateMoveAllowed) then
diag_log format["_monitoInitializeMissions: debugLevel == 3, mission triggered, timout condition reached, ending mission"];
throw 1;
if ( _x distance (_x getVariable ["crateSpawnPos", (getPos _x)]) > max_distance_crate_moved_uncompleted_mission) throw 2;
} forEach _crates;
setMissionData // Code defined above
_missionData = [_coords,_mines,_objects,_crates, _blck_AllMissionAI,_assetSpawned,_missionAIVehicles,_markers];
_el set[missionData, _missionData];
@ -511,7 +418,6 @@ for "_i" from 1 to (count blck_activeMissionsList) do
catch // catch all conditions that cause the mission to end.
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorInitializeMissions (507): _exception = %1",_exception];
switch (_exception) do
case 1: { // Normal Mission End
@ -545,8 +451,6 @@ for "_i" from 1 to (count blck_activeMissionsList) do
_blck_localMissionMarker set [2, _markerMissionName];
if (_secureAsset && (alive _assetSpawned)) then
if (_assetSpawned getVariable["assetType",0] isEqualTo 1) then
@ -568,54 +472,22 @@ for "_i" from 1 to (count blck_activeMissionsList) do
[_assetSpawned,selectRandom(_assetSpawned getVariable["endAnimation",["AidlPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_AI"]])] remoteExec["switchMove",-2];
diag_log format["_fnc_monitorInitializedMissions (430) calling <_fnc_endMission> | _cords %1 : _markerType %2 : _difficulty %3 _markerMissionName %4",_coords,_markerType,_difficulty,_markerMissionName];
// params ["_mines","_objects","_crates","_blck_AllMissionAI","_endMsg","_mainMarker","_labelMarker","_markerClass","_coords",["_endCondition",0]];
[_mines,_objects,_crates,_blck_AllMissionAI,_endMsg,_mainMarker,_labelMarker,_markerType,_coords, 0] call blck_fnc_endMission;
//diag_log format["_fnc_monitorInitializedMissions (430) Mission Completed | _cords %1 : _markerType %2 : _difficulty %3 _markerMissionName %4",_coords,_markerType,_difficulty,_markerMissionName];
[_coords,_mines,_objects,_crates,_blck_AllMissionAI,_endMsg,_markers,markerPos (_markers select 1),_markerName,_markerMissionName, _exception] call blck_fnc_endMission;
_waitTime = diag_tickTime + _tMin + random(_tMax - _tMin);
_missionCategoryDescriptors params [
"_difficulty", 0
"_noMissions", 1 // Max no missions of this category
"_noActive", 2 // Number active
//"_timesSpawned", // times spawned, useful for keeping unique markers
"_tMin", 3 // Used to calculate waittime in the future
"_tMax", 4 // as above
"_waitTime", 5 // time at which a mission should be spawned
"_missionsData" //
_missionCategoryDescriptors set [noActive,_noActive - 1];
_missionCategoryDescriptors set [waitTime,_waitTime];
diag_log format["_fnc_monitorInitializedMissions (570): _missionCategoryDescriptors parameter %1 = %2",_x,_missionCategoryDescriptors select _forEachIndex];
} forEach [
"_noMissions", // Max no missions of this category
"_noActive", // Number active
//"_timesSpawned", // times spawned, useful for keeping unique markers
"_tMin", // Used to calculate waittime in the future
"_tMax", // as above
"_waitTime", // time at which a mission should be spawned
"_missionsData" //
case 2: { // Abort, crate moved.
//[_mines,_objects,_crates,_blck_AllMissionAI,_endMsg,_mainMarker,_labelMarker,_markerType,_coords, 0]
[_mines,_objects,_crates, _blck_AllMissionAI,"Crate Removed from Mission Site Before Mission Completion: Mission Aborted",_mainMarker,_labelMarker,_markerType,_coords,2] call blck_fnc_endMission;
_endMsg = "Crate Removed from Mission Site Before Mission Completion: Mission Aborted";
[_mines,_objects,_crates,_blck_AllMissionAI,_endMsg,_mainMarker,_labelMarker,_markerType,_coords, 0] call blck_fnc_endMission;
[_coords,_mines,_objects,_crates, _blck_AllMissionAI,"Crate Removed from Mission Site Before Mission Completion: Mission Aborted",_markers,markerPos (_markers select 1),_markerName,_markerMissionName, _exception] call blck_fnc_endMission;
case 3: { // Abort, key asset killed
diag_log format["Asset Killed, aborting mission"];
#define missionAbort 1
//[_mines,_objects,_crates,_blck_AllMissionAI,_endMsg,_mainMarker,_labelMarker,_markerType,_coords, 0]
[_mines,_objects,_crates,_blck_AllMissionAI,_endMsg,_mainMarker,_labelMarker,_markerType,_coords, missionAbort] call blck_fnc_endMission;
[_coords,_mines,_objects,_crates,_blck_AllMissionAI,_assetKilledMsg,_markers,markerPos (_markers select 1),_markerName,_markerMissionName, _exception] call blck_fnc_endMission;
case 4: { // Reserved for grpNull errors in the future
@ -624,4 +496,4 @@ for "_i" from 1 to (count blck_activeMissionsList) do
blck_activeMissionsList pushBack _el;

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
params["_aiDifficultyLevel"]; //[["_aiDifficultyLevel",selectRandom["Red","Green"]]];
//diag_log format["_fnc_selectAISidearms: _aiDifficultyLevel = %1",_aiDifficultyLevel];
switch (toLower (_aiDifficultyLevel)) do

View File

@ -19,5 +19,5 @@ switch (toLower(_diff)) do
case "green": {_count = blck_vehCrew_green};
case "orange": {_count = blck_vehCrew_orange};
///diag_log format["_fnc_selectVehicleCrewCount: _count set to %1",_count];

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ private ["_start","_maxHeight","_smokeShell","_light","_lightSource"];
if (isNull _crate) exitWith {};
_start = diag_tickTime;
//diag_log format["signalEnd.sqf: _this = %1, _crate = %2",_this, _crate];
_smokeShell = selectRandom ["SmokeShellOrange","SmokeShellBlue","SmokeShellPurple","SmokeShellRed","SmokeShellGreen","SmokeShellYellow"];
_lightSource = selectRandom ["Chemlight_green","Chemlight_red","Chemlight_yellow","Chemlight_blue"];
_light = objNull;

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
if (blck_fnc_sm_spawnBuildingGarrison_relPos isEqualTo []) exitWith {};
_sm_groups = +blcl_sm_garrisonBuilding_relPos;
_sm_groups = +blck_sm_garrisonBuilding_relPos;
_x params["_groupParameters","_group","_groupSpawned","_timesSpawned","_respawnAt"];

View File

@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
//diag_log format["_fnc_sm_spawnBuildingGarrisonASL: handling _building = %1 | at location = %2",_building,position _building];
private _group = [blck_AI_Side,true] call blck_fnc_createGroup;
if !(isNull _group) then
[_building,_group,_statics,_units,_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_spawnGarrisonInsideBuilding_ATL;

View File

@ -19,38 +19,28 @@ _units = [];
_abort = false;
_pos = [];
//diag_log format["_sm_spawnEmplaced <Line 26>:: _missionEmplacedWeapons = %1",_missionEmplacedWeapons];
// Define _missionEmplacedWeapons if not already configured.
if (_missionEmplacedWeapons isEqualTo []) then
_missionEmplacedWeaponPositions = [_coords,_noEmplacedWeapons,35,50] call blck_fnc_findPositionsAlongARadius;
_static = selectRandom blck_staticWeapons;
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray: creating spawn element [%1,%2]",_static,_x];
_missionEmplacedWeapons pushback [_static,_coords vectorAdd _x,_aiDifficultyLevel];
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray: _mi updated to %1",_missionEmplacedWeapons];
} forEach _missionEmplacedWeaponPositions;
//diag_log format["_sm_spawnEmplaced<Line 38>:: _missionEmplacedWeapons = %1",_missionEmplacedWeapons];
_wepnClassName = _x select 0;
_pos = _x select 1;
_difficulty = _x select 2;
// params["_pos", ["_numai1",5], ["_numai2",10], ["_skillLevel","red"], "_center", ["_minDist",20], ["_maxDist",35], ["_uniforms",blck_SkinList], ["_headGear",blck_headgear] ];
private _empGroup = [blck_AI_Side,true] call blck_fnc_createGroup;
if !(_empGroup) then
[_empGroup,_pos,1,1,_difficulty,_pos,1,2,_uniforms,_headGear,false] call blck_fnc_spawnGroup;
_empGroup setcombatmode "RED";
_empGroup setBehaviour "COMBAT";
// // params["_pos","_minDis","_maxDis","_group",["_mode","random"],["_wpPatrolMode","SAFE"],["_soldierType","null"],["_patrolRadius",30],["_wpTimeout",[5.0,7.5,10]]];
// Not sure of the value of giving waypoints here
//[_pos,0.01,0.02,_empGroup,"random","SAD","emplaced"] spawn blck_fnc_setupWaypoints;
//if (isNull _empGroup) exitWith {_abort = _true};
_wep = [_wepnClassName,[0,0,0],false] call blck_fnc_spawnVehicle;
//_empGroup setVariable["groupVehicle",_wep];
//_wep setVariable["vehicleGroup",_empGroup];
_wep = [_wepnClassName,[0,0,0],"NONE",0] call blck_fnc_spawnVehicle;
_wep setVariable["GRG_vehType","emplaced"];
_wep setPosATL _pos;
[_wep,false] call blck_fnc_configureMissionVehicle;

View File

@ -19,34 +19,24 @@ _units = [];
_abort = false;
_pos = [];
//diag_log format["_sm_spawnEmplaced <Line 26>:: _missionEmplacedWeapons = %1",_missionEmplacedWeapons];
// Define _missionEmplacedWeapons if not already configured.
if (_missionEmplacedWeapons isEqualTo []) then
_missionEmplacedWeaponPositions = [_coords,_noEmplacedWeapons,35,50] call blck_fnc_findPositionsAlongARadius;
_static = selectRandom blck_staticWeapons;
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray: creating spawn element [%1,%2]",_static,_x];
_missionEmplacedWeapons pushback [_static,_coords vectorAdd _x,_aiDifficultyLevel];
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray: _mi updated to %1",_missionEmplacedWeapons];
} forEach _missionEmplacedWeaponPositions;
//diag_log format["_sm_spawnEmplaced<Line 38>:: _missionEmplacedWeapons = %1",_missionEmplacedWeapons];
_wepnClassName = _x select 0;
_pos = _x select 1;
_difficulty = _x select 2;
/// params["_pos", "_center", _numai1, _numai2, _skillLevel, _minDist, _maxDist, _configureWaypoints, _uniforms, _headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms, _scuba ];
__empGroup = [_pos,_pos,1,1,_difficulty,1,2,false,_uniforms,_headGear] call blck_fnc_spawnGroup;
_empGroup setcombatmode "RED";
_empGroup setBehaviour "COMBAT";
// Not sure of the value of giving waypoints here.
//[_pos,0.01,0.02,_empGroup,"random","SAD","emplaced"] spawn blck_fnc_setupWaypoints;
//if (isNull _empGroup) exitWith {_abort = _true};
_wep = [_wepnClassName,[0,0,0],false] call blck_fnc_spawnVehicle;
//_empGroup setVariable["groupVehicle",_wep];
//_wep setVariable["vehicleGroup",_empGroup];
_wep = [_wepnClassName,[0,0,0]] call blck_fnc_spawnVehicle;
_wep setVariable["GRG_vehType","emplaced"];
_wep setPosATL _pos;
[_wep,false] call blck_fnc_configureMissionVehicle;

View File

@ -27,13 +27,9 @@ _backpacks = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIBackpacks;
if !(_patrols isEqualTo []) then
//diag_log format["_sm_spawnInfantryPatrols.sqf:: _x = %1",_x];
// Use the pre-defined spawn positions and other parameters for each group.
// [[22819.4,16929.5,5.33892],"red",4, 75]
_x params ["_pos","_difficulty","_noAI","_patrolRadius"];
private _group = [blck_AI_Side,true] call blck_fnc_createGroup;
// params[["_group","Error"],"_pos", "_center", ["_numai1",5], ["_numai2",10], ["_skillLevel","red"], ["_minDist",30], ["_maxDist",45],["_configureWaypoints",true], ["_uniforms",[]], ["_headGear",[]],["_vests",[]],["_backpacks",[]],
// ["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",[]], ["_scuba",false],["_patrolRadius",30]];
#define setupWaypoints true
if !(isNull _group) then

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ params["_vehicleDescriptors","_coords"];
// data within the descriptor for each loot vehicle is organized as follows (not that the _allowDamageSim is included just for backward compatibilty but is not used)
_x params["_vehcleClassName","_posATL","_vectorDirUp","_allowDamageSim","_loot","_lootCounts"];
private _veh = [_vehcleClassName,_posATL] call blck_fnc_spawnVehicle;
private _veh = [_vehcleClassName,_posATL,"NONE",30] call blck_fnc_spawnVehicle;
[_veh, _loot,_lootCounts] call blck_fnc_fillBoxes;
} forEach _vehicleDescriptors;

View File

@ -18,27 +18,18 @@ uiSleep 10; // Let the objects 'settle' before placing anything on or around the
// Spawn Air Patrols
// params["_airPatrols","_noAirPatrols","_heliTypes","_center","_difficulty","_uniforms","_headGear"];
[_airPatrols,_noAirPatrols,_aircraftTypes,_missionCenter,_difficulty,_uniforms,_headgear,_weapons] call blck_fnc_sm_spawnAirPatrols;
//uiSleep 1;
// Spawn Vehicle Patrols
// params["_coords","_noVehiclePatrols","_vehiclePatrolSpawns","_aiDifficultyLevel","_uniforms","_headGear",["_missionType","unspecified"]];
[_missionCenter,_noVehiclePatrols,_vehiclePatrolParameters,_difficulty,_uniforms,_headGear] call blck_fnc_sm_spawnVehiclePatrols;
//uiSleep 1;
// spawn infantry
// params["_patrols","_coords",["_minNoAI",3],["_maxNoAI",6],["_aiDifficultyLevel","red"],["_weapons",blck_WeaponList_Orange],["_uniforms",blck_SkinList],["_headGear",blck_BanditHeadgear]];
[_aiGroupParameters, _missionCenter,_minNoAI,_maxNoAI,_difficulty,_weapons,_uniforms,_headGear] call blck_fnc_sm_spawnInfantryPatrols;
//uiSleep 1;
// spawn loot vehicles
// params["_objects","_coords","_loot","_lootCounts"];
[_missionLootVehicles,_missionCenter,_crateLoot,_lootCounts] call blck_fnc_sm_spawnLootContainers;
// Spawn static weapons
// params["_missionEmplacedWeapons","_noEmplacedWeapons","_aiDifficultyLevel","_coords","_uniforms","_headGear"];
[_missionEmplacedWeapons,_noEmplacedWeapons,_difficulty,_missionCenter,_uniforms,_headGear] call blck_fnc_sm_spawnEmplaceds;
// spawn loot chests
@ -47,5 +38,4 @@ uiSleep 10; // Let the objects 'settle' before placing anything on or around the
_blck_localMissionMarker = ["",_missionCenter,"","",_markerColor,_markerType];
[_blck_localMissionMarker] call blck_fnc_spawnMarker;
diag_log format["[blckeagls] Static Mission Spawner: Mission %1 spawned",_mission];

View File

@ -12,16 +12,15 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
//diag_log format["_sm_spawnVehiclePatrols:: _vehiclePatrolSpawns = %1",_vehiclePatrolSpawns];
private ["_weaponList","_sideArms","_uniforms","_headgear","_vests","_backpacks"];
if (_vehiclePatrolSpawns isEqualTo []) then
_spawnPoints = [_coords,_noVehiclePatrols,75,100] call blck_fnc_findPositionsAlongARadius;
// ["Vehicle Class Name", position[x,y,z], AI Skill [blue, red, green, orange],patrol radius [0 for static units], respawn time [seconds]]
#define vehiclePatrolRadius 150
#define vehicleRespawnTime 900
_vehType = selectRandom blck_AIPatrolVehicles;
@ -48,6 +47,7 @@ if (_vehiclePatrolSpawns isEqualTo []) then
#define useWaypoints true
_patrolVehicle = [_spawnPos,_spawnPos,_vehicle,_patrolRadius,_patrolRadius,_vehGroup,useWaypoints,[difficulty] call blck_fnc_selectVehicleCrewCount,_patrolRadius] call blck_fnc_spawnVehiclePatrol; // Check whether we should pass the group; looks like we should.
} forEach _vehiclePatrolSpawns;

View File

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
//diag_log format["_fnc_staticPatrolMonitor called at %1",diag_tickTime];
[] call blck_fnc_sm_monitorInfantry;
[] call blck_fnc_sm_monitorScuba;
[] call blck_fnc_sm_monitorVehicles;
@ -19,7 +18,5 @@
[] call blck_fnc_sm_monitorEmplaced;
[] call blck_fnc_sm_monitorShips;
[] call blck_fnc_sm_monitorSubs;
//[] call blck_fnc_sm_monitorGarrisonsASL;
//[] call blck_fnc_sm_monitorGarrisons_relPos;

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@ -12,54 +12,33 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
_wreckSelected = selectRandom ["Land_Wreck_Car2_F","Land_Wreck_Car3_F","Land_Wreck_Car_F","Land_Wreck_Offroad2_F","Land_Wreck_Offroad_F","Land_Tyres_F","Land_Pallets_F","Land_MetalBarrel_F"];
private ["_objs","_wreckSelected","_smokeType","_fire","_posFire","_posWreck","_smoke","_dis","_minDis","_maxDis","_closest","_wrecks"];
_objs = [];
_wrecks = ["Land_Wreck_Car2_F","Land_Wreck_Car3_F","Land_Wreck_Car_F","Land_Wreck_Offroad2_F","Land_Wreck_Offroad_F","Land_Tyres_F","Land_Pallets_F","Land_MetalBarrel_F"];
_wreckSelected = selectRandom _wreckChoices;
//_smokeTrail = "test_EmptyObjectForSmoke"; // "options are "test_EmptyObjectForFireBig", "test_EmptyObjectForSmoke"
_smokeType = if(_addFire) then {"test_EmptyObjectForFireBig"} else {"test_EmptyObjectForSmoke"};
_smokeType = if(_addFire) then {"test_EmptyObjectForFireBig"} else {"test_EmptyObjectForSmoke"};
switch (_mode) do {
case "none": {if (true) exitWith {};};
case "none": {_minDis = 0; _maxDis = 1; _closest = 1;};
case "center": {_minDis = 5; _maxDis = 15; _closest = 5;};
case "random": {_minDis = 15; _maxDis = 50; _closest = 10;};
default {_minDis = 5; _maxDis = 15; _closest = 5;};
_dis = 0;
//_posWreck = [_pos, 0, 30, 10, 0, 20, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; // Position the wreck within 30 meters of the position and 5 meters away from the nearest object
// _minDis and _maxDis determine the spacing between the smoking item and the loot crate.
_minDis = 5; // Minimum distance of
//_maxDis = 50;
_closest = 10;
private _posWreck = [_pos, _minDis, 50, _closest, 0, 20, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; // find a safe spot near the location passed in the call
while {_dis < _maxDist} do
_posWreck = [_pos, _minDis, 50, _closest, 0, 20, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; // find a safe spot near the location passed in the call
_dis = _posWreck distance _pos;
// spawn a wreck near the mission center
_fire = createVehicle [_wreckSelected, [0,0,0], [], 0, "can_collide"];
_fire setVariable ["LAST_CHECK", (diag_tickTime + 14400)];
_fire setPos _posWreck;
_fire setDir random(360);
//_fire setVectorUp surfaceNormal position _fire;
// spawn asmoke or fire source near the wreck and attach it.
_smoke = createVehicle [_smokeType, [0,0,0], [], 0, "can_collide"]; // "test_EmptyObjectForSmoke" createVehicle _posFire;
_smoke = createVehicle [_smokeType, [0,0,0], [], 0, "can_collide"];
_smoke setVariable ["LAST_CHECK", (diag_tickTime + 14400)];
_smoke setPos _posWreck;
_smoke attachto [_fire, [0,0,1]];
_smoke attachto [_fire, [0,0,1.5]];
_objs = _objs + [_fire,_smoke];
//diag_log format ["--smokeAtCrate.sqf:: _objs = %1",_objs];
_objs = [_fire,_smoke];

View File

@ -34,13 +34,9 @@ _newObjs pushBack _obj;
_dam = _x select 4;
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnBaseObjects: className %1 | _center %2 | _offset %3 | element %4",_x select 0,_center,_x select 1,_forEachIndex];
_obj = createVehicle[(_x select 0),_center vectorAdd (_x select 1),[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnBaseObjects::-->> _x = %1 | _obj = %2",_x,_obj];
_newObjs pushback _obj;
_obj setDir (_x select 2);
_obj enableDynamicSimulation _sim;
_obj allowDamage _dam;
if ((typeOf _obj) isKindOf "LandVehicle" || (typeOf _obj) isKindOf "Air" || (typeOf _obj) isKindOf "Sea") then

View File

@ -10,27 +10,22 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
private ["_crate"];
_crate = createVehicle [_crateType,[0,0,0],[], 2, "NONE"];
private _cratePos = _coords findEmptyPosition[15,25,_crateType];
_crate = createVehicle [_crateType,_coords,[], 0, "NONE"];
_crate setVariable ["LAST_CHECK", 100000];
_crate allowDamage false;
_crate enableRopeAttach false;
[_crate] call blck_fnc_emptyObject;
//uiSleep 1;
_crate setPosATL [_coords select 0, _coords select 1, (_coords select 2) + 0.25];
_crate setDir _crateDir;
//_crate setVectorUp [0,0,1];
_crate setVectorUp surfaceNormal position _crate;
// the function to have a lightsource on underwater objects needs work.
if ((_coords select 2) < 0 || surfaceIsWater (_coords)) then
//_lantern = createVehicle ["PortableHelipadLight_01_red_F", [0,0,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];// Land_Camping_Light_F
//_lantern enableSimulationGlobal true;
//_lantern switchLight "on";
_light = "#lightpoint" createVehicle (getPos _crate);
_light setLightDayLight true;
_light setLightBrightness 1.0;
@ -40,7 +35,6 @@ if ((_coords select 2) < 0 || surfaceIsWater (_coords)) then
_p1 = _bbr select 0;
_p2 = _bbr select 1;
_maxHeight = abs ((_p2 select 2) - (_p1 select 2));
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnCrate: _bbr = %1 | _maxHeight = %2",_bbr,_maxHeight];
_light attachTo [_crate, [0,0,(_maxHeight + 0.5)]];

View File

@ -20,12 +20,6 @@ if (_backpacks isEqualTo []) then {_backpacks = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blc
if (_weaponList isEqualTo []) then {_weaponList = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAILoadout};
if (_sideArms isEqualTo []) then {[_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAISidearms};
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray: _this %1 varName %2 = %3",_forEachIndex,_x,_this select _forEachIndex];
} forEach ["_coords","_missionEmplacedWeapons","_useRelativePos","_noEmplacedWeapons","_aiDifficultyLevel"];
_emplacedWeps = [];
_emplacedAI = [];
@ -58,8 +52,7 @@ if (_missionEmplacedWeapons isEqualTo []) then
#define maxAI 1
#define minDist 1
#define maxDist 2
/// // params["_pos", "_center", _numai1, _numai2, _skillLevel, _minDist, _maxDist, _configureWaypoints, _uniforms, _headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms, _scuba ];
private _empGroup = [blck_AI_Side,true] call blck_fnc_createGroup;
if !(isNull _empGroup) then

View File

@ -26,10 +26,8 @@ _staticsSpawned = [];
_obj = [_staticClassName, [0,0,0]] call blck_fnc_spawnVehicle;
_obj setVariable["GRG_vehType","emplaced"];
_staticsSpawned pushBack _obj;
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnGarrisonInsideBuilding_ATL: _obj = %1 | _staticsSpawned = %2",_obj,_staticsSpawned];
_obj setPosATL (_staticRelPos vectorAdd getPosATL _building);
_obj setDir _staticDir;
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnGarrisonInsideBuilding_ATL: _obj = %1 | getPosATL _obj = %2",_obj,getPosATL _obj];
_unit = [[0,0,0],_group,_aiDifficultyLevel,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_launcher,_weaponList,_sideArms,false,true] call blck_fnc_spawnUnit;
_unit moveInGunner _obj;
}forEach _statics;

View File

@ -17,16 +17,15 @@ if (_uniforms isEqualTo []) then {_uniforms = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_f
if (_headGear isEqualTo []) then {_headGear = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIHeadgear};
if (_vests isEqualTo []) then {_vests = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIVests};
if (_backpacks isEqualTo []) then {_backpacks = [_aiDifficultyLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIBackpacks};
//if (_typesStatics isEqualTo []) then {_typesStatics = blck_staticWeapons};
_allBldPsn = [_building] call BIS_fnc_buildingPositions;
_usedBldPsn = [];
_floor = floor((count _allBldPsn)/2);
_ceil = ceil((count _allBldPsn)/2);
_statics = if (_ceil > _noStatics) then {_noStatics} else {_ceil};
_units = if (_floor > _noUnits) then {_noUnits} else {_floor};
_staticsSpawned = [];
private _allBldPsn = [_building] call BIS_fnc_buildingPositions;
private _usedBldPsn = [];
private _floor = floor((count _allBldPsn)/2);
private _ceil = ceil((count _allBldPsn)/2);
private _statics = if (_ceil > _noStatics) then {_noStatics} else {_ceil};
private _units = if (_floor > _noUnits) then {_noUnits} else {_floor};
private _staticsSpawned = [];
uiSleep 1;
for "_i" from 1 to _statics do
@ -37,9 +36,7 @@ for "_i" from 1 to _statics do
_obj = [_staticClassName, [0,0,0], true] call blck_fnc_spawnVehicle;
_obj setVariable["GRG_vehType","emplaced"];
_staticsSpawned pushBack _obj;
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnGarrisonInsideBuilding_relPos: _obj = %1 | _staticsSpawned = %2",_obj,_staticsSpawned];
_obj setPosATL _pos; // (_pos vectorAdd (getPosATL _building));
diag_log format["static weapon %1 placed in building %2 located at %4 at postion %3",_obj,_building,_pos, getPosATL _building];
_unit = [[0,0,0],_group,_aiDifficultyLevel,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_launcher,_weaponList,_sideArms,false,true] call blck_fnc_spawnUnit;
_unit moveInGunner _obj;
@ -48,7 +45,6 @@ for "_i" from 1 to _units do
_pos = selectRandom _allBldPsn;
_allBldPsn = _allBldPsn - [_pos];
// ["_pos","_aiGroup",["_aiDifficultyLevel","red"],["_uniforms", []],["_headGear",[]],["_vests",[]],["_backpacks",[]],["_Launcher","none"],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",[]],["_scuba",false],["_garrison",false]];
_unit = [[0,0,0],_group,_aiDifficultyLevel,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_launcher,_weaponList,_sideArms,false,true] call blck_fnc_spawnUnit;
_unit setPosATL _pos;

View File

@ -32,13 +32,10 @@ for "_i" from 1 to _noMines/2 do
_xpos = (_pos select 0) + sin (_dir) * _radius;
_ypos = (_pos select 1) + cos (_dir) * _radius;
_posMine = [_xpos,_ypos,0];
//_posMine = [[_xpos,_ypos,0],0,10,_closest,0,20,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; // find a random loc
_mine = createMine ["ATMine", _posMine, [], 0];
_mine setVariable ["LAST_CHECK", (diag_tickTime + 14400)];
_mine setPos _posMine;
_minesPlaced = _minesPlaced + [_mine];
//diag_log format["[spawnMines.sqf] mine # %2 spawned at %1",_posMine,_i];
_dir = _dir + _incr;

View File

@ -13,24 +13,14 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
#define configureWaypoints true
// TODO: consolidate code where possible, for example the recurring code to create the group and add units to the list of units spawned.
// TODO: find reason that this sometimes throws errors because it passes an array rather than group.
private _params = ["_coords","_minNoAI","_maxNoAI","_noAIGroups","_missionGroups","_aiDifficultyLevel","_uniforms","_headGear","_vests","_backpacks","_weapons","_sideArms","_isScubaGroup"];
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionAI: _this %1 | name %3 = %2",_forEachIndex,_x,_params select _forEachIndex];
} forEach _this;
private _unitsToSpawn = 0;
private _unitsPerGroup = 0;
private _ResidualUnits = 0;
private _adjusttedGroupSize = 0;
// TODO: Does not really look right
if (_noAIGroups > 0) then
// Can add optional debug code here if needed.
@ -42,43 +32,24 @@ private _allSpawnedAI = [];
private _abort = false;
private _newGroup = grpNull;
//_newGroup setVariable ["soldierType","infantry"];
if !(_missionGroups isEqualTo []) then
//diag_log "_fnc_missionspawner: spawning pre-defined groups";
_x params["_position","_minAI","_maxAI","_skillLevel","_minPatrolRadius","_maxPatrolRadius"];
private _p = ["_position","_minAI","_maxAI","_skillLevel","_minPatrolRadius","_maxPatrolRadius"];
private _p1 = [_position,_minAI,_maxAI,_skillLevel,_minPatrolRadius,_maxPatrolRadius];
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionAI: %1 = %2",_p select _forEachIndex, _x];
} forEach _p1;
private _groupSpawnPos = _coords vectorAdd _position;
_newGroup = [blck_AI_Side,true] call blck_fnc_createGroup;
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionAI(55): _newGroup = %1",_newGroup];
_newGroup setVariable ["soldierType","infantry"];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel >= 2) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionAI (37):: case 1 - > _newGroup = %1",_newGroup];
if !(isNull _newGroup) then
//[["_group","Error"],"_pos", "_center", ["_numai1",5], ["_numai2",10], ["_skillLevel","red"], ["_minDist",30], ["_maxDist",45],["_configureWaypoints",true], ["_uniforms",[]], ["_headGear",[]],["_vests",[]],["_backpacks",[]],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",[]], ["_scuba",false],["_patrolRadius",30]];
[_newGroup,_groupSpawnPos,_coords,_minAI,_maxAI,_aiDifficultyLevel,_minPatrolRadius,_maxPatrolRadius,configureWaypoints,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weapons,_sideArms,_isScubaGroup] call blck_fnc_spawnGroup;
_newGroup setVariable ["soldierType","infantry"];
//private _newAI = units _newGroup;
blck_monitoredMissionAIGroups pushback _newGroup;
_allSpawnedAI append (units _newGroup);
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionAI(77): group %1 | count _newAI = %2 | count _allSpawnedAI = %3",_forEachIndex,count (units _newGroup), count _allSpawnedAI];
_allSpawnedAI append (units _newGroup);
}forEach _missionGroups;
@ -90,46 +61,19 @@ if (_missionGroups isEqualTo [] && _noAIGroups > 0) then
switch (_noAIGroups) do
case 1: { // spawn the group near the mission center
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel >= 2) then
diag_log format["missionSpawner: Spawning Groups: case 1: _noAIGroups=1"];
_newGroup = [blck_AI_Side,true] call blck_fnc_createGroup;
_newGroup setVariable ["soldierType","infantry"];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel >= 2) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionAI (37):: case 1 - > _newGroup = %1",_newGroup];
if !(isNull _newGroup) then
[_newGroup,_coords,_coords,_unitsToSpawn,_unitsToSpawn,_aiDifficultyLevel,_minPatrolRadius,_maxPatrolRadius,configureWaypoints,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weapons,_sideArms,_isScubaGroup] call blck_fnc_spawnGroup;
_newGroup setVariable ["soldierType","infantry"];
_newAI = units _newGroup;
blck_monitoredMissionAIGroups pushback _newGroup;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel >= 2) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionAI(41): Spawning Groups: _noAIGroups=1 _newGroup=%1 _newAI = %2",_newGroup, _newAI];
_allSpawnedAI append _newAI;
case 2: {
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel >= 2) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionAI(47): Spawning Groups: case 2: _noAIGroups=2"]; // spawn groups on either side of the mission area
_groupLocations = [_coords,_noAIGroups,15,30] call blck_fnc_findPositionsAlongARadius;
if (_ResidualUnits > 0) then
@ -145,27 +89,12 @@ if (_missionGroups isEqualTo [] && _noAIGroups > 0) then
[_newGroup,_x,_coords,_adjusttedGroupSize,_adjusttedGroupSize,_aiDifficultyLevel,_minPatrolRadius,_maxPatrolRadius,configureWaypoints,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weapons,_sideArms,_isScubaGroup] call blck_fnc_spawnGroup;
_newAI = units _newGroup;
blck_monitoredMissionAIGroups pushback _newGroup;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel >= 2) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionAI(61): case 2: _newGroup=%1",_newGroup];
_allSpawnedAI append _newAI;
}forEach _groupLocations;
case 3: { // spawn one group near the center of the mission and the rest on the perimeter
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel >= 2) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionAI (68): Spawning Groups: case 3: _noAIGroups=3"];
_newGroup = [blck_AI_Side,true] call blck_fnc_createGroup;
_newGroup setVariable ["soldierType","infantry"];
if !(isNull _newGroup) then
@ -173,12 +102,6 @@ if (_missionGroups isEqualTo [] && _noAIGroups > 0) then
[_newGroup,_coords,_coords,_unitsPerGroup + _ResidualUnits,_unitsPerGroup + _ResidualUnits,_aiDifficultyLevel,_minPatrolRadius,_maxPatrolRadius,configureWaypoints,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weapons,_sideArms,_isScubaGroup] call blck_fnc_spawnGroup;
_newAI = units _newGroup;
blck_monitoredMissionAIGroups pushback _newGroup;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel >= 2) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionAI (73): Case 3: _newGroup=%1",_newGroup];
_allSpawnedAI append _newAI;
_groupLocations = [_coords,2,20,35] call blck_fnc_findPositionsAlongARadius;
@ -189,26 +112,12 @@ if (_missionGroups isEqualTo [] && _noAIGroups > 0) then
[_newGroup,_x,_coords,_unitsPerGroup,_unitsPerGroup,_aiDifficultyLevel,_minPatrolRadius,_maxPatrolRadius,configureWaypoints,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weapons,_sideArms,_isScubaGroup] call blck_fnc_spawnGroup;
_newAI = units _newGroup;
blck_monitoredMissionAIGroups pushback _newGroup;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel >= 2) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionAI(78): Case 3: line 81: _newGroup = %1",_newGroup];
_allSpawnedAI append _newAI;
}forEach _groupLocations;
default { // spawn one group near the center of the mission and the rest on the perimeter
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel >= 2) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionAI (88) spawning groups: Case default:"];
_newGroup = [blck_AI_Side,true] call blck_fnc_createGroup;
_newGroup setVariable ["soldierType","infantry"];
if (isNull _newGroup) then
@ -216,12 +125,6 @@ if (_missionGroups isEqualTo [] && _noAIGroups > 0) then
[_newGroup,_coords,_coords,_unitsPerGroup + _ResidualUnits,_unitsPerGroup + _ResidualUnits,_aiDifficultyLevel,_minPatrolRadius,_maxPatrolRadius,configureWaypoints,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weapons,_sideArms,_isScubaGroup] call blck_fnc_spawnGroup;
_newAI = units _newGroup;
blck_monitoredMissionAIGroups pushback _newGroup;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel >= 2) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionAI(92): Spawning Groups: Default - > Center Position: _noAIGroups=1 _newGroup=%1 _newAI = %2",_newGroup, _newAI];
_allSpawnedAI append _newAI;
_groupLocations = [_coords,(_noAIGroups - 1),20,40] call blck_fnc_findPositionsAlongARadius;
@ -233,12 +136,6 @@ if (_missionGroups isEqualTo [] && _noAIGroups > 0) then
[_newGroup,_x,_coords,_unitsPerGroup,_unitsPerGroup,_aiDifficultyLevel,_minPatrolRadius,_maxPatrolRadius,configureWaypoints,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weapons,_sideArms,_isScubaGroup] call blck_fnc_spawnGroup;
_newAI = units _newGroup;
blck_monitoredMissionAIGroups pushback _newGroup;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionAI(99): Default: Radial Positions: _newGroup=%1",_newGroup];
_allSpawnedAI append _newAI;
}forEach _groupLocations;
@ -246,12 +143,5 @@ if (_missionGroups isEqualTo [] && _noAIGroups > 0) then
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel >= 1) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionAI(243): _abort = %1 | _allSpawnedAI = %2",_abort,_allSpawnedAI];
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionAI(246): _unitsToSpawn = %1 | count _allSpawnedAI = %2",_unitsToSpawn,count _allSpawnedAI];
_return = [_allSpawnedAI,_abort];

View File

@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ _fnc_dropMissionCrates = {
_markers = [];
// params["_pos","_crate",["_crateVisualMarker",true],["_dropHeight", 150]];
[(getPos _x), _x, true, 150] call blck_fnc_paraDropObject;
} forEach _crates;
@ -26,7 +25,6 @@ _fnc_dropMissionCrates = {
uiSleep 1;
// (((getPos _crate) select 2) < 3)
if ((getPos _x) select 2 < 5) then
_airborneCrates = _airborneCrates - [_x];
@ -36,12 +34,9 @@ _fnc_dropMissionCrates = {
_location = getPos _x;
_blck_localMissionMarker = [format["crateMarker%1%2",_location select 0, _location select 1],_location,"","","ColorBlack",["mil_dot",[]]];
_marker = [_blck_localMissionMarker] call blck_fnc_spawnMarker;
//_markers pushBack _marker;
blck_temporaryMarkers pushBack [_marker,diag_tickTime + 300];
//uiSleep 0.5;
_curPosCrate = getPos _x;
_x setPos [_curPosCrate select 0, _curPosCrate select 1, 0.3];
//_x setVectorDirAndUp[[0,1,0],[0,0,1]];
} forEach _crates;
@ -49,12 +44,8 @@ _fnc_dropMissionCrates = {
params[ ["_coords", [0,0,0]], ["_cratesToSpawn",[]], ["_loadCrateTiming","atMissionSpawn"],["_spawnCrateTiming","atMissionSpawn"],["_missionState","start"], ["_difficulty","red"] ];
private _params = ["_coords","_cratesToSpawn","_loadCrateTiming","_spawnCrateTiming","_missionState","_difficulty"];
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionCrates: %1 = %2 with _foreachindex = %3",_params select _foreachindex, _this select _foreachindex, _foreachindex];
}forEach _this;
if ((count _coords) == 2) then // assume only X and Y offsets are provided
@ -64,6 +55,7 @@ private _cratesSpawned = [];
_x params["_crateType","_crateOffset","_lootArray","_lootCounts",["_crateDir",0]];
private _pos = _coords vectorAdd _crateOffset;
private _crate = [_pos,_crateType] call blck_fnc_spawnCrate;
_crate setDir _crateDir;
@ -72,26 +64,15 @@ private _cratesSpawned = [];
_crate setVariable["difficulty",_difficulty];
if (_loadCrateTiming isEqualTo "atMissionSpawn" || _missionState isEqualTo "end") then
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionCrates: calling blck_fnc_loadMissionCrate for _crate = %1",_crate];
[_crate] call blck_fnc_loadMissionCrate;
_cratesSpawned pushback _crate;
#define blck_debugMode
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel >= 2) then
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionCrates: _crateType = %1 | _crateOffset = %2 | _lootArray = %3 | _lootCounts = %4",_crateType,_crateOffset,_lootArray,_lootCounts];
_marker = createMarker [format["crateMarker%1",random(1000000)], _pos];
_marker setMarkerType "mil_triangle";
_marker setMarkerColor "colorGreen";
_crate setVariable["crateMarker",_marker];
}forEach _cratesToSpawn;
if (_spawnCrateTiming in ["atMissionEndAir","atMissionStartAir"]) then
[_cratesSpawned] spawn _fnc_dropMissionCrates;
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionCrates: _cratesSpawned = %1",_cratesSpawned];

View File

@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ if (count _coords isEqualTo 2) then {_coords pushBack 0};
private _vehs = [];
_x params["_vehType","_vehOffset",["_dir",0],"_lootArray","_lootCounts"];
//diag_log format["spawnMissionCVehicles: _vehType = %1 | _vehOffset = %2 | _lootCounts = %4 | _dir %5 | _lock %6 | _lootArray = %3 ",_vehType,_vehOffset,_lootArray,_lootCounts,_dir,_lock];
private _pos =_coords vectorAdd _vehOffset;
_veh = [_vehType, _pos] call blck_fnc_spawnVehicle;
if (typeName _dir isEqualTo "SCALAR") then
@ -30,7 +29,6 @@ private _vehs = [];
_veh lock _lock;
if (_loadCrateTiming isEqualTo "atMissionSpawn") then
//diag_log format["blck_fnc_spawnMissionLootVehicles::-> loading loot at mission spawn for veh %1",_x];
[_veh,_lootArray,_lootCounts] call blck_fnc_fillBoxes;
_veh setVariable["lootLoaded",true];

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ private["_vehGroup","_vehiclePatrolSpawns","_missionAI","_missiongroups","_vehic
_vehicles = [];
_missionAI = [];
_abort = false;
//diag_log format["fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols(29): _missionPatrolVehicles = %1",_missionPatrolVehicles];
if (_missionPatrolVehicles isEqualTo []) then
_useRelativePos = false;
@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ if (_missionPatrolVehicles isEqualTo []) then
_v = [_skillAI] call blck_fnc_selectPatrolVehicle;
_missionPatrolVehicles pushBack [_v, _x];
}forEach _vehiclePatrolSpawns;
//diag_log format["fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols(38): _missionPatrolVehicles updated to %1",_missionPatrolVehicles];
#define configureWaypoints false

View File

@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
for ghostridergaming
By Ghostrider [GRG]
Copyright 2016
checks the status of each entry in
By Ghostrider [GRG]
@ -16,30 +11,19 @@
if (blck_missionsRunning >= blck_maxSpawnedMissions) exitWith {};
_readyToSpawnQue = [];
if ( (diag_tickTime > (_x select 5)) && ((_x select 5) > 0) ) then
private _missionCategoryDescriptors = _x;
_missionCategoryDescriptors params["_difficulty","_maxNoMissions","_noActiveMissions","_tMin","_tMax","_waitTime","_missionsData"];
if (_noActiveMissions < _maxNoMissions && diag_tickTime > _waitTime && blck_missionsRunning < blck_maxSpawnedMissions) then
_readyToSpawnQue pushback _x;
// time to reset timers and spawn something.
private _wt = diag_tickTime + _tmin + (random(_tMax - _tMin));
#define waitTime 5
#define noActive 2
_x set[waitTime, _wt]; // _x here is the _missionCategoryDescriptors being evaluated
_x set[noActive, _noActiveMissions + 1];
private _missionInitialized = [_x,selectRandom _missionsData] call blck_fnc_initializeMission;
} forEach blck_pendingMissions;
if (count _readyToSpawnQue > 0) then
_missionToSpawn = selectRandom _readyToSpawnQue;
_coords = [] call blck_fnc_FindSafePosn;
if (_coords isEqualTo []) exitWith
diag_log format["[blckagls] fnc_spawnPendingMissions: <ERROR> _fnc_findSafePosn could not find a location for this mission; consider reducing distances between players, bases, missions or towns."];
_compiledMission = selectRandom (_missionToSpawn select 0);
_missionMarker = _missionToSpawn select 1;
_missionDifficulty = _missionToSpawn select 2;
[_coords,_missionMarker,_missionDifficulty] spawn _compiledMission;
} forEach blck_missionData;

View File

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ _wreck enableSimulationGlobal false;
_wreck enableDynamicSimulation false;
_objects pushBack _wreck;
private _dir = random(360);
private _radius = minObjectSpawnRadius + random(maxObjectSpawnRadius);
_wreck = createVehicle[_x, _coords getPos[_radius,_dir], [], 2];

View File

@ -15,10 +15,7 @@
#define UMS_sidearms []
//{diag_log format["_fnc_spawnScubaGroup: _this select %1 = %2",_foreachindex,_x]} forEach _this;
//params[["_group","Error"],"_pos", "_center", ["_numai1",5], ["_numai2",10], ["_skillLevel","red"], ["_minDist",30], ["_maxDist",45],["_configureWaypoints",true],
//["_uniforms",[]], ["_headGear",[]],["_vests",[]],["_backpacks",[]],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",[]], ["_scuba",false],["_patrolRadius",30]];
[_group,_pos,_pos,_numUnits,_numUnits,_skillLevel, _patrolRadius - 2, _patrolRadius, configureWaypoints, blck_UMS_uniforms, blck_UMS_headgear, blck_UMS_vests, UMS_backpacks, blck_UMS_weapons, UMS_sidearms, isScubaGroup] call blck_fnc_spawnGroup;

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@ -10,15 +10,14 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
// ["B_SDV_01_F",[22584.9,15304.8,-6.14801],"red",4, 75,0],
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnSurfacePatrol: _this = %1",_this];
private _group = [blck_AI_Side,true] call blck_fnc_createGroup;
private _vehicle = objNull;
if !(isNull _group) then
[_group,_pos,_numAI,_numAI,_difficulty,_pos,_patrolRadius - 2,_patrolRadius,blck_UMS_uniforms,blck_UMS_headgear,true,blck_UMS_weapons,blck_UMS_vests,true] call blck_fnc_spawnGroup;
// params["_center","_pos",["_vehType","I_G_Offroad_01_armed_F"],["_minDis",30],["_maxDis",45],["_group",grpNull]];
_vehicle = [_pos,_pos,_vehType,_minDis,_maxDis,_group] call blck_fnc_spawnVehiclePatrol;

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
params["_mission","_status",["_coords",[0,0,0]] ];
// _mission is the name used to identify the marker associated with that particular mission. it is a unique identifier.
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 3) then {diag_log format["_fnc_updateMissionQue :: _mission = %1 | _status = %2 | _coords = %3",_mission,_status,_coords];};
@ -23,23 +24,14 @@ private["_index","_element","_waitTime"];
if (_mission isEqualTo (_x select 1)) exitWith
_index = _forEachIndex;
//diag_log format["_fnc_updateMissionQue: match found at _forEachIndex %1 for _mission with _x = %2",_forEachIndex,_x select 1];
}forEach blck_pendingMissions;
//_index = blck_pendingMissions find _mission;
if (_index > -1) then
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debuglevel > 4) then {diag_log format ["_fnc_updateMissionQue :: blck_pendingMissions began as %1",blck_pendingMissions];};
_element = blck_pendingMissions select _index;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debuglevel > 3) then {diag_log format["_fnc_updateMissionQue:: -- >> _element before update = %1",_element];};
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
//_mission = [_missionList,format["%1%2",_marker,_i],_difficulty,_tMin,_tMax,_waitTime,[0,0,0]];
if (toLower(_status) isEqualTo "active") then {
_element set[5, -1];
_element set[6,_coords];
@ -51,15 +43,7 @@ if (_index > -1) then
_element set [6,[0,0,0]];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debuglevel > 2) then {diag_log format["_fnc_updateMissionQue:: -- >> _element after update = %1",_element];};
blck_pendingMissions set [_index, _element];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debuglevel > 4) then {diag_log format ["_fnc_updateMissionQue :: blck_pendingMissions after update = %1",blck_pendingMissions];};

View File

@ -12,5 +12,4 @@
blck_sm_scubaGroups pushBack [_group,grpNull,0];
//diag_log format["_sm_AddScubaGroup:: blck_sm_scubaGroups = %1",blck_sm_scubaGroups];

View File

@ -28,26 +28,18 @@ _sunrise = _arr select 0;
_sunset = _arr select 1;
_time = dayTime;
//diag_log "fnc_Time:: Debug settings ON";
//diag_log format["_fnc_Time:: --> blck_useTimeAcceleration = %1", blck_useTimeAcceleration];
//diag_log format["_fnc_Time:: -- > _sunrise = %1 | _sunset = %2 | _time = %3",_sunrise,_sunset,_time];
// Night
if (_time > (_sunset + 0.5) || _time < (_sunrise - 0.5)) exitWith {
setTimeMultiplier blck_timeAccelerationNight;
//diag_log format["NIGHT TIMGE ADJUSTMENT:: time accel updated to %1; time of day = %2",timeMultiplier,dayTime];
// Day
if (_time > (_sunrise + 0.5) && _time < (_sunset - 0.5)) exitWith {
setTimeMultiplier blck_timeAccelerationDay;
//diag_log format["DAYTIME ADJUSTMENT:: time accel updated to %1; time of day = %2",timeMultiplier,dayTime];
setTimeMultiplier blck_timeAccelerationDay;
// default
setTimeMultiplier blck_timeAccelerationDusk;
//diag_log format["DUSK ADJUSTMENT:: time accel updated to %1; time of day = %2",timeMultiplier,dayTime];

View File

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
//diag_log format["_EH_AIHit: _this = %1",_this];
if (isServer) then {_this call blck_fnc_processAIHit};

View File

@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
Introduced with Arma 3 version 1.65
gunner: Object - gunner, whose weapons are fired
//#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
//if (isServer) then {_this remoteExec ["blck_fnc_processAIKill",2]};
//if (local (_this select 0)) then {_this call blck_fnc_processAIFiredNear};
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
_this call blck_fnc_processAIFiredNear

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@ -25,6 +25,6 @@ private ["_unit","_killer","_group","_deleteAI_At"];
_unit = _this select 0;
_source = _this select 3;
if (isPlayer _source) then {
[_unit,_source] call GRMS_fnc_alertGroup;
if !(isPlayer _source) then {
_unit setDamage 0;

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@ -21,9 +21,5 @@
#define unit _this select 0
#define newMagazine _this select 3 select 0
(unit) addMagazine (newMagazine);
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then {
diag_log format["_EH_unitWeaponReloaded:: one magazine of type %1 added to inventory of unit %2",_mag,(_this select 3 select 0)];

View File

@ -14,11 +14,11 @@
if (isNull _unit) exitWith {};
//diag_log format["_fnc_alertGroupUnits: _unit = %1 | _target = %2",_unit,_target];
_x reveal [_target,(_x knowsAbout _target) + (_unit getVariable ["intelligence",1])];
_x doSuppressiveFire _target;
if (random(1) < -.33) then {_x reveal [_target,(_x knowsAbout _target) + random(_unit getVariable ["intelligence",1]) ]};
//_x doSuppressiveFire _target;
}forEach (units (group _unit));
//leader(group _target) doSuppressiveFire _target;
leader(group _target) doSuppressiveFire _target;

View File

@ -12,12 +12,20 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
private _nearbyGroups = allGroups select{(_unit distance (leader _x) < _searchRadius)};
private _group = _x;
if (_group isEqualTo (group _unit)) then
_x reveal[_killer,(_x knowsAbout _killer) + (_x getVariable ["intelligence",1])];
[_unit,_killer] call blck_fnc_allertGroupUnits;
} else {
if (random(1) < 0.33) then
_x reveal[_killer,(_x knowsAbout _killer) + random(_x getVariable["intelligence",1])];
}forEach (units _group);
}forEach _nearbyGroups;

View File

@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
private "_units";
if (toLower(blck_modType) isEqualTo "epoch") then {_units = _unit nearEntities ["I_Soldier_EPOCH", (_unit getVariable ["alertDist",300])]};
if !(toLower(blck_modType) isEqualTo "epoch") then {_units = _unit nearEntities ["i_g_soldier_unarmed_f", (_unit getVariable ["alertDist",300])]};
_x reveal[_killer, (_x knowsAbout _killer) + (_unit getVariable ["intelligence",1])]
_x reveal[_killer, (_x knowsAbout _killer) + random(_unit getVariable ["intelligence",1])]
}forEach _units;

View File

@ -12,13 +12,15 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
//diag_log format["_fnc_alertNearbyVehicles: _target = %1 | typeName _target = %2",_target,typeName _target];
if (isnull _target) exitWith {};
private _nearestVehicles = (nearestObjects [getPos _target,["Car","Truck","Tank","Ship"],300]);
if (_nearestVehicles isEqualTo []) exitWith {};
private _nearestVehicle = _nearestVehicles select 0;
//diag_log format["_fnc_alertNearbyVehicles: _target = %1 | _nearestVehicle = %2",_target,_nearestVehicle];
[(crew _nearestVehicle) select 0,_target] call blck_fnc_alertGroupUnits;
if !(isnull _target) then
private _nearestVehicles = (nearestObjects [getPos _target,["Car","Tank","Ship","Air"],300]);
if !(_nearestVehicles isEqualTo []) then
if (random(1) < 0.33) then {[(crew (_nearestVehicles select 0)) select 0,_target] call blck_fnc_alertGroupUnits};

View File

@ -15,5 +15,5 @@
private _nearbyGroup = [group _unit] call blck_fnc_findNearestGroup;
_x reveal[_killer,(_x knowsAbout _killer) + (_unit getVariable ["intelligence",1])];
_x reveal[_killer,(_x knowsAbout _killer) + random(_unit getVariable ["intelligence",1])];
}forEach (units _nearbyGroup);

View File

@ -10,12 +10,12 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
//diag_log format["_fnc_cleanupaliveAI: called at %1 | count %2 | blck_liveMissionAI = %3",diag_ticktime,count blck_liveMissionAI,blck_liveMissionAI];
for "_i" from 1 to (count blck_liveMissionAI) do {
if ((_i) <= count blck_liveMissionAI) then {
_units = blck_liveMissionAI deleteAt 0;
_units params ["_missionCenter","_unitsarr","_timer"];
//diag_log format["_fnc_cleanupAliveAI: _units = %4 | _missionCenter %1 | typeName _unitsArr = %2 | _unitsarr = %3",_missionCenter,typeName _unitsArr, _unitsarr,_units];
if (diag_tickTime > _timer) then
private _nearplayer = [_missionCenter,800] call blck_fnc_nearestPlayers;

View File

@ -11,17 +11,14 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
//diag_log format["fnc_cleanupDeadAI: (partially deactivated) time %1 | count blck_deadAI %2",diag_tickTime,count blck_deadAI];
private _unit = _x;
if (_unit getVariable["blck_cleanupAt",0] isEqualTo 0) then {_unit setVariable["blck_cleanupAt",diag_tickTime + blck_bodyCleanUpTimer]};
private _nearplayer = [position _unit,800] call blck_fnc_nearestPlayers;
//diag_log format["fnc_cleanupDeadAI: _unit = %1 | blck_cleanupat = %2 | _nearPlayer = %3",_unit, _unit getVariable["blck_cleanupAt",0],_nearPlayer];
if (diag_tickTime > _unit getVariable ["blck_cleanupAt",0]) then
if (_nearplayer isequalto []) then {
//diag_log format["_fnc_cleanupDeadAI: handling deletion of unit %1",_unit];
deleteVehicle _x;
}forEach nearestObjects [getPos _unit,["WeaponHolderSimulated","GroundWeapoonHolder"],3];

View File

@ -14,8 +14,6 @@
//if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then {diag_log format["_fnc_deleteAI::-> deleting unit = %1",_unit];};
_unit removeAllEventHandlers _x;
}forEach ["reloaded"];
@ -23,7 +21,6 @@ params["_unit"];
_unit removeAllMPEventHandlers _x;
} forEach ["MPKilled","MPHit"];
_group = (group _unit);
[_unit] joinSilent grpNull;
deleteVehicle _unit;
if (count units _group isEqualTo 0) then

View File

@ -11,12 +11,11 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
//diag_log format["_fnc_placeCharacterInBuilding: _characterBuildingConfigs = %1",_characterBuildingConfigs];
private ["_obj"];
if !(_characterBuildingConfigs isEqualTo []) then
_obj = createVehicle[(_characterBuildingConfigs select 0),_center vectorAdd (_characterBuildingConfigs select 1),[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
//diag_log format["_fnc_placeCharacterInBuilding: _obj = %1",_obj];
_obj setDir (_characterBuildingConfigs select 2);
_obj allowDamage true;
_obj enableDynamicSimulation true;

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@ -13,43 +13,35 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
if !(isServer) exitWith {};
private ["_unit","_instigator","_group","_wp"];
_unit = _this select 0 select 0;
_instigator = _this select 0 select 3;
//diag_log format["_fnc_processAIHit:(19): _units = %1 and _instigator = %2 units damage is %3",_unit,_instigator, damage _unit];
(_this select 0) params["_unit","_causedBy","_damage","_instigator"];
if !(isPlayer _instigator) exitWith
_unit setDamage ( (damage _unit) - _damage);
//diag_log format["_fnc_processAIHit: evaluating case of ai not alive"];
if (!(alive _unit)) exitWith {
//diag_log format["_fnc_processAIHit: _unit %1 is dead",_unit];
[_unit, _instigator] call blck_fnc_processAIKill;
//diag_log format["_fnc_processAIHit: evaluating case of damage > 0.95"];
if (damage _unit > 0.95) exitWith {
//diag_log format["_fnc_processAIHit: _unit %1 extensively damagged",_unit];
_unit setDamage 1.2; [_unit, _instigator] call blck_fnc_processAIKill;
//diag_log format["_fnc_processAIHit: evaluating case of killer not player"];
if !(isPlayer _instigator) exitWith {
//diag_log format["_fnc_procesAIHit: _instigator %1 not player",_instigator];
//diag_log format["_processAIHit: calling [_unit,_instigator] call blck_fnc_alertGroupUnits with _unit = %1 and _instigator = %2",_unit,_instigator];
[_unit,_instigator,50] call GMS_fnc_alertNearbyGroups;
[_instigator] call blck_fnc_alertNearbyVehicles;
//diag_log format["_fnc_processAIHit: updating group and waypoint settings"];
_group = group _unit;
_wp = [_group, currentWaypoint _group];
_wp setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT";
_group setCombatMode "RED";
_wp setWaypointCombatMode "RED";
//diag_log format["_fnc_processAIHit: determining if prior heal has occured"];
if (_unit getVariable ["hasHealed",false]) exitWith {
//diag_log format["_fnc_processAIHit: _unit %1 has already healed one",_unit];
//diag_log format["_fnc_processAIHit: no prior heal so evaluate whether one is needed"];
if ((damage _unit) > 0.2 ) then
if (_unit getVariable ["hasHealed",false]) exitWith {};
if ((damage _unit) > 0.5 ) then
//diag_log format["_EH_AIHit::-->> Healing unit %1",_unit];
_unit setVariable["hasHealed",true,true];
if (blck_useSmokeWhenHealing) then
@ -58,8 +50,6 @@ if ((damage _unit) > 0.2 ) then
_unit addItem "FAK";
_unit action ["HealSoldierSelf", _unit];
_unit setDamage 0;
//uiSleep 1;
if ("FAK" in (items _unit)) then {_unit removeItem "FAK"};
//_unit removeItem "FAK";

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
// TODO: check that emplaced weapons that should be deleted are added to the scheduler.
// assumptions: this is always and only run on the server regardless if th event is triggered on an HC or other client.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ if (count(units (group _unit)) isEqualTo 0) then
deleteGroup _group;
//diag_log format["_fnc_processAIKill: unit linked to crew of vehicle %1 | typeOf (vehicle _unit = %2)",vehicle _unit,typeOf (vehicle _unit)];
if !((vehicle _unit) isKindOf "Man") then
[_unit, ["Eject", vehicle _unit]] remoteExec ["action",(owner _unit)];
@ -58,14 +57,6 @@ _wp setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT";
(group _unit) setCombatMode "RED";
_wp setWaypointCombatMode "RED";
if (blck_showCountAliveAI) then
diag_log format["_fnc_processAIKill: _x = %1",_x];
_x call blck_fnc_updateMarkerAliveCount;
} forEach blck_missionLabelMarkers;
if ([_unit,_killer] call blck_fnc_processIlleagalAIKills) then {
[_unit,_killer] call GMS_fnc_handlePlayerUpdates;
[_unit,_killer] call blck_fnc_handlePlayerUpdates;

View File

@ -13,26 +13,12 @@
See for details on this event handler.
this addEventHandler ["FiredNear", {
params ["_unit", "_firer", "_distance", "_weapon", "_muzzle", "_mode", "_ammo", "_gunner"];
unit: Object - Object the event handler is assigned to
firer: Object - Object which fires a weapon near the unit
distance: Number - Distance in meters between the unit and firer (max. distance ~69m)
weapon: String - Fired weapon
muzzle: String - Muzzle that was used
mode: String - Current mode of the fired weapon
ammo: String - Ammo used
Introduced with Arma 3 version 1.65
gunner: Object - gunner, whose weapons are fired
//#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
//if ((side _unit) isEqualTo (side _firedBy) exitWith {}; // nearyby friendly fire
(group _unit) setBehaviour "COMBAT";
(group _unit) setCombatMode "RED";
diag_log format["_fnc_processAIfiredNear: _unit %1 knows %2 about _firedBy %3",_unit, _unit knowsAbout _firedBy,_firedBy];
diag_log format["_fnc_processAIfiredNear: owner _unit = %1 | local _unit = %2",owner _unit, local _unit];

View File

@ -10,17 +10,11 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
// assumptions:
// 1) if the muzzle that killed the AI was forbbiden then the kill does not count
// 2) if the vehicle the player was in when the player killed the AI, the kill does not count.
// data to check: blck_forbidenVehicles
// and blck_forbidenVehicleGuns
// blck_VK_RunoverDamage
// blck_RunGear
_legal = true;
if (vehicle _killer == _killer) exitWith {true};
// Player not in vehicle, no further checks needed.
if (_killer == (driver (vehicle _killer))) then // If the killer is also the driver then the killer must have run the AI over
@ -43,13 +37,8 @@ if (_killer == (driver (vehicle _killer))) then // If the killer is also the dr
[vehicle _killer] call GMS_fnc_applyVehicleDamagePenalty;
[_killer] call GMS_fnc_msgIED;
_legal = false;
diag_log format[
"_fnc_processIlleagalKills: _legal = %1 | (typeOf (vehicle _killer)) in blck_forbidenVehicles = %2 | (currentWeapon _killer) in blck_forbidenVehicleGuns) = %3",
_legal,(typeOf (vehicle _killer)) in blck_forbidenVehicles,
(currentWeapon _killer) in blck_forbidenVehicleGuns
//diag_log format["_fnc_testForIllegalKills: _legal = %1",_legal];

View File

@ -12,13 +12,11 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
//diag_log format["+--+ removing NVG for unit %1",_unit];
if (blck_useNVG) then
if (_unit getVariable ["hasNVG",false]) then
_unit unassignitem "NVGoggles"; _unit removeweapon "NVGoggles";

View File

@ -11,8 +11,6 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
// Self explanatory
// [_group, _skill] call blck_setSkill;
params ["_unit","_skillsArrray"];

View File

@ -13,14 +13,6 @@ params["_coords","_charConfigs"];
_charConfigs params["_classname","_posn","_dir","_simDamg","_animations","_headgear","_uniforms"];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnchar: _forEachIndex = %1 | _x = %2",_forEachIndex,_x];
}forEach _charConfigs;
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnchar: _this = %1",_this];
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnchar _classname = %1 | _posn = %2 | _dir = %3 | _animations = %4",_classname,_posn,_dir,_animations];
_charGroup = createGroup [blck_AI_Side, true];
_char = _charGroup createUnit [_classname,[0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"];
_char setCaptive true;

View File

@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ _hostage remoteExec["GMS_fnc_initHostage", -2, true];
_hostage setVariable["assetType",1,true];
_building = [_hostage,_coords,_hostageConfigs select 7] call blck_fnc_placeCharacterInBuilding;
_result = [_hostage,_building];
//diag_log format["_fnd_spawnHostage: _result = %1",_result];

View File

@ -16,9 +16,7 @@ _leader = [_coords, _leaderConfigs] call blck_fnc_spawnCharacter;
_leader remoteExec["GMS_fnc_initLeader", -2, true];
_leader setVariable["assetType",2,true];
_leader setVariable["endAnimation",["Acts_CivilShocked_1"],true];
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnLeader: _leaderConfigs = %1",_leaderConfigs];
_building = [_leader,_coords,_leaderConfigs select 7] call blck_fnc_placeCharacterInBuilding;
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnLeader: _building = %1",_building];
_result = [_leader,_building];

View File

@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ private _params = ["_pos","_numAI","_skillAI"];
}forEach _params;
_paraGroup = [blck_AI_Side,true] call blck_fnc_createGroup;
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnParaUnits: _paraGroup = %1",_paraGroup];
#define infantryPatrolRadius 30
#define infantryWaypointTimeout [5,7.5,10]
[_pos,20,30,_paraGroup,"random","SAD","paraUnits",infantryPatrolRadius,infantryWaypointTimeout] call blck_fnc_setupWaypoints;
@ -45,24 +44,15 @@ for "_i" from 1 to _numAI do
_spawnPos = _pos getPos[1,_dir];
_chute = createVehicle ["Steerable_Parachute_F", [_spawnPos select 0, _spawnPos select 1, 250], [], 0, "FLY"];
[_chute] call blck_fnc_protectVehicle;
// ["_pos","_aiGroup",["_skillLevel","red"],["_uniforms", blck_SkinList],["_headGear",blck_headgear],["_vests",blck_vests],["_backpacks",blck_backpacks],["_Launcher","none"],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",[]],["_scuba",false]];
_unit = [getPos _chute,_paraGroup,_skillAI,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,launcherType,_weapons,_sideArms,_isScuba] call blck_fnc_spawnUnit;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnParaUnits: unit %1 = %2 dropping in chute %3",_i,_unit,_chute];
//_chute setPos [_spawnPos select 0, _spawnPos select 1, 125]; //(_offset select 2) - 10];
_unit assignAsDriver _chute;
_unit moveInDriver _chute;
//_unit allowDamage true;
_unit setVariable["chute",_chute];
_dir = _dir + _arc;
uiSleep 2;
blck_monitoredMissionAIGroups pushback _paraGroup;

View File

@ -22,19 +22,10 @@ if (_headGear isEqualTo []) then {_headGear = [_skillLevel] call blck_fnc_sele
if (_vests isEqualTo []) then {_vests = [_skillLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIVests};
if (_backpacks isEqualTo []) then {_backpacks = [_skillLevel] call blck_fnc_selectAIBackpacks};
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel >= 2) then
private _params = ["_pos","_aiGroup","_skillLevel","_uniforms","_headGear","_vests","_backpacks","_Launcher","_weaponList","_sideArms","_scuba","_garrison"]; //"_weaponList", "_Launcher"
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnUnit::-> _this select %1 (%2) = %3",_forEachIndex, _params select _forEachIndex, _this select _forEachIndex];
}forEach _this;
if (isNull _aiGroup) exitWith {diag_log "[blckeagls] ERROR CONDITION:-->> NULL-GROUP Provided to _fnc_spawnUnit"};
_unit = ObjNull;
//private _unitType = "";
if (blck_modType isEqualTo "Epoch") then
"I_Soldier_EPOCH" createUnit [_pos, _aiGroup, "_unit = this", blck_baseSkill, "COLONEL"];
@ -46,7 +37,6 @@ if (blck_modType isEqualTo "Epoch") then
case "green":{_unit setVariable["Crypto",6 + floor(random(blck_maxMoneyGreen)),true];};
case "orange":{_unit setVariable["Crypto",8 + floor(random(blck_maxMoneyOrange)),true];};
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnUnit: for unit %1 Crypto set to %2",_unit,_unit getVariable "Crypto"];
if !(blck_modType isEqualTo "Epoch") then
@ -58,11 +48,10 @@ if !(blck_modType isEqualTo "Epoch") then
case "green":{_unit setVariable["ExileMoney",6 + floor(random(blck_maxMoneyGreen)),true];};
case "orange":{_unit setVariable["ExileMoney",8 + floor(random(blck_maxMoneyOrange)),true];};
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnUnit: for unit %1 ExileMoney set to %2",_unit,_unit getVariable "ExileMoney"];
// findEmptyPosition [minDistance, maxDistance, vehicleType]
private _tempPos = _pos findEmptyPosition [0.1, 3, typeOf _unit];
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnUnit: _pos = %1 | _tempPos = %2",_pos,_tempPos];
if !(_tempPos isEqualTo []) then {_unit setPos _tempPos};
[_unit] call blck_fnc_removeGear;
@ -74,18 +63,8 @@ if (_scuba) then
_skin = "";
_counter = 1;
while {_skin isEqualTo "" && _counter < 10} do
_unit forceAddUniform (selectRandom _uniforms);
_skin = uniform _unit;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnUnit::-->> for unit _unit % uniform is %2",_unit, uniform _unit];
_counter = _counter + 1;
_unit forceAddUniform (selectRandom _uniforms);
//Sets AI Tactics
_unit enableAI "ALL";
if(_garrison) then
@ -99,33 +78,26 @@ _unit setunitpos "AUTO";
if !(_headGear isEqualTo []) then
_unit addHeadgear (selectRandom _headGear);
//diag_log format["Headgear for unit %1 = %2",_unit, headgear _unit];
if !(_vests isEqualTo []) then
_unit addVest (selectRandom _vests);
//diag_log format["Vest for unit %1 = %2",_unit, vest _unit];
if (_weaponList isEqualTo []) then {_weaponList = call blck_fnc_selectAILoadout};
_weap = selectRandom _weaponList;
_unit addWeaponGlobal _weap;
_ammoChoices = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weap >> "magazines");
_unit addMagazines[selectRandom _ammochoices,3];
_optics = getArray (configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weap >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "CowsSlot" >> "compatibleItems");
_pointers = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weap >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "PointerSlot" >> "compatibleItems");
_muzzles = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weap >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "MuzzleSlot" >> "compatibleItems");
_underbarrel = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weap >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "UnderBarrelSlot" >> "compatibleItems");
_legalOptics = _optics - blck_blacklistedOptics;
if (typeName _ammoChoices isEqualTo "ARRAY" and !(_ammochoices isEqualTo [])) then
_unit addMagazines [selectRandom _ammoChoices, 3];
} else {
diag_log format["<ERROR> _fnc_spawnUnit: _weap = %1 | _ammoChoices = %2 | time = %3",_weap,_ammoChoices,time];
if (random 1 < 0.4) then {_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem (selectRandom _muzzles)};
if (random 1 < 0.4) then {_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem (selectRandom _legalOptics)};
if (random 1 < 0.4) then {_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem (selectRandom _optics)};
if (random 1 < 0.4) then {_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem (selectRandom _pointers)};
if (random 1 < 0.4) then {_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem (selectRandom _muzzles)};
if (random 1 < 0.4) then {_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem (selectRandom _underbarrel)};
@ -137,7 +109,6 @@ if ((count(getArray (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _weap >> "muzzles"))) > 1) th
if !(_sideArms isEqualTo []) then
_weap = selectRandom _sideArms;
//diag_log format["[spawnUnit.sqf] _weap os %1",_weap];
_unit addWeaponGlobal _weap;
_ammoChoices = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weap >> "magazines");
_unit addMagazines [selectRandom _ammoChoices, 2];
@ -150,10 +121,9 @@ for "_i" from 1 to (1+floor(random(4))) do
// Add First Aid or Grenade 50% of the time
if (round(random 10) <= 5) then
//diag_log format["spawnUnit.sqf] -- Item is %1", _item];
_unit addItem selectRandom blck_specialItems;
//diag_log format["_spawnUnit: _Launcher = %1",_Launcher];
if ( !(_Launcher isEqualTo "none") && !(_backpacks isEqualTo [])) then
_unit addWeaponGlobal _Launcher;
@ -181,7 +151,7 @@ else
_unit addWeapon selectRandomWeighted["",4,"Binocular",3,"Rangefinder",1];
//_unit addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{_this call blck_EH_handleDamage;}];
_unit addEventHandler ["FiredNear",{_this call blck_EH_AIfiredNear;}];
_unit addEventHandler ["Reloaded", {_this call blck_EH_unitWeaponReloaded;}];
_unit addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", {[(_this select 0), (_this select 1)] call blck_EH_AIKilled;}];

View File

@ -15,12 +15,10 @@ private ["_veh","_instigator","_group","_wp"];
_veh = _this select 0;
_instigator = _this select 3;
//diag_log format["_fnc_HandleAIVehicleHit: _veh = %1 | _instigator = %2",_veh,_instigator];
if (!(isPlayer _instigator)) exitWith {};
_crew = crew _veh;
_group = group (_crew select 0);
[_crew select 0,_instigator,50] call GMS_fnc_alertNearbyGroups;
//diag_log format["_fnc_handleAIVehicleHit: calling blck_fnc_alertNearbyVehicles with _instigator = %1",_instigator];
[_instigator] call blck_fnc_alertNearbyVehicles;
_group setBehaviour "COMBAT";
_wp = [_group, currentWaypoint _group];

View File

@ -13,11 +13,9 @@
if (blck_killEmptyStaticWeapons) then
//diag_log format["_processAIKill: disabling static %1 and setting its delete time",_veh];
_veh setDamage 1;
_veh setVariable["blck_deleteAtTime",diag_tickTime + 60,true];
}else {
//diag_log format["_processAIKill: releasing static %1 to players and setting a default delete timer",_veh];
[_veh] call blck_fnc_releaseVehicleToPlayers; //Call this from _processAIKill
_veh setVariable["blck_DeleteAt",diag_tickTime + blck_vehicleDeleteTimer,true];

View File

@ -9,37 +9,29 @@
//diag_log format["_fnc_handleEmptyVehicle: _this = %1",_this];
//diag_log format["_fnc_handleEmptyVehicle: vehicle %1 | count(crew _veh) = %2 | typoeOf _veh = %3 | description _veh = %4",_veh,count(crew _veh),typeOf _veh,gettext(configFile >> 'cfgWeapons' >> typeOf _veh >> 'displayName')];
if (isServer) then
if ({alive _x} count (crew _veh) == 0 || crew(_veh) isEqualTo []) then
//diag_log format["_fnc_handleEmptyVehicle: no units alive in vehicle %1",_veh, typeOf _veh,gettext (configFile >> 'cfgWeapons' >> typeOf _veh >> 'displayName')];
// TODO: Make sure this variable is properly set on all vehicles.
if (_veh getVariable["GRG_vehType","none"] isEqualTo "emplaced") then
//diag_log format["_fnc_handleEmptyVehicle: emplaced weapon %1 being handled",_veh];
if (blck_killEmptyStaticWeapons) then
//diag_log format["_fnc_handleEmptyVehicle: disabling static %1 and setting its delete time",_veh];
_veh setDamage 1;
_veh setVariable["blck_deleteAtTime",diag_tickTime + 60,true];
}else {
//diag_log format["_fnc_handleEmptyVehicle: releasing static %1 to players and setting a default delete timer",_veh];
[_veh] call blck_fnc_releaseVehicleToPlayers; //Call this from _processAIKill
_veh setVariable["blck_deleteAtTime",diag_tickTime + blck_vehicleDeleteTimer,true];
} else {
if (blck_killEmptyAIVehicles) then
//diag_log format["_fnc_handleEmptyVehicle: disabling vehicle %1 and setting a delete time",_veh];
_veh setDamage 0.7;
_veh setFuel 0;
_veh setVariable["blck_deleteAtTime",diag_tickTime + 60];
} else {
//diag_log format["_fnc_handleEmptyVehicle: releasing vehicle %1 to players and setting a default delete timer",_veh];
_veh setVariable["blck_deleteAtTime",diag_tickTime + blck_vehicleDeleteTimer,true];
[_veh] call blck_fnc_releaseVehicleToPlayers;

View File

@ -9,18 +9,6 @@
this addEventHandler ["GetOut", {
params ["_vehicle", "_role", "_unit", "_turret"];
vehicle: Object - Vehicle the event handler is assigned to
role: String - Can be either "driver", "gunner" or "cargo"
unit: Object - Unit that left the vehicle
Introduced with Arma 3 version 1.36
turret: Array - turret path
//diag_log format["_fnc_handleAIgetOut: _this = %1",_this];
#define veh _this select 0
if ((isServer) || local (veh)) then {[veh] call blck_fnc_checkForEmptyVehicle};

View File

@ -8,46 +8,16 @@
Expects the group has units and they are configured
if (isNil "blck_blacklisted_vehicle_weapons") then {blck_blacklisted_vehicle_weapons = []};
private _units = units _group;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
diag_log format["_fnc_loadVehicleCrew: _veh = %1 | _group = %2 | group units = %4 | _crewCount = %3",_veh,_group,_crewCount, units _group];
for "_i" from 1 to _crewCount do
if (_units isEqualTo []) exitWith {};
_crew = _units deleteAt 0;
Note that in documentation for the moveinAny command the order seats are filled is:
other turrets
_crew moveInAny _veh;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
diag_log format["_fnc_loadVehicleCrew: loaded unit %1 into vehicle %2",_crew,_veh];
diag_log format["_fnc_loadVehicleCrew: new crew for vehicle %1 = %2",_veh, crew _veh];
{deleteVehicle _x} forEach _units;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
diag_log format["_fnc_loadVehicleCrew: _veh = %1 | crew = %2 | driver = %3",_veh,crew _veh,driver _veh];

View File

@ -11,19 +11,16 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
private ["_veh","_killer","_group","_wp"];
//diag_log format["_fnc_processAIVehicleKill: _this = %1",_this];
_veh removealleventhandlers _x;
} forEach ["GetIn","GetOut","fired","hit","hitpart","reloaded","dammaged","HandleDamage"];
_veh removeAllMPEventHandlers _x;
} forEach ["MPHit","MPKilled"];
//diag_log format["_fnc_processAIVehicleKill: _this = %1",_this];
//diag_log format["_fnc_processAIVehicleKill:: _veh = %1 and _killer = %2 units damage is %3",_veh,_killer, damage _veh];
if (!(isPlayer _killer)) exitWith {};

View File

@ -9,11 +9,10 @@
// assummptions: since this is called after an AI Killed event that always runs on the server we can assume this code will too.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
//diag_log format["_fnc_releaseVehicleToPlayers: _veh = %1",_veh];
[_veh] call blck_fnc_unlockVehicle;
_veh removealleventhandlers _x;

View File

@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ _nearbyPlayers = [position _vehicle, _vehicle getVariable["blck_vehicleSearchRan
_cansee = [objNull, "VIEW"] checkVisibility [eyePos _x, _player];
if (_cansee > 0) then
//_knowledgeGained = (_searchRadius - (_x distance _groupLeader))/_searchRadius;
_knowledgeGained = (_searchRadius - (_x distance _groupLeader))/_searchRadius;
_knowsAbout = _x knowsAbout _player;
_groupLeader reveal [_x, _knowsAbout + _kno_canseewledgeGained];
_groupLeader reveal [_x, _knowsAbout + _knowledgeGained];
}foreEach crew _vehicle;

View File

@ -10,13 +10,10 @@ _pilot = (units _grpPilot) select 0;
_heli = vehicle _pilot;
diag_log "reinforcements deployed:: send heli back to spawn";
[[_heli], 300 /* 5 min*/] spawn blck_fnc_addObjToQue;
// select a random location abotu 2K from the mission
_spawnVector = round(random(360));
_spawnDistance = 2000;
_pos = getPos _heli;
// Use the new functionality of getPos
_home = _pos getPos [_spawnDistance,_spawnVector];
// Send the heli back to base
@ -31,6 +28,4 @@ _grpPilot = group this;
[_grpPilot,0] setWaypointTimeout [0.5,0.5,0.5];
diag_log "reinforcements:: sending Heli Home";

View File

@ -14,23 +14,10 @@
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then {diag_log format["spawnVehicle.sqf: _vehType = %1 | _pos = %2",_vehType,_pos];};
private _veh = [_vehType,_pos] call blck_fnc_spawnVehicle;
_veh setVariable["blck_vehicleSearchRadius",blck_playerDetectionRangeSurfaceVehicle];
_veh setVariable["blck_vehiclePlayerDetectionOdds",blck_vehiclePlayerDetectionOdds];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then {diag_log format["spawnVehicle.sqf:: vehicle spawned is %1",_veh];};
// params["_veh",["_clearInventory",true]];
[_veh,_clearInventory] call blck_fnc_configureMissionVehicle;
//[_veh,_group,_crewCount] call blck_fnc_loadVehicleCrew;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then {diag_log format["spawnVehicle:: returning parameter _veh = %1",_veh];};

View File

@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ if (_backpacks isEqualTo []) then {_backpacks = [_skillAI] call blck_fnc_sele
if (_weaponList isEqualTo []) then {_weaponList = [_skillAI] call blck_fnc_selectAILoadout};
if (_sideArms isEqualTo []) then {[_skillAI] call blck_fnc_selectAISidearms};
// params["_pos", "_center", ["_numai1",5], ["_numai2",10], ["_skillLevel","red"], ["_minDist",30], ["_maxDist",45],["_configureWaypoints",true], ["_uniforms",[]],
//["_headGear",[]],["_vests",[]],["_backpacks",[]],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",[]], ["_scuba",false]];
switch (toLower(_skillAI)) do
case "blue": {_minDist = 150;_maxDist = blck_maxPatrolRadiusHelisBlue};
@ -48,13 +46,6 @@ if !(isNull _grpPilot) then
_grpPilot setVariable["arc",0];
_grpPilot setVariable["wpRadius",0];
_grpPilot setVariable["wpMode","SAD"];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionHeli - max radii are: blue %1 | red %2 | green %3 | orange %4",blck_maxPatrolRadiusHelisBlue,blck_maxPatrolRadiusHelisRed,blck_maxPatrolRadiusHelisGreen,blck_maxPatrolRadiusHelisOrange];
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionHeli(59): _skillAI = %1 | _minDist = %2 | _maxDist = %3",_skillAI,_minDist,_maxDist];
#define aircraftPatrolRadius 800
#define aircraftWaypointTimeout [1,1.5,2]
@ -68,52 +59,17 @@ if !(isNull _grpPilot) then
} else {
_chopperType = _helis
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionHeli(59): _skillAI = %1 | _minDist = %2 | _maxDist = %3",_skillAI,_minDist,_maxDist];
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionHeli (78):: _chopperType selected = %1",_chopperType];
//_patrolHeli = createVehicle [_chopperType, _coords, [], 90, "FLY"];
_patrolHeli = [_chopperType,_coords,"FLY"] call blck_fnc_spawnVehicle;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionHeli (75): _patrolHeli = %1 | getPosATL _patrolHeli = %2",_patrolHeli,getposATL _patrolHeli];
[_patrolHeli,2] call blck_fnc_configureMissionVehicle;
//_patrolHeli setVariable["blck_vehicle",true];
_patrolHeli setVariable["blck_vehicleSearchRadius",blck_playerDetectionRangeAir];
_patrolHeli setVariable["blck_vehiclePlayerDetectionOdds",blck_vehiclePlayerDetectionOdds];
//_patrolHeli addEventHandler["GetOut",{_this remoteExec["blck_EH_vehicleGetOut",2]}];
//[_patrolHeli] call blck_fnc_protectVehicle;
_patrolHeli setFuel 1;
_patrolHeli engineOn true;
_patrolHeli flyInHeight 100;
//_patrolHeli setVehicleLock "LOCKED";
// params["_veh","_group",["_crewCount",4]];
[_patrolHeli,_grpPilot,_crewCount] call blck_fnc_loadVehicleCrew;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionHeli (93):: heli %1 spawned with crew count of %2 | desired crew count = %3",_patrolHeli,count(crew _patrolHeli),_crewCount];
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionHeli (89): _patrolHeli = %1 | getPosATL _patrolHeli = %2 | driver _patrolHeli = %4",_patrolHeli,getposATL _patrolHeli,driver _patrolHeli];
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionHeli (133)::-->> Heli %1 outfited with a crew numbering %2",_patrolHeli, crew _patrolHeli];
//diag_log format["[blckeagls] _fnc_spawnMissionHeli:: _patrolHeli %1 | _grpPilot %2 | _abort %3",_patrolHeli,_grpPilot,_abort];
_return = [_patrolHeli,units _grpPilot,_abort];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionHeli:: function returning value for _return of %1",_return];

View File

@ -24,75 +24,32 @@ _noPara = 0;
_aborted = false;
if (_skillAI isEqualTo "blue") then {
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugON) then {diag_log "_fnc_spawnMissionParatroops: BLUE difficulty settings applied";};
_chanceParatroops = blck_chanceParaBlue;
_noPara = blck_noParaBlue;
if (_skillAI isEqualTo "green") then {
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugON) then {diag_log "_fnc_spawnMissionParatroops: GREEN difficulty settings applied";};
_chanceParatroops = blck_chanceParaGreen;
_noPara = blck_noParaGreen;
if (_skillAI isEqualTo "orange") then {
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugON) then {diag_log "_fnc_spawnMissionParatroops: ORANGE difficulty settings applied";};
_chanceParatroops = blck_chanceParaOrange;
_noPara = blck_noParaOrange;
if (_skillAI isEqualTo "red") then {
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugON) then {diag_log "_fnc_spawnMissionParatroops: RED difficulty settings applied";};
_chanceParatroops = blck_chanceParaRed;
_noPara = blck_noParaRed;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then {diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionParatroops (47): _chanceParatroops %1",_chanceParatroops];};
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then {diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionParatroops (48): _coords %1 | _numAI %2 | _skillAI %3 | _grpParatroops %4 | _heli %5",_coords,_noPara,_skillAI,_grpParatroops,_heli];};
if ( (random(1) < _chanceParatroops)) then
if (isNull _grpParatroops) then
_grpParatroops = createGroup blck_AI_Side;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionParatroops (53):No group passed as a parameter, _grpParatroops %4 created",_grpParatroops];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionParatroops (58): function running and group %1 successfully created; now calling blck_fnc_spawnParaUnits",_grpParatroops];
_aborted = [_coords,_grpParatroops,_noPara,_skillAI,_weapons,_uniforms,_headGear,_heli] call blck_fnc_spawnParaUnits;
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionParatroops: blck_fnc_spawnParaUnits returned a value of %1",_aborted];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionParatroops: _aborted = %1",_aborted];
if (_aborted) then
_return = [[],true];
@ -100,9 +57,5 @@ if (_aborted) then
_return = [(units _grpParatroops),false];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionParatroops:-> _return = %1 | _abort = %2",_return,_aborted];

View File

@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
// [_coords,_aiDifficultyLevel,_chancePara,_noPara,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms]
params["_coords","_missionHelis","_spawnHeli",["_aiSkillsLevel","Red"],["_chancePara",0],["_noPara",0],["_uniforms",[]], ["_headGear",[]],["_vests",[]],["_backpacks",[]],["_weaponList",[]],["_sideArms",[]]];
if (_uniforms isEqualTo []) then {_uniforms = [_skillAI] call blck_fnc_selectAIUniforms};
@ -22,38 +21,14 @@ if (_backpacks isEqualTo []) then {_backpacks = [_skillAI] call blck_fnc_selec
if (_weaponList isEqualTo []) then {_weaponList = [_skillAI] call blck_fnc_selectAILoadout};
if (_sideArms isEqualTo []) then {[_skillAI] call blck_fnc_selectAISidearms};
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel >=2) then
private _params = ["_coords","_missionHelis","_spawnHeli","_aiSkillsLevel","_chancePara","_noPara","_uniforms","_headGear","_vests","_backpacks","_weapons","_sideArms"];
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionReinforcements:: param %1 | isEqualTo %2 | _forEachIndex %3",_params select _forEachIndex,_this select _forEachIndex, _forEachIndex];
}forEach _this;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionReinforcements (25): Script Starting with _aiSkillsLevel = %1",_aiSkillsLevel]};
_aiSkillsLevel = toLower _aiSkillsLevel;
if ( _spawnHeli ) then // if helipatrols are 'enabled' then paratroops will only drop if a heli spawns.
// The chance that they drop is linked to the value for them for that difficulty _aiSkillsLevel
//see _fnc_spannMissionParatroops for how this is handled.
_temp = [objNull,[],false];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
diag_log "_fnc_spawnMissionReinforcements (64): calling _fnc_spawnMissionHeli to spawn heli and paratroops";
// params["_coords","_skillAI","_weapons","_uniforms","_headGear","_helis",["_chanceParas",0]];
_temp = [_coords,_missionHelis,_aiDifficultyLevel,_chancePara,_noPara,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionHeli;
if (typeName _temp isEqualTo "ARRAY") then
@ -63,23 +38,12 @@ if ( _spawnHeli ) then // if helipatrols are 'enabled' then paratroops will only
_return = [objNull, [], true];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then {diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionReinforcements (66): blck_fnc_spawnMissionHeli returned value of %1 for _return",_return];};
} else {
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then {diag_log "_fnc_spawnMissionReinforcements (68): calling _fnc_spawnMissionParatroops to spawn para reinforcements";};
_temp = [objNull,[],false];
_temp = [_coords,_aiSkillsLevel,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionParatroops;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then {
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionReinforcements (71):: blck_fnc_spawnMissionParatroops returned value for _paratroops of %1",_temp];
if (typeName _temp isEqualTo "ARRAY") then
_return = [objNull, _temp select 0 /*units*/, _temp select 1 /*true/false*/];
@ -88,8 +52,4 @@ if ( _spawnHeli ) then // if helipatrols are 'enabled' then paratroops will only
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then {diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionReinforcements (74):: _return = %1",_return];};

View File

@ -36,22 +36,16 @@ _offset = _supplyHeli getPos [10, _dir];
_chute = createVehicle ["I_Parachute_02_F", [100, 100, 100], [], 0, "FLY"];
[_chute] call blck_fnc_protectVehicle;
_chute setPos [_offset select 0, _offset select 1, 100 ]; //(_offset select 2) - 10];
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnParaCrate:: chute spawned yielding object %1 at postion %2", _chute, getPos _chute];
//create the parachute and crate
_crateSelected = selectRandom["Box_FIA_Ammo_F","Box_FIA_Support_F","Box_FIA_Wps_F","I_SupplyCrate_F","Box_IND_AmmoVeh_F","Box_NATO_AmmoVeh_F","Box_East_AmmoVeh_F","IG_supplyCrate_F"];
_crate = [getPos _chute, _crateSelected] call blck_fnc_spawnCrate;
//_crate = createVehicle [_crateSelected, position _chute, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_crate setPos [position _supplyHeli select 0, position _supplyHeli select 1, 250]; //(position _supplyHeli select 2) - 10];
_crate attachTo [_chute, [0, 0, -1.3]];
_crate allowdamage false;
_crate enableRopeAttach true; // allow slingloading where possible
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnParaCrate:: crate spawned %1 at position %2 and attached to %3",_crate, getPos _crate, attachedTo _crate];
switch (_lootSetting) do
case "orange": {[_crate, blck_BoxLoot_Orange, _lootCounts] call blck_fnc_fillBoxes;};
@ -60,8 +54,6 @@ switch (_lootSetting) do
case "blue": {[_crate, blck_BoxLoot_Blue, _lootCounts] call blck_fnc_fillBoxes;};
default {[_crate, blck_BoxLoot_Red, _lootCounts] call blck_fnc_fillBoxes;};
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnParaCrate:: crate loaded and now at position %1 and attached to %2", getPos _crate, attachedTo _crate];
_fn_monitorCrate = {
@ -71,7 +63,6 @@ _fn_monitorCrate = {
while {!_crateOnGround} do
uiSleep 1;
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnParaCrate:: Crate Altitude: %1 Crate Velocity: %2 Crate Position: %3 Crate attachedTo %4", getPos _crate select 2, velocityModelSpace _crate select 2, getPosATL _crate, attachedTo _crate];
if ( (((velocity _crate) select 2) < 0.1) || ((getPosATL _crate select 2) < 0.1) ) exitWith
uiSleep 10; // give some time for everything to settle

View File

@ -13,66 +13,33 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
_coords = _this select 0;
_aiSkillsLevel = _this select 1;
_weapons = _this select 2;
_uniforms = _this select 3;
_headgear = _this select 4;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionReinforcements (25): Script Starting with _aiSkillsLevel = %1",_aiSkillsLevel]};
_aiSkillsLevel = toLower _aiSkillsLevel;
if (_aiSkillsLevel isEqualTo "blue") then {
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log "_fnc_spawnMissionReinforcements (29): BLUE difficulty settings applied";};
_chanceHeliPatrol = blck_chanceHeliPatrolBlue;
_missionHelis = blck_patrolHelisBlue;
if (_aiSkillsLevel isEqualTo "green") then {
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log "_fnc_spawnMissionReinforcements (34): GREEN difficulty settings applied";};
_chanceHeliPatrol = blck_chanceHeliPatrolGreen;
_missionHelis = blck_patrolHelisGreen;
if (_aiSkillsLevel isEqualTo "orange") then {
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log "_fnc_spawnMissionReinforcements (39): ORANGE difficulty settings applied";};
_chanceHeliPatrol = blck_chanceHeliPatrolOrange;
_missionHelis = blck_patrolHelisOrange;
if (_aiSkillsLevel isEqualTo "red") then
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log "_fnc_spawnMissionReinforcements (46): RED difficulty settings applied";};
_chanceHeliPatrol = blck_chanceHeliPatrolRed;
_missionHelis = blck_patrolHelisRed;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then {diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionReinforcements (50): Variables defined: _chanceHeliPatrol %1 | _missionHelis %2",_chanceHeliPatrol,_missionHelis];};
if ( (_chanceHeliPatrol > 0) && (random (1) < _chanceHeliPatrol) ) then // if helipatrols are 'enabled' then paratroops will only drop if a heli spawns.
// The chance that they drop is linked to the value for them for that difficulty _aiSkillsLevel
//see _fnc_spannMissionParatroops for how this is handled.
_temp = [objNull,[],false];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then
diag_log "_fnc_spawnMissionReinforcements (64): calling _fnc_spawnMissionHeli to spawn heli and paratroops";
// params["_coords","_skillAI","_weapons","_uniforms","_headGear","_helis",["_chanceParas",0]];
_temp = [_coords,_aiSkillsLevel,_weapons,_uniforms,_headgear,_missionHelis,_chancePara] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionHeli;
if (typeName _temp isEqualTo "ARRAY") then
@ -82,23 +49,9 @@ if ( (_chanceHeliPatrol > 0) && (random (1) < _chanceHeliPatrol) ) then // if he
_return = [objNull, [], true];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then {diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionReinforcements (66): blck_fnc_spawnMissionHeli returned value of %1 for _return",_return];};
} else {
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then {diag_log "_fnc_spawnMissionReinforcements (68): calling _fnc_spawnMissionParatroops to spawn para reinforcements";};
_temp = [objNull,[],false];
// params["_coords","_skillAI","_weapons","_uniforms","_headgear"];
_temp = [_coords,_aiSkillsLevel,_weapons,_uniforms,_headgear] call blck_fnc_spawnMissionParatroops;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 2) then {
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionReinforcements (71):: blck_fnc_spawnMissionParatroops returned value for _paratroops of %1",_temp];
if (typeName _temp isEqualTo "ARRAY") then
_return = [objNull, _temp select 0 /*units*/, _temp select 1 /*true/false*/];
@ -107,8 +60,4 @@ if ( (_chanceHeliPatrol > 0) && (random (1) < _chanceHeliPatrol) ) then // if he
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then {diag_log format["_fnc_spawnMissionReinforcements (74):: _return = %1",_return];};

View File

@ -14,23 +14,10 @@
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then {diag_log format["spawnVehicle.sqf: _vehType = %1 | _pos = %2",_vehType,_pos];};
private _veh = [_vehType,_pos] call blck_fnc_spawnVehicle;
_veh setVariable["blck_vehicleSearchRadius",blck_playerDetectionRangeSubs];
_veh setVariable["blck_vehiclePlayerDetectionOdds",blck_vehiclePlayerDetectionOdds];
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then {diag_log format["spawnVehicle.sqf:: vehicle spawned is %1",_veh];};
//[_veh,_group,_crewCount] call blck_fnc_loadVehicleCrew;
[_veh,2] call blck_fnc_configureMissionVehicle;
#ifdef blck_debugMode
if (blck_debugLevel > 1) then {diag_log format["spawnVehicle:: returning parameter _veh = %1",_veh];};

View File

@ -12,9 +12,9 @@
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
private _veh = createVehicle[_vehType, _pos, [], 0, _special];
private _veh = createVehicle[_vehType, _pos, [], _radius, _special];
_veh setVectorUp surfaceNormal position _veh;
_veh allowDamage true;
_veh enableRopeAttach true;

View File

@ -15,14 +15,6 @@
//_center Center of the mission area - this is usually the position treated as the center by the mission spawner. Vehicles will patrol the perimeter of the mission area.
// _pos the approximate spawn point for the vehicle
//_vehType = [_this,1,"I_G_Offroad_01_armed_F"] call BIS_fnc_param;
//_minDis =
//_maxDis =
//_groupForVehiclePatrol = The group with which to man the vehicle
// _crewCount = the number of AI including driver and gunners to place in the vehicle
if (_group isEqualTo grpNull) exitWith
diag_log format["_fnc_spawnVehiclePatrol(30): <ERROR> Function can not accept a null group"];
@ -30,8 +22,8 @@ if (_group isEqualTo grpNull) exitWith
private _veh = objNull;
_veh = [_vehType,_pos] call blck_fnc_spawnVehicle;
_veh = [_vehType,_pos] call blck_fnc_spawnVehicle;
_veh setVariable["blck_vehicleSearchRadius",blck_playerDetectionRangeGroundVehicle];
_veh setVariable["blck_vehiclePlayerDetectionOdds",blck_vehiclePlayerDetectionOdds];
@ -41,13 +33,9 @@ private _maxCrew = [_crewCount] call blck_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
[_veh,2] call blck_fnc_configureMissionVehicle;
if (_setWaypoints) then
// params["_pos","_minDis","_maxDis","_group",["_mode","random"],["_wpPatrolMode","SAD"],["_soldierType","null"] ];
[_center,_minDis,_maxDis,_group,"perimeter","SAD","vehicle",_patrolRadius,_waypointTimeout] spawn blck_fnc_setupWaypoints;
//diag_log format["_fnc_spawnVehiclePatrol(50): waypoint configuration set for vehicle %1 with crew %2",_veh, crew _veh];

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More