// time.sqf // by CRE4MPIE // GamersInc.NET 2015 // Creds to AWOL, A3W, LouD for inspiration private["_startTime"]; _startTime = diag_tickTime; if (!isServer) exitWith {}; diag_log "[blckeagls] Time Acceleration Begun ----- >>>>>"; _world = toLower format ["%1", worldName]; private["_nightAccel","_dayAccel","_duskAccel"]; switch (_world) do { case "altis":{_nightAccel = 3;_dayAccel=0.5; _duskAccel = 3;}; case "napf":{_nightAccel = 12; _dayAccel = 2;_duskAccel = 6;}; case "namalsk":{_nightAccel = 12; _dayAccel = 2;_duskAccel = 6;}; case "tanoa":{_nightAccel = 12; _dayAccel = 3.2;_duskAccel = 6;}; }; while {true} do { switch (sunOrMoon) do { case {sunOrMoon < 0.1}: {setTimeMultiplier _nightAccel; diag_log format["time accel updated to %1; sunOrMoon = %2; time of day = %3",_nightAccel,sunOrMoon,dayTime];}; case {sunOrMoon > 0.5}: {setTimeMultiplier _dayAccel;diag_log format["time accel updated to %1; sunOrMoon = %2; time of day = %3",_dayAccel,sunOrMoon,dayTime];}; default {setTimeMultiplier _duskAccel;diag_log format["time accel updated to %1; sunOrMoon = %2; time of day = %3",_duskAccel,sunOrMoon,dayTime];}; }; uiSleep 300; }; diag_log format["Time Acceleration Module Loaded in %1 seconds",(diag_tickTime - _startTime)];