/* "StaticWeapon" "Car","Tank" "Air","Plane","Helicopter" "Ship", "Man" (_x get3DENAttribute 'enableSimulation') select 0, (_x get3DENAttribute 'allowDamage') select 0 _missionLandscape = [ ["Land_Cargo_HQ_V2_F",[22885.4,16756.8,3.19],[[0,1,0],[0,0,1]],[true,false]], _missionEmplacedWeapons = [ ["B_HMG_01_high_F",[22883.5,16757.6,6.31652],"blue",0,10] _aiGroupParameters = [ ["B_HMG_01_high_F",[22883.5,16757.6,6.31652],"blue",0,10] [[22819.4,16929.5,0],"red",1, 75, 10] _vehiclePatrolParameters = [ ["B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F",[22809.5,16699.2,0],"blue",600,10] _airPatrols = [ [selectRandom _aircraftTypes,[22830.2,16618.1,11.4549],"blue",1000,60] _missionCenter = [22584.9,15304.8,0]; _markerLabel = ""; //_markerType = ["ELIPSE",[200,200],"GRID"]; // An alternative would be: _markerType = ["mil_triangle",[0,0]]; // You can replace mil_triangle with any other valid Arma 3 marker type https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/cfgMarkers _markerColor = "ColorRed"; // This can be any valid Arma Marker Color */ /////////////////// // Ensure that a center has been set /////////////////// _cb = ""; diag_log "========== =========================="; ////////////////// // Configure Marker ///////////////// _mk = allMapMarkers select 0; _cb = _cb + format["_missionCenter = %1;%2",markerPos _mk,endl]; _cb = _cb + format['_markerType = "%1";%2;',getMarkerType _mk,endl]; _cb = _cb + format['_markerColor = "%1";%2',markerColor _mk,endl]; _cb = _cb + format['_markerLabel = "%1";%2',MarkerText _mk,endl]; if ((getMarkerType _mk) in ["ELIPSE","RECTANGLE"]) then { _cb = _cb + format['_markerBrush = "%1";%2',markerBrush _mk,endl]; _cb = _cb + format['_markerSize = "%1";%2',getMarkerSize _mk,endl]; }; _cb = _cb + format["%1%1",endl]; /////////////////// // Configure info for mission landscape /////////////////// _land = allMissionObjects "Static"; systemChat format["%1 static objects",count _land]; _cb = _cb + format["_missionLandscape = [",endl]; { _line = format["[%1,%2,[%3,%4],%5,%6]",typeOf _x,getPosATL _x,VectorDir _x, vectorUp _x,'true','true']; systemChat _line; if (_forEachIndex == 0) then { _cb = _cb + format["%1%2",endl,_line]; } else { _cb = _cb + format[",%1%2",endl,_line]; }; }forEach allMissionObjects "Static"; _cb = _cb + format["%1];%1%1",endl]; /////////////////// // Setup information for infantry groups /////////////////// _cb = _cb + format["_missionGroups = ["]; { //[[22920.4,16887.3,3.19144],"red",[1,2], 75,120], if !(surfaceIsWater (getPos _x)) then { _line = format['[%1,%2,[%3,%4],%5,%6]',getPosATL _x,aiDifficulty,minAI,maxAI,patrolRadius,AI_respawnTime]; systemChat _line; if (_forEachIndex == 0) then { _cb = _cb + format["%1%2",endl,_line]; } else { _cb = _cb + format[",%1%2",endl,_line]; }; }; }forEach allMissionObjects "Man"; _cb = _cb + format["%1];%1%1",endl]; _cb = _cb+ format["_aiScubaGroupParameters = ["]; { //[[22920.4,16887.3,3.19144],"red",[1,2], 75,120], if (surfaceIsWater (getPos _x)) then { _line = format['[%1,%2,[%3,%4],%5,%6]',getPosATL _x,aiDifficulty,minAI,maxAI,patrolRadius,AI_respawnTime]; systemChat _line; if (_forEachIndex == 0) then { _cb = _cb + format["%1%2",endl,_line]; } else { _cb = _cb + format[",%1%2",endl,_line]; }; }; }forEach allMissionObjects "Man"; _cb = _cb + format["%1];%1%1",endl]; /////////////////// // Setup Info for vehicle patrols /////////////////// _cb = _cb + format["_missionPatrolVehicles = ["]; { if !((typeOf _x) isKindOf "SDV_01_base_F") then { _line = format["[%1,%2,%3,%4,%5]",typeOf _x, getPosATL _x, aiDifficulty,aiVehiclePatrolRadius,vehiclePatrolRespawnTime]; //["B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F",[22809.5,16699.2,0],"blue",600,10] systemChat _line; if (_forEachIndex == 0) then { _cb = _cb + format["%1%2",endl,_line]; } else { _cb = _cb + format[",%1%2",endl,_line]; }; }; }forEach ((allMissionObjects "Car") + (allMissionObjects "Tank") + allMissionObjects "Ship"); _cb = _cb + format["%1];%1%1",endl]; /////////////////// // Configs for Air Patrols /////////////////// _cb = _cb + "_airPatrols = ["; //[selectRandom _aircraftTypes,[22830.2,16618.1,11.4549],"blue",1000,60] { _line = format["%1,%2,%3,%4,%5]",typeOf _x, getPosATL _x, aiDifficulty,aiAircraftPatrolRadius,aiAircraftPatrolRespawnTime]; systemChat _line; if (_forEachIndex == 0) then { _cb = _cb + format["%1%2",endl,_line]; } else { _cb = _cb + format[",%1%2",endl,_line]; }; }forEach allMissionObjects "Air"; _cb = _cb + format["%1];%1%1",endl]; /////////////////// // Setup info for static/emplaced weapons /////////////////// _cb = _cb + format["_missionEmplacedWeapons = ["]; { // ["B_HMG_01_high_F",[22883.5,16757.6,6.31652],"blue",0,10] _line = format['[%1,%2,%3,%4,%5]',typeOf _x,getPosATL _x,aiDifficulty,0,staticWeaponRespawnTime]; systemChat _line; if (_forEachIndex == 0) then { _cb = _cb + format["%1%2",endl,_line]; } else { _cb = _cb + format[",%1%2",endl,_line]; }; }forEach allMissionObjects "StaticWeapon"; _cb = _cb + format["%1];%1%1",endl]; _cb = _cb + "_submarinePatrolParameters = ["; { if ((typeOf _x) isKindOf "SDV_01_base_F") then { _line = format["[%1,%2,%3,%4,%5]",typeOf _x, getPosATL _x, aiDifficulty,aiSubmarinePatrolRadius,vehicleSubmarineRespawnTime]; //["B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F",[22809.5,16699.2,0],"blue",600,10] systemChat _line; if (_forEachIndex == 0) then { _cb = _cb + format["%1%2",endl,_line]; } else { _cb = _cb + format[",%1%2",endl,_line]; }; }; }forEach allMissionObjects "Ship"; _cb = _cb + format["%1];%1%1",endl]; _cb = _cb + "_missionLootBoxes = ["; { // [selectRandom blck_crateTypes,[22904.8,16742.5,6.30195],[[0,1,0],[0,0,1]],[true,false], _crateLoot, _lootCounts] _line = format["%1,%2,%3,[true,false],_crateLoot,_lootCounts]",typeOf _x,getPosATL _x,[VectorDir _x, VectorUp _x]]; systemChat _line; if (_forEachIndex == 0) then { _cb = _cb + format["%1%2",endl,_line]; } else { _cb = _cb + format[",%1%2",endl,_line]; }; }forEach allMissionObjects "ThingX"; _cb = _cb + format["%1];%1%1",endl]; /////////////////// // All done, notify the user and copy the output to the clipboard /////////////////// _msg = "All Objects organzied, formated and copied to the Clipboard"; hint _msg; systemChat _msg; systemChat format["_cb has %1 characters",count _cb]; copyToClipboard _cb; //if (true) exitWith{diag_log _cb};