2020-05-09 11:59:39 -04:00
GMS_fnc__loadLootItemsFromArray.sqf Most changes for 6.92 in place 2019-07-11 23:07:26 -04:00
GMS_fnc_addDynamicUMS_Mission.sqf Most changes for 6.92 in place 2019-07-11 23:07:26 -04:00
GMS_fnc_addItemToCrate.sqf Build 177 2019-06-17 22:52:54 -04:00
GMS_fnc_addMIssionToQue.sqf Most changes for 6.92 in place 2019-07-11 23:07:26 -04:00
GMS_fnc_cleanUpObjects.sqf Used correct version rather than an older build 2020-01-29 18:32:43 -05:00
GMS_fnc_clearMines.sqf Build 177 2019-06-17 22:52:54 -04:00
GMS_fnc_crateMarker.sqf Build 177 2019-06-17 22:52:54 -04:00
GMS_fnc_crateMoved.sqf Build 177 2019-06-17 22:52:54 -04:00
GMS_fnc_endMission.sqf Build 201 2020-05-05 18:11:24 -04:00
GMS_fnc_fillBoxes.sqf Most changes for 6.92 in place 2019-07-11 23:07:26 -04:00
GMS_fnc_garrisonBuilding_ATLsystem.sqf Fixed an issues with offloading to HC 2019-09-10 23:41:47 -04:00
GMS_fnc_garrisonBuilding_relPosSystem.sqf Bug Fixes 2019-09-12 21:33:07 -04:00
GMS_fnc_loadMissionCrate.sqf Build 177 2019-06-17 22:52:54 -04:00
GMS_fnc_missionSpawner.sqf Added one new function, cleaned up a few others 2020-05-09 11:59:39 -04:00
GMS_fnc_paraDropObject.sqf Further Bug fixes and code improvements 2018-11-27 22:01:34 -05:00
GMS_fnc_selecctChanceParatroops.sqf Version 6.84 Build 145 2018-06-24 06:42:01 -04:00
GMS_fnc_selectAIBackpacks.sqf Version 6.84 Build 145 2018-06-24 06:42:01 -04:00
GMS_fnc_selectAIHeadgear.sqf Version 6.84 Build 145 2018-06-24 06:42:01 -04:00
GMS_fnc_selectAILoadout.sqf Build 177 2019-06-17 22:52:54 -04:00
GMS_fnc_selectAISidearms.sqf Version 6.84 Build 145 2018-06-24 06:42:01 -04:00
GMS_fnc_selectAIUniforms.sqf Version 6.84 Build 145 2018-06-24 06:42:01 -04:00
GMS_fnc_selectAIVests.sqf Version 6.84 Build 145 2018-06-24 06:42:01 -04:00
GMS_fnc_selectChanceHeliPatrol.sqf Version 6.84 Build 145 2018-06-24 06:42:01 -04:00
GMS_fnc_selectMissionHelis.sqf Version 6.84 Build 145 2018-06-24 06:42:01 -04:00
GMS_fnc_selectNumberAirPatrols.sqf Version 6.84 Build 145 2018-06-24 06:42:01 -04:00
GMS_fnc_selectNumberParatroops.sqf Version 6.84 Build 145 2018-06-24 06:42:01 -04:00
GMS_fnc_selectVehicleCrewCount.sqf More updates to notifying AI on unit kill 2019-05-25 00:02:07 -04:00
GMS_fnc_signalEnd.sqf Build 177 2019-06-17 22:52:54 -04:00
GMS_fnc_sm_AddAircraft.sqf Most changes for 6.92 in place 2019-07-11 23:07:26 -04:00
GMS_fnc_sm_AddEmplaced.sqf Most changes for 6.92 in place 2019-07-11 23:07:26 -04:00
GMS_fnc_sm_AddGroup.sqf Most changes for 6.92 in place 2019-07-11 23:07:26 -04:00
GMS_fnc_sm_AddGroupToArray.sqf Most changes for 6.92 in place 2019-07-11 23:07:26 -04:00
GMS_fnc_sm_AddVehicle.sqf Most changes for 6.92 in place 2019-07-11 23:07:26 -04:00
GMS_fnc_sm_init_functions.sqf Most changes for 6.92 in place 2019-07-11 23:07:26 -04:00
GMS_fnc_sm_initializeMission.sqf Most changes for 6.92 in place 2019-07-11 23:07:26 -04:00
GMS_fnc_sm_initializeUMSStaticMission.sqf Most changes for 6.92 in place 2019-07-11 23:07:26 -04:00
GMS_fnc_sm_monitorAircraft.sqf Most changes for 6.92 in place 2019-07-11 23:07:26 -04:00
GMS_fnc_sm_monitorEmplaced.sqf Most changes for 6.92 in place 2019-07-11 23:07:26 -04:00
GMS_fnc_sm_monitorGarrisons_relPos.sqf Most changes for 6.92 in place 2019-07-11 23:07:26 -04:00
GMS_fnc_sm_monitorGarrisonsASL.sqf Most changes for 6.92 in place 2019-07-11 23:07:26 -04:00
GMS_fnc_sm_monitorInfantry.sqf Used correct version rather than an older build 2020-01-29 18:32:43 -05:00
GMS_fnc_sm_monitorScuba.sqf Used correct version rather than an older build 2020-01-29 18:32:43 -05:00
GMS_fnc_sm_monitorShips.sqf Most changes for 6.92 in place 2019-07-11 23:07:26 -04:00
GMS_fnc_sm_monitorSubs.sqf Most changes for 6.92 in place 2019-07-11 23:07:26 -04:00
GMS_fnc_sm_monitorVehicles.sqf Most changes for 6.92 in place 2019-07-11 23:07:26 -04:00
GMS_fnc_sm_spawnAirPatrol.sqf Updated Event Handling 2019-09-16 14:13:24 -04:00
GMS_fnc_sm_spawnAirPatrols.sqf Updated Event Handling 2019-09-16 14:13:24 -04:00
GMS_fnc_sm_spawnBuildingGarrison_relPos.sqf Used correct version rather than an older build 2020-01-29 18:32:43 -05:00
GMS_fnc_sm_spawnBuildingGarrisonASL.sqf Used correct version rather than an older build 2020-01-29 18:32:43 -05:00
GMS_fnc_sm_spawnEmplaced.sqf Bug Fixes 2019-09-12 21:33:07 -04:00
GMS_fnc_sm_spawnEmplaceds.sqf Bug Fixes 2019-09-12 21:33:07 -04:00
GMS_fnc_sm_spawnInfantryPatrols.sqf Used correct version rather than an older build 2020-01-29 18:32:43 -05:00
GMS_fnc_sm_spawnLootContainers.sqf Fixed Epoch Issue with Loot Vehicles at Static Missions (Epoch) 2020-05-06 08:13:12 -04:00
GMS_fnc_sm_spawnLootVehicles.sqf Fixed Epoch Issue with Loot Vehicles at Static Missions (Epoch) 2020-05-06 08:13:12 -04:00
GMS_fnc_sm_spawnMission.sqf Most changes for 6.92 in place 2019-07-11 23:07:26 -04:00
GMS_fnc_sm_spawnObjectASLVectorDirUp.sqf Most changes for 6.92 in place 2019-07-11 23:07:26 -04:00
GMS_fnc_sm_spawnObjects.sqf Most changes for 6.92 in place 2019-07-11 23:07:26 -04:00
GMS_fnc_sm_spawnVehiclePatrols.sqf Fixed Epoch Issue with Loot Vehicles at Static Missions (Epoch) 2020-05-06 08:13:12 -04:00
GMS_fnc_sm_staticPatrolMonitor.sqf Used correct version rather than an older build 2020-01-29 18:32:43 -05:00
GMS_fnc_smokeAtCrates.sqf Build 177 2019-06-17 22:52:54 -04:00
GMS_fnc_spawnBaseObjects.sqf Used correct version rather than an older build 2020-01-29 18:32:43 -05:00
GMS_fnc_spawnCrate.sqf Code optimization and 1 bug fix (partial) 2019-05-18 14:05:16 -04:00
GMS_fnc_spawnDynamicUMSMission.sqf Used correct version rather than an older build 2020-01-29 18:32:43 -05:00
GMS_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray.sqf Used correct version rather than an older build 2020-01-29 18:32:43 -05:00
GMS_fnc_spawnGarrisonInsideBuilding_ATL.sqf Most changes for 6.92 in place 2019-07-11 23:07:26 -04:00
GMS_fnc_spawnGarrisonInsideBuilding_relPos.sqf Used correct version rather than an older build 2020-01-29 18:32:43 -05:00
GMS_fnc_spawnMines.sqf Build 177 2019-06-17 22:52:54 -04:00
GMS_fnc_spawnMissionAI.sqf Used correct version rather than an older build 2020-01-29 18:32:43 -05:00
GMS_fnc_spawnMissionCrates.sqf Minor bug fixes 2020-03-23 18:12:59 -04:00
GMS_fnc_spawnMissionLootVehicles.sqf Fixed Epoch Issue with Loot Vehicles at Static Missions (Epoch) 2020-05-06 08:13:12 -04:00
GMS_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols.sqf Used correct version rather than an older build 2020-01-29 18:32:43 -05:00
GMS_fnc_spawnPendingMissions.sqf Added one new function, cleaned up a few others 2020-05-09 11:59:39 -04:00
GMS_fnc_spawnRandomLandscape.sqf Fixed an error with how coords are deffined when missions are spawned. 2020-05-06 17:29:14 -04:00
GMS_fnc_spawnScubaGroup.sqf Used correct version rather than an older build 2020-01-29 18:32:43 -05:00
GMS_fnc_spawnSDVPatrol.sqf Used correct version rather than an older build 2020-01-29 18:32:43 -05:00
GMS_fnc_spawnSurfacePatrol.sqf Fixed an issues with offloading to HC 2019-09-10 23:41:47 -04:00
GMS_fnc_updateMissionQue.sqf Build 177 2019-06-17 22:52:54 -04:00
GMS_sm_AddScubaGroup.sqf Most changes for 6.92 in place 2019-07-11 23:07:26 -04:00
GMS_sm_AddSDVVehicle.sqf Most changes for 6.92 in place 2019-07-11 23:07:26 -04:00
GMS_sm_AddSurfaceVehicle.sqf Most changes for 6.92 in place 2019-07-11 23:07:26 -04:00