fixed an issue with Hostage missions. Fixed an issue whereby collisions between objects at missions caused them to fly about. Changed the default for some objects to allow damage which should increase realism and make certain player tasks like loading crates easier.
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84 lines
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Mission Template by Ghostrider [GRG]
Mission Compositions by Bill prepared for ghostridergaming
Copyright 2016
Last modified 3/20/17
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\privateVars.sqf";
//diag_log "[blckeagls] Spawning Red Mission with template = resupplyCamp";
_crateLoot = blck_BoxLoot_Red;
_lootCounts = blck_lootCountsRed;
_startMsg = "A Bandit resupply camp has been spotted. Check the Red marker on your map for its location";
_endMsg = "The Bandit resupply camp at the Red Marker is under player control";
_markerLabel = "";
_markerType = ["ELIPSE",[200,200],"GRID"];
_markerColor = "ColorRed";
_markerMissionName = "Resupply Camp";
_missionLandscapeMode = "precise"; // acceptable values are "none","random","precise"
_missionLandscape = [
]; // list of objects to spawn as landscape
_missionLootBoxes = []; // Parameters are "Box Item Code", array defining the loot to be spawned, and position.
_missionLootVehicles = []; // Parameters are "Box Item Code", array defining the loot to be spawned, and position.
_missionEmplacedWeapons = []; // can be used to define the precise placement of static weapons [[1,2,3] /*loc 1*/, [2,3,4] /*loc 2*/]; if blank random locations will be used
_minNoAI = blck_MinAI_Red;
_maxNoAI = blck_MaxAI_Red;
_noAIGroups = blck_AIGrps_Red;
_noVehiclePatrols = blck_SpawnVeh_Red;
_noEmplacedWeapons = blck_SpawnEmplaced_Red;
// Change _useMines to true/false below to enable mission-specific settings.
//_useMines = blck_useMines;
//_uniforms = blck_SkinList; // Setting this in the mission file overrides the defaults
//_headgear = blck_headgear; // Setting this in the mission file overrides the defaults
//_vests = blck_vests;
//_backpacks = blck_backpacks;
//_weaponList = ["blue"] call blck_fnc_selectAILoadout;
//_sideArms = blck_Pistols;
//_chanceHeliPatrol = blck_chanceHeliPatrolRed; // Setting this in the mission file overrides the defaults
//_noChoppers = blck_noPatrolHelisRed;
//_missionHelis = blck_patrolHelisRed;
//_chancePara = 0.0; // Setting this in the mission file overrides the defaults
//_noPara = 3; // Setting this in the mission file overrides the defaults
//_paraTriggerDistance = 400; // Distance from mission at which a player triggers these reinforcements and any supplemental loot. // To have paras spawn at the time the mission spawns with/without accompanying loot set this to 0.
//_paraSkill = "red"; // Choose any skill you like; bump up skill or add AI to justify more valuable loot.
//_chanceLoot = 0.999999990;
//_paraLoot = blck_BoxLoot_Red;
//_paraLootCounts = blck_lootCountsRed; // Throw in something more exotic than found at a normal blue mission.
//_spawnCratesTiming = blck_spawnCratesTiming; // Choices: "atMissionSpawnGround","atMissionEndGround","atMissionEndAir".
// Crates spawned in the air will be spawned at mission center or the position(s) defined in the mission file and dropped under a parachute.
// This sets the default value but can be overridden by defining _spawnCrateTiming in the file defining a particular mission.
//_loadCratesTiming = blck_loadCratesTiming; // valid choices are "atMissionCompletion" and "atMissionSpawn";
// Pertains only to crates spawned at mission spawn.
// This sets the default but can be overridden for specific missions by defining _loadCratesTiming
// Examples:
// To spawn crates at mission start loaded with gear set blck_spawnCratesTiming = "atMissionSpawnGround" && blck_loadCratesTiming = "atMissionSpawn"
// To spawn crates at mission start but load gear only after the mission is completed set blck_spawnCratesTiming = "atMissionSpawnGround" && blck_loadCratesTiming = "atMissionCompletion"
// To spawn crates on the ground at mission completion set blck_spawnCratesTiming = "atMissionEndGround" // Note that a loaded crate will be spawned.
// To spawn crates in the air and drop them by chutes set blck_spawnCratesTiming = "atMissionEndAir" // Note that a loaded crate will be spawned.
//_endCondition = blck_missionEndCondition; // Options are "allUnitsKilled", "playerNear", "allKilledOrPlayerNear"
// Setting this in the mission file overrides the defaults
//_endCondition = "playerNear"; // Options are "allUnitsKilled", "playerNear", "allKilledOrPlayerNear"
//_timeOut = -1;
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Missions\GMS_fnc_missionSpawner.sqf";