Added ability to pull AI loadouts from CfgPricine (Epoch). Consolidated code that defines AI Loadout and Airpatrol parameters based on difficulty. Added code to despawn static AI patrols and track the # of ai alive when infantry are despawned.
223 lines
7.0 KiB
223 lines
7.0 KiB
for ghostridergaming
By Ghostrider [GRG]
Copyright 2016
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
blck_blacklistedVests = [
blck_blacklistedUniforms = [
blck_blacklistedBackpacks = [
blck_blacklistedHeadgear = [
blck_blacklistedPrimaryWeapons = [
blck_blacklistedSecondaryWeapons = [
blck_blacklistedLaunchersAndSwingWeapons = [
blck_blacklistedOptics = [
blck_blacklistedAttachments = [
blck_blacklistedItems = [
blck_headgearList = [];
blck_SkinList = [];
blck_vests = [];
blck_backpacks = [];
blck_Pistols = [];
blck_primaryWeapons = [];
//blck_throwable = [];
_allWeaponRoots = ["Pistol","Rifle","Launcher"];
_allWeaponTypes = ["AssaultRifle","MachineGun","SniperRifle","Shotgun","Rifle","Pistol","SubmachineGun","Handgun","MissileLauncher","RocketLauncher","Throw","GrenadeCore"];
_addedBaseNames = [];
_allBannedWeapons = [];
_wpnAR = []; //Assault Rifles
_wpnARG = []; //Assault Rifles with GL
_wpnLMG = []; //Light Machine Guns
_wpnSMG = []; //Sub Machine Guns
_wpnDMR = []; //Designated Marksman Rifles
_wpnLauncher = [];
_wpnSniper = []; //Sniper rifles
_wpnHandGun = []; //HandGuns/Pistols
_wpnShotGun = []; //Shotguns
_wpnThrow = []; // throwables
_wpnUnknown = []; //Misc
_wpnUnderbarrel = [];
_wpnMagazines = [];
_wpnOptics = [];
_wpnPointers = [];
_wpnMuzzles = [];
_allBannedWearables = [];
_uniforms = [];
_headgear = [];
_glasses = [];
_masks = [];
_backpacks = [];
_vests = [];
_goggles = [];
_NVG = [];
_misc = [];
_baseClasses = [];
_classnameList = [];
diag_log format["blck_modType = %1",blck_modType];
if (blck_modType isEqualTo "Epoch") then
_classnameList = (missionConfigFile >> "CfgPricing" ) call BIS_fnc_getCfgSubClasses;
if (blck_modType isEqualTo "Exile") then
_classnameList = (missionConfigFile >> "CfgExileArsenal" ) call BIS_fnc_getCfgSubClasses;
diag_log format["_fnc_dynamicConfigsConfigurator: count _classnameList = %1",count _classnameList];
private _temp = [_x] call bis_fnc_itemType;
//diag_log _temp;
_itemCategory = _temp select 0;
_itemType = _temp select 1;
_price = 1000000;
if (blck_modType isEqualTo "Epoch") then
_price = getNumber(missionConfigFile >> "CfgPricing" >> _x >> "price");
if (blck_modType isEqualTo "Exile") then
_price = getNumber(missionConfigFile >> "CfgExileArsenal" >> _x >> "price");
//diag_log format["_fnc_dynamicConfigsConfigurator: _price = %1",_price];
if (_price < blck_maximumItemPriceInAI_Loadouts) then
//if (_itemCategory != "") then {diag_log format["_fnc_dynamicConfigsConfigurator: _itemCategory = %1 | _itemType = %2",_itemCategory,_itemType]};
if (_itemCategory isEqualTo "Weapon") then
switch (_itemType) do
case "AssaultRifle": {if !(_x in blck_blacklistedSecondaryWeapons) then {_wpnAR pushBack _x}};
case "MachineGun": {if !(_x in blck_blacklistedSecondaryWeapons) then {_wpnLMG pushBack _x}};
case "SubmachineGun": {if !(_x in blck_blacklistedSecondaryWeapons) then {_wpnSMG pushBack _x}};
case "Shotgun": {if !(_x in blck_blacklistedSecondaryWeapons) then {_wpnShotGun pushBack _x}};
case "Rifle": {if !(_x in blck_blacklistedSecondaryWeapons) then {_wpnAR pushBack _x}};
case "SniperRifle": {if !(_x in blck_blacklistedSecondaryWeapons) then {_wpnSniper pushBack _x}};
case "Handgun": {if !(_x in blck_blacklistedSecondaryWeapons) then {_wpnHandGun pushBack _x}};
case "Launcher": {if !(_x in blck_blacklistedLaunchersAndSwingWeapons) then {_wpnLauncher pushBack _x}};
case "RocketLauncher": {if !(_x in blck_blacklistedLaunchersAndSwingWeapons) then {_wpnLauncher pushBack _x}};
case "Throw": {if !(_x in blck_blacklistedItems) then {_wpnThrow pushBack _x}};
//case "": {if !(_x in ) then { pushBack _x}};
//case "": {if !(_x in ) then { pushBack _x}};
if (_itemCategory isEqualTo "Item") then
//diag_log format["Evaluating Item class name %1",_x];
switch (_itemType) do
case "AccessoryMuzzle": {if !(_x in blck_blacklistedAttachments) then {_wpnMuzzles pushBack _x}};
case "AccessoryPointer": {if !(_x in blck_blacklistedAttachments) then {_wpnPointers pushBack _x}};
case "AccessorySights": {if !(_x in blck_blacklistedOptics) then {_wpnOptics pushBack _x}};
case "AccessoryBipod": {if !(_x in blck_blacklistedAttachments) then {_wpnUnderbarrel pushBack _x}};
case "Binocular": {if !(_x in blck_blacklistedItems) then {_misc pushBack _x}};
case "Compass": {if !(_x in blck_blacklistedItems) then {_misc pushBack _x}};
case "GPS": {if !(_x in blck_blacklistedItems) then {_misc pushBack _x}};
case "NVGoggles": {if !(_x in blck_blacklistedItems) then {_NVG pushBack _x}};
//case "": {if !(_x in ) then { pushBack _x}};
//case "": {if !(_x in ) then { pushBack _x}};
//case "": {if !(_x in ) then { pushBack _x}};
//case "": {if !(_x in ) then { pushBack _x}};
//case "": {if !(_x in ) then { pushBack _x}};
//case "": {if !(_x in ) then { pushBack _x}};
//case "": {if !(_x in ) then { pushBack _x}};
//case "": {if !(_x in ) then { pushBack _x}};
if (_itemCategory isEqualTo "Equipment") then
//diag_log format["Evaluating Equipment class name %1",_x];
switch (_itemType) do
case "Glasses": {if !(_x in blck_blacklistedItems) then {_glasses pushBack _x}};
case "Headgear": {if !(_x in blck_blacklistedHeadgear) then {_headgear pushBack _x}};
case "Vest": {if !(_x in blck_blacklistedVests) then {_vests pushBack _x}};
case "Uniform": {if !(_x in blck_blacklistedUniforms) then {_uniforms pushBack _x}};
case "Backpack": {if !(_x in blck_blacklistedBackpacks) then {_backpacks pushBack _x}};
} forEach _classnameList;
blck_primaryWeapons = _wpnAR + _wpnLMG + _wpnSMG + _wpnShotGun + _wpnSniper;
blck_WeaponList_Blue = blck_primaryWeapons;
blck_WeaponList_Red = blck_primaryWeapons;
blck_WeaponList_Green = blck_primaryWeapons;
blck_WeaponList_Orange = blck_primaryWeapons;
blck_pistols = _wpnHandGun;
blck_Pistols_blue = blck_Pistols;
blck_Pistols_red = blck_Pistols;
blck_Pistols_green = blck_Pistols;
blck_Pistols_orange = blck_Pistols;
blck_headgearList = _headgear;
blck_headgear_blue = blck_headgearList;
blck_headgear_red = blck_headgearList;
blck_headgear_green = blck_headgearList;
blck_headgear_orange = blck_headgearList;
blck_SkinList = _uniforms;
blck_SkinList_blue = blck_SkinList;
blck_SkinList_red = blck_SkinList;
blck_SkinList_green = blck_SkinList;
blck_SkinList_orange = blck_SkinList;
blck_vests = _vests;
blck_vests_blue = blck_vests;
blck_vests_red = blck_vests;
blck_vests_green = blck_vests;
blck_vests_orange = blck_vests;
blck_backpacks = _backpacks;
blck_backpacks_blue = blck_backpacks;
blck_backpacks_red = blck_backpacks;
blck_backpacks_green = blck_backpacks;
blck_backpacks_orange = blck_backpacks;
blck_explosives = _wpnThrow;
blck_configsLoaded = true;