Corrected an error in blck_AI_Side; changed this back to EAST.
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This file contains most constants that define mission parameters, AI behavior and loot for mission system.
Last modified 8/1/15
#define DBDserver 1
if (blck_debugON) then {diag_log "[blckeagls] Loading blck_configs_epoch.sqf";};
Configuration for Addons that support the overall Mission system.
These are a module to spawn map addons generated with the Eden Editor
And a moduel to spawn static loot crates at specific location
A time acceleration module.
blck_spawnMapAddons = true; // When true map addons will be spawned based on parameters define in custum_server\MapAddons\MapAddons_init.sqf
blck_spawnStaticLootCrates = true; // When true, static loot crates will be spawned and loaded with loot as specified in custom_server\SLS\SLS_init_Epoch.sqf (or its exile equivalent).
// Note that you can define map-specific variants in custom_server\configs\blck_custom_config.sqf
blck_timeAcceleration = true; // When true, time acceleration will be periodically updated based on amount of daylight at that time according to the values below.
blck_timeAccelerationDay = 1; // Daytime time accelearation
blck_timeAccelerationDusk = 3; // Dawn/dusk time accelearation
blck_timeAccelerationNight = 6; // Nighttim time acceleration
// if true then missions will not spawn within 1000 m of spawn points for Altis, Bornholm, Cherno, Esseker or stratis.
blck_listConcreteMixerZones = true;
blck_blacklistSpawns = true;
blck_blacklistTraderCities = true; // Set this = true if you would like the mission system to automatically search for the locations of the Epoch trader cities. Note that these are pre-defined in GMS_fnc_findWorld for the most common maps.
// list of locations that are protected against mission spawns
switch (toLower(worldName)) do
case "altis": {
blck_locationBlackList append [
//Add location as [[xpos,ypos,0],minimumDistance],
// Note that there should not be a comma after the last item in this table
[[10800,10641,0],1000] // isthmus - missions that spawn here often are glitched.
case "tanoa": {
blck_locationBlackList append [ ];
// Headless Client Configurations
blck_useHC = false; // Not Yet Working
// Kill message configurations
// These determine whether and when messages are sent to players regarding AI Kills or illegal kills that might damage a vehicle.
blck_useKillMessages = false; // when true a message will be broadcast to all players each time an AI is killed; may impact server performance.
blck_useKillScoreMessage = true; // when true a tile is displayed to the killer with the kill score information
blck_useIEDMessages = true;
// blck_labelMapMarkers: Determines if when the mission composition provides text labels, map markers with have a text label indicating the mission type
//When set to true,"arrow", text will be to the right of an arrow below the mission marker.
// When set to true,"dot", ext will be to the right of a black dot at the center the mission marker.
blck_labelMapMarkers = [true,"center"];
blck_preciseMapMarkers = true; // Map markers are/are not centered at the loot crate
//Minimum distance between missions
blck_MinDistanceFromMission = 2000;
// Options to spawn a smoking wreck near the mission. When the first parameter is true, a wreck or junk pile will be spawned.
// It's position can be either "center" or "random". smoking wreck will be spawned at a random location between 15 and 50 m from the mission.
blck_SmokeAtMissions = [false,"random"]; // set to [false,"anything here"] to disable this function altogether.
blck_useSignalEnd = true; // When true a smoke grenade/chemlight will appear at the loot crate for 2 min after mission completion.
blck_RunGear = true; // When set to true, AI that have been run over will ve stripped of gear, and the vehicle will be given blck_RunGearDamage of damage.
blck_RunGearDamage = 0.2; // Damage applied to player vehicle for each AI run over
blck_VK_Gear = true; // When set to true, AI that have been killed by a player in a vehicle in the list of forbidden vehicles or using a forbiden gun will be stripped of gear and the vehicle will be given blck_RunGearDamage of damage
blck_VK_RunoverDamage = true; // when the AI was run over blck_RunGearDamage of damage will be applied to the killer's vehicle.
blck_VK_GunnerDamage = true; // when the AI was killed by a gunner on a vehicle that is is in the list of forbidden vehicles, blck_RunGearDamage of damage will be applied to the killer's vehicle each time an AI is killed with a vehicle's gun.
blck_forbidenVehicles = ["B_MRAP_01_hmg_F","O_MRAP_02_hmg_F"]; // Add any vehicles for which you wish to forbid vehicle kills
// For a listing of the guns mounted on various land vehicles see the following link: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgWeapons_Vehicle_Weapons
// HMG_M2 is mounted on the armed offroad that is spawned by Epoch
blck_forbidenVehicleGuns = ["LMG_RCWS","LMG_M200","HMG_127","HMG_127_APC",/*"HMG_M2",*/"HMG_NSVT","GMG_40mm","GMG_UGV_40mm","autocannon_40mm_CTWS","autocannon_30mm_CTWS","autocannon_35mm","LMG_coax","autocannon_30mm","HMG_127_LSV_01"]; // Add any vehicles for which you wish to forbid vehicle kills, o
blck_useKilledAIName = true; // When false, the name of the killer (player), weapon and distance are displayed; otherwise the name of the player, distance and name of AI unit killed are shown.
blck_useMines = false; // when true mines are spawned around the mission area. these are cleaned up when a player reaches the crate. Turn this off if you have vehicle patrols.
blck_cleanupCompositionTimer = 1200; // Mission objects will be deleted after the mission is completed after a deley set by this timer.
blck_cleanUpLootChests = false; // when true, loot crates will be deleted together with other mission objects.
blck_MissionTimout = 60*60; // 60 min - missions will timeout and respawn in another location. This prevents missions in impossible locations from persisting.
// Settings for Mission Vehicles.
blck_useVehiclePatrols = true; // When true vehicles will be spawned at missions and will patrol the mission area.
blck_killEmptyAIVehicles = false; // when true, the AI vehicle will be extensively damaged once all AI have gotten out.
blck_AIPatrolVehicles = ["B_G_Offroad_01_armed_EPOCH","B_LSV_01_armed_F"]; // Type of vehicle spawned to defend AI bases
blck_useStatic = true; // When true, AI will man static weapons spawned 20-30 meters from the mission center. These are very effective against most vehicles
blck_killEmptyStaticWeapons = true; // When true, static weapons will have damage set to 1 when the AI manning them is killed.
blck_staticWeapons = ["B_HMG_01_high_F"/*,"B_GMG_01_high_F","O_static_AT_F"*/]; // [0.50 cal, grenade launcher, AT Launcher]
// AI paratrooper reinforcement paramters
blck_enableReinforcements = false; // When true, reinforcements will be spawned at missions based on a probability defined in each mission template.
// Armed Helis
blck_AIHelis = ["B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F","B_Heli_Transport_01_camo_F","B_Heli_Transport_03_F"]; // The helis used to bring in and drop reinforcements.
// Unarmed Helis provided for reference.
// ["B_Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_EPOCH","O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_EPOCH","I_Heli_Transport_02_EPOCH"];
// Mission - specific settings
//Set to -1 to disable. Values of 2 or more force the mission spawner to spawn copies of that mission - this feature is not thoroughly tested.
blck_enableOrangeMissions = 1;
blck_enableGreenMissions = 1;
blck_enableRedMissions = 1;
blck_enableBlueMissions = 1;
#ifdef DBDserver
blck_enableHunterMissions = 1;
blck_enableScoutsMissions = 1;
blck_maxcrashsites = 3;
//Defines how many AI Vehicles to spawn. Set this to -1 to disable spawning of static weapons or vehicles. To discourage players runniing with with vehicles, spawn more B_GMG_01_high
blck_SpawnVeh_Orange = 3; // Number of static weapons at Orange Missions
blck_SpawnVeh_Green = 2; // Number of static weapons at Green Missions
blck_SpawnVeh_Blue = -1; // Number of static weapons at Blue Missions
blck_SpawnVeh_Red = 1; // Number of static weapons at Red Missions
// Defines how many static weapons to spawn. Set this to -1 to disable spawning
blck_SpawnEmplaced_Orange = 3; // Number of static weapons at Orange Missions
blck_SpawnEmplaced_Green = 2; // Number of static weapons at Green Missions
blck_SpawnEmplaced_Blue = 1; // Number of static weapons at Blue Missions
blck_SpawnEmplaced_Red = 1; // Number of static weapons at Red Missions
// Reduce to 1 sec for immediate spawns, or longer if you wish to space the missions out
blck_TMin_Orange = 250;
blck_TMin_Green = 200;
blck_TMin_Blue = 120;
blck_TMin_Red = 150;
#ifdef DBDserver
blck_TMin_Hunter = 120;
blck_TMin_Scouts = 115;
blck_TMin_Crashes = 115;
blck_TMin_UMS = 200;
//Maximum Spawn time between missions in seconds
blck_TMax_Orange = 360;
blck_TMax_Green = 300;
blck_TMax_Blue = 200;
blck_TMax_Red = 250;
#ifdef DBDserver
blck_TMax_Hunter = 200;
blck_TMax_Scouts = 200;
blck_TMax_Crashes = 200;
blck_TMax_UMS = 280;
blck_combatMode = "RED"; // Change this to "YELLOW" if the AI wander too far from missions for your tastes.
blck_groupFormation = "WEDGE"; // Possibilities include "WEDGE","VEE","FILE","DIAMOND"
blck_AI_Side = EAST;
blck_chanceBackpack = 0.3; // Chance AI will be spawned with a backpack
blck_useNVG = true; // When true, AI will be spawned with NVG if is dark
blck_removeNVG = false; // When true, NVG will be removed from AI when they are killed.
blck_useLaunchers = true; // When true, some AI will be spawned with RPGs; they do not however fire on vehicles for some reason so I recommend this be set to false for now
//blck_launcherTypes = ["launch_NLAW_F","launch_RPG32_F","launch_B_Titan_F","launch_I_Titan_F","launch_O_Titan_F","launch_B_Titan_short_F","launch_I_Titan_short_F","launch_O_Titan_short_F"];
blck_launcherTypes = ["launch_RPG32_F"];
blck_launchersPerGroup = 1; // Defines the number of AI per group spawned with a launcher
blck_launcherCleanup = true;// When true, launchers and launcher ammo are removed from dead AI.
//This defines how long after an AI dies that it's body disappears.
blck_bodyCleanUpTimer = 1200; // time in seconds after which dead AI bodies are deleted
// Each time an AI is killed, the location of the killer will be revealed to all AI within this range of the killed AI, set to -1 to disable
// values are ordered as follows [blue, red, green, orange];
blck_AliveAICleanUpTimer = 1200; // Time after mission completion at which any remaining live AI are deleted.
blck_AIAlertDistance = [250,325,450,500];
//blck_AIAlertDistance = [150,225,400,500];
// How precisely player locations will be revealed to AI after an AI kill
// values are ordered as follows [blue, red, green, orange];
blck_AIIntelligence = [0.5, 1, 2, 4];
blck_baseSkill = 1.0; // The overal skill of the AI - range 0.1 to 1.0.
//This defines the skill, minimum/Maximum number of AI and how many AI groups are spawned for each mission type
// Orange Missions
blck_MinAI_Orange = 20;
blck_MaxAI_Orange = 25;
blck_AIGrps_Orange = 6;
blck_SkillsOrange = [
// Green Missions
blck_MinAI_Green = 16;
blck_MaxAI_Green = 21;
blck_AIGrps_Green = 5;
blck_SkillsGreen = [
// Red Missions
blck_MinAI_Red = 12;
blck_MaxAI_Red = 15;
blck_AIGrps_Red = 3;
blck_SkillsRed = [
// Blue Missions
blck_MinAI_Blue = 8;
blck_MaxAI_Blue = 12;
blck_AIGrps_Blue = 2;
blck_SkillsBlue = [
// Add some money to AI; only works with Exile for now.
blck_maxMoneyOrange = 25;
blck_maxMoneyGreen = 20;
blck_maxMoneyRed = 15;
blck_maxMoneyBlue = 10;
#define useAPEX 1
// Blacklisted itesm
blck_blacklistedOptics = ["optic_Nightstalker","optic_tws","optic_tws_mg"];
// AI Weapons and Attachments
blck_bipods = ["bipod_01_F_blk","bipod_01_F_mtp","bipod_01_F_snd","bipod_02_F_blk","bipod_02_F_hex","bipod_02_F_tan","bipod_03_F_blk","bipod_03_F_oli"];
blck_Optics_Holo = ["optic_Hamr","optic_MRD","optic_Holosight","optic_Holosight_smg","optic_Aco","optic_ACO_grn","optic_ACO_grn_smg","optic_Aco_smg","optic_Yorris"];
blck_Optics_Reticule = ["optic_Arco","optic_MRCO"];
blck_Optics_Scopes = [
blck_Optics_Apex = [
"optic_Arco_blk_F", "optic_Arco_ghex_F",
blck_Optics = blck_Optics_Holo + blck_Optics_Reticule + blck_Optics_Scopes;
#ifdef useAPEX
blck_Optics = blck_Optics + blck_Optics_Apex;
blck_bipods = [
blck_silencers = [
blck_RifleSniper = [
blck_RifleAsault_556 = [
blck_RifleAsault_650 = [
blck_RifleAsault = [
blck_RifleLMG = [
blck_RifleOther = [
blck_Pistols = [
blck_DLC_MMG = [
blck_DLC_Sniper = [
blck_apexWeapons = ["arifle_AK12_F","arifle_AK12_GL_F","arifle_AKM_F","arifle_AKM_FL_F","arifle_AKS_F","arifle_ARX_blk_F","arifle_ARX_ghex_F","arifle_ARX_hex_F","arifle_CTAR_blk_F","arifle_CTAR_hex_F",
//This defines the random weapon to spawn on the AI
blck_WeaponList_Orange = blck_RifleSniper + blck_RifleAsault_650 + blck_RifleLMG + blck_DLC_Sniper + blck_DLC_MMG + blck_apexWeapons;
blck_WeaponList_Green = blck_RifleSniper + blck_RifleAsault_650 +blck_RifleLMG + blck_DLC_MMG + blck_apexWeapons;
blck_WeaponList_Blue = blck_RifleOther + blck_RifleAsault_556 +blck_RifleAsault_650;
blck_WeaponList_Red = blck_RifleAsault_556 + blck_RifleSniper + blck_RifleAsault_650 + blck_RifleLMG;
#ifdef useAPEX
blck_WeaponList_Orange = blck_WeaponList_Orange + blck_apexWeapons;
blck_WeaponList_Green = blck_WeaponList_Green + blck_apexWeapons;
blck_baseBackpacks = ["B_Carryall_ocamo","B_Carryall_oucamo","B_Carryall_mcamo","B_Carryall_oli","B_Carryall_khk","B_Carryall_cbr" ];
blck_ApexBackpacks = [
#ifdef useAPEX
blck_backpacks = blck_baseBackpacks + blck_ApexBackpacks;
blck_BanditHeadgear = ["H_Shemag_khk","H_Shemag_olive","H_Shemag_tan","H_ShemagOpen_khk"];
//This defines the skin list, some skins are disabled by default to permit players to have high visibility uniforms distinct from those of the AI.
blck_headgear = [
blck_helmets = [
// Apex
blck_headgearList = blck_headgear + blck_helmets;
//This defines the skin list, some skins are disabled by default to permit players to have high visibility uniforms distinct from those of the AI.
blck_SkinList = [
// I have commented out some high visibility uniforms that can be reserved for players or special missions.
// for example, you could have a uniform list specified in a mission template.
// DLC
blck_vests = [
blck_Drink = [
blck_Food = [
blck_ConsumableItems = blck_Meats + blck_Drink + blck_Food;
blck_throwableExplosives = ["HandGrenade","MiniGrenade"];
blck_otherExplosives = ["1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell","3Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell","DemoCharge_Remote_Mag","SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag"];
blck_explosives = blck_throwableExplosives + blck_otherExplosives;
blck_medicalItems = ["Exile_Item_InstaDoc","Exile_Item_Bandage","Exile_Item_Vishpirin"];
blck_specialItems = blck_throwableExplosives + blck_medicalItems;
blck_NVG = ["NVGoggles","NVGoggles_INDEP","NVGoggles_OPFOR","Exile_Item_XM8"];
Note however that these configurations can be used in any way you like or replaced with mission-specific customized loot arrays
for examples of how you can do this see \Major\Compositions.sqf
// values are: number of things from the weapons, magazines, optics, materials(cinder etc), items (food etc) and backpacks arrays to add, respectively.
blck_lootCountsOrange = [8,32,8,30,16,1]; // Orange
blck_lootCountsGreen = [7,24,6,16,18,1]; // Green
blck_lootCountsRed = [5,16,4,10,6,1]; // Red
blck_lootCountsBlue = [4,12,3,6,6,1]; // Blue
blck_BoxLoot_Orange =
// Loot is grouped as [weapons],[magazines],[items] in order to be able to use the correct function to load the item into the crate later on.
// Each item consist of the following information ["ItemName",minNum, maxNum] where min is the smallest number added and min+max is the largest number added.
[// Weapons
#ifdef useAPEX
// Marksman Pack Ammo
["10Rnd_127x54_Mag" ,1,5],
["10Rnd_93x64_DMR_05_Mag" ,1,5],
["10Rnd_93x64_DMR_05_Mag" ,1,5]
[ // Optics
[// Materials and supplies
[ // Backpacks
blck_BoxLoot_Green =
[// Weapons
// Format is ["Weapon Name","Magazine Name"],
#ifdef useAPEX
// Format is ["Magazine name, Minimum number to add, Maximum number to add],
// Marksman Pack Ammo
["10Rnd_127x54_Mag" ,1,4],
["10Rnd_93x64_DMR_05_Mag" ,1,4],
["10Rnd_93x64_DMR_05_Mag" ,1,4]
[ // Optics
[// Materials and supplies
[ // Backpacks
blck_BoxLoot_Blue =
[// Weapons
// Marksman Pack Ammo
["10Rnd_127x54_Mag" ,1,4],
["10Rnd_93x64_DMR_05_Mag" ,1,4]
[ // Optics
[// Materials and supplies
[ // Backpacks
blck_BoxLoot_Red =
[// Weapons
// Marksman Pack Ammo
["10Rnd_127x54_Mag" ,1,4],
["10Rnd_93x64_DMR_05_Mag" ,1,4]
[ // Optics
[// Materials and supplies
[ // Backpacks
// Time the marker remains after completing the mission in seconds - experimental not yet implemented
blck_crateTypes = ["Box_FIA_Ammo_F","Box_FIA_Support_F","Box_FIA_Wps_F","I_SupplyCrate_F","Box_NATO_AmmoVeh_F","Box_East_AmmoVeh_F","IG_supplyCrate_F","Box_NATO_Wps_F","I_CargoNet_01_ammo_F","O_CargoNet_01_ammo_F","B_CargoNet_01_ammo_F"]; // Default crate type.
diag_log format["[blckeagls] Configurations for Exile Loaded"];
blck_configsLoaded = true;