129 lines
5.6 KiB
129 lines
5.6 KiB
This is a simple mission using precisely placed loot crates and infantry, static weapons and vehicle patrols.
See the accompanying example mission in the exampleMission folder to get an idea how I laid this out.
Note that I exported the mission using the exportAll function of M3EDEN editor.
#include "privateVars.sqf";
_mission = "static mission example #2"; // Included for additional documentation. Not intended to be spawned as a mission per se.
_difficulty = "red"; // Skill level of AI (blue, red, green etc)
diag_log format["[blckeagls static missions] STARTED initializing middions %1 position at %2 difficulty %3",_mission,_missionCenter,_difficulty];
_crateLoot = blck_BoxLoot_Orange; // You can use a customized _crateLoot configuration by defining an array here. It must follow the following format shown for a hypothetical loot array called _customLootArray
_customLootArray =
// Loot is grouped as [weapons],[magazines],[items] in order to be able to use the correct function to load the item into the crate later on.
// Each item consist of the following information ["ItemName",minNum, maxNum] where min is the smallest number added and min+max is the largest number added.
[// Weapons
["10Rnd_93x64_DMR_05_Mag" ,1,5]
[ // Optics
[// Materials and supplies
[ // Backpacks
_lootCounts = blck_lootCountsRed; // You can use a customized set of loot counts or one that is predefined but it must follow the following format:
// values are: number of things from the weapons, magazines, optics, materials(cinder etc), items (food etc) and backpacks arrays to add, respectively.
// blck_lootCountsOrange = [[6,8],[24,32],[5,10],[25,35],16,1]; // Orange
// An alternative would be:
_missionLandscapeMode = "precise"; // acceptable values are "random","precise"
// In precise mode objects will be spawned at the relative positions specified.
// In the random mode, objects will be randomly spawned within the mission area.
_aircraftTypes = blck_patrolHelisRed; // You can use one of the pre-defined lists in blck_configs or your own custom array.
_noAirPatrols = blck_noPatrolHelisRed; // You can use one of the pre-defined values or a custom one. acceptable values are integers (1,2,3) or a range such as [2,4];
// Note: this value is ignored if you specify air patrols in the array below.
// Change _useMines to true/false below to enable mission-specific settings.
_useMines = blck_useMines; // Set to false if you have vehicles patrolling nearby.
_uniforms = blck_SkinList; // You can replace this list with a custom list of uniforms if you like.
_headgear = blck_headgear; // You can replace this list with a custom list of headgear.
_vests = blck_vests; // You can replace this list with a custom list of vests.
_backpacks = blck_backpacks; // You can replace this list with a custom list of backpacks.
_weapons = blck_WeaponList_Orange; // You can replace this list with a customized list of weapons, or another predifined list from blck_configs_epoch or blck_configs_exile as appropriate.
_sideArms = blck_pistols; // You can replace this list with a custom list of sidearms.
Paste output from pulling marker information HERE
_markerType = ["mil_triangle",[0,0]];
_markerColor = "Default";
_markerLabel = "Bad People Live Here";
Paste the output from puling static mission information here.
_garrisonedBuildings_BuildingPosnSystem = [
_garrisonedBuilding_ATLsystem = [
_missionLandscape = [
_aiGroupParameters = [
_aiScubaGroupParameters = [
_vehiclePatrolParameters = [
_airPatrols = [
_missionEmplacedWeapons = [
_submarinePatrolParameters = [
_missionLootBoxes = [
// Do not modify anything below this line.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Missions\GMS_fnc_sm_initializeMission.sqf";
diag_log format["[blckeagls static missions] COMPLETED initializing middions %1 position at %2 difficulty %3",_mission,_missionCenter,_difficulty]; |