Added a function to set mission center at player position. This is the recommended method for defining the center. Fixed an error when pulling map marker information Fixed an error that added a coma before the open bracket of some parameters.
63 lines
2.0 KiB
63 lines
2.0 KiB
_cb = "";
// *** OPTIONAL ****
// Place a marker over your mission and configure it as you would like to to appear in the tame.
// The marker configuration will be included in the output of this script.
// Note ** Only the first marker placed will be processed **
// Configure Marker
_markerType = ["ELIPSE",[175,175],"GRID"];
_markerType = ["mil_triangle",[0,0]];
diag_log format["<< ---- START %1 ---- >>",diag_tickTime];
_allmkr = allMapMarkers;
diag_log format["_allmkr = %1",_allmkr];
if (count _allmkr == 0) then
//if !(typeName _mk isEqualTo "STRING") then
hint "No Marker Found, no Marker Definitions Will Be generated";
uiSleep 5;
} else {
_mk = _allmkr select 0;
diag_log format["_mk = %1",_mk];
systemChat format["marker shape = %1",markerShape _mk];
systemChat format["marker type = %1",markerType _mk];
systemChat format["marker size = %1",markerSize _mk];
systemChat format["markerColor = %1",markerColor _mk];
systemChat format["marker brush = %1",markerBrush _mk];
switch (toUpper(markerShape _mk)) do
case "ELLIPSE": {
_cb = _cb + format['_markerType = ["%1",%2,"%3"];%4',toUpper(MarkerShape _mk),getMarkerSize _mk,toUpper(markerBrush _mk),endl];
case "RECTANGLE": {
_cb = _cb + format['_markerType = ["%1",%2,"%3"];%4',toUpper(MarkerShape _mk),getMarkerSize _mk,toUpper(markerBrush _mk),endl];
case "ICON": {
_cb = _cb + format['_markerType = ["%1"];%2',getMarkerType _mk,endl];
_cb = _cb + format['_markerColor = "%1";%2',markerColor _mk,endl];
_cb = _cb + format['_markerLabel = "%1";%2',MarkerText _mk,endl];
_cb = _cb + format["%1%1",endl];
// All done, notify the user and copy the output to the clipboard
_msg = "Marker Data organzied, formated and copied to the Clipboard";
hint _msg;
systemChat _msg;
systemChat format["_cb has %1 characters",count _cb];
copyToClipboard _cb;
diag_log "DONE";