Snark Industries c4a7084754 A3XAI Final Release (April 17, 2016 version)
Releasing previously unreleased version. Completely unsupported with no guarantee of functionality. Use at own risk.
2017-07-19 21:20:00 -04:00

32 lines
1.4 KiB

#include "\A3XAI\globaldefines.hpp"
//Finds a position that does not have a player within a certain distance.
private ["_spawnPos","_attempts","_continue","_spawnpool","_maxAttempts"];
_attempts = 0;
_continue = true;
_spawnPos = [];
_spawnpool = +_this;
_maxAttempts = ((count _spawnpool) min 3); //3: Maximum number of attempts
while {_continue && {(_attempts < _maxAttempts)}} do {
_index = floor (random (count _spawnpool));
_spawnPosSelected = (getPosATL (_spawnpool select _index)) findEmptyPosition [0.5,30,SPACE_FOR_OBJECT];
if !(_spawnPosSelected isEqualTo []) then {
_spawnPosSelected = _spawnPosSelected isFlatEmpty [0,0,0.75,5,0,false,objNull];
if (
!(_spawnPosSelected isEqualTo []) &&
{({if ((isPlayer _x) && {([eyePos _x,[(_spawnPosSelected select 0),(_spawnPosSelected select 1),(_spawnPosSelected select 2) + 1.7],_x] call A3XAI_hasLOS) or ((_x distance _spawnPosSelected) < PLAYER_DISTANCE_NO_LOS_STATIC)}) exitWith {1}} count (_spawnPosSelected nearEntities [[PLAYER_UNITS,"LandVehicle"],PLAYER_DISTANCE_WITH_LOS_STATIC])) isEqualTo 0}
) then {
_spawnPos = _spawnPosSelected;
_spawnPos set [2,0];
_continue = false;
} else {
_spawnpool deleteAt _index;
_attempts = _attempts + 1;
if (A3XAI_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log format ["A3XAI Debug: Unable to find suitable spawn position. (attempt %1/%2).",_attempts,_maxAttempts];};