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synced 2024-08-30 17:22:13 +00:00
Releasing previously unreleased version. Completely unsupported with no guarantee of functionality. Use at own risk.
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59 lines
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#include "\A3XAI\globaldefines.hpp"
private ["_unitGroup","_lootPool","_groupSize"];
_unitGroup = _this;
_lootPool = _unitGroup getVariable ["LootPool",[]];
_groupSize = _unitGroup getVariable ["GroupSize",0];
_unitType = _unitGroup getVariable ["unitType",""];
if (_unitType != "dynamic") then {
for "_j" from 1 to _groupSize do {
for "_i" from 1 to A3XAI_medicalLootCount do {
// _lootPool pushBack FIRST_AID_ITEM_PLAYER;
_lootPool pushBack (A3XAI_medicalLoot call A3XAI_selectRandom);
//Add food to loot list
for "_i" from 1 to A3XAI_foodLootCount do {
_lootPool pushBack (A3XAI_foodLoot call A3XAI_selectRandom);
//Add items to loot list
for "_i" from 1 to A3XAI_miscLootCount do {
_lootPool pushBack (A3XAI_MiscLoot call A3XAI_selectRandom);
sleep 0.25;
} else {
for "_j" from 1 to _groupSize do {
for "_i" from 1 to A3XAI_medicalLootCount do {
_lootUnit = (units _unitGroup) call A3XAI_selectRandom;
_lootItem = (A3XAI_medicalLoot call A3XAI_selectRandom);
[_lootUnit,_lootItem] call A3XAI_addItem;
//Add food to randomly chosen unit
for "_i" from 1 to A3XAI_foodLootCount do {
_lootUnit = (units _unitGroup) call A3XAI_selectRandom;
_lootItem = (A3XAI_foodLoot call A3XAI_selectRandom);
[_lootUnit,_lootItem] call A3XAI_addItem;
//Add items to randomly chosen unit
for "_i" from 1 to A3XAI_miscLootCount do {
_lootUnit = (units _unitGroup) call A3XAI_selectRandom;
_lootItem = (A3XAI_MiscLoot call A3XAI_selectRandom);
[_lootUnit,_lootItem] call A3XAI_addItem;
sleep 0.25;
//Update local group loot pool
_unitGroup setVariable ["LootPool",_lootPool];
true |