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synced 2024-08-30 17:22:13 +00:00
Releasing previously unreleased version. Completely unsupported with no guarantee of functionality. Use at own risk.
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77 lines
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#include "\A3XAI\globaldefines.hpp"
private ["_startTime", "_totalAI", "_patrolDist", "_trigger", "_unitLevel", "_grpArray", "_triggerPos", "_maxUnits", "_attempts", "_continue", "_spawnPos", "_spawnPosSelected", "_unitGroup","_spawnRadius"];
_startTime = diag_tickTime;
_totalAI = _this select 0;
//_this select 1;
_patrolDist = _this select 2;
_trigger = _this select 3;
_unitLevel = _this select 4;
_grpArray = _trigger getVariable ["GroupArray",[]];
if !(_grpArray isEqualTo []) exitWith {if (A3XAI_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log format ["A3XAI Debug: Active groups found at custom spawn %1. Exiting spawn script.",(_trigger getVariable ["TriggerText","Unknown Trigger"])];};};
_triggerPos = getPosATL _trigger;
_startTime = diag_tickTime;
if !(_trigger getVariable ["respawn",true]) then {
_maxUnits = _trigger getVariable ["maxUnits",[0,0]];
if !(_maxUnits isEqualTo [0,0]) then {_totalAI = (_maxUnits select 0)}; //Retrieve AI amount if it was updated from initial value (for non-respawning custom spawns only)
_attempts = 0;
_continue = true;
_spawnPos = [];
_spawnRadius = _patrolDist;
while {_continue && {(_attempts < 3)}} do {
_spawnPosSelected = [_triggerPos,random (_patrolDist),random(360),0] call A3XAI_SHK_pos;
_spawnPosSelASL = ATLToASL _spawnPosSelected;
if ((count _spawnPosSelected) isEqualTo 2) then {_spawnPosSelected set [2,0];};
if (
!(_spawnPosSelASL call A3XAI_posInBuilding) &&
{({if ((isPlayer _x) && {([eyePos _x,[(_spawnPosSelected select 0),(_spawnPosSelected select 1),(_spawnPosSelASL select 2) + 1.7],_x] call A3XAI_hasLOS) or ((_x distance _spawnPosSelected) < PLAYER_DISTANCE_NO_LOS_STATIC_CUSTOM)}) exitWith {1}} count (_spawnPosSelected nearEntities [[PLAYER_UNITS,"LandVehicle"],PLAYER_DISTANCE_WITH_LOS_STATIC_CUSTOM])) isEqualTo 0}
) then {
_spawnPos = _spawnPosSelected;
_continue = false;
} else {
_attempts = _attempts + 1;
_spawnRadius = _spawnRadius + 25;
if (A3XAI_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log format ["A3XAI Debug: Unable to find suitable spawn position. (attempt %1/3).",_attempts];};
_unitGroup = grpNull;
try {
if !(_spawnPos isEqualTo []) then {
_unitGroup = [_totalAI,_unitGroup,"staticcustom",_spawnPos,_trigger,_unitLevel,"LIMITED",true] call A3XAI_spawnGroup;
if (isNull _unitGroup) then {
throw format ["A3XAI Debug: Custom static group spawn position too close to a player at %1. Spawn cancelled.",_spawnPos];
if (_patrolDist > 1) then {
0 = [_unitGroup,_triggerPos,_patrolDist] spawn A3XAI_BIN_taskPatrol;
} else {
[_unitGroup, 0] setWaypointType "HOLD";
if (A3XAI_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log format["A3XAI Debug: Spawned a group of %1 units in %2 seconds at custom spawn %3.",_totalAI,(diag_tickTime - _startTime),(_trigger getVariable ["TriggerText","Unknown Trigger"])];};
} else {
throw format["A3XAI Debug: Unable to find suitable spawn position at custom spawn %1.",(_trigger getVariable ["TriggerText","Unknown Trigger"])];
} catch {
_unitGroup = ["staticcustom",true] call A3XAI_createGroup;
_unitGroup setVariable ["GroupSize",0];
_unitGroup setVariable ["trigger",_trigger];
[0,_trigger,_unitGroup,true] call A3XAI_addRespawnQueue;
if (A3XAI_debugLevel > 0) then {
diag_log _exception;
_grpArray pushBack _unitGroup;