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synced 2024-08-30 17:22:13 +00:00
Releasing previously unreleased version. Completely unsupported with no guarantee of functionality. Use at own risk.
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#include "\A3XAI\globaldefines.hpp"
private ["_unitGroup","_vehicle","_loadWP","_loadWPCond","_unit","_regroupPos","_waypointCycle"];
_unitGroup = _this select 0;
_vehicle = _this select 1;
if ((count (waypoints _unitGroup)) > 1) exitWith {
if (isNull (driver _vehicle)) then {
[_unitGroup,1] setWaypointPosition [(getPosATL _vehicle),0];
_unitGroup setCurrentWaypoint [_unitGroup,1];
_unit = objNull;
if (isNull (objectParent _x)) exitWith {_unit = _x};
} forEach (units _unitGroup);
if (isNull _unit) exitWith {_unitGroup call A3XAI_setVehicleRegrouped}; //If no units outside of vehicle, consider crew regrouped and exit script
_regroupPos = if (isNull (driver _vehicle)) then {
(getPosATL _vehicle)
} else {
([_vehicle,_unit,(_unit distance _vehicle)/2] call A3XAI_getPosBetween)
_loadWP = _unitGroup addWaypoint [_regroupPos,0];
_loadWP setWaypointType "LOAD";
_loadWPCond = "_vehicle = (group this) getVariable ['assignedVehicle',objNull]; ({_x isEqualTo (vehicle _x)} count (assignedCargo _vehicle)) isEqualTo 0";
_loadWP setWaypointStatements [_loadWPCond,"if !(local this) exitWith {}; (group this) spawn A3XAI_vehCrewRegroupComplete;"];
_waypointCycle = _unitGroup addWaypoint [_regroupPos, 0];
_waypointCycle setWaypointType "CYCLE";
_waypointCycle setWaypointStatements ["true","if !(local this) exitWith {}; _unitGroup = (group this); deleteWaypoint [_unitGroup,2]; deleteWaypoint [_unitGroup,1];"];
_waypointCycle setWaypointCompletionRadius 150;
_loadWP setWaypointCompletionRadius 10;
_unitGroup setCurrentWaypoint _loadWP;
if (A3XAI_debugLevel > 1) then {diag_log format ["A3XAI Debug: Regroup order issued for AI group %1 to vehicle %2. Check WP count: %3.",_unitGroup,typeOf _vehicle,(count (waypoints _unitGroup))];};