A3XAI Client Optional Addon ---------------------------- 1. How to install ------------------ The A3XAI client optional addon is used by A3XAI to run client-side commands. To install: 1. Unpack your mission pbo file (example: Exile.Altis.pbo) and copy the A3XAI_Client folder into the extracted folder. 2. Edit your extracted mission folder's init.sqf (if no init.sqf exists - create one) and insert this at the end: #include "A3XAI_Client\A3XAI_initclient.sqf"; 3. Repack your mission pbo file. 4. Add the required BattlEye filters found in "Needed BE Exceptions for Client Addon.txt" 5. Start your server. 2. How to configure ------------------ Edit A3XAI_client_config.sqf to change settings and enable/disable features. By default, all features are enabled. Brief summary of available settings: A3XAI_radioMsgs: Enables text message warnings to players with radios when they are under pursuit by AI. A3XAI_client_radioSounds: Enables audio notifications. A3XAI_client_radioMessage: Set radio text messages intercepted from AI communications.