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A3XAI 0.2.0
Files changed:
A3XAI.pbo update required: Yes
A3XAI_config.pbo update required: Yes, last changed: 0.2.0
Headless Client Files/Keys update required: Yes (Please see HC install guide for updated install steps)
A3XAI Client Addon update required: No
IMPORTANT: If you already have A3XAI installed (before version 0.2.0), you must remove all A3XAI files from @ExileServer.
To install A3XAI:
1. Copy @A3XAI from "1. Installation Package" into your server's Arma 3 directory.
2. Modify your server's startup parameters to include @A3XAI. For example: -serverMod=@ExileServer;@A3XAI;
To configure A3XAI:
1. Unpack A3XAI_config.pbo (Recommended to use PBO Manager: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16369)
2. Edit config.cpp with a text editor (Recommended to use Notepad++: https://notepad-plus-plus.org/). Make your configuration changes.
3. Repack A3XAI_config.pbo
[Changed] Reworked configuration system (see above).
[Changed] Main configuration file (config.cpp) is now located in @A3XAI/A3XAI_config.pbo
[Changed] A3XAI_custom_defs.sqf is now located in @A3XAI/A3XAI_config.pbo
[Changed] A3XAI will now first look for trader areas based on the presence of Exile safezone triggers before checking for markers.
[Info] A3XAI HC is now functional again. Please see the updated HC install instructions for details.
[Info] A3XAI_config.pbo now contains all user-configurable settings. A3XAI.pbo will contain the code core and will not contain configurable settings.
[Fixed] AI vehicle patrol respawns were using the maximum respawn time for every respawn.
[Fixed] Pistol weapons were not generated in AI inventory on death.
[Changed] Dynamic spawn manager startup delay changed from 120 seconds (from server start) to 60 seconds.
[Added] "Vehicle Weapon Kill" frag type renamed to "Let it Rain" to match Exile's version, respect bonus changed from +400 to +150.
[Added] Added Exile frag types "Big Bird", "Chute > Chopper" for AI kills (Default: +600 respect for each)