
514 lines
19 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2016-01-30 13:37:38 +00:00
//[l1,[0,0,0],[0,0,-1]] ropeAttachTo (ropeCreate [h1, [0,0,0], 50]);
//[l1,[0,0,0],[0,0,-1]] ropeAttachTo (ropeCreate [h2, [0,0,0], 50]);
_bbr = boundingBoxReal c1;
_p1 = _bbr select 0;
_p2 = _bbr select 1;
_x1 = (_p1 select 0);
_y1 = (_p1 select 1);
_z1 = (_p1 select 2);
_x2 = (_p2 select 0);
_y2 = (_p2 select 1);
_z2 = (_p2 select 2);
_maxWidth = abs ((_p2 select 0) - (_p1 select 0));
_maxLength = abs ((_p2 select 1) - (_p1 select 1));
_maxHeight = abs ((_p2 select 2) - (_p1 select 2));
//ropeCreate [h1, [0,0,-0.8], c1, [_x1/2,_y1/2,-_z2/2], 30];
//ropeCreate [h1, [0,0,-0.8], c1, [_x2/2,_y1/2,-_z2/2], 30];
//ropeCreate [h1, [0,0,-0.8], c1, [_x2/2,_y2/2,-_z2/2], 30];
//ropeCreate [h1, [0,0,-0.8], c1, [_x1/2,_y2/2,-_z2/2], 30];
//ropeCreate [h1, [0,0,-1], 30, 30, false];
//ropeCreate [h1, [0,0,-1], 30, 30, false];
//ropeCreate [h1, [0,0,-1], 30, 30, false];
//ropeCreate [h1, [0,0,-1], 30, 30, false];
SA_Rope_Action_Menu =
// First array: "User menu" This will be displayed under the menu, bool value: has Input Focus or not.
// Note that as to version Arma2 1.05, if the bool value set to false, Custom Icons will not be displayed.
// Syntax and semantics for following array elements:
// ["Title_in_menu", [assigned_key], "Submenu_name", CMD, [["expression",script-string]], "isVisible", "isActive" <, optional icon path> ]
// Title_in_menu: string that will be displayed for the player
// Assigned_key: 0 - no key, 1 - escape key, 2 - key-1, 3 - key-2, ... , 10 - key-9, 11 - key-0, 12 and up... the whole keyboard
// Submenu_name: User menu name string (eg "#USER:MY_SUBMENU_NAME" ), "" for script to execute.
// CMD: (for main menu:) CMD_SEPARATOR -1; CMD_NOTHING -2; CMD_HIDE_MENU -3; CMD_BACK -4; (for custom menu:) CMD_EXECUTE -5
// script-string: command to be executed on activation. (no arguments passed)
// isVisible - Boolean 1 or 0 for yes or no, - or optional argument string, eg: "CursorOnGround"
// isActive - Boolean 1 or 0 for yes or no - if item is not active, it appears gray.
// optional icon path: The path to the texture of the cursor, that should be used on this menuitem.
//["First", [0], "", -5, [["expression", "player sidechat ""First"" "]], "1", "1"],
//["Second", [2], "", -5, [["expression", "player sidechat ""Second"" "]], "1", "1"],
//["Submenu", [3], "#USER:MY_SUBMENU_inCommunication", -5, [["expression", "player sidechat ""Submenu"" "]], "1", "1"]
SA_Rope_Get_Lift_Capability = {
private ["_heli","_heliType"];
_heli = [_this,0] call BIS_fnc_param;
_heliType = toLower(typeOf _heli);
_returnVal = [500,0];
//(_heliType) == toLower("B_Heli_Transport_01_F") ||
//(_heliType) == toLower("B_Heli_Transport_01_camo_F") ||
(_heliType) == toLower("I_Heli_Transport_02_F")
) then {
_returnVal = [4000,100000];
(_heliType) == toLower("B_Heli_Transport_03_F") ||
(_heliType) == toLower("B_Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_F")
) then {
_returnVal = [10000,100000];
(_heliType) == toLower("O_Heli_Transport_04_F") ||
(_heliType) == toLower("O_Heli_Transport_04_ammo_F")
) then {
_returnVal = [12000,100000];
SA_Rope_Set_Mass = {
private ["_obj","_mass"];
_obj = [_this,0] call BIS_fnc_param;
_mass = [_this,1] call BIS_fnc_param;
_obj setMass _mass;
SA_Rope_Adjust_Mass = {
private ["_obj","_mass","_lift","_heli","_originalMass","_ropes"];
_obj = [_this,0] call BIS_fnc_param;
_heli = [_this,1] call BIS_fnc_param;
_ropes = [_this,2,[]] call BIS_fnc_param;
_lift = [_heli] call SA_Rope_Get_Lift_Capability;
_originalMass = _obj getVariable ["sa_rope_original_mass", getMass _obj];
// Is mass adjustment needed?
if( _originalMass >= ((_lift select 0)*0.8) && _originalMass <= _lift select 1 ) then {
private ["_originalMassSet","_ends","_endDistance","_ropeLength"];
_originalMassSet = (getMass _obj) == _originalMass;
while { _obj in (ropeAttachedObjects _heli) && _originalMassSet } do {
_ends = ropeEndPosition _x;
_endDistance = (_ends select 0) distance (_ends select 1);
_ropeLength = ropeLength _x;
if((_ropeLength - 2) <= _endDistance && ((position _heli) select 2) > 0 ) then {
[[_obj, ((_lift select 0)*0.8)],"SA_Rope_Set_Mass",_obj,false,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
_originalMassSet = false;
} forEach _ropes;
sleep 0.1;
while { _obj in (ropeAttachedObjects _heli) } do {
sleep 0.5;
[[_obj, _originalMass],"SA_Rope_Set_Mass",_obj,false,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
SA_Rope_Build_Action_Menu = {
private ["_heli","_actionMenu","_length"];
_heli = vehicle player;
_actionMenu = [
if( _heli isKindOf "Helicopter" ) then {
_cargoRopesDeployed = _heli getVariable ["sa_rope_cargo_ropes_deployed",false];
if(!_cargoRopesDeployed) then {
_actionMenu = _actionMenu + [["Deploy Cargo Ropes (5m)", [0], "", -5, [["expression", "[[vehicle player, 5],""SA_Rope_Deploy_Cargo_Ropes"",vehicle player,false,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP"]], "1", "1"]];
_actionMenu = _actionMenu + [["Deploy Cargo Ropes (10m)", [0], "", -5, [["expression", "[[vehicle player, 10],""SA_Rope_Deploy_Cargo_Ropes"",vehicle player,false,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP"]], "1", "1"]];
_actionMenu = _actionMenu + [["Deploy Cargo Ropes (15m)", [0], "", -5, [["expression", "[[vehicle player, 15],""SA_Rope_Deploy_Cargo_Ropes"",vehicle player,false,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP"]], "1", "1"]];
} else {
if( count ropeAttachedObjects _heli == 0 ) then {
_actionMenu = _actionMenu + [["Retract Cargo Ropes", [0], "", -5, [["expression", "[[vehicle player],""SA_Rope_Retract_Cargo_Ropes"",vehicle player,false,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP"]], "1", "1"]];
} else {
_actionMenu = _actionMenu + [["Release Cargo", [0], "", -5, [["expression", "[[vehicle player],""SA_Rope_Release_Cargo"",vehicle player,false,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP"]], "1", "1"]];
_length = ropeLength (ropes _heli select 0);
_actionMenu = _actionMenu + [["Extend Cargo Ropes (+5m)", [0], "", -5, [["expression", "[[vehicle player, 5],""SA_Rope_Extend_Cargo_Ropes"",vehicle player,false,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP"]], "1", "1"]];
if(_length >= 10) then {
_actionMenu = _actionMenu + [["Shorten Cargo Ropes (-5m)", [0], "", -5, [["expression", "[[vehicle player, -5],""SA_Rope_Shorten_Cargo_Ropes"",vehicle player,false,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP"]], "1", "1"]];
} else {
if(_length > 2) then {
_actionMenu = _actionMenu + [["Shorten Cargo Ropes (-1m)", [0], "", -5, [["expression", "[[vehicle player, -1],""SA_Rope_Shorten_Cargo_Ropes"",vehicle player,false,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP"]], "1", "1"]];
_fastRopesDeployed = _heli getVariable ["sa_rope_fast_ropes_deployed",false];
if(!_fastRopesDeployed) then {
_actionMenu = _actionMenu + [["Deploy Fast Rope", [0], "", -5, [["expression", "[[vehicle player],""SA_Rope_Deploy_Fast_Ropes"",vehicle player,false,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP"]], "1", "1"]];
} else {
_actionMenu = _actionMenu + [["Retract Fast Rope", [0], "", -5, [["expression", "[[vehicle player],""SA_Rope_Retract_Fast_Ropes"",vehicle player,false,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP"]], "1", "1"]];
if(vehicle player != player) then {
_actionMenu = _actionMenu + [["Rappel to Ground", [0], "", -5, [["expression", "[[vehicle player, player],""SA_Rope_Rappel_To_Groud"", player,false,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP"]], "1", "1"]];
SA_Rope_Deploy_Cargo_Ropes = {
private ["_heli","_cargoRopesDeployed","_cargoRopes","_length"];
_heli = [_this,0] call BIS_fnc_param;
_length = [_this,1] call BIS_fnc_param;
if( _heli isKindOf "Helicopter" ) then {
_cargoRopesDeployed = _heli getVariable ["sa_rope_cargo_ropes_deployed",false];
if(!_cargoRopesDeployed) then {
_heli setVariable ["sa_rope_cargo_ropes_deployed",true,true];
_cargoRopes = _heli getVariable ["sa_rope_cargo_ropes",[]];
{ ropeDestroy _x } forEach _cargoRopes;
_cargoRopes = _cargoRopes + [ropeCreate [_heli, "slingload0", 0]];
_cargoRopes = _cargoRopes + [ropeCreate [_heli, "slingload0", 0]];
_cargoRopes = _cargoRopes + [ropeCreate [_heli, "slingload0", 0]];
_cargoRopes = _cargoRopes + [ropeCreate [_heli, "slingload0", 0]];
ropeUnwind [_x, 5, _length];
} forEach _cargoRopes;
_heli setVariable ["sa_rope_cargo_ropes",_cargoRopes,true];
SA_Rope_Pickup_Rope_Action_Check = {
isNull (player getVariable ["SA_Rope_Cargo_Ropes_Picked_Up", objNull]) && vehicle player == player;
SA_Rope_Drop_Rope_Action_Check = {
!isNull (player getVariable ["SA_Rope_Cargo_Ropes_Picked_Up", objNull]);
SA_Rope_Attach_Rope_Action_Check = {
(call SA_Rope_Drop_Rope_Action_Check) && !isNull cursorTarget && cursorTarget distance player < 5;
SA_Rope_Attach_Cargo_Ropes = {
private ["_target","_bbr","_ropeLength","_objDistance"];
private ["_heli","_ropes","_player"];
_heli = [_this,0] call BIS_fnc_param;
_player = [_this,1] call BIS_fnc_param;
_target = [_this,2] call BIS_fnc_param;
_ropes = _heli getVariable ["sa_rope_cargo_ropes",[objNull,objNull,objNull,objNull]];
if( !isNull _target && _target distance _player < 5 && _target != _heli ) then {
_ropeLength = ropeLength (_ropes select 0);
_objDistance = _target distance _heli;
if( (_objDistance + 2) > _ropeLength ) then {
[{ hint "The ropes are too short. Extend them." },"BIS_fnc_spawn",_player] call BIS_fnc_MP;
} else {
[_heli,_player] call SA_Rope_Drop_Cargo_Ropes;
_bbr = boundingBoxReal _target;
_p1 = _bbr select 0;
_p2 = _bbr select 1;
_x1 = (_p1 select 0);
_y1 = (_p1 select 1);
_z1 = (_p1 select 2);
_x2 = (_p2 select 0);
_y2 = (_p2 select 1);
_z2 = (_p2 select 2);
[_target, [_x1/2,_y1/2,0], [0,0,-1]] ropeAttachTo (_ropes select 0);
[_target, [_x2/2,_y1/2,0], [0,0,-1]] ropeAttachTo (_ropes select 1);
[_target, [_x2/2,_y2/2,0], [0,0,-1]] ropeAttachTo (_ropes select 2);
[_target, [_x1/2,_y2/2,0], [0,0,-1]] ropeAttachTo (_ropes select 3);
[_target, _heli, _ropes] spawn SA_Rope_Adjust_Mass;
SA_Rope_Pickup_Cargo_Ropes = {
private ["_heli","_player","_originalMass"];
_heli = [_this,0] call BIS_fnc_param;
_player = [_this,1] call BIS_fnc_param;
_attachedObj = _x;
_attachedObj ropeDetach _x;
} forEach (_heli getVariable ["sa_rope_cargo_ropes",[]]);
} forEach ropeAttachedObjects _heli;
_helper = "Land_Can_V2_F" createVehicle position _player;
[_helper, [0, 0, 0], [0,0,-1]] ropeAttachTo _x;
_helper attachTo [_player, [-0.1, 0.1, 0.15], "Pelvis"];
hideObject _helper;
} forEach (_heli getVariable ["sa_rope_cargo_ropes",[]]);
_player setVariable ["SA_Rope_Cargo_Ropes_Picked_Up", _heli,true];
_player setVariable ["SA_Rope_Cargo_Ropes_Picked_Up_Helper", _helper,true];
SA_Rope_Drop_Cargo_Ropes = {
private ["_heli","_player"];
_heli = [_this,0] call BIS_fnc_param;
_player = [_this,1] call BIS_fnc_param;
_helper = (_player getVariable ["SA_Rope_Cargo_Ropes_Picked_Up_Helper", objNull]);
if(!isNull _heli) then {
_helper ropeDetach _x;
} forEach (_heli getVariable ["sa_rope_cargo_ropes",[]]);
detach _helper;
deleteVehicle _helper;
_player setVariable ["SA_Rope_Cargo_Ropes_Picked_Up", nil,true];
_player setVariable ["SA_Rope_Cargo_Ropes_Picked_Up_Helper", nil,true];
SA_Rope_Find_Nearby_Cargo_Heli = {
private ["_heli","_nearHelis","_nearCargoRopes","_ends","_end1","_end2"];
_nearHelis = position player nearObjects ["Helicopter", 30];
_nearCargoHelis = [];
_heli = _x;
_ends = ropeEndPosition _x;
if(count _ends == 2) then {
_end1 = _ends select 0;
_end2 = _ends select 1;
if(((position player) distance _end1) < 5 || ((position player) distance _end2) < 5 ) then {
if!(_heli in _nearCargoHelis) then {
_nearCargoHelis = _nearCargoHelis + [_heli];
} forEach (_heli getVariable ["sa_rope_cargo_ropes",[]]);
} forEach _nearHelis;
SA_Rope_Rappel_To_Groud = {
private ["_heli","_player"];
_heli = [_this,0] call BIS_fnc_param;
_player = [_this,1] call BIS_fnc_param;
if( _heli isKindOf "Helicopter" ) then {
_fastRope = _heli getVariable ["sa_rope_fast_ropes",[objNull]] select 0;
if(!isNull _fastRope) then {
_ends = ropeEndPosition _fastRope;
if(count _ends == 2) then {
unassignVehicle _player;
(_player) action ["getOut", _heli];
_end1 = _ends select 0;
_end2 = _ends select 1;
if((_end1 select 2) < (_end2 select 2)) then {
_player setPos _end1;
} else {
_player setPos _end2;
SA_Rope_Deploy_Fast_Ropes = {
private ["_heli","_fastRopesDeployed","_fastRopes"];
_heli = [_this,0] call BIS_fnc_param;
if( _heli isKindOf "Helicopter" ) then {
_fastRopesDeployed = _heli getVariable ["sa_rope_fast_ropes_deployed",false];
if(!_fastRopesDeployed) then {
_heli setVariable ["sa_rope_fast_ropes_deployed",true,true];
_fastRopes = _heli getVariable ["sa_rope_fast_ropes",[]];
{ ropeDestroy _x } forEach _fastRopes;
_fastRopes = _fastRopes + [ropeCreate [_heli, "fastrope0", 0]];
ropeUnwind [_x, 5, 25];
} forEach _fastRopes;
_heli setVariable ["sa_rope_fast_ropes",_fastRopes,true];
SA_Rope_Retract_Cargo_Ropes = {
private ["_heli","_cargoRopesDeployed"];
_heli = [_this,0] call BIS_fnc_param;
if( _heli isKindOf "Helicopter" ) then {
_cargoRopesDeployed = _heli getVariable ["sa_rope_cargo_ropes_deployed",false];
if(_cargoRopesDeployed) then {
[_x,_heli] spawn {
private ["_rope","_count","_heli"];
_rope = [_this,0] call BIS_fnc_param;
_heli = [_this,1] call BIS_fnc_param;
_count = 0;
ropeUnwind [_rope, 3, 0];
while {(!ropeUnwound _rope) && _count < 20} do {
sleep 1;
_count = _count + 1;
ropeDestroy _rope;
_heli setVariable ["sa_rope_cargo_ropes_deployed",false,true];
_heli setVariable ["sa_rope_cargo_ropes",[],true];
} forEach (_heli getVariable ["sa_rope_cargo_ropes",[]]);
SA_Rope_Extend_Cargo_Ropes = {
private ["_heli","_cargoRopesDeployed","_lengthOffset"];
_heli = [_this,0] call BIS_fnc_param;
_lengthOffset = [_this,1] call BIS_fnc_param;
if( _heli isKindOf "Helicopter" ) then {
_cargoRopesDeployed = _heli getVariable ["sa_rope_cargo_ropes_deployed",false];
if(_cargoRopesDeployed) then {
ropeUnwind [_x, 3, _lengthOffset, true];
} forEach (_heli getVariable ["sa_rope_cargo_ropes",[]]);
SA_Rope_Shorten_Cargo_Ropes = {
private ["_heli","_cargoRopesDeployed","_lengthOffset"];
_heli = [_this,0] call BIS_fnc_param;
_lengthOffset = [_this,1] call BIS_fnc_param;
if( _heli isKindOf "Helicopter" ) then {
_cargoRopesDeployed = _heli getVariable ["sa_rope_cargo_ropes_deployed",false];
if(_cargoRopesDeployed) then {
scopeName "ropeloop";
if(ropeLength _x <= 2) then {
[_heli] call SA_Rope_Release_Cargo;
breakOut "ropeloop";
} else {
ropeUnwind [_x, 3, _lengthOffset, true];
} forEach (_heli getVariable ["sa_rope_cargo_ropes",[]]);
SA_Rope_Release_Cargo = {
private ["_heli","_cargoRopesDeployed","_originalMass"];
_heli = [_this,0] call BIS_fnc_param;
if( _heli isKindOf "Helicopter" ) then {
_attachedObj = _x;
_attachedObj ropeDetach _x;
} forEach (_heli getVariable ["sa_rope_cargo_ropes",[]]);
} forEach ropeAttachedObjects _heli;
[_heli] call SA_Rope_Retract_Cargo_Ropes;
SA_Rope_Retract_Fast_Ropes = {
private ["_heli","_fastRopesDeployed"];
_heli = [_this,0] call BIS_fnc_param;
if( _heli isKindOf "Helicopter" ) then {
_fastRopesDeployed = _heli getVariable ["sa_rope_fast_ropes_deployed",false];
if(_fastRopesDeployed) then {
_heli setVariable ["sa_rope_fast_ropes_retracted",true,true];
[_x,_heli] spawn {
private ["_rope","_count","_heli"];
_rope = [_this,0] call BIS_fnc_param;
_heli = [_this,1] call BIS_fnc_param;
_count = 0;
ropeUnwind [_rope, 3, 0];
while {(!ropeUnwound _rope) && _count < 20} do {
sleep 1;
_count = _count + 1;
ropeDestroy _rope;
_heli setVariable ["sa_rope_fast_ropes_deployed",false,true];
_heli setVariable ["sa_rope_fast_ropes",[],true];
} forEach (_heli getVariable ["sa_rope_fast_ropes",[]]);
SA_Rope_Action_Check = {
vehicle player isKindOf "Helicopter";
if(!isDedicated) then {
player addAction ["Ropes", {
SA_Rope_Action_Menu = call SA_Rope_Build_Action_Menu;
showCommandingMenu "#USER:SA_Rope_Action_Menu";
}, nil, 0, false, true, "", "call SA_Rope_Action_Check"];
player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {
player addAction ["Ropes", {
SA_Rope_Action_Menu = call SA_Rope_Build_Action_Menu;
showCommandingMenu "#USER:SA_Rope_Action_Menu";
}, nil, 0, false, true, "", "call SA_Rope_Action_Check"];
if(!isDedicated) then {
[] spawn {
private ["_cargoHelisWithActions","_nearCargoHelis","_action","_cargoHelisNotNearbyWithActions"];
_cargoHelisWithActions = [];
while {true} do {
_nearCargoHelis = call SA_Rope_Find_Nearby_Cargo_Heli;
if!( _x in _cargoHelisWithActions ) then {
_action = player addAction ["Pick Up Cargo Ropes", {
[[_this select 3, player],"SA_Rope_Pickup_Cargo_Ropes",_this select 3,false,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP
//[_this select 3] call SA_Rope_Pickup_Cargo_Ropes;
}, _x, 0, false, true, "", "call SA_Rope_Pickup_Rope_Action_Check"];
_x setVariable ["SA_Rope_Pickup_Action", _action];
_action = player addAction ["Drop Cargo Ropes", {
[[_this select 3, player],"SA_Rope_Drop_Cargo_Ropes",_this select 3,false,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP
//[_this select 3] call SA_Rope_Drop_Cargo_Ropes;
}, _x, 0, false, true, "", "call SA_Rope_Drop_Rope_Action_Check"];
_x setVariable ["SA_Rope_Drop_Action", _action];
_action = player addAction ["Attach Cargo Ropes", {
[[_this select 3, player, cursorTarget],"SA_Rope_Attach_Cargo_Ropes",_this select 3,false,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP
//[_this select 3] call SA_Rope_Attach_Cargo_Ropes;
}, _x, 0, false, true, "", "call SA_Rope_Attach_Rope_Action_Check"];
_x setVariable ["SA_Rope_Attach_Action", _action];
} forEach _nearCargoHelis;
_cargoHelisNotNearbyWithActions = _cargoHelisWithActions - _nearCargoHelis;
player removeAction (_x getVariable "SA_Rope_Pickup_Action");
player removeAction (_x getVariable "SA_Rope_Drop_Action");
player removeAction (_x getVariable "SA_Rope_Attach_Action");
} forEach _cargoHelisNotNearbyWithActions;
_cargoHelisWithActions = _nearCargoHelis;
sleep 2;