Added ShakTac Map Gestures (can't get it to work though)

This commit is contained in:
Zepheris 2018-03-03 12:28:46 -07:00
parent e542747070
commit 4abf8c3934
2 changed files with 250 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
fn_STMG_AssignClientIDOnServer =
_unitName = _this select 0;
if (name _x == _unitName) then {_x setVariable ["stmg_owner_id",owner _x,true];};
} forEach playableUnits;
if (isDedicated) exitWith {}; // Just in case
waitUntil {!(isNull player)};
waitUntil {player == player};
waitUntil {time > 5};
fn_STMG_MapGestures_InitVariables =
if (isNil "STMG_MapGestures_Active") then {STMG_MapGestures_Active = true};
if (isNil "STMG_MapGestures_MaxRange") then {STMG_MapGestures_MaxRange = 7};
if (isNil "STMG_MapGestures_SleepTimeUpdate") then {STMG_MapGestures_SleepTimeUpdate = 0.03};
if (isNil "STMG_MapGestures_EnableTransmit") then {STMG_MapGestures_EnableTransmit = false};
if (isNil "STMG_MapGestures_GroupColors_Red") then {STMG_MapGestures_GroupColors_Red = ["ASL", "AV", "A1", "A2", "A3", "A4","DSL", "DV", "D1", "D2", "D3", "D4","GSL", "GV", "G1", "G2", "G3", "G4"]};
if (isNil "STMG_MapGestures_GroupColors_Green") then {STMG_MapGestures_GroupColors_Green = ["CSL", "CV", "C1", "C2", "C3", "C4","FSL", "FV", "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4","ISL", "IV", "I1", "I2", "I3", "I4","PLAY CDG"]};
if (isNil "STMG_MapGestures_GroupColors_Blue") then {STMG_MapGestures_GroupColors_Blue = ["BSL", "BV", "B1", "B2", "B3", "B4","ESL", "EV", "E1", "E2", "E3", "E4","HSL", "HV", "H1", "H2", "H3", "H4"]};
if (isNil "STMG_MapGestures_GroupColors_Yellow") then {STMG_MapGestures_GroupColors_Yellow = ["CoyHQ", "CoyV","PltHQ", "PV","PltHQ2", "P2V","PltHQ3", "P3V"]};
if (isNil "STMG_MapGestures_GroupColors_DarkYellow") then{STMG_MapGestures_GroupColors_DarkYellow=["WSL", "WV","MMG1", "MMG2", "MMG3","MAT1", "MAT2", "MAT3","HMG1", "HMG2", "HMG3","HAT1", "HAT2", "HAT3"]};
if (isNil "STMG_temp_debug") then {STMG_temp_debug = false};
player setVariable ["STMG_MapGestures_Transmit",false,true];
fn_STMG_MapGesture_SanitizeNameToAlphabet =
_name = _this select 0;
_alphabet = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z","A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z"];
_nameSanitized = "";
for "_i" from 0 to ((count _name)-1) do
_selChar = toString[((toArray(_name)) select _i)];
if (_selChar in _alphabet) then {_nameSanitized = _nameSanitized + _selChar};
fn_STMG_MapGestures_MapDraw =
if (!visibleMap || !STMG_MapGestures_Active) then {} else
_nearDudes = (position player) nearEntities [["CAManBase"], STMG_MapGestures_MaxRange];
_nearDudes = _nearDudes - [player];
_nearDudes = _nearDudes + (crew vehicle player);
_nameSane = [name _x] call fn_STMG_MapGesture_SanitizeNameToAlphabet;
if (isNil format["STMG_%1_DrawPos",_nameSane]) then
_pos = call compile format["STMG_%1_DrawPos",_nameSane];
if (alive _x && (_pos distance [0,0,0] > 50) && (_x getVariable "STMG_MapGestures_Transmit")) then
_grpname = groupID (group _x);
_alpha = .7;
if (_x == leader (group _x)) then {_alpha = .95};
_color = [1,.88,0,_alpha];
_pastelVal = .5;
_red = [1,_pastelVal,_pastelVal,_alpha];
_green = [_pastelVal,1,_pastelVal,_alpha];
_blue = [_pastelVal,_pastelVal,1,_alpha];
_yellow = [1,.78,0,_alpha];
_dark_yellow = [1,.38,0,_alpha];
if (_grpname in STMG_MapGestures_GroupColors_Yellow) then {_color = _yellow};
if (_grpname in STMG_MapGestures_GroupColors_Red) then {_color = _red};
if (_grpname in STMG_MapGestures_GroupColors_Blue) then {_color = _blue};
if (_grpname in STMG_MapGestures_GroupColors_Green) then {_color = _green};
if (_grpname in STMG_MapGestures_GroupColors_DarkYellow) then {_color = _dark_yellow};
(_this select 0) drawIcon ["\a3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\Hints\icon_text\group_1_ca.paa", [_color select 0, _color select 1, _color select 2, _color select 3], _pos, 55, 55, 0, "", 1, 0.030,"PuristaBold","left"];
(_this select 0) drawIcon ["#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0)", [.2,.2,.2,.3], _pos, 20, 20, 0, _nameSane, 0, 0.030,"PuristaBold","left"];
} forEach _nearDudes;
// Should only run this once, due to the spawned waitUntil. If we re-init it, we need to do STMG_MapGestures_Active = false first
fn_STMG_MapGestures_Init_Receiver =
fn_STMG_MapGestures_ClientMonitor =
waitUntil {!visibleMap || !STMG_MapGestures_Active};
if (STMG_MapGestures_Active) then
if (isPlayer _x) then
_nameSane = [name _x] call fn_STMG_MapGesture_SanitizeNameToAlphabet;
call compile format["STMG_%1_DrawPos = [1,1,1];",_nameSane];
} forEach allUnits;
waitUntil {!STMG_MapGestures_Active || visibleMap};
// If we close the map while the mouse button is held down, this will clear things out.
player setVariable ["STMG_MapGestures_Transmit",false,true];
STMG_MapGestures_EnableTransmit = false;
if (!isNil "STMG_MapGestures_Index") then {(findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51) ctrlRemoveEventHandler ["Draw",STMG_MapGestures_Index]; STMG_MapGestures_Index = nil; STMG_MapGestures_Active = false};
STMG_MapGestures_Index = findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51 ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw", {call fn_STMG_MapGestures_MapDraw;}];
[] spawn fn_STMG_MapGestures_ClientMonitor;
// Can update, reinit this. It will remove existing handlers, then add new ones.
fn_STMG_MapGestures_Init_Sender =
// MouseMoving EH.
if (!isNil "STMG_MapGestures_MouseMoveHandler_Index") then {(findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51) ctrlRemoveEventHandler ["MouseMoving",STMG_MapGestures_MouseMoveHandler_Index]; STMG_MapGestures_MouseMoveHandler_Index = nil;};
STMG_MapGestures_MouseMoveHandler_Index = findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51 ctrlAddEventHandler ["MouseMoving",
_control = _this select 0;
_posX = _this select 1;
_posY = _this select 2;
if (STMG_MapGestures_EnableTransmit) then
if (player getVariable "STMG_MapGestures_Transmit") then {} else {player setVariable ["STMG_MapGestures_Transmit",true,true];};
_nameSane = [name player] call fn_STMG_MapGesture_SanitizeNameToAlphabet;
call compile format["STMG_%1_DrawPos = %2",_nameSane,(findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51) ctrlMapScreenToWorld [_posX,_posY]];
// MouseDown EH
if (!isNil "STMG_MapGestures_MouseDown_Index") then {(findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51) ctrlRemoveEventHandler ["MouseButtonDown",STMG_MapGestures_MouseDown_Index]; STMG_MapGestures_MouseDown_Index = nil;};
STMG_MapGestures_MouseDown_Index = findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51 ctrlAddEventHandler ["MouseButtonDown",
if (!STMG_MapGestures_Active) exitWith {};
_button = _this select 1;
if (_button == 0) then {call fn_STMG_MapGestures_InitTransmit;};
// MouseUp EH
if (!isNil "STMG_MapGestures_MouseUp_Index") then {(findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51) ctrlRemoveEventHandler ["MouseButtonUp",STMG_MapGestures_MouseUp_Index]; STMG_MapGestures_MouseUp_Index = nil;};
STMG_MapGestures_MouseUp_Index = findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51 ctrlAddEventHandler ["MouseButtonUp",{if (!STMG_MapGestures_Active) exitWith {}; call fn_STMG_MapGestures_EndTransmit;}];
// The functions for what happens when initializing, transmitting, and ending a transmission
fn_STMG_MapGestures_InitTransmit = {if (!STMG_MapGestures_Active) exitWith {}; STMG_MapGestures_EnableTransmit = true; [] spawn fn_STMG_MapGestures_WhileTransmit;};
fn_STMG_MapGestures_EndTransmit =
if (!STMG_MapGestures_Active) exitWith {};
_button = _this select 1;
if (_button == 0) then
player setVariable ["STMG_MapGestures_Transmit",false,true];
STMG_MapGestures_EnableTransmit = false;
fn_STMG_MapGestures_WhileTransmit =
if (!STMG_MapGestures_EnableTransmit) exitWith {};
_nearDudes = (position player) nearEntities [["CAMAnBase"], STMG_MapGestures_MaxRange];
_nearDudes = _nearDudes - [player];
_nearDudes = _nearDudes + (crew vehicle player);
if (STMG_temp_debug) then {systemChat format["Near: %1",_nearDudes];};
_ownerID = -1;
if (isNil {_x getVariable "STMG_owner_id"}) then
[0, {[_this] call fn_STMG_AssignClientIDOnServer},(name _x)] call cba_fnc_GlobalExecute;
!isNil {_x getVariable "STMG_owner_id"}
_ownerID = _x getVariable "STMG_owner_id";
_ownerID = _x getVariable "STMG_owner_id";
if (_ownerID != player getVariable "STMG_owner_id") then
_nameSane = [name player] call fn_STMG_MapGesture_SanitizeNameToAlphabet;
_ownerID publicVariableClient format["STMG_%1_DrawPos",_nameSane];
} forEach _nearDudes;
sleep STMG_MapGestures_SleepTimeUpdate;
call fn_STMG_MapGestures_InitVariables;
call fn_STMG_MapGestures_Init_Receiver;
call fn_STMG_MapGestures_Init_Sender;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
fn_STMG_AssignClientIDOnServer =
_unitName = _this select 0;
if (name _x == _unitName) then {_x setVariable ["stmg_owner_id",owner _x,true];};
} forEach playableUnits;