Added eXpochVectorBldg
This commit is contained in:
Binary file not shown.
@ -6,16 +6,6 @@ ExileClient_system_lootmanager_thread_spawn = "EBM\exileclient_system_lootmanage
//Persistent Tree
//Vector Building
ExileClient_object_construction_move = "eXpochVectorBldg\ExileClient_object_construction_move.sqf";
ExileClient_gui_hud_event_onKeyDown = "eXpochVectorBldg\ExileClient_gui_hud_event_onKeyDown.sqf";
ExileClient_gui_hud_event_onKeyUp = "eXpochVectorBldg\ExileClient_gui_hud_event_onKeyUp.sqf";
ExileClient_construction_beginExistingObject = "eXpochVectorBldg\ExileClient_construction_beginExistingObject.sqf";
ExileClient_construction_beginNewObject = "eXpochVectorBldg\ExileClient_construction_beginNewObject.sqf";
ExileClient_construction_thread = "eXpochVectorBldg\ExileClient_construction_thread.sqf";
ExileClient_gui_constructionMode_update = "eXpochVectorBldg\ExileClient_gui_constructionMode_update.sqf";
ExileClient_util_world_canBuildHere = "eXpochVectorBldg\ExileClient_util_world_canBuildHere.sqf";
//Exile Revive
ExileClient_object_player_death_startBleedingOut = "custom\EnigmaRevive\ExileClient_object_player_death_startBleedingOut.sqf"; //Happys Revive
ExileClient_object_player_event_onInventoryOpened = "custom\EnigmaRevive\ExileClient_object_player_event_onInventoryOpened.sqf"; //Happys Revive AntiDupe ---NEW with v0.65
@ -58,4 +48,14 @@ ExileServer_system_garbageCollector_deleteObject="custom\fixes\ExileServer_syste
//Vector Building
ExileClient_object_construction_move = "eXpochVectorBldg\ExileClient_object_construction_move.sqf";
ExileClient_gui_hud_event_onKeyDown = "eXpochVectorBldg\ExileClient_gui_hud_event_onKeyDown.sqf";
ExileClient_gui_hud_event_onKeyUp = "eXpochVectorBldg\ExileClient_gui_hud_event_onKeyUp.sqf";
ExileClient_construction_beginExistingObject = "eXpochVectorBldg\ExileClient_construction_beginExistingObject.sqf";
ExileClient_construction_beginNewObject = "eXpochVectorBldg\ExileClient_construction_beginNewObject.sqf";
ExileClient_construction_thread = "eXpochVectorBldg\ExileClient_construction_thread.sqf";
ExileClient_gui_constructionMode_update = "eXpochVectorBldg\ExileClient_gui_constructionMode_update.sqf";
ExileClient_util_world_canBuildHere = "eXpochVectorBldg\ExileClient_util_world_canBuildHere.sqf";
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
* ExileClient_construction_beginExistingObject
* Exile Mod
* © 2015 Exile Mod Team
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit
Made for Anarchy, adapted to eXpoch and ported into Altis Life and Operation BlockHead by DirtySanchez
and NOW EXILE WILL FEEL THE FREE VECTOR, go get a job sellers of scripts, this is a modding community.
Sharing is caring and douchebaggery is a bannable offense
if (ExileClientPlayerIsInCombat) then
["ErrorTitleAndText", ["Construction aborted!", "You cannot build during a combat."]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
ExileClientConstructionObject = _this;
ExileClientConstructionCanPlaceObject = false;
ExileClientConstructionConfig = ("getText(_x >> 'staticObject') == ExileClientConstructionObject" configClasses(configFile >> "CfgConstruction")) select 0;
_previewObjectClassName = getText(ExileClientConstructionConfig >> "previewObject");
ExileClientConstructionSnapToObjectClassNames = (ExileClientConstructionConfig >> "SnapObjects") call Bis_fnc_getCfgSubClasses;
ExileClientConstructionProcess = 2;
ExileClientConstructionRotation = 0;
ExileClientConstructionObjectDisplayName = getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _previewObjectClassName >> "displayName");
ExileClientConstructionOffset = [0,5,0];
DPBEAClientObjAttachedTo = player;
BuildVecYaw = 0;BuildVecPitch = 0;BuildVecRoll = 0;
ExileClientConstructionMode = 1;
ExileClientConstructionIsInSelectSnapObjectMode = true;
ExileClientConstructionSupportSnapMode = count(ExileClientConstructionSnapToObjectClassNames) > 0;
ExileClientConstructionCurrentSnapToObject = objNull;
player reveal _x;
forEach (player nearObjects ["Exile_Construction_Abstract_Static", 20]);
["buildConstructionRequest", [_previewObjectClassName,ExileClientConstructionPosition]] call ExileClient_system_network_send;
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
* ExileClient_construction_beginNewObject
* Exile Mod
* © 2015 Exile Mod Team
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit
Made for Anarchy, adapted to eXpoch and ported into Altis Life and Operation BlockHead by DirtySanchez
and NOW EXILE WILL FEEL THE FREE VECTOR, go get a job sellers of scripts, this is a modding community.
Sharing is caring and douchebaggery is a bannable offense
_kitClassName = _this select 0;
ExileClientConstructionConfig = ("getText(_x >> 'kitMagazine') == _kitClassName" configClasses(configFile >> "CfgConstruction")) select 0;
_previewObjectClassName = getText(ExileClientConstructionConfig >> "previewObject");
ExileClientConstructionSnapToObjectClassNames = (ExileClientConstructionConfig >> "SnapObjects") call Bis_fnc_getCfgSubClasses;
ExileClientConstructionProcess = 1;
ExileClientConstructionOffset = [0, 5, 0];
ExileClientConstructionPosition = [0, 0, 0];
DPBEAClientObjAttachedTo = player;
BuildVecYaw = 0;BuildVecPitch = 0;BuildVecRoll = 0;
ExileClientConstructionRotation = 0;
ExileClientConstructionKitClassName = _kitClassName;
ExileClientConstructionObjectDisplayName = getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _previewObjectClassName >> "displayName");
if (ExileClientPlayerIsInCombat) then
["ErrorTitleAndText", ["Construction aborted!", "You cannot build during a combat."]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
ExileClientConstructionMode = 1;
ExileClientConstructionIsInSelectSnapObjectMode = true;
ExileClientConstructionSupportSnapMode = count(ExileClientConstructionSnapToObjectClassNames) > 0;
ExileClientConstructionCurrentSnapToObject = objNull;
ExileClientConstructionPosition = [getPosATL player, ExileClientConstructionOffset select 1, getDir player] call ExileClient_util_math_getPositionInDirection;
ExileClientConstructionPosition set[2, ExileClientConstructionOffset select 2];
player reveal _x;
forEach (player nearObjects ["Exile_Construction_Abstract_Static", 20]);
if((count _this) < 2 )then
["buildConstructionRequest", [_previewObjectClassName,ExileClientConstructionPosition]] call ExileClient_system_network_send;
["buildTerritoryRequest", [_previewObjectClassName, (ASLtoAGL (ATLtoASL ExileClientConstructionPosition)),_this select 1,_this select 2]] call ExileClient_system_network_send;
@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
* ExileClient_construction_thread
* Exile Mod
* © 2015 Exile Mod Team
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit
Made for Anarchy, adapted to eXpoch and ported into Altis Life and Operation BlockHead by DirtySanchez
and NOW EXILE WILL FEEL THE FREE VECTOR, go get a job sellers of scripts, this is a modding community.
Sharing is caring and douchebaggery is a bannable offense
scriptName 'Exile Construction Thread';
("ExileClientConstructionModeLayer" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutRsc ["RscExileConstructionMode", "PLAIN", 1, false];
ExileClientIsInConstructionMode = true;
ExileClientConstructionResult = 0;
ExileClientConstructionStartPosition = getPosASL player;
_boundingBox = boundingBoxReal ExileClientConstructionObject;
_boundingBoxMinimum = _boundingBox select 0;
_boundingBoxMaximum = _boundingBox select 1;
_boundingBoxPointsTop =
[_boundingBoxMinimum select 0, _boundingBoxMinimum select 1, _boundingBoxMaximum select 2],
[_boundingBoxMinimum select 0, _boundingBoxMaximum select 1, _boundingBoxMaximum select 2],
[_boundingBoxMaximum select 0, _boundingBoxMinimum select 1, _boundingBoxMaximum select 2],
[_boundingBoxMaximum select 0, _boundingBoxMaximum select 1, _boundingBoxMaximum select 2]
_boundingBoxPointsBottom =
[_boundingBoxMinimum select 0, _boundingBoxMinimum select 1, _boundingBoxMinimum select 2],
[_boundingBoxMinimum select 0, _boundingBoxMaximum select 1, _boundingBoxMinimum select 2],
[_boundingBoxMaximum select 0, _boundingBoxMinimum select 1, _boundingBoxMinimum select 2],
[_boundingBoxMaximum select 0, _boundingBoxMaximum select 1, _boundingBoxMinimum select 2],
[0, 0, _boundingBoxMinimum select 2]
ExileClientConstructionBoundingRadius = 1 + 0.5 * ([_boundingBoxMaximum select 0, _boundingBoxMaximum select 1, 0] distance [_boundingBoxMinimum select 0, _boundingBoxMinimum select 1, 0]);
ExileClientConstructionOffset set [1, 5 max ExileClientConstructionBoundingRadius];
ExileClientConstructionVectorDirAndUp = [[0,0,0],[0,0,1]];
ExileClientConstructionVectorPosASL = [0,0,0];
BuildVecYaw = 0;BuildVecPitch = 0;BuildVecRoll = 0;
_objectColor = "#(argb,2,2,1)color(0.7,0.93,0,0.6,ca)";
_materialColor = _objectColor;
_simulatePhysics = false;
_position = [0, 0, 0];
_rotation = 0;
_vectorDirection = [0, 0, 0];
_isFlag = ExileClientConstructionKitClassName isEqualTo "Exile_Item_Flag";
if (_isFlag) then
ExileClientConstructionModePhysx = false;
[] call ExileClient_gui_constructionMode_update;
while {ExileClientConstructionResult isEqualTo 0} do
if (ExileClientConstructionProcess isEqualTo 1) then
if !(ExileClientConstructionKitClassName in (magazines player)) then
ExileClientConstructionResult = 2;
if !(ExileClientConstructionLock) then
_vectorUp = [0, 0, 1];
ExileClientConstructionCanPlaceObject = false;
switch (ExileClientConstructionMode) do
case 1:
_position = ASLtoATL (AGLtoASL (player modelToWorld ExileClientConstructionOffset));
_newDirAndUp = [[sin ((BuildVecYaw + (getDir player) + 360) % 360) * cos BuildVecPitch, cos ((BuildVecYaw + (getDir player) + 360) % 360) * cos BuildVecPitch, sin BuildVecPitch],[[ sin BuildVecRoll,-sin BuildVecPitch,cos BuildVecRoll * cos BuildVecPitch],-((BuildVecYaw + (getDir player) + 360) % 360)] call BIS_fnc_rotateVector2D];
_vectorDirection = _newDirAndUp select 0;
_vectorUp = _newDirAndUp select 1;
_position = ASLtoATL (AGLtoASL (player modelToWorld ExileClientConstructionOffset));
_rotation = (ExileClientConstructionRotation + (getDir player) + 360) % 360;
_vectorDirection = [sin(_rotation), cos(_rotation), 0];
case 2:
_newDirAndUp = [[sin ((BuildVecYaw + (getDir player) + 360) % 360) * cos BuildVecPitch, cos ((BuildVecYaw + (getDir player) + 360) % 360) * cos BuildVecPitch, sin BuildVecPitch],[[ sin BuildVecRoll,-sin BuildVecPitch,cos BuildVecRoll * cos BuildVecPitch],-((BuildVecYaw + (getDir player) + 360) % 360)] call BIS_fnc_rotateVector2D];
_vectorDirection = _newDirAndUp select 0;
_vectorUp = _newDirAndUp select 1;
_position = ASLtoATL (AGLtoASL (player modelToWorld ExileClientConstructionOffset));
_position =
(_position select 0) - ((_position select 0) % (ExileClientConstructionGrid select 0)),
(_position select 1) - ((_position select 1) % (ExileClientConstructionGrid select 1)),
(_position select 2) - ((_position select 2) % (ExileClientConstructionGrid select 2))
case 3:
ExileClientConstructionIsSnapped = false;
if (ExileClientConstructionIsInSelectSnapObjectMode) then
ExileClientConstructionPossibleSnapPositions = [];
ExileClientConstructionCurrentSnapToObject = objNull;
_position = getPosATL player;
_position set [2, -500];
_rotation = (ExileClientConstructionRotation + (getDir player) + 360) % 360;
_vectorDirection = [sin(_rotation), cos(_rotation), 0];
_potentionalSnapObject = cursorTarget;
if !(isNull _potentionalSnapObject) then
if (_potentionalSnapObject distance player < 12) then
_snapToClassName = typeOf _potentionalSnapObject;
if (_snapToClassName in ExileClientConstructionSnapToObjectClassNames) then
ExileClientConstructionCurrentSnapToObject = _potentionalSnapObject;
_snapToConfig = ("getText(_x >> 'staticObject') == _snapToClassName" configClasses(configFile >> "CfgConstruction")) select 0;
_snapPosition = getArray (_snapToConfig >> "SnapPositions" >> _x);
_possibleSnapPosition = ASLtoATL (AGLtoASL (_potentionalSnapObject modelToWorld _snapPosition));
ExileClientConstructionPossibleSnapPositions pushBack _possibleSnapPosition;
forEach getArray (ExileClientConstructionConfig >> "SnapObjects" >> _snapToClassName >> "positions");
_position = ASLtoATL (AGLtoASL (player modelToWorld ExileClientConstructionOffset));
_rotation = (ExileClientConstructionRotation + (getDir player) + 360) % 360;
_vectorDirection = [sin(_rotation), cos(_rotation), 0];
if (_x distance _position < 1) exitWith
_position = _x;
_rotation = (ExileClientConstructionRotation + (getDir ExileClientConstructionCurrentSnapToObject) + 360) % 360;
_vectorDirection = [sin(_rotation), cos(_rotation), 0];
_vectorUp = vectorUp ExileClientConstructionCurrentSnapToObject;
ExileClientConstructionIsSnapped = true;
forEach ExileClientConstructionPossibleSnapPositions;
case 4:
_position = ASLtoATL (AGLtoASL (DPBEAClientObjAttachedTo modelToWorld ExileClientConstructionOffset));
_newDirAndUp = [[sin BuildVecYaw * cos BuildVecPitch, cos BuildVecYaw * cos BuildVecPitch, sin BuildVecPitch],[[ sin BuildVecRoll,-sin BuildVecPitch,cos BuildVecRoll * cos BuildVecPitch],-BuildVecYaw] call BIS_fnc_rotateVector2D];
_vectorDirection = _newDirAndUp select 0;
_vectorUp = _newDirAndUp select 1;
ExileClientConstructionObject setVectorDirAndUp [_vectorDirection,_vectorUp];
ExileClientConstructionObject setPosATL _position;
_contactThreshold = 0.1;
_isBelowTerrain = true;
_worldPosition = ASLtoATL (AGLtoASL (ExileClientConstructionObject modelToWorld _x));
if ((_worldPosition select 2) > _contactThreshold) exitWith {_isBelowTerrain = false};
forEach _boundingBoxPointsTop;
_isInAir = true;
_numberOfContactsBottom = 0;
_worldPosition = ASLtoATL (AGLtoASL (ExileClientConstructionObject modelToWorld _x));
if ((_worldPosition select 2) < _contactThreshold) then
_isInAir = false;
_startPosition = ATLtoASL[_worldPosition select 0, _worldPosition select 1, (_worldPosition select 2) + _contactThreshold];
_endPosition = ATLtoASL [_worldPosition select 0, _worldPosition select 1, (_worldPosition select 2) - _contactThreshold];
if (count lineIntersectsObjs[_startPosition, _endPosition, ExileClientConstructionObject, objNull, false, 2] > 0) then
_numberOfContactsBottom = _numberOfContactsBottom + 1;
forEach _boundingBoxPointsBottom;
if (_isBelowTerrain) then
ExileClientConstructionCanPlaceObject = false;
_simulatePhysics = false;
_objectColor = "#(argb,2,2,1)color(0.91,0,0,0.6,ca)";
ExileClientConstructionCanPlaceObject = true;
if !(ExileClientConstructionModePhysx) then
_objectColor = "#(argb,2,2,1)color(0.7,0.93,0,0.6,ca)";
_simulatePhysics = false;
if (_isInAir) then
if (_numberOfContactsBottom >= 3) then
_objectColor = "#(argb,2,2,1)color(0.7,0.93,0,0.6,ca)";
_simulatePhysics = false;
_objectColor = "#(argb,2,2,1)color(1,0.79,0.07,0.6,ca)";
_simulatePhysics = true;
_objectColor = "#(argb,2,2,1)color(0.7,0.93,0,0.6,ca)";
_simulatePhysics = false;
if (ExileClientConstructionMode isEqualTo 3) then
if (!ExileClientConstructionIsSnapped) then
ExileClientConstructionCanPlaceObject = false;
_simulatePhysics = false;
_objectColor = "#(argb,2,2,1)color(0.91,0,0,0.6,ca)";
if !(([configName ExileClientConstructionConfig, ASLtoAGL (getPosASL ExileClientConstructionObject), getPlayerUID player] call ExileClient_util_world_canBuildHere) isEqualTo 0) then
ExileClientConstructionCanPlaceObject = false;
_simulatePhysics = false;
_objectColor = "#(argb,2,2,1)color(0.91,0,0,0.6,ca)";
if (_isFlag) then
if (((getPos ExileClientConstructionObject) select 2) > 0.2) then
ExileClientConstructionCanPlaceObject = false;
_simulatePhysics = false;
_objectColor = "#(argb,2,2,1)color(0.91,0,0,0.6,ca)";
if (_objectColor != _materialColor) then
ExileClientConstructionObject setObjectTextureGlobal[0, _objectColor];
ExileClientConstructionObject setObjectTextureGlobal[1, _objectColor];
ExileClientConstructionObject setObjectTextureGlobal[2, _objectColor];
ExileClientConstructionObject setObjectTextureGlobal[3, _objectColor];
_materialColor = _objectColor;
if (ExileClientConstructionStartPosition distance (getPosASL player) > 20) then
if!(ExileClientConstructionMode isEqualTo 4)then
ExileClientConstructionResult = 3;
if (ExileClientPlayerIsInCombat) then
ExileClientConstructionModePhysx = true;
ExileClientConstructionResult = 2;
uiSleep 0.001;
if !(ExileClientConstructionModePhysx) then
_simulatePhysics = false;
_simulatePhysics call ExileClient_construction_handleAbort;
ExileClientConstructionObject = objNull;
ExileClientIsInConstructionMode = false;
ExileClientConstructionResult = 0;
ExileClientConstructionProcess = 0;
ExileClientConstructionLock = false;
("ExileClientConstructionModeLayer" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutText ["", "PLAIN"];
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
* ExileClient_gui_constructionMode_update
* Exile Mod
* © 2015 Exile Mod Team
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit
_display = uiNamespace getVariable "RscExileConstructionMode";
if (!isNull _display) then
_title = "";
switch (ExileClientConstructionMode) do
case 1: { _title = "FREE VECTOR MODE"; };
case 2: { _title = "GRID MODE"; };
case 3: { _title = "SNAP MODE"; };
case 4: { _title = "OBJECT SNAP MODE"; };
if (ExileClientConstructionModePhysx) then
_title = _title + " + PHYSICS";
_titleControl = _display displayCtrl 1000;
_titleControl ctrlSetText _title;
_description = _display displayCtrl 1001;
_description ctrlShow ExileClientConstructionShowHint;
_descriptionBackground = _display displayCtrl 1002;
_descriptionBackground ctrlShow ExileClientConstructionShowHint;
_pos = ctrlPosition _descriptionBackground;
_descriptionBackground ctrlSetPosition [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,_pos select 2,450 * pixelH];
_descriptionBackground ctrlCommit 0;
_description ctrlSetStructuredText parseText Format["<t align='left'>Free Vector Mode</t><t align='right' color='#3fd4fc'>1</t><br/> <t align='left'>Grid Mode</t><t align='right' color='#3fd4fc'>2</t><br/><t align='left'>Snap Mode</t><t align='right' color='#3fd4fc'>3</t><br/><t align='left'>Toggle Physics</t><t align='right' color='#3fd4fc'>4</t><br/><t color='#3fd4fc' align='center'>ORIGINAL</t><br/><t align='left'>Rotation</t><t align='right' color='#3fd4fc'>Q/E</t><br/><t align='left'>Elevation</t><t align='right' color='#3fd4fc'>PAGE UP/DOWN</t><br/><t align='left'>Distance</t><t align='right' color='#3fd4fc'>HOME/END</t><br/><t color='#33FF11' align='center'>DP CUSTOM</t><br/><t align='left'>Tilt and Pitch</t><t align='right' color='#3fd4fc'>Arrow Keys</t><br/><t align='left'>Rotate/Yaw</t><t align='right' color='#3fd4fc'>NUM7/NUM9</t><br/><t align='left'>Move Away/Back</t><t align='right' color='#3fd4fc'>NUM8/NUM2</t><br/><t align='left'>Move Left/Right</t><t align='right' color='#3fd4fc'>NUM4/NUM6</t><br/><t align='left'>Reset Object</t><t align='right' color='#3fd4fc'>NUM5</t><br/><t align='left'>Object Snapping</t><t align='right' color='#3fd4fc'>NUM0</t><br/><t color='#33FF11' align='center'>CUSTOM STEPPING</t><br/><t align='left'>Larger</t><t align='right' color='#3fd4fc'>SHIFT</t><br/><t align='left'>Smaller</t><t align='right' color='#3fd4fc'>CONTROL</t><br/><t align='left'>Precision</t><t align='right' color='#3fd4fc'>ALT</t><br/><t color='#33FF11' align='center'>FINISH UP</t><br/><t align='left'>Place</t><t align='right' color='#3fd4fc'>SPACE</t><br/><t align='left'>Abort</t><t align='right' color='#3fd4fc'>ESCAPE</t>"];
@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
* ExileClient_gui_hud_event_onKeyDown
* Exile Mod
* © 2015 Exile Mod Team
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit
_stopPropagation = false;
_caller = _this select 0;
_keyCode = _this select 1;
_shiftState = _this select 2;
_controlState = _this select 3;
_altState = _this select 4;
if ((_keyCode in (actionKeys "nightVision")) && ExileClientGasMaskVisible) exitWith {true};
if (_keyCode in (actionKeys "TacticalView")) exitWith {true};
if (!(_controlState) && (_keyCode in (actionKeys "Throw"))) exitWith
_stopPropagation = false;
_grenadeName = (currentThrowable player) select 0;
if (_grenadeName isEqualTo "Exile_Item_ZipTie") then
call ExileClient_object_handcuffs_use;
_stopPropagation = true;
switch (_keyCode) do
case 0x29: { _stopPropagation = true; };
case 0x0B: { _stopPropagation = true; };
case 0x06: { _stopPropagation = true; };
case 0x07: { _stopPropagation = true; };
case 0x08: { _stopPropagation = true; };
case 0x09: { _stopPropagation = true; };
case 0x0A: { _stopPropagation = true; };
case 0x3B: { _stopPropagation = true; };
case 0x3C: { _stopPropagation = true; };
case 0x3D: { _stopPropagation = true; };
case 0x3E: { _stopPropagation = true; };
case 0x3F: { _stopPropagation = true; };
case 0x40: { _stopPropagation = true; };
case 0x41: { _stopPropagation = true; };
case 0x42: { _stopPropagation = true; };
case 0x43: { _stopPropagation = true; };
case 0x44: { _stopPropagation = true; };
case 0x57: { _stopPropagation = true; };
case 0x58: { _stopPropagation = true; };
case 0x0E: { _stopPropagation = true; };
case 0x02:
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x03:
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x04:
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x05:
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0xD2:
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x10:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
if!(ExileClientConstructionMode isEqualTo 3)then
_step = 1;
if(_shiftState)then{_step = 3;};
if(_controlState)then{_step = 0.5;};
if(_altState)then{ _step = 0.25;};
BuildVecYaw = (((BuildVecYaw - _step)min 360) max -360);
[] call ExileClient_gui_constructionMode_update;
_stopPropagation = true;
_step = 45;
if (_shiftState) then
_step = 90;
if (_controlState) then
_step = 22.5;
ExileClientConstructionRotation = (ExileClientConstructionRotation - _step + 360) % 360;
[] call ExileClient_gui_constructionMode_update;
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x12:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
if!(ExileClientConstructionMode isEqualTo 3)then
_step = 1;
if(_shiftState)then{_step = 3;};
if(_controlState)then{_step = 0.5;};
if(_altState)then{ _step = 0.25;};
BuildVecYaw = (((BuildVecYaw + _step)min 360) max -360);
[] call ExileClient_gui_constructionMode_update;
_stopPropagation = true;
_step = 45;
if (_shiftState) then
_step = 90;
if (_controlState) then
_step = 22.5;
ExileClientConstructionRotation = (ExileClientConstructionRotation + _step + 360) % 360;
[] call ExileClient_gui_constructionMode_update;
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x47:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
_step = 1;
if(_shiftState)then{_step = 3;};
if(_controlState)then{_step = 0.5;};
if(_altState)then{ _step = 0.25;};
BuildVecYaw = (((BuildVecYaw - _step)min 360) max -360);
[] call ExileClient_gui_constructionMode_update;
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x49:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
_step = 1;
if(_shiftState)then{_step = 3;};
if(_controlState)then{_step = 0.5;};
if(_altState)then{ _step = 0.25;};
BuildVecYaw = (((BuildVecYaw + _step)min 360) max -360);
[] call ExileClient_gui_constructionMode_update;
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0xC9:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0xD1:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x39:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0xCF:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x48:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x50:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x4B:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x4D:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x4C:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x52:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0xC7:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0xCB:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
_step = 0.5;
if(_shiftState)then{_step = 1.5;};
if(_controlState)then{_step = 0.1;};
if(_altState)then{_step = 0.01;};
BuildVecRoll = (((BuildVecRoll - _step)min 360) max -360);
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0xCD:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
_step = 0.5;
if(_shiftState)then{_step = 1.5;};
if(_controlState)then{_step = 0.1;};
if(_altState)then{_step = 0.01;};
BuildVecRoll = (((BuildVecRoll + _step)min 360) max -360);
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0xC8:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
_step = 0.5;
if(_shiftState)then{_step = 1.5;};
if(_controlState)then{_step = 0.1;};
if(_altState)then{_step = 0.01;};
BuildVecPitch =(((BuildVecPitch - _step)min 360) max -360);
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0xD0:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
_step = 0.5;
if(_shiftState)then{_step = 1.5;};
if(_controlState)then{_step = 0.1;};
if(_altState)then{_step = 0.01;};
BuildVecPitch = (((BuildVecPitch + _step)min 360) max -360);
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x01:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
ExileClientConstructionResult = 2;
_stopPropagation = true;
if (ExileIsPlayingRussianRoulette) then
if (ExileRussianRouletteCanEscape) then
["leaveRussianRouletteRequest", []] call ExileClient_system_network_send;
ExileRussianRouletteCanEscape = false;
_stopPropagation = true;
@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
* ExileClient_gui_hud_event_onKeyUp
* Exile Mod
* © 2015 Exile Mod Team
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit
_stopPropagation = false;
_caller = _this select 0;
_keyCode = _this select 1;
_shiftState = _this select 2;
_controlState = _this select 3;
_altState = _this select 4;
if (_keyCode in (actionKeys "TacticalView")) exitWith {true};
if (_keyCode in (actionKeys "User1") && !(_keyCode isEqualTo 0x02)) exitWith
if !(ExileClientIsHandcuffed) then
call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_keyLock;
if (_keyCode in (actionKeys "User2")) exitWith
if (ExileClientAllowPartyMarkers) then
if !(ExileClientPartyID isEqualTo -1) then
if !(ExileClientIsHandcuffed) then
call ExileClient_system_party_updateMyMarker;
switch (_keyCode) do
case 0x29:
call ExileClient_gui_hud_toggleStatsBar;
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x11,
case 0x1E,
case 0x1F,
case 0x20:
if (ExileClientIsAutoRunning) then
call ExileClient_system_autoRun_stop;
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x0B:
if !(ExileClientIsHandcuffed) then
call ExileClient_system_autoRun_toggle;
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x08: { _stopPropagation = true; };
case 0x09: { _stopPropagation = true; };
case 0x0A: { _stopPropagation = true; };
case 0x3B: { _stopPropagation = true; };
case 0x3C: { _stopPropagation = true; };
case 0x3D: { _stopPropagation = true; };
case 0x3E: { _stopPropagation = true; };
case 0x41: { _stopPropagation = true; };
case 0x42: { _stopPropagation = true; };
case 0x43: { _stopPropagation = true; };
case 0x44: { _stopPropagation = true; };
case 0x57: { _stopPropagation = true; };
case 0x58: { _stopPropagation = true; };
case 0x0E: { _stopPropagation = true; };
case 0x02:
if !(ExileClientIsHandcuffed || ExileIsPlayingRussianRoulette) then
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
ExileClientConstructionObject setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "#(argb,2,2,1)color(0.7,0.93,0,0.6,ca)"];
ExileClientConstructionCurrentSnapToObject = objNull;
ExileClientConstructionIsInSelectSnapObjectMode = false;
ExileClientConstructionPossibleSnapPositions = [];
ExileClientConstructionMode = 1;
[] call ExileClient_gui_constructionMode_update;
if (primaryWeapon player != "") then
if (primaryWeapon player != currentWeapon player) then
player selectWeapon (primaryWeapon player);
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x03:
if !(ExileClientIsHandcuffed || ExileIsPlayingRussianRoulette) then
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
ExileClientConstructionObject setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "#(argb,2,2,1)color(0.7,0.93,0,0.6,ca)"];
ExileClientConstructionCurrentSnapToObject = objNull;
ExileClientConstructionIsInSelectSnapObjectMode = false;
ExileClientConstructionPossibleSnapPositions = [];
ExileClientConstructionMode = 2;
[] call ExileClient_gui_constructionMode_update;
if (handgunWeapon player != "") then
if (handgunWeapon player != currentWeapon player) then
player selectWeapon (handgunWeapon player);
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x04:
if !(ExileClientIsHandcuffed || ExileIsPlayingRussianRoulette) then
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
if (ExileClientConstructionSupportSnapMode) then
if (ExileClientConstructionMode != 3) then
ExileClientConstructionCurrentSnapToObject = objNull;
ExileClientConstructionPossibleSnapPositions = [];
["InfoTitleAndText", ["Snap Mode", "Look at the object you want to snap to, press SPACE to lock on it and then move your object next to a snap point. Press SPACE again to place the object."]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
ExileClientConstructionMode = 3;
ExileClientConstructionIsInSelectSnapObjectMode = true;
[] call ExileClient_gui_constructionMode_update;
if (secondaryWeapon player != "") then
if (secondaryWeapon player != currentWeapon player) then
player selectWeapon (secondaryWeapon player);
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x05:
if !(ExileClientIsHandcuffed || ExileIsPlayingRussianRoulette) then
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
if !(ExileClientConstructionKitClassName isEqualTo "Exile_Item_Flag") then
ExileClientConstructionModePhysx = !ExileClientConstructionModePhysx;
[] call ExileClient_gui_constructionMode_update;
if (currentWeapon player != "") then
ExileClientPlayerHolsteredWeapon = currentWeapon player;
player action["switchWeapon", player, player, 100];
if (ExileClientPlayerHolsteredWeapon != "") then
player selectWeapon ExileClientPlayerHolsteredWeapon;
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x06:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
ExileClientConstructionShowHint = !ExileClientConstructionShowHint;
[] call ExileClient_gui_constructionMode_update;
call ExileClient_system_music_earplugs_toggle;
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x07:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
ExileClientConstructionLock = false;
_posObject = position ExileClientConstructionObject;
ExileClientConstructionOffset = player worldToModel _posObject;
ExileClientConstructionRotation = (getDir ExileClientConstructionObject) - (getDir player);
ExileClientConstructionLock = true;
if (!ExileClientXM8IsVisible) then
if ("Exile_Item_XM8" in (assignedItems player)) then
if (alive player) then
[] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_show;
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x39:
if (ExileIsPlayingRussianRoulette) then
if (ExileRussianRouletteCanFire) then
[] spawn ExileClient_system_russianRoulette_fire;
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
if (ExileClientConstructionMode == 3) then
if (ExileClientConstructionIsInSelectSnapObjectMode) then
if !(isNull ExileClientConstructionCurrentSnapToObject) then
ExileClientConstructionIsInSelectSnapObjectMode = false;
[] call ExileClient_gui_constructionMode_update;
if (ExileClientConstructionCanPlaceObject) then
ExileClientConstructionResult = 1;
if (ExileClientConstructionCanPlaceObject) then
ExileClientConstructionResult = 1;
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x01:
if (ExileIsPlayingRussianRoulette) then
_stopPropagation = true;
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x10:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x12:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x47:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x49:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x19:
if (ExileClientIsInBush) then
call ExileClient_object_bush_detach;
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x31:
if!(isNull ExileClientCameraParentObject)then
camUseNVG false;
camUseNVG true;
ExileClientCameraNVG = !ExileClientCameraNVG;
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0xC9:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
_step = 0.5;
if(_shiftState)then{_step = 1.5;};
if(_controlState)then{_step = 0.1;};
if(_altState)then{_step = 0.01;};
if!(ExileClientConstructionMode isEqualTo 4)then
ExileClientConstructionOffset set [2, ((((ExileClientConstructionOffset select 2) + _step) min 6) max -3) ];
ExileClientConstructionOffset set [2,((ExileClientConstructionOffset select 2) + _step)];
[] call ExileClient_gui_constructionMode_update;
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0xD1:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
_step = 0.5;
if(_shiftState)then{_step = 1.5;};
if(_controlState)then{_step = 0.1;};
if(_altState)then{_step = 0.01;};
if!(ExileClientConstructionMode isEqualTo 4)then
ExileClientConstructionOffset set [2, ((((ExileClientConstructionOffset select 2) - _step) min 6) max -3) ];
ExileClientConstructionOffset set [2,((ExileClientConstructionOffset select 2) - _step)];
[] call ExileClient_gui_constructionMode_update;
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0xC7:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
_step = 0.5;
if(_shiftState)then{_step = 1.5;};
if(_controlState)then{_step = 0.1;};
if(_altState)then{_step = 0.01;};
if!(ExileClientConstructionMode isEqualTo 4)then
ExileClientConstructionOffset set [1, (((ExileClientConstructionOffset select 1) + _step) min 6) max ExileClientConstructionBoundingRadius ];
ExileClientConstructionOffset set [1,((ExileClientConstructionOffset select 1) + _step)];
[] call ExileClient_gui_constructionMode_update;
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0xCF:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
_step = 0.5;
if(_shiftState)then{_step = 1.5;};
if(_controlState)then{_step = 0.1;};
if(_altState)then{_step = 0.01;};
if!(ExileClientConstructionMode isEqualTo 4)then
ExileClientConstructionOffset set [1, (((ExileClientConstructionOffset select 1) - _step) min 6) max ExileClientConstructionBoundingRadius ];
ExileClientConstructionOffset set [1,((ExileClientConstructionOffset select 1) - _step)];
[] call ExileClient_gui_constructionMode_update;
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x48:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
_step = 0.5;
if(_shiftState)then{_step = 1.5;};
if(_controlState)then{_step = 0.1;};
if(_altState)then{_step = 0.01;};
if!(ExileClientConstructionMode isEqualTo 4)then
ExileClientConstructionOffset set [1, (((ExileClientConstructionOffset select 1) + _step) min 6) max ExileClientConstructionBoundingRadius ];
ExileClientConstructionOffset set [1,((ExileClientConstructionOffset select 1) + _step)];
[] call ExileClient_gui_constructionMode_update;
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x50:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
_step = 0.5;
if(_shiftState)then{_step = 1.5;};
if(_controlState)then{_step = 0.1;};
if(_altState)then{_step = 0.01;};
if!(ExileClientConstructionMode isEqualTo 4)then
ExileClientConstructionOffset set [1, (((ExileClientConstructionOffset select 1) - _step) min 6) max ExileClientConstructionBoundingRadius ];
ExileClientConstructionOffset set [1,((ExileClientConstructionOffset select 1) - _step)];
[] call ExileClient_gui_constructionMode_update;
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x4B:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
_step = 0.5;
if(_shiftState)then{_step = 1.5;};
if(_controlState)then{_step = 0.1;};
if(_altState)then{_step = 0.01;};
if!(ExileClientConstructionMode isEqualTo 4)then
ExileClientConstructionOffset set [0,((((ExileClientConstructionOffset select 0) - _step)min 10) max -10)];
ExileClientConstructionOffset set [0,((ExileClientConstructionOffset select 0) - _step)];
[] call ExileClient_gui_constructionMode_update;
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x4D:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
_step = 0.5;
if(_shiftState)then{_step = 1.5;};
if(_controlState)then{_step = 0.1;};
if(_altState)then{_step = 0.01;};
if!(ExileClientConstructionMode isEqualTo 4)then
ExileClientConstructionOffset set [0,((((ExileClientConstructionOffset select 0) + _step)min 10) max -10)];
ExileClientConstructionOffset set [0,((ExileClientConstructionOffset select 0) + _step)];
[] call ExileClient_gui_constructionMode_update;
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x4C:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
BuildVecYaw = 0;BuildVecPitch = 0;BuildVecRoll = 0;
ExileClientConstructionOffset = [0,5,0];
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0x52:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
if(DPBEAClientObjAttachedTo isEqualTo player)then
private _isClass = isClass(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf ExileClientInteractionObject));
private _returnItem = isText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf ExileClientInteractionObject) >> "returnItem");
private _exileBuildable = (ExileClientInteractionObject isKindOf "Exile_Construction_Abstract_Static");
private _result = ["Do you really want to snap to this object?", "Confirm", "Yes", "Nah"] call BIS_fnc_guiMessage;
waitUntil { !isNil "_result" };
if (_result) then
BuildVecYaw = 0;BuildVecPitch = 0;BuildVecRoll = 0;
DPBEAClientObjAttachedTo = ExileClientInteractionObject;
ExileClientConstructionMode = 4;
BuildVecYaw = 0;BuildVecPitch = 0;BuildVecRoll = 0;
DPBEAClientObjAttachedTo = player;
ExileClientConstructionMode = 1;
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0xCB:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0xCD:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0xC8:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0xD0:
if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then
_stopPropagation = true;
case 0xDB:
switch (ExilePartyEspMode) do
case 0: { ExilePartyEspMode = 1; };
case 1: { ExilePartyEspMode = 2; };
case 2: { ExilePartyEspMode = 0; };
_stopPropagation = true;
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
* ExileClient_object_construction_move
* Exile Mod
* © 2015 Exile Mod Team
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit
_object = _this select 0;
setMousePosition [0.5,0.5];
_result = ["Do you really want to move this object?", "Move?", "Yes", "Nah"] call BIS_fnc_guiMessage;
waitUntil {uiSleep 0.05; !isNil "_result" };
if (_result) then
if (ExileClientPlayerIsInCombat) then
["ErrorTitleAndText", ["Construction aborted!", "You cannot build during a combat."]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
if (_object isKindOf "Exile_Construction_Flag_Static") then
["ErrorTitleAndText", ["Construction aborted!", "You cannot move a Flag."]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
ExileClientConstructionPosition = getPosATL _object;
["moveConstructionRequest", [netId _object]] call ExileClient_system_network_send;
@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
* ExileClient_util_world_canBuildHere
* Exile Mod
* © 2015 Exile Mod Team
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit
_constructionConfigName = _this select 0;
_position = _this select 1;
_playerUID = _this select 2;
_result = 0;
_requiresTerritory = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgConstruction" >> _constructionConfigName >> "requiresTerritory") isEqualTo 1;
_canBePlacedOnRoad = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgConstruction" >> _constructionConfigName >> "canBePlacedOnRoad") isEqualTo 1;
_allowDuplicateSnap = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgConstruction" >> _constructionConfigName >> "allowDuplicateSnap") isEqualTo 1;
_minimumDistanceToTraderZones = getNumber (missionConfigFile >> "CfgTerritories" >> "minimumDistanceToTraderZones");
_minimumDistanceToSpawnZones = getNumber (missionConfigFile >> "CfgTerritories" >> "minimumDistanceToSpawnZones");
_minimumDistanceToOtherTerritories = getNumber (missionConfigFile >> "CfgTerritories" >> "minimumDistanceToOtherTerritories");
_maximumTerritoryRadius = getNumber (missionConfigFile >> "CfgTerritories" >> "maximumRadius");
if ([_position, _minimumDistanceToTraderZones] call ExileClient_util_world_isTraderZoneInRange) then
throw 4;
if ([_position, _minimumDistanceToSpawnZones] call ExileClient_util_world_isSpawnZoneInRange) then
throw 5;
if ((AGLtoASL _position) call ExileClient_util_world_isInConcreteMixerZone) then
throw 11;
if ((AGLtoASL _position) call ExileClient_util_world_isInNonConstructionZone) then
throw 10;
if ((AGLtoASL _position) call ExileClient_util_world_isInRadiatedZone) then
throw 8;
if !(_canBePlacedOnRoad) then
if (isOnRoad [_position select 0, _position select 1, 0]) then
throw 3;
_numberOfObjects = 0;
if !(_allowDuplicateSnap) then
_positionObject = (ASLtoAGL (getPosASL _x));
if (_position isEqualTo _positionObject) then
_numberOfObjects = _numberOfObjects + 1;
if(_numberOfObjects >= 2)then{throw 7;};
forEach (_position nearObjects ["Exile_Construction_Abstract_Static", 3]);
if (_constructionConfigName isEqualTo "Flag") then
if ([_position, _minimumDistanceToOtherTerritories] call ExileClient_util_world_isTerritoryInRange) then
throw 2;
_nearestFlags = (nearestObjects [_position, ["Exile_Construction_Flag_Static"], _maximumTerritoryRadius]);
if !(_nearestFlags isEqualTo []) then
_radius = _x getVariable ["ExileTerritorySize", -1];
if (((AGLtoASL _position) distance (getPosASL _x)) < _radius) then
_buildRights = _x getVariable ["ExileTerritoryBuildRights", []];
if (_playerUID in _buildRights) then
_territoryLevelConfigs = getArray (missionConfigFile >> "CfgTerritories" >> "prices");
_territoryLevelConfig = _territoryLevelConfigs select ((_x getVariable ["ExileTerritoryLevel", 0]) - 1);
_numberOfConstructionsAllowed = _territoryLevelConfig select 2;
if ((_x getVariable ["ExileFlagStolen", 0]) isEqualTo 1) then
throw 9;
if ((_x getVariable ["ExileTerritoryNumberOfConstructions", 0]) >= _numberOfConstructionsAllowed) then
throw 6;
throw 0;
throw 2;
forEach _nearestFlags;
if (_requiresTerritory) then
throw 1;
_result = _exception;
@ -1,9 +1,20 @@
//A3XAI Client
#include "A3XAI_Client\A3XAI_initclient.sqf";
if (hasInterface) then {
//A3XAI Client
#include "A3XAI_Client\A3XAI_initclient.sqf";
//R3F Logistics
[] execVM "R3F_LOG\init.sqf";
[] execVM "IgiLoad\IgiLoadInit.sqf";
[] execVM "IgiLoad\IgiLoadInit.sqf";
//ST Map Gestures Server
if (isServer) then {
call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "Custom\st_map_gestures\serverInit.sqf";
if (hasInterface) then {
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Custom\st_map_gestures\clientInit.sqf";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user