Added Mozzie Mod and added it as a deployable vehicle in XM8
Disabled carrying cargo in R3F
Added Mozzie Mod to startup batch files
2018-03-04 17:46:58 -07:00 |
Updated startup parameters
2018-03-04 13:30:44 -07:00 |
set restartserver.bat so it will run updates and backup DB on every restart.
Also set the startup parameters to include new mods.
2018-03-04 10:42:48 -07:00 |
Initial Arma Exile setup. Current Mods: a3_dms, a3_exile_occupation, arma server monitor, marma, modified
ExileServer_system_rcon_thread_check.sqf added debug line to track server uptime and server restart countdown
2018-03-01 19:51:54 -07:00 |