[] spawn { waitUntil {time > 0}; diag_log "PTWS - Loading Config"; // Get the config for PTWS call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\PTWS\config.sqf"; //Borrowed from second_coming's occupation mod. if(isNil "PTWS_CompiledOkay") exitWith { diag_log "PTWS - Failed to read config.sqf, check for typos."; }; diag_log "PTWS - Initialized"; // Start PTWS //DonkeyPunch - DirtySanchez add database check for known ID if none then populate it with config setup information _isKnownPTWSDateID = format ["isKnownPTWSID:%1", PTWS_ID] call ExileServer_system_database_query_selectSingleField; if!(_isKnownPTWSDateID)then { _insertPTWSDateID = format["createDate:%1", PTWS_ID] call ExileServer_system_database_query_insertSingle; }; sleep 1; []execVM "\PTWS\scripts\startPTWS.sqf"; };