v3.1 - Added : ability to send/sell back objects to the creation factory (fully configurable) - Added : the objects are locked to the side/faction/player/none (default config : side, optional unlocking countdown) - Added : planes and wheeled vehicles have been set as towable in default configuration - Added : countdown during the helicopter lift hooking process (stay hover) - Added : logistics configuration for the "All in Arma" addon (auto-activated only if used) - Added : logistics configuration update from A3 1.22 to A3 1.35 - Added : disable the R3F's airlift when the BIS' airlift is currently in use - Added : tutorial mission to learn how to use logistics - Improved : the towing feature is allowed only if the front side of towable object is near of the rear of towing object - Improved : the cost of creation in the factories are configurable and more realistic (see R3F_LOG_CFG_CF_creation_cost_factor) - Improved : the vehicle's content interface shows the place taken by each item and a global progress bar of the cargo load - Improved : easier and more efficient way to protect essential objects (see USER_FUNCT\do_not_lose_it.sqf) - Improved : when creating/unloading a movable object, the initial height fits to the player's sight - Improved : when creating/unloading a non-movable object, the warning message is replaced by a confirm dialog - Improved : take benefits of the getHit command in the injury protection system (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=18261) - Improved : performance optimizations to determine the logistics capabilities of an object/vehicle - Fixed : AI can no longer walk through walls and other objects (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=19588) - Fixed : autonomous vehicles can now be loaded/moved/towed - Fixed : autonomous vehicles from the creation factory can now be used - Fixed : underwater diver can now take an object in its hands v3.0 (migration to Arma 3) - Removed : the [R3F] Artillery is moved to an independent addon (not released) - Added : new full documentation, please read it carefully before asking questions - Added : functions to automatically load objects in vehicles at mission start - Added : creation factory to spawn objects and vehicles, with a credits management - Improved : player can no longer injure other players while moving objects - Improved : movable objects can be placed in height (floor, roof and any other surface) - Improved : movable objects has three pitch orientation methods - Improved : movable objects can be rotated and translated during their moves - Improved : the loaded objects interface is now refreshed when the vehicle content changes - Improved : possibility to enable logistics only on some specific objects and clients - Improved : several improvements about movements and interactions - Improved : many other improvements, fixes and optimizations - See also the v2.0 changes (not publicly released) v2.0 (not publicly released) - Added : vehicles and objects from BAF/PMC/ACR/ACE are available for logistics - Added : the RM70 is available for artillery - Fixed : take into account the altitude offset on map click (e.g. 2000m offset on Takistan) - Improved : dialogs and interactions improvements - Improved : smoke shells are now more efficients - Improved : the player is automatically forced to walk while moving an object - Improved : the island height is automatically detected for artillery coordinates - Improved : the player identity is no longer used in the info messages in the chat - Improved : the player's language is now automatically detected v1.6 - Added : smoke shells and cluster shells (sub-munitions/DPICM) - Added : the mortar of the Stryker MC has now the artillery features - Added : check if the AI is really able to aim in the requested direction before firing v1.5 - Added : the AIs can now receive and execute a fire order - Added : virtual magazines system wich allows to add different charges and effects without addon - Added : MLRS and BM-21 Grad ballistics calculation for AA:OA and AA:CO 1.54+ - Added : config variables to give access to the artillery computer from inside or outside - Added : the M109 gun from the vilas' project '85 is in the default configuration - Fixed : compatibility with the OA 1.54 patch - Fixed : UTF-8 encoding for the language files - Improved : source optimization and beautification v1.4 - Added : compatibility to ArmA 2 (alone) + Operation Arrowhead (alone) + Combined Operations (A2 + OA) - Added : the Arrowhead (and ArmA 2) objects are now in the logisitics default config - Added : the ACE OA objects are now in the logisitics default config - Improved : the artillery system now manages both north-west and south-west origin coord systems - Added : many new island heights are listed in the config file - The stringtable.csv is replaced by a simpler alternative system - Fixed : script warning when a JIP player was not fully initialized - Added : we can now remove the logistics system (like we already could with the artillery part) v1.3 - Improved : Lightweightness of the logistics (objects auto-detection) - Improved : Fire solution search algorithm (max duration decreased and script warning removed) - Fixed : Something seemed to make the ArmA 2 game engine unstable on specific computer configurations - Only the players in the same faction are now displayed in the arty computer interface - Help in the arty computer interface slightly improved v1.2 - Fix the displayed value for elevation when the artillery piece is in slope - Adjust the cost capacity of the containers which were equals to their own capacity - Optimization of the ballistic calculations (speed and precision) - The longitude/latitude coordinates format are now in a 4 digits notation - The fire adjustments is now in a "Add, Drop, Left, Right + Dir. to target" notation - Add the possibility to close/open the interface in an artillery piece v1.1 - Fix of a bug with velocity of objects with ACE2 - Add the possibility to have a non-movable artillery command quarter - Some additional precisions in the explanation about the ballistic table generation v1.0 - First public release