@echo off F: SET ARMA=f:\Arma3\Arma3_Server ::MAKE SURE ALL TASKS ARE REALLY STOPPED echo Making sure all instances of this server have stopped taskkill /f /fi "Windowtitle eq Administrator: ServerMonitor" taskkill /f /fi "status eq not responding" /im bec.exe /t taskkill /f /im bec.exe /t taskkill /f /fi "status eq not responding" /im arma3server_SC.exe /t taskkill /f /fi "status eq not responding" /im arma3server_HC.exe /t taskkill /f /im arma3server_SC /t taskkill /f /im arma3server_HC.exe /t timeout 5 echo. ::Backing up Exile64 Database echo Backing up Exile64 Database... start /min "" .\backupDB64.bat echo. ::Updating Mods and Server echo Updating Arma and Mods rem Start /wait /min "" ..\Arma3_Update.bat echo. ::RESTARTING THE ARMA 3 SERVER echo Starting ARMA 3 Server... start "Arma3" arma3server_SC.exe "-mod=@exile;Kart;Mark;Heli;" "-servermod=@exileserver;@asm;@marma;@A3XAI;" -config=%ARMA%\@ExileServer\config.cfg -port=2302 -profiles=SC -cfg=%ARMA%\@ExileServer\basic.cfg -name=SC -autoinit -Loadmissiontomemory -hugepages start "Arma3_HC" arma3server_HC.exe -client -connect= -password=joejer "-mod=@exile;Kart;Mark;Heli;@A3XAI_HC;@asm;" -profiles=HC -name=HC -hugepages echo ARMA 3 Server is started timeout 25 echo. :: THIS RUNS THE SERVER MONITOR FOR YOU SO YOU DON'T FORGET echo Starting Server Monitor Loop cd /d %ARMA% start /min "ServerMonitor" "servermonitor.bat" echo Server Monitor has started. Have Fun timeout 10 ::FINISHED timeout 2 @exit