Zepheris 230ea2b038 Initial Arma Exile setup. Current Mods: a3_dms, a3_exile_occupation, arma server monitor, marma, modified
ExileServer_system_rcon_thread_check.sqf added debug line to track server uptime and server restart countdown
2018-03-01 19:51:54 -07:00

45 lines
1.4 KiB

hostname = "Z's Exile (1.0.3|1.70)";
password = "joejer";
passwordAdmin = "Ilovegina1";
serverCommandPassword = "Ilovegina";
logFile = "server.log";
verifySignatures = 1; // Do NOT use verifySignatures=2! It costs too many FPS
BattlEye = 1;
requiredBuild = 141764; // 1.70 stable
allowedLoadFileExtensions[] = {:};
allowedPreprocessFileExtensions[] = {"sqf"};
allowedHTMLLoadExtensions[] = {"html"};
motdInterval = 5;
maxPlayers = 100;
voteMissionPlayers = 200;
voteThreshold = 200;
allowedVoteCmds[] = {};
allowedVotedAdminCmds[] = {};
disableVoN = 0;
vonCodecQuality = 30;
persistent = 1;
kickDuplicate = 1;
equalModRequired = 0;
kickClientsOnSlowNetwork = 0;
timeStampFormat = "short";
onUserConnected = "";
onUserDisconnected = "";
doubleIdDetected = "";
onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)";
onHackedData = "kick (_this select 0)";
onDifferentData = "kick (_this select 0)";
motd[] = {"Welcome to Z's Exile", "Enjoy your stay!" };
class Missions
class Exile
template = Exile.Altis; // Exile.Namalsk, Exile.Altis, Exile.Tanoa
// do NOT use custom difficulties!
// Use either ExileRegular or ExileHardcore
// or you will break Exile!
difficulty = "ExileRegular";