Zepheris 230ea2b038 Initial Arma Exile setup. Current Mods: a3_dms, a3_exile_occupation, arma server monitor, marma, modified
ExileServer_system_rcon_thread_check.sqf added debug line to track server uptime and server restart countdown
2018-03-01 19:51:54 -07:00

245 lines
5.8 KiB

* Exile Mod
* © 2015 Exile Mod Team
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit
private ["_objectStorage", "_staticObjectTemplates"];
// Preload camery settings
waitUntil { preloadCamera [29549.7,1508.77,189.029] };
// Remember what we have instanciated, so we can clean up a bit
_objectStorage = [];
// Static objects for the scene
_staticObjectTemplates =
private ["_staticObject"];
_staticObject = (_x select 0) createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];
_staticObject setDir (_x select 2);
_staticObject setPosATL (_x select 1);
_staticObject enableSimulation false;
_objectStorage pushBack _staticObject;
forEach _staticObjectTemplates;
// Create the chopper and close all doors
_chopper = "O_Heli_Transport_04_covered_F" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];
_chopper setDir 326.364;
_chopper setPosATL [29549.7,1508.77,189.029];
_chopper enableSimulation true;
_chopper animateDoor ['Door_1_source', 0, true];
_chopper animateDoor ['Door_2_source', 0, true];
_chopper animateDoor ['Door_3_source', 0, true];
_chopper animateDoor ['Door_4_source', 0, true];
_chopper animateDoor ['Door_5_source', 0, true];
_chopper animateDoor ['Door_6_source', 0, true];
_objectStorage pushBack _chopper;
// Prisoner 1
_prisoner01 =
call ExileClient_object_trader_create;
_objectStorage pushBack _prisoner01;
// Prisoner 2
_prisoner02 =
call ExileClient_object_trader_create;
_objectStorage pushBack _prisoner02;
// Pilot, just statnding there
_pilot =
call ExileClient_object_trader_create;
_objectStorage pushBack _pilot;
// Boss, treating us
_boss =
call ExileClient_object_trader_create;
_objectStorage pushBack _boss;
// Guard 1
_police01 =
["HubStanding_idle1", "HubStanding_idle2", "HubStanding_idle3"],
call ExileClient_object_trader_create;
_objectStorage pushBack _police01;
// Guard 2
_police02 =
call ExileClient_object_trader_create;
_objectStorage pushBack _police02;
// And our small player fale
_player =
call ExileClient_object_trader_create;
_objectStorage pushBack _player;
_player allowDamage false; // It can bleed thou
// End the loading screen
// Fade in sound
3 fadeSound 1;
cutText ["", "BLACK IN", 3];
// GOGO ! :)
_camera = "camera" camCreate (_player modelToWorld [0, 0, 10]);
_camera camSetTarget _player;
_camera cameraEffect ["EXTERNAL", "BACK TOP"];
_camera camSetRelPos [0, 0.7, 1.5];
_camera camCommand "inertia on";
_camera camCommit 1;
uiSleep 1;
_boss say ["ExileIntro01", 5];
uiSleep 3;
_boss say ["ExileIntro02", 5];
uiSleep 5;
[300] call BIS_fnc_bloodEffect;
_player setdamage 0.5;
_player setBleedingRemaining 3;
_player say ["ExileIntro10", 5];
uiSleep 1;
_boss say ["ExileIntro03", 5];
uiSleep 3;
_boss say ["ExileIntro04", 5];
uisleep 6;
_boss say ["ExileIntro05", 5];
uisleep 5;
_boss say ["ExileIntro07", 5];
_chopper engineOn true;
uisleep 3;
_boss say ["ExileIntro08", 5];
_chopper animateDoor ['Door_1_source', 1, false];
_chopper animateDoor ['Door_2_source', 1, false];
uiSleep 10;
_boss say ["ExileIntro09", 5];
// Open chopper doors
_chopper animateDoor ['Door_3_source', 1, false];
_chopper animateDoor ['Door_4_source', 1, false];
_chopper animateDoor ['Door_5_source', 1, false];
_chopper animateDoor ['Door_6_source', 1, false];
uisleep 15;
// Fade out sound and screen to black/silent
5 fadeSound 0;
titleText ["", "BLACK OUT", 5];
// Cleanup after 5 seconds
uiSleep 5;
_camera cameraEffect ["terminate","back"];
camDestroy _camera;
deleteVehicle _x;
forEach _objectStorage;
ExileClientIntroIsPlaying = false;