
116 lines
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Raw Normal View History

Created by eraser1
Each mission has its own index in "DMS_Mission_Arr".
Every index is a subarray with the values:
_completionInfo, //<--- More info in "DMS_AddMissionToMonitor"
if (DMS_Mission_Arr isEqualTo []) exitWith // Empty array, no missions running
/* Removed because RPT spam
if (DMS_DEBUG) then
diag_log "DMS_DEBUG MissionStatusCheck :: DMS_Mission_Arr is empty!";
_index = 0;
if (DMS_DEBUG) then
diag_log format ["DMS_DEBUG MissionStatusCheck :: Checking Mission Status (index %1): %2",_index,_x];
_pos = _x select 0;
_success = (_x select 1) call DMS_MissionSuccessState;
_timeStarted = _x select 2 select 0;
_timeUntilFail = _x select 2 select 1;
_units = _x select 3;
_buildings = _x select 4 select 0;
_loot = _x select 4 select 1;
_crate_loot_values = _x select 4 select 2;
_msgWIN = _x select 5 select 0;
_msgLose = _x select 5 select 1;
_markers = _x select 6;
_missionSide = _x select 7;
if (_success) exitWith
DMS_CleanUpList pushBack [_units+_buildings,diag_tickTime,DMS_CompletedMissionCleanupTime];
if (_missionSide == "bandit") then
DMS_RunningBMissionCount = DMS_RunningBMissionCount - 1;
// Not yet implemented
_arr = DMS_Mission_Arr deleteAt _index;
[_loot select 0,_crate_loot_values] call DMS_FillCrate;
_msgWIN call DMS_BroadcastMissionStatus;
[_markers,"win"] call DMS_RemoveMarkers;
if (DMS_DEBUG) then
diag_log format ["DMS_DEBUG MissionStatusCheck :: Mission Success at %1 with message %2.",_pos,_msgWIN];
if (DMS_MissionTimeoutReset && {[_pos,DMS_MissionTimeoutResetRange] call ExileServer_util_position_isPlayerNearby}) exitWith
_x set [2,[diag_tickTime,_timeUntilFail]];
if (DMS_DEBUG) then
diag_log format ["DMS_DEBUG MissionStatusCheck :: Mission Timeout Extended at %1 with timeout after %2 seconds. Position: %3",diag_tickTime,_timeUntilFail,_pos];
if ((diag_tickTime-_timeStarted)>_timeUntilFail) exitWith
//Nobody is nearby so just cleanup objects from here
(_units+_buildings+_loot) call DMS_CleanUp;
if (_missionSide == "bandit") then
DMS_RunningBMissionCount = DMS_RunningBMissionCount - 1;
// Not yet implemented
_arr = DMS_Mission_Arr deleteAt _index;
_msgLose call DMS_BroadcastMissionStatus;
[_markers,"lose"] call DMS_RemoveMarkers;
if (DMS_DEBUG) then
diag_log format ["DMS_DEBUG MissionStatusCheck :: Mission Fail at %1 with message %2.",_pos,_msgLose];
_index = _index + 1;
2015-09-04 16:35:19 +00:00
} forEach DMS_Mission_Arr;