* New function: DMS_fnc_SpawnPersistentVehicle. It will spawn
inaccessible vehicles by default and convert VALID pincode inputs to the
proper format.
* New mission: "Car Thieves" (thieves.sqf). It uses the new
DMS_fnc_SpawnPersistentVehicle. When the mission is completed
successfully, the code is displayed in the completion message.
* You can now add a "prefix" to the marker text of each mission.
* You can now display the number of remaining AI in the marker text (it
should update about every 15 seconds).
* Rearranged the missions in the config to look prettier. Don't judge.
* Added the "Zamak", "Tempest", and "HEMMT" to "DMS_TransportTrucks"
array. Removed "Exile_Car_Van_Black"
* "dynamicTextRequest" messages will now appear at the top of the
screen, so it shouldn't distract/block stuff in focus.
* Fixed some spelling, improved some grammar (will require mission
updates, it's really minor though).
* **You must update all of your mission files; the mission message
system as well as the calling parameters for DMS_fnc_FindSafePos have
been overhauled and will be incompatible with previous versions.**
* Decreased
* Changed "DMS_dynamicText_Color" to "#FFFFFF" (white)
* Replaced weapon classes in "DMS_CrateCase_Sniper" to the base classes;
all attachments should now spawn in the box separately.
* New function DMS_fnc_IsValidPosition (uses logic that was previously
from "DMS_fnc_FindSafePos").
* You can now manually define every individual parameter for
DMS_fnc_findSafePos per-mission, instead of using global parameters.
* AI will now be offloaded to an HC even with "DMS_ai_offload_to_client"
set to false.
* All of the previously "supported" values for
"DMS_PlayerNotificationTypes" are now PROPERLY supported.
DMS_PlayerNotificationTypes is now set to default "dynamicTextRequest"
and "systemChatRequest".
* Tweaked "cardealer" mission, the cars should no longer spawn inside of
each other.
* NEW CONFIG VALUE: DMS_SpawnMinefieldForEveryMission
* You can now force-spawn an AT mine minefield on every mission with the
above config. These mines will only blow up on Tanks, APCs, and MRAPs
(Ifrits, Hunters, Striders).
DMS_fnc_AddMissionToMonitor. **If you have made any custom missions or
modified any of the current mission scripts, make sure you merge your
* Adjusted the placement of the armed car in "bandits" mission. It
should no longer spawn right on the crate.
* Marker and message names for the "foodtransport" mission have been
* Added the AI vehicle to the "mercbase" mission.
* Removed some RPT spam...
* Standardize ATL for DMS_fnc_importFromM3E_Convert
* When revealing a player to AI, the reveal amount will be reduced if
the player has a suppressor.
* DMS_fnc_SetGroupBehavior will now remove all previous waypoints from
the AI group.
* Improved logging message for DMS_fnc_SpawnMinefield. Also, the mine
warning signs should be on a random offset (instead of always spawning
at 0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees)
* Improved DMS_fnc_FindSafePos when checking for nearby missions - it
should now use the proper mission location (if it was given correctly in
the parameters for DMS_fnc_CreateMarker) instead of the marker position,
which could be offset. Thanks to [Rod
Serling](https://github.com/Rod-Serling) for complaining about this
"issue" :P
Forgot a couple things for the previous patch notes
* You can now spawn randomly generated minefields around missions!
Numberof mines and radius is dependent on difficulty.
* Also, you can now spawn an explosion on an AI when it is roadkilled,
causing a wheel or two of the roadkilling vehicle to break.
* Commented out the spawning of static-relative conversion of base
objects in test mission.
* Included example of how to spawn the minefield in the test mission.
* Reduced some of the RPT spam.
* Smoke/IR grenades will only spawn on proper crates - you can now
safely use DMS_fnc_FillCrate with non-crate objects but still have smoke
* Removed config value: "DMS_credit_roadkill"
* You can now REDUCE a player's respect/poptabs when the player
roadkills an AI. The default values are -10 poptabs and -5 respect
(hardly noticeable, but I didn't want it to be extreme).
* Alternatively, you can simply reduce the amount of poptabs gained by
giving each corresponding config a positive value less than the regular.
Set the value to 0 if you don't want to credit the poptabs/respect.
* The player will get an appropriately colored message if he/she LOSES
poptabs (as opposed to gaining them).
* The player also gets a little more information regarding the type of
AI he/she has killed.
* CONFIG VALUES: Changed "DMS_MissionTypes" to "DMS_BanditMissionTypes"
* Renamed some variables to "future-proof" them
* Placed all current missions under "bandit" subfolder to for easier
future integration.
* Created function "DMS_fnc_SpawnBanditMission" to handle bandit mission
spawning (makes it easier to spawn missions via admin console).
* Attached vehicle eventhandlers to DMS-spawned non-persistent vehicles.
* Fixed the "lock" option appearing on DMS-spawned vehicles.
* NEW CONFIG VALUE: "DMS_MaxSurfaceNormal"
* The above config value now determines the maximum incline that a
mission can spawn on. Default value is 0.95, which should be
sufficiently flat.
* Added some grouping explanations in mission config settings.
* Added check for A3XAI for the lovely
* Added ability for people to use a static export from M3Editor. DMS
will then calculate the relative position, and spawn it at the mission.
Example provided in testmission.sqf.
* Fixed an issue with DMS_fnc_TargetsKilled always returning false.
* Loot vehicles cannot be lifted, pushed, or damaged until the mission
is completed successfully. Then the vehicle will be added to the Exile
simulation monitor.
* AI in vehicles will be automatically ejected on death.
* Another potential fix for launchers not despawning off of AI
* When an AI gunner from an armed ground vehicle is killed, the driver
will be switched to the gunner seat after 5-10 seconds. This prevents
the driver from driving around aimlessly and trolling.
* The above feature should now also work on AI that have been offloaded
now (doing so was a major, major pain in the ass, and is the reason why
there was no update yesterday).
#### September 13, 2015 (11:45 PM CST-America):
* NEW CONFIG VALUES: DMS_MaxAIDistance and DMS_AIDistanceCheckFrequency
* You can now use the above config values to kill AI that flee from
their spawn position. Only "Soldier" AI will be killed.
* Removed "O_HMG_01_F" from AI Static Weapons. AI were pretty useless on
it... unless the AI were facing the right direction.
* Reduced AI count and removed the "playerNear" parameter from
testmission for easier testing.
* NEW: When an AI vehicle gunner is killed, and the driver is still
alive, after a little delay, the driver is then switched to the gunner
seat. You should no longer have AI vehicles with a dead gunner that's
driving around aimlessly :) There is a 5-8 second delay to simulate
reaction time. Then the driver is ejected, then after 1.5 seconds the AI
is then forced into the gunner seat.
* NOTE: The above feature only works when the AI is still local (not
offloaded). If the AI is offloaded, the AI is simply ejected and becomes
a foot soldier.
* AI assigned vehicles are destroyed when the crew is empty. Simulation
is also disabled on them.
* Reduced some of the "params" RPT spam, from DMS_fnc_SetGroupBehavior.
* Tweaked AI Vehicle spawning logic. The AI are initially assigned to a
temporary group and then behavior is set, then they join the assigned
group to prevent overriding behavior of other ground units.
* Non-persistent vehicles should now be fit properly to the terrain.
* NEW CONFIG VALUES: ```DMS_GodmodeCrates``` and
```DMS_CrateCase_Sniper```. DMS_GodmodeCrates is pretty self-explanatory
* NEW FEATURE FOR "DMS_fnc_FillCrate": You can now define "crate cases"
in the config (such as "DMS_CrateCase_Sniper"). Passing the "crate case"
name (such as "Sniper") will make the crate spawn with the exact gear
defined in the config. Refer to the testmission.sqf (line 80) and
"DMS_CrateCase_Sniper" config for an example.
* Spawned vehicles will now be LOCKED and INVINCIBLE until the mission
is completed.
* Spawned vehicles spawn with 100% fuel.
* "Fixed" some cases where killing from a mounted gun would reset your
money/respect (maybe).
* Fixed some spelling errors and incorrect names in some of the mission
* Fixed DMS_fnc_FindSafePos for Bornholm. If you have any issues with
custom maps, please let us know.
* Fixed backpack spawning on the ground behind an AI unit that was
supposed to get a launcher.
* NEW CONFIG VALUES: ```DMS_MarkerPosRandomization```,
```DMS_MarkerPosRandomRadius```, and ```DMS_RandomMarkerBrush```
* With the above configs, you can randomize the marker positions in a
random position around the actual mission center.
* You can also "force" DMS_fnc_CreateMarker to randomize (or not
randomize) the marker position with optional boolean parameter of index
* Changed the default (non-randomized) circle marker "brush". It should
be a solid circle.
* Created new functions ```DMS_fnc_SelectOffsetPos``` and
* Adjusted a couple functions to use them.
* Fixed ```DMS_fnc_IsNearWater```.
Forgot to do _x params instead of implied _this params
Forgot to add groups to allowed types in cleanup manager
Updated pre-packed PBO with latest fixes