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6 Commits

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30136c8f37 I know... it's been over a week... gimme a break
#### October 17, 2015 (2:30 PM CST-America):

|DMS_MinSurfaceNormal| (Used to be DMS_MaxSurfaceNormal, simply renamed)
* RENAMED "DMS_MaxSurfaceNormal" to "DMS_MinSurfaceNormal". I must have
been very tired when I named it...
* DMS_MinSurfaceNormal is now 0.9 by default, but will be 0.95 for Altis
and Bornholm (since they're relatively large/flat maps). Esseker is
still 0.85. If you want to convert DMS_MinSurfaceNormal to degrees, you
would take the arc-cosine of the surfaceNormal, and that will give you
the degrees from horizontal. For example, arccos(0.9) is about 25
degrees. Google: "arccos(0.9) in degrees"
* Tweaked and rebalanced "DMS_BanditMissionTypes". Most of the spawn
chances are the same, they're just reduced in order to prevent the
creation of arrays that are far larger than they need to be.
* You can now manually define how long it takes for the first mission to
spawn after a restart.
* DMS will now by default create markers on the bottom left of the map
to show which colors correspond to which difficulty. It isn't very
pretty, but it gets the point across.
* DMS will now manually calculate the center of the map and its radius,
if it isn't preconfigured by DMS.
* You can now specify the vehicles to spawn for missions: "bandits",
"cardealer", "construction", "donthasslethehoff", and "thieves".
* You can now specify the spawning location of any mission (and whether
or not to use an alternative location if the provided location is
invalid). This will allow for easy integration of DMS into admin tools.
* Added support for scripts to be executed on mission completion or
mission failure (this will allow you to have "multi-part" missions,
where you would simply spawn the next part of the mission if the
previous is completed).
* Restructured DMS_DEBUG from the previous patch in favor of a more
"optimized" method.
* DMS_fnc_findSafePos is completely overhauled; DMS no longer uses
"BIS_fnc_findSafePos". It also now throttles minSurfaceNormal on
repeated failure. You can now determine whether or not the mission
should spawn on water (however, I don't suggest you use this function
for water spawns yet).
* You can also now define a minimum distance from other territories for
* DMS_fnc_IsValidPosition will now check for water depth if the provided
position is meant to be checked as a "water spawn". It will now also
check for nearby missions from A3XAI or VEMF (untested).
* DMS_fnc_IsValidPosition now checks whether or not the position is
outside of the map borders.
* DMS_fnc_SelectOffsetPos will now return the 3rd element of the
provided position as-is.
* You can now have multiple AI within a group with a launcher.
* AI now have a 5-second godmode after spawning.
* You can now spawn a crate using ASL pos. DMS_fnc_SpawnCrate will also
make sure that the provided classname is valid.
* Just like SpawnCrate, "DMS_fnc_SpawnNonPersistentVehicle" and
"DMS_fnc_SpawnPersistentVehicle" will now make sure that the provided
classname is valid.
* "DMS_fnc_SpawnPersistentVehicle" now supports ASL spawning.
* Added support for [Rod Serling's]( AVS.
* General optimization.
2015-10-17 14:39:07 -05:00
0544cfe9e7 Readme changes, new debug fnc, fixes, tweaks
Created disclaimer for DMS. Now mentioning that HC for DMS isn't that
Some structure stuff in readme (let's see if it works lol)

* **NEW CONFIG VALUE: DMS_Use_Map_Config**
* You can now overwrite "main config values" with map-specific config
values located in the new "map_configs" folder. This should allow you to
use one DMS PBO if you have multiple servers with different maps.
Included examples for Altis, Bornholm, Esseker, and Tavi (Taviana).
* Because of the above implementation, DMS by default will not include
the salt flats blacklist for findSafePos. In addition, it is
preconfigured to the hilly terrains in Esseker and Taviana, as well as
reducing all of the blacklist distances due to the smaller map size in
* Created new function "DMS_fnc_DebugLog". All DMS files (that produced
debug logs) have been changed, including mission files. However,
updating them is not important (and completely pointless if you don't
even use DMS_DEBUG).
* Fixed a few locations where it said "sized" instead of "seized".
Thanks to [icomrade]( for pointing them out.
* DMS now utilizes the "ARMA_LOG" DLL (if it exists) by infiSTAR to
produce debug logs (if enabled). All debug logs now also include server
uptime (in seconds) and server FPS.
* The FSM no longer produces debug logs.
* AI Locality manager will now run every minute.
* Debug logs for "DMS_fnc_MissionsMonitor" will only output the mission
name and the position, instead of all of the parameters.
* "DMS_fnc_IsNearWater" will now check the provided position itself for
* "DMS_fnc_IsValidPosition" will now do a surfaceNormal check within a 5
meter radius of the provided position as well.
* "_customGearSet" should now actually work for
"DMS_fnc_SpawnAISoldier", and the function title comment has been
updated for the slightly tweaked syntax.
2015-10-09 20:35:07 -05:00
8562289765 Some more required changes... sorry
* **You must update all of your mission files; the mission message
system as well as the calling parameters for DMS_fnc_FindSafePos have
been overhauled and will be incompatible with previous versions.**

* Decreased
* Changed "DMS_dynamicText_Color" to "#FFFFFF" (white)
* Replaced weapon classes in "DMS_CrateCase_Sniper" to the base classes;
all attachments should now spawn in the box separately.
* New function DMS_fnc_IsValidPosition (uses logic that was previously
from "DMS_fnc_FindSafePos").
* You can now manually define every individual parameter for
DMS_fnc_findSafePos per-mission, instead of using global parameters.
* AI will now be offloaded to an HC even with "DMS_ai_offload_to_client"
set to false.
* All of the previously "supported" values for
"DMS_PlayerNotificationTypes" are now PROPERLY supported.
DMS_PlayerNotificationTypes is now set to default "dynamicTextRequest"
and "systemChatRequest".
* Tweaked "cardealer" mission, the cars should no longer spawn inside of
each other.
2015-10-03 22:32:42 -05:00
44955afb0c Tweaks + Minor Additions
* NEW CONFIG VALUE: "DMS_ai_offload_Only_DMS_AI"
* You can use "DMS_ai_offload_Only_DMS_AI" to offload only AI spawned by
DMS. This should resolve any issues with other mission systems from DMS.
* Increased "DMS_playerNearRadius" from 75 meters to 100 meters.
* You can now define "absolute" mission conditions. If this mission
condition is met, it immediately counts the mission as completed. Add
"true" after the completion argument to turn it into an "absolute" win
* Added compatibility with RS_VLS by [Rod
2015-09-20 00:37:13 -05:00
c512ef72d2 Finally another update...
* Loot vehicles cannot be lifted, pushed, or damaged until the mission
is completed successfully. Then the vehicle will be added to the Exile
simulation monitor.
* AI in vehicles will be automatically ejected on death.
* Another potential fix for launchers not despawning off of AI
* When an AI gunner from an armed ground vehicle is killed, the driver
will be switched to the gunner seat after 5-10 seconds. This prevents
the driver from driving around aimlessly and trolling.
* The above feature should now also work on AI that have been offloaded
now (doing so was a major, major pain in the ass, and is the reason why
there was no update yesterday).
2015-09-18 18:26:41 -05:00
687bbfb798 Use config function definitions
Thanks for the tip Zupa!
2015-09-04 22:40:00 -05:00