/* DMS_AILocalityManager Created by Defent and eraser1 Offloads AI groups to a nearby client in order to improve server performance. */ if !(DMS_ai_offload_to_client) exitWith {}; { // Exile already has a group cleanup system, so we'll leave empty groups for it if ((count (units _x))>1) then { private ["_leader", "_group", "_owner"]; _leader = leader _x; _group = _x; if ((!isNull _leader) && {(alive _leader) && {!isPlayer _leader}}) then { if (isNull DMS_HC_Object) then { if (DMS_DEBUG) then { diag_log format ["DMS_DEBUG AILocalityManager :: DMS_HC_Object is null! Finding owner for group: %1",_group]; }; _owner = objNull; { if ((groupOwner _group) isEqualTo (owner _x)) exitWith { _owner = _x; }; } forEach allPlayers; if ((isNull _owner) || {(_owner distance2D _leader)>3500}) then { [_group,_leader] call DMS_SetAILocality; }; } else { if (DMS_DEBUG) then { diag_log format ["DMS_DEBUG AILocalityManager :: Setting ownership of group %1 to HC (%2)",_group,DMS_HC_Object]; }; _group setGroupOwner (owner DMS_HC_Object); }; }; }; } forEach allGroups;